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W. Winkelmans 《GeoJournal》1993,29(2):203-208

The International Geographical Union Reports

IGU Commission on the Organisation of Industrial Space  相似文献   
We report the results of an experiment that produced a residue which closely matches the hydrocarbon component of the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite. This experiment suggests that the parent material of the meteoritic component originated as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon species in carbon stars during their later stages of evolution. The experiments also indicate that the pathway from those formation sites to eventual incorporation into the meteorite parent body involved hydrogenation in a plasma in the solar nebula or in H II regions prior to the solar nebula. This model is consistent with what is known about the meteoritic hydrocarbon component including deuterium abundance, the observation of cosmic infrared emission bands best attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, and the inherent stability of these molecules that allows their formation in stars and subsequent survival in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   
From the gyroresonance brightness temperature spectrum of a sunspot, one can determine the magnetic field strength by using the property that microwave brightness is limited above a frequency given by an integer-multiple of the gyrofrequency. In this paper, we use this idea to find the radial distribution of magnetic field at the coronal base of a sunspot in the active region, NOAA 4741. The gyroresonance brightness temperature spectra of this sunspot are obtained from multi-frequency interferometric observations made at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory at 24 frequencies in the range of 4.0–12.4 GHz with spatial resolution 2.2″–6.8″. The main results of present study are summarized as follows: first, by comparison of the coronal magnetic flux deduced from our microwave observation with the photospheric magnetic flux measured by KPNO magnetograms, we show that theo-mode emission must arise predominantly from the second harmonic of the gyrofrequency, while thex-mode arises from the third harmonic. Second, the radial distribution of magnetic fieldsB(r) at the coronal base of this spot (say, 2000–4000 km above the photosphere) can be adequately fitted by $$B(r) = 1420(1 \pm 0.080)\exp \left[ { - \left( {\frac{r}{{11.05''(1 \pm 0.014)}}} \right)^2 } \right]G,$$ wherer is the radial distance from the spot center at coronal base. Third, it is found that coronal magnetic fields originate mostly from the photospheric umbral region. Fourth, although the derived vertical variation of magnetic fields can be approximated roughly by a dipole model with dipole moment 1.6 × 1030 erg G?1 buried at 11000 km below the photosphere, the radial field distribution at coronal heights is found to be more confined than predicted by the dipole model.  相似文献   
The second edition of Dr Anthony Hall's undergraduate textbookhas been published some 9 years after the first edition. Thisedition is a significant revision although the approach hasnot changed, and many of the comments of this journal's reviewerof the first edition are still appropriate (Macdonald, 1988).The structure of this edition is largely the same as  相似文献   
Investigations were carried out as to the feasibility of using a semiconductor source in the design of a new rapid response, open-path hygrometer. A single-beam instrument was constructed employing an infrared light emitting diode (LED) as a source instead of the usual high energy, wideband filament. The spectral emission envelope encompassed the 1.87 m water absorption band. Electronic modulation and thermoelectrical cooling of the diode eliminated the conventional chopper wheel and stabilized the peak wavelength emission. Path length was 200 mm. Over a water vapour concentration range of 0–16 g m–3, absorption varied by 2% in a linear fashion. At 10 Hz, the noise level was 0.1 g m–3 rms. Hygrometer resolution and stability are constrained by the detector noise level, the small source emission in the absorption band and low frequency drift in the optical filter. Despite these problems, the new instrument showed comparable performance characteristics to a commercial Lyman- hygrometer. Latent heat fluxes measured with both instruments and a Kaijo-Denki, 3-D sonic anemometer agreed to within 4% over a range 0–350 W m–2. Further improvements in performance can be anticipated with advances in detector and LED technology.  相似文献   
