Chemical and isotopic analyses of groundwater from the carbonated Jurassic aquifers in the Gijón-Villaviciosa basin (Asturias,
northern Spain) were carried out. Nine springs were sampled to determine major cations and anions, as well as the stable isotopes
of the water molecule (δ2H and δ18O) and sulphate (δ34S) values. Also, δ34S values from gypsum coming both from Triassic rocks and bottom of Jurassic sequence were also determined. The results obtained
were used to classify the waters with a genetic criteria in three groups: (1) waters with a high gypsum influence, with sulphate
coming from Jurassic gypsum, (2) waters without gypsum influence, where sulphate source could be atmospheric deposition from
industrial processes and marine aerosol, and (3) waters with some gypsum influence, in which sulphate origin could be a combination
of different sources. In relation to recharge, δ2H and δ18O values were close to those of Global Meteoric Water Line and fit a local line that suggests a meteoric origin. The estimated
elevations for spring recharge are in agreement with those obtained from hydrogeological maps. 相似文献
This paper presents results of interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental research carried out on a sediment sequence from the
Nutria Mansa 1 archaeological site. This late Holocene site is located in the Pampean plains, Argentina. Siliceous microfossils
were recorded (i.e. phytoliths, diatoms, chrysophytes, sponges) and micro-charcoal was analyzed. In addition, fauna identified
at the site were correlated with regional palaeoclimatic evidence. Based on the microfossil associations, we concluded that
the human occupations occurred beside a fluvial and brackish-freshwater lacustrine setting. Grass communities were located
on its margins that developed under a warm temperate climate with evidence for dryness and marked seasonality in part of the
record. Although some stratigraphic and faunal evidence indicates a possible temperature increase, these fluctuations were
not sufficient to extirpate mammals of arid and cold environments. 相似文献
Magnetic and non-magnetic mineral analyses were conducted on a lacustrine sequence from Lago Verde in the tropical coast along the Gulf of Mexico that covers the last 2000 years. The site witnessed the transformation of the environment since the early Olmec societies until forest clearance in the last century. Through these analyses we investigated the processes that affected the magnetic mineralogy in order to construct a model of past environmental changes, and compare this model with the archeological record and inferred climatic changes in the northern hemisphere of tropical America. Volcanic activity has played a major influence on sediment magnetic properties, as a purveyor of Ti-magnetites/Ti-maghemites, and as a factor of instability in the environment. Anoxic reductive conditions are evident in most of Lago Verde's sedimentary record.
Direct observations of magnetic minerals and ratios of geochemical (Fe, Ti), and ferrimagnetic (χf) and paramagnetic (χp) susceptibility (χ) data, are used as parameters for magnetite dissolution (χp/χ, Fe/χf), and precipitation (χf/Ti) of magnetic minerals. Intense volcanic activity and anoxia are recorded before A.D. 20, leading to the formation of framboidal pyrite. Increased erosion, higher evaporation rates, lower lake levels, anoxia and reductive diagenesis in non-sulphidic conditions are inferred for laminated sediments between A.D. 20–850. This deposit matches the period of historical crisis and multiyear droughts that contributed to the collapse of the Maya civilization. Dissolution of magnetite, a high organic content and framboidal pyrite point to anoxic, sulphidic conditions and higher lake levels after A.D. 850. Higher lake levels in Lago Verde broadly coincide with the increased precipitation documented during the Medieval Warm Period (A.D. 950–1350) in the northern tropical and subtropical regions of the American continent. For the Little Ice Age (A.D. 1400–1800), the relatively moist conditions inferred are in concordance with the glacial advances recorded in central Mexico. Higher erosion rates reflect destruction of the rainforest over the last 40 years. 相似文献
Intrinsic wave attenuation at seismic frequencies is strongly dependent on rock permeability, fluid properties, and saturation. However, in order to use attenuation as an attribute to extract information on rock/fluid properties from seismic data, experimental studies on attenuation are necessary for a better understanding of physical mechanisms that are dominant at those frequencies. An appropriate laboratory methodology to measure attenuation at seismic frequencies is the forced oscillation method, but technical challenges kept this technique from being widely used. There is a need for the standardization of devices employing this method, and a comparison of existing setups is a step towards it. Here we summarize the apparatuses based on the forced oscillation method that were built in the last 30 years and were used to measure frequency‐dependent attenuation in fluid‐saturated and/or dry reservoir rocks under small strains (10?8–10?5). We list and discuss important technical aspects to be taken into account when working with these devices or in the course of designing a new one. We also present a summary of the attenuation measurements in reservoir rock samples performed with these apparatuses so far. 相似文献
Rising in the Andes, the Madeira River drains the southwestern part of the Amazon basin, which is characterized by high geographical, biological and climatic diversity. This study uses daily records to assess the spatio-temporal runoff variability in the Madeira sub-basins. Results show that inter-annual variability of both discharge and rainfall differs between Andean and lowland tributaries. High-flow discharge variability in the Andean tributaries and the Guaporé River is mostly related to sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial Pacific in austral summer, while tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SST modulates rainfall and discharge variability in the lowlands. There also is a downward trend in the low-flow discharge of the lowland tributaries which is not observed in the Andes. Because low-flow discharge values at most lowland stations are negatively related to the SST in the tropical North Atlantic, these trends could be explained by the warming of this ocean since the 1970s.
