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In order to assess the reliability and consistency of white-light coronagraph measurements, we report on quantitative comparisons between polarized brightness [pB] and total brightness [B] images taken by the following white-light coronagraphs: LASCO-C2 on SOHO, SECCHI-COR1 and -COR2 on STEREO, and the ground-based MLSO-Mk4. The data for this comparison were taken on 16?April 2007, when both STEREO spacecraft were within 3.1° of Earth??s heliographic longitude, affording essentially the same view of the Sun for all of the instruments. Due to the difficulties of estimating stray-light backgrounds in COR1 and COR2, only Mk4 and C2 produce reliable coronal-hole values (but not at overlapping heights), and these cannot be validated without rocket flights or ground-based eclipse measurements. Generally, the agreement between all of the instruments?? pB values is within the uncertainties in bright streamer structures, implying that measurements of bright CMEs also should be trustworthy. Dominant sources of uncertainty and stray light are discussed, as is the design of future coronagraphs from the perspective of the experiences with these instruments.  相似文献   
Brynildsen  N.  Brekke  P.  Fredvik  T.  Haugan  S. V. H.  Kjeldseth-Moe  O.  Maltby  P.  Harrison  R. A.  Pike  C. D.  Rimmele  T.  Thompson  W. T.  Wilhelm  K. 《Solar physics》1998,179(2):279-312
We have studied the dynamics in the sunspot transition region between the chromosphere and the corona and investigated the extension of the flow field into the corona. Based on EUV spectra of a medium size sunspot and its surroundings, NOAA 7981, observed with CDS and SUMER on SOHO, we derive line-of-sight velocities and study the line profiles for a series of emission lines.The flow field in the low corona is found to differ markedly from that in the transition region. In the transition region the relative line-of-sight velocity shows an upflow in the umbra and relatively large areas with downflow that cover part of the penumbra. The spatial extent of these areas with upflow and downflow increases with increasing temperature in the transition region, but the whole flow field changes character as the temperature increases from the upper transition region to the low corona. Based on a calibration of the SUMER wavelength scale we find that the entire sunspot transition zone appears to be moving downwards towards the chromosphere. The relation between this finding and the general tendency for transition-region lines to show a net red shift is discussed.Several of the transition-region spectral line profiles are observed to show two line components with Gaussian shape and line-of-sight velocities that differ markedly. Several of the line profiles that are composed of two spectral line components occur close to the dividing line between up- and downflow. A discussion of this observation is presented. In small regions with spatial extent of a few arc sec we detect enhanced continuum emission underlying explosive events. The similarities between explosive events with continuum emission and the moustaches observed in H close to sunspots are so striking that we are tempted to introduce the notation transition-region moustaches.  相似文献   
Although the field of view of the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS) of the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) is 4×4 arc min, it is possible to observe the full solar disk by forming a mosaic of images taken in succession. This paper describes just such a study which has been used to collect images of the Sun simultaneously in six wavelengths between 304 Ú and 630 Ú, and with a temperature coverage between 5×104 K and 2.5×106 K. A representative sample of the resulting images is presented. These data can be used to explore the origin of solar EUV variability, and examine large-scale solar features. Another use of these data is to calibrate the pointing of the CDS Offset Pointing System (OPS), by comparing them against the SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) full-disk images taken at the same time. Many joint observations are made with CDS and other SOHO instruments, and calibration of the pointing is crucial to the co-pointing of the instruments, and to the analyses of these data. Coalignment is done by fitting to a cross-correlation function, using an IDL procedure which can be applied to any CDS/NIS data set. The accuracy of an individual coalignment can be demonstrated to be in the range 1–2 arc sec. The overall accuracy of the OPS calibration is ±5 arc sec, mainly attributable to measurement error in the actuator positions. An onboard Spartan Intermediate Sun Sensor of the Lockheed design, which was intended to provide greater pointing accuracy, exhibits a time-varying calibration, possibly due to a gradual loss of sensitivity.  相似文献   
St. Cyr  O. C.  Kaiser  M. L.  Meyer-Vernet  N.  Howard  R. A.  Harrison  R. A.  Bale  S. D.  Thompson  W. T.  Goetz  K.  Maksimovic  M.  Bougeret  J.-L.  Wang  D.  Crothers  S. 《Solar physics》2009,256(1-2):475-488

Early in the STEREO mission observers noted that the white-light instruments of the SECCHI suite were detecting significantly more spacecraft-related “debris” than any previously flown coronagraphic instruments. Comparison of SECCHI “debris storms” with S/WAVES indicates that almost all are coincident with the most intense transient emissions observed by the radio and plasma waves instrument. We believe the debris is endogenous (i.e., from the spacecraft thermal blanketing), and the storms appear to be caused by impacts of large interplanetary dust grains that are detected by S/WAVES. Here we report the observations, compare them to interplanetary dust distributions, and document a reminder for future spacebased coronagraphic instrument builders.

