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Fluorescence lifetime provides a third independent dimension of information for the resolution of totalluminescence spectra of multicomponent mixtures.The incorporation of this parameter into theexcitation-emission matrix(EEM)by the phase modulation technique results in a three-dimensionalexcitation-emission-frequency array (EEFA).Multicomponent analysis based on the three-dimensionalEEFA brings a qualitative change for the resolved spectra,i.e.individual spectra can be uniquely resolved,which is impossible with any two-dimensional analysis.In this paper we present a method for analyzingthe EEFA.We show mathematically that with the three-dimensional analysis of the EEFA individualspectra and lifetimes can be obtained.Our algorithm is developed in mathematical detail and isdemonstrated by its application to a two-component mixture.  相似文献   
安徽泾县-南陵地区二叠纪沉积相与沉积环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽泾县—南陵地区二叠系较发育,主要由碳酸盐岩、硅质岩和碎屑岩组成。二叠系船山组为浅水碳酸盐台地相;栖霞组底部碎屑岩段是滨海沼泽相,臭灰岩段和上、下富硅质灰岩段是水体较深的斜坡中部相,中部灰岩段是浅水开阔碳酸盐台地相,而顶部灰岩段是缓斜坡上部相;孤峰组和大隆组是缺氧滞流环境下的深水盆地至盆地边缘相;武穴组是碳酸盐台地相,银屏组属于滨海潟湖相;龙潭组是一套海陆交互的三角洲相沉积,包括从三角洲前缘到三角洲平原两个亚相,而泾县昌桥龙潭组顶部发育的生物碎屑灰岩属于开阔碳酸盐台地相。纵观二叠纪有三次大的海侵和两次大的海退旋回,海侵时间分别是:栖霞早期、茅口早期和长兴早期,海退时间分别是:紫松—隆林期末和茅口期末,其中栖霞期还包含两个海侵海退的亚旋回。  相似文献   
中国大陆地震条带统计特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对中国大陆具备相对完整资料的327次M≥5.0地震,分5个工作区进行了统一要求的地震条带图像扫描,发现96次中强震前存在条带图像,约占研究地震总数的29%.其中震前有条带地震与研究地震的比例分别为:华北地区30%,华东南区29%,川滇地区41%,青藏高原西北缘24%,新疆地区16 %.中强震前出现条带比例最低的是新疆,...  相似文献   
The large cylinder is a new-type structure that has been applied to harbor and offshore engineering. An analytic method of the relationship between loads and the structure displacement is developed based on the failure mode of deep embedded large cylinder structures. It can be used to calculate directly the soil resistance and the ultirnate bearing capacity of the structure under usage. A new criterion of the large cylinder structure, which discriminates the deep embedded cylinder from the shallow embedded cylinder, is defined. Model tests prove that the proposed method is feasible for the analysis of deep embedded large cylinder structures.  相似文献   
矿产预测实质上就是对成矿系统演化过程精确性表达的探索,现代信息科学的发展为理解成矿系统的非线性特性以及信息运动过程提供了必要的理论基础。通过信息与成矿信息、虚拟现实技术与成矿预测可视化和信息模型与成矿系统三个方面探讨信息科学的发展与矿产预测之间的紧密联系,预测未来成矿预测将向定量化、精细化的方向发展,对矿的定位预测从以分析为主向分析与综合相结合方向发展。  相似文献   
The Bulong gold deposit, located in the southwest Tianshan in China, occurs in the Upper Devonian finegrained clastic rocks. The gold orebodies are controlled by an gently inclined interlayer fractured zone. They are hosted only in quartz-barite veins though there are barite veins and quartz veins in the ore district. The δ34S values of pyrite in the ores range from 14.6‰ to 19.2‰ and those of barite from 35.0‰ to 39.6‰, indicating that the sulfur was derived from the strata. 3He/4He ratios of fluid inclusions in pyrite are 0.24-0.82 R/Ra, approximating to that of the crust. The 40Ar/39Ar ratios range from 338 to 471, slightly higher than that of the atmosphere. 40Ar /4He ratios of ore fluids range from 0.015 to 0.412 with a mean of 0.153. Helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions show that the ore fluids of the Bulong gold deposit were mainly derived from the crust.  相似文献   