EDITOR A. CastellarinASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Viglione 相似文献
Sex‐specific interactions involving competition for space between the dioecious alcyonacean soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum and the scleractinian coral Acropora robusta were assessed experimentally on Bald Rock, central region of the Great Barrier Reef. To examine this, plus inter‐clonal responses, one male colony of S. glaucum, known to produce sarcophytoxide as its predominant complementary (secondary) metabolite, was sectioned, producing 10 clones. The same was done for a female colony. These two sets of clones were then relocated to grids and placed in contact with Acropora clones. Relocated and non‐relocated controls were also monitored. High levels of tissue necrosis were observed in the hard coral under contact conditions with both the male and female clones after 20 days. The development of a protective polysaccharide layer in the alcyonacean was also observed. Differences observed in the concentrations of complementary metabolites within the two different S. glaucum colonies were related to sex. Both under competition and non‐competition conditions, females exhibited significantly higher concentrations of sarcophytoxide than males, and this increased with time. Fatty ester concentration was also higher in females than males, varying significantly through time, and falling dramatically just after spawning. Fatty ester concentrations decreased linearly through time in the male clones. When involved in competition for space, females possessed higher concentrations of fatty esters than males, both at the site of contact and in non‐contact sites, again, decreasing after spawning. No significant changes in sarcophytoxide levels were noted in the parental colonies, but such changes were observed in fatty esters, with the female producing higher concentrations until after spawning. The use of these two variates in the form of a ratio (sarcophytoxide concentration:fatty ester concentration) yielded a variable Rho (ρ) which was a more sensitive indicator of biochemical change than either of its components alone. These two sets of compounds appeared to have a negative association through time and varied highly significantly between sexes. The diterpene sarcophytoxide may be considered an allelopathic or stress metabolite, while the lipids act as energy storage metabolites. 相似文献
Tidal propagation in estuaries is affected by friction and fresh water discharge, besides changes in the depth and morphology
of the channel. Main distortions imply variations in the mean water level and asymmetry. Tidal asymmetry can be important
as a mechanism for sediment accumulation and turbidity maximum formation in estuaries, while mean water level changes can
affect navigation depths. Data from several gauges stations from the Amazon estuary and the adjacent coast were analyzed and
a 2DH hydrodynamic model was configured in a domain covering the continental shelf up to the last section of the river where
the tidal signature is observed. Based on data, theoretical and numerical results, the various influences in the generation
of estuarine harmonics are presented, including that of fresh water discharge. It is shown that the main overtide, M4, derived from the most important astronomic component in the Amazon estuary, M2, is responsible for the tidal wave asymmetry. This harmonic has its maximum amplitude at the mouth, where minimum depths
are found, and then decreases while tide propagates inside the estuary. Also, the numerical results show that the discharge
does not affect water level asymmetry; however, the Amazon river discharge plays an important role in the behavior of the
horizontal tide. The main compound tide in Amazon estuary, Msf, generated from the combination of the M2 and S2, can be strong enough to provoke neap low waters lower than spring ones. The results show this component increasing while
going upstream in the estuary, reaching a maximum and then slightly decaying. 相似文献
We present field and seismic evidence for the existence of Coniacian–Campanian syntectonic angular unconformities within basal foreland basin sequences of the Austral or Magallanes Basin, with implications for the understanding of deformation and sedimentation in the southern Patagonian Andes. The studied sequences belong to the mainly turbiditic Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation that includes a world‐class example of conglomerate‐filled deep‐water channel bodies deposited in an axial foredeep depocentre. We present multiple evidence of syntectonic deposition showing that the present internal domain of the fold‐thrust belt was an active Coniacian–Campanian wedge‐top depozone where deposition of turbidites and conglomerate channels of Cerro Toro took place. Cretaceous synsedimentary deformation was dominated by positive inversion of Jurassic extensional structures that produced elongated axial submarine trenches separated by structural highs controlling the development and distribution of axial channels. The position of Coniacian‐Campanian unconformities indicates a ca. 50–80 km advance of the orogenic front throughout the internal domain, implying that Late Cretaceous deformation was more significant in terms of widening the orogenic wedge than all subsequent Andean deformation stages. This south Patagonian orogenic event can be related to compressional stresses generated by the combination of both the collision of the western margin of Rocas Verdes Basin during its closure, and Atlantic ridge push forces due to its accelerated opening, during a global‐scale plate reorganization event. 相似文献
The upper Kimmeridgian outcrops in Jabaloyas (NE Spain) studied here have significant similarity in terms of carbonate ramp morphology and its facies architecture with Member D of the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation reservoirs in the Middle East. Geological models from analogue outcrops enhance or challenge the understanding of multi-scale sedimentological and diagenetic heterogeneities in the subsurface hydrocarbon reservoir models by providing morphometric parameters. For this purpose, conventional diagenetic studies (petrographic microscopy analysis and cathodoluminescence) have been performed to assess the impact of diagenetic modifications through burial. More than 50 thin sections have been used to define a full paragenetic sequence. Additional mineralogical mapping (Qemscan®) on a selection of thin sections serves as a calibration tool for semiquantitative analytic studies of every mineral phases and the proposed porosity evolution. This work unravels the whole paragenetic diagenetic processes and focused on those that occurred right after deposition to shallow burial (eogenesis). High-sequence stratigraphy allows linking these events to variations of the environmental domains that, in fact, respond most likely to sea-level fluctuations. In particular, it provides key parameters to frame the diagenetic overprint such as cementation processes plugging primary interparticle porosity and selective dissolution linked to master bounding surfaces: calcite meniscus cements in vadose zones and selective dissolution processes linked to firmgrounds. Ultimately, they offer valuable trends that would be potentially relevant to decipher and characterize reservoir parameters for the upscaling workflow of fabrics from microscopic to inter-well scale in carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs. 相似文献