The heliocentric orbits of the two STEREO satellites are similar in radius and ecliptic latitude, with separation in longitude increasing by about 45° per year. This arrangement provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of stream interfaces near 1 AU over time scales of hours to a few days, much less than the period of a Carrington rotation. Assuming nonevolving solar wind sources that corotate with the Sun, we calculated the expected time and longitude of arrival of stream interfaces at the Ahead observatory based on the in situ solar wind speeds measured at the Behind observatory. We find agreement to within 5° between the expected and actual arrival longitude until the spacecraft are separated by more than 20° in heliocentric inertial longitude. This corresponds to about one day between the measurement times. Much larger deviations, up to 25° in longitude, are observed after 20° separation. Some of the deviations can be explained by a latitude difference between the spacecraft, but other deviations most likely result from evolution of the source region. Both remote and in situ measurements show that changes at the source boundary can occur on a time scale much shorter than one solar rotation. In 32 of 41 cases, the interface was observed earlier than expected at STEREO/Ahead.  相似文献   
A filament eruption, accompanied by a B9.5 flare, coronal dimming, and an EUV wave, was observed by the Solar TERrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) on 19 May 2007, beginning at about 13:00 UT. Here, we use observations from the SECCHI/EUVI telescopes and other solar observations to analyze the behavior and geometry of the filament before and during the eruption. At this time, STEREO A and B were separated by about 8.5°, sufficient to determine the three-dimensional structure of the filament using stereoscopy. The filament could be followed in SECCHI/EUVI 304 Å stereoscopic data from about 12 hours before to about 2 hours after the eruption, allowing us to determine the 3D trajectory of the erupting filament. From the 3D reconstructions of the filament and the chromospheric ribbons in the early stage of the eruption, simultaneous heating of both the rising filamentary material and the chromosphere directly below is observed, consistent with an eruption resulting from magnetic reconnection below the filament. Comparisons of the filament during eruption in 304 Å and Hα? show that when it becomes emissive in He II, it tends to disappear in Hα?, indicating that the disappearance probably results from heating or motion, not loss, of filamentary material.  相似文献   
We present an overview of the data and models collected for the Whole Heliosphere Interval, an international campaign to study the three-dimensional solar?Cheliospheric?Cplanetary connected system near solar minimum. The data and models correspond to solar Carrington Rotation 2068 (20 March??C?16 April 2008) extending from below the solar photosphere, through interplanetary space, and down to Earth??s mesosphere. Nearly 200 people participated in aspects of WHI studies, analyzing and interpreting data from nearly 100 instruments and models in order to elucidate the physics of fundamental heliophysical processes. The solar and inner heliospheric data showed structure consistent with the declining phase of the solar cycle. A closely spaced cluster of low-latitude active regions was responsible for an increased level of magnetic activity, while a highly warped current sheet dominated heliospheric structure. The geospace data revealed an unusually high level of activity, driven primarily by the periodic impingement of high-speed streams. The WHI studies traced the solar activity and structure into the heliosphere and geospace, and provided new insight into the nature of the interconnected heliophysical system near solar minimum.  相似文献   
Toomre  J.  Christensen-Dalsgaard  J.  Howe  R.  Larsen  R.M.  Schou  J.  Thompson  M.J. 《Solar physics》2000,192(1-2):437-448
The variation of rotation in the convection zone over a period of two years from mid-1996 is studied using inversions of SOI–MDI data. We confirm the existence of near-surface banded zonal flows migrating towards the equator from higher latitudes, and reveal that these banded flows extend substantially beneath the surface, possibly to depths as great as 70 Mm (10% of the solar radius). Our results also reveal apparently significant temporal variations in the rotation rate at high latitudes and in the vicinity of the tachocline over the period of study.  相似文献   
Bromage  B.J.J.  Alexander  D.  Breen  A.  Clegg  J.R.  Del Zanna  G.  DeForest  C.  Dobrzycka  D.  Gopalswamy  N.  Thompson  B.  Browning  P.K. 《Solar physics》2000,193(1-2):181-193
Coronal holes on the Sun are the source of high-speed solar wind streams that produce magnetic disturbances at the Earth. A series of multi-wavelength, multi-instrument observations obtained during the 1996 Whole Sun Month campaign examined a large coronal hole in greater detail than ever before. It appeared on the Sun in August, and extended from the north pole to a large active region in the southern hemisphere. Its physical and magnetic structure and subsequent evolution are described.  相似文献   
Innes  D.E.  Inhester  B.  Srivastava  N.  Brekke  P.  Harrison  R.A.  Matthews  S.A.  Noëns  J.C.  Schmieder  B.  Thompson  B.J. 《Solar physics》1999,186(1-2):337-361
The structure and dynamics of the initial phases of a coronal mass ejection (CME) seen in soft X-ray, extreme ultraviolet and optical emission are described. The event occurred on the SW limb of the Sun in active region AR 8026 on 9 April 1997. Just prior to the CME there was a class C1.5 flare. Images taken with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) reveal the emergence of a candle-flame shaped extreme ultraviolet (EUV) cavity at the time of the flare. Yohkoh images, taken about 15 min later, show that this cavity is filled with hot X-ray emitting gas. It is most likely that this is the site of the flare. Almost simultaneous to the flare, an H surge or small filament eruption occurs about 50 arc sec northwards along the limb from the EUV cavity. At both the site of the core of the hot, EUV cavity and the filament ejection are X-ray jets. These jets seem to be connected by hot loops near their bases. Both jets disappear within a few minutes of one another.Clear evidence of the CME first appeared in the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and EIT images 40 min after the flare and onset of the filament ejection. It seems to come from a region between the two X-ray jets. This leads to the speculation that magnetic field reconnection near one footpoint of a loop system triggers reconnection near its other footpoint. The loop system is destabilized and ultimately gives rise to the CME. This possibility is supported by magnetic field and H images taken when the active region was at disk center which show that the active region had a double bipole structure with dark H filaments between the bipoles.  相似文献   
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