东营凹陷负反转构造样式及其运动学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中、新生代强烈的负反转作用是东营凹陷构造演化的一个重要特色.为了解负反转构造对东营凹陷中、新生代盆地形成过程中的意义, 以高分辨率三维地震资料解释为基础, 详细刻画了东营凹陷负反转构造几何学样式, 并综合运用计算断层活动速率和负反转率以及编制地层位移-距离曲线等方法, 对东营凹陷负反转断层运动学特征进行了系统的定量研究.结果表明, 东营凹陷J3-K1和Ek-Es4两期盆地的主体均是印支期逆冲断层发生负反转作用所致, 总的负反转率约为3.367~8.3, 其中J3-K1时期负反转率为1.388~3.904;负反转构造最终定型于Es3-Es2时期; 负反转作用在空间上呈现出SW至NE逐渐增强的演变规律.东营凹陷负反转构造的研究对于盆地内部深层油气藏的勘探具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值.   相似文献   
Four metallogenic epochs occurred in different tectonic environments during theevolution of the Northern Qilian metallogenic province through the geological time. The Mid-dle Proterozoic metallogenic epoch witnessed the tectonic environment of crustal breakupcaused by mantle diapirism, in which ultramafic-mafic rocks were intruded along beep faultbelts and the superlarge Jinchuan magmatic Cu-Ni sulphide deposit was formed. In theMiddle-Late Proterozoic metallogenic epoch the crust was further broken to form anintracontinental rift, in which the Chenjiamiao style massive Cu-Fe sulphide deposits hosted bybasic volcanic tuff were formed in the lower volcano-sedimentary sequence, while the largesedex type Jingtieshan style Fe-Cu deposits were formed within the upper abyssal carbon-richargillaceous sedimentary sequence. The Early Palaeozoic saw the aulacogen environment, with-in which the Baiyinchang style superlarge massive base and precious metal sulphide depositshosted by quartz keratophyric tuff were formed in the Middle-Late Cambrian rifted island arcand the massive Cu-Zn sulphide deposits and magmatic chromite deposits associated with theophiolite suite were formed in the Early-Middle Ordovician, and the Honggou style massiveCu-Fe sulphide deposits hosted by spilite were formed in the Late Ordovician back-arc basinenvironment. In the Late Palaeozoic-Meso-Cenozoic, the metallogenic province went into anintracontinental orogenic stage characterized by compressive tectonic environment, in whichthere occurred carbonate-quartz vein type and tectono-alteration gold deposits associated withductile-shear structures.  相似文献   
鲁东官山榴辉岩呈透镜状包于变质含霓石碱性花岗岩中,榴辉岩的片麻理与主岩片麻理总体呈交切关系,局部可见变质含霓石碱性花岗岩呈细小岩枝状脉贯入榴辉岩中。变质含霓石碱性花岗岩锆石U-Pb法下交点年龄为231±25 Ma,上交点年龄为818±66 Ma。发现了闪长玢岩脉斜切式侵入榴辉岩及变质含霓石碱性花岗岩的接触关系,且闪长玢岩脉中有榴辉岩捕虏体,这种现象指示:闪长玢岩侵位时榴辉岩已折返至地壳较浅部位。研究表明,榴辉岩与变质含霓石碱性花岗岩共同经历了新元古代的超高压变质作用,但变质作用发生时含霓石碱性花岗岩可能处于熔融状态,榴辉岩是其中的固相包体。  相似文献   
单点高频地波雷达资料估算潮能耗散的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用嵊泗站所布设的地波雷达观测获取的径向流数据,以及嵊泗、芦潮港、岱山3个潮汐观测站水位资料,采用两点近似投影方法反演流场全矢量流速,并用T-Tide程序计算调和常数,分别计算O1、K1、M2、S2各分潮流速场及迟角场,并计算各点上的潮能通量及潮能耗散,得到嵊泗岛以西杭州湾口区域潮能耗散同地形存在良好对应关系,充分证明了采用地波雷达观测数据进行潮能耗散计算这一方法的可行性,供相关工作者作进一步研究和讨论.  相似文献   
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