Characterizing heterogeneous permeable media using flow and transport data typically requires solution of an inverse problem. Such inverse problems are intensive computationally and may involve iterative procedures requiring many forward simulations of the flow and transport problem. Previous attempts have been limited mostly to flow data such as pressure transient (interference) tests using multiple observation wells. This paper discusses an approach to generating stochastic permeability fields conditioned to geologic data in the form of a vertical variogram derived from cores and logs as well as fluid flow and transport data, such as tracer concentration history, by sequential application of simulated annealing (SA). Thus, the method incorporates elements of geostatistics within the framework of inverse modeling. For tracer-transport calculations, we have used a semianalytic transit-time algorithm which is fast, accurate, and free of numerical dispersion. For steady velocity fields, we introduce a transit-time function which demonstrates the relative importance of data from different sources. The approach is illustrated by application to a set of spatial permeability measurements and tracer data from an experiment in the Antolini Sandstone, an eolian outcrop from northern Arizona. The results clearly reveal the importance of tracer data in reproducing the correlated features (channels) of the permeability field and the scale effects of heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Mössbauer measurements on synthetic iron orthosilicate Fe2SiO4 (fayalite) were carried out in the antiferromagnetic spin state below T N 65 K. The Mössbauer parameters isomer shift , inner magnetic field H(0), angle between H(0) and the z-component of the electric field gradient (efg), quadrupole splitting QS and asymmetry parameter were determined as a function of temperature. These parameters could be attributed to the two crystallographic sites M1 and M2.The smaller isomer shift on M1 with respect to M2 displays the more covalent character of the Fe-O bond on M1, which is supported by previous neutron diffraction experiments. H(0) shows a Brillouin-type behaviour with different fields on the two crystallographic sites (stronger on M1) and a small discontinuity at T = 23 K which corresponds with previous magnetic measurements. The quadrupole splitting is equal on both sites within error bars, in agreement with previous theoretical results and in contradiction to previous Mössbauer refinements published elsewhere.  相似文献   
A major alkali province of late Panafrican age occupies centralMadagascar and takes the form of a thick sequence of ‘stratoid’(sheet-like)granites emplaced in a mid-crustal gneissic basement This alkalinemagmatism has been interpreted as a consequence of extensionaltectonics accompanying the collapse of the Mozambique belt.The rocks belong to three petrographic types: subsolvus granites,hypersolvus alkaline granites and syenites. Major and traceelement analyses have typical A-type characteristics. Two distinctmagmatic suites are recognized: a mildly alkaline suite includingall the subsolvus granites and a strongly alkaline suite includingthe hypersolvus alkaline granites and the syenites. We proposethat the mildly alkaline suite was derived from a granodioriticcrustal protolith. Some of the strongly alkaline granites andthe quartz syenites display low 18O isotopic signatures of around+6.The parental magmas for this suite are most probably of mantlederivation. The more evolved compositions are consistent withcrystal fractionation processes. Contemporaneous alkaline silicicplutonismoccurs in many parts of the Panafrican belt of Eastern Africa;however, sheet-like intrusions have rarely been described. Asa large-scale province, the nearest analogues of the stratoidgranites of Madagascar are the rapakivi granites of earlierProterozoic age in Scandinavia and Greenland. KEY WORDS: alkaline granite; Madagascar; Panafrican; pastcollisional magmatism *Corresponding author  相似文献   
A search for low energy neutrinos of all flavours in correlation with 553 ray bursts detected by BATSE aboard the Compton Observatory has been performed by the LSD (Liquid Scintillator Detector) neutrino telescope. No excess ofe,, orv e,, candidate has been detected by LSD during the time interval in which BATSE detected the 90% of the photon flux for any of the GRBs analyzed. Upper limits on the neutrino fluxes are given in the paper.  相似文献   
Measurements of the equivalent width of the interstellar Lyman line from IUE spectra in the direction of the planetary nebulae NGC 7009 and BD+30°3639 are used to infer the H column density in these directions. Hydrogen 21 cm profiles are also used in connection with the ultraviolet data so that the expected rotation velocities and distances can be determined. The results are compared with recently published distances, in an attempt to distinguish between the short and long PN distance scales as applied to these objects.  相似文献   
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