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The Western Slope of the Songliao Basin is rich in heavy oil resources (>70 × 108 bbl), around which there are shallow gas reservoirs (∼1.0 × 1012 m3). The gas is dominated by methane with a dryness over 0.99, and the non-hydrocarbon component being overwelmingly nitrogen. Carbon isotope composition of methane and its homologs is depleted in 13C, with δ13C1 values being in the range of −55‰ to −75‰, δ13C2 being in the range of −40‰ to −53‰ and δ13C3 being in the range of −30‰ to −42‰, respectively. These values differ significantly from those solution gases source in the Daqing oilfield. This study concludes that heavy oils along the Western Slope were derived from mature source rocks in the Qijia-Gulong Depression, that were biodegraded. The low reservoir temperature (30–50 °C) and low salinity of formation water with neutral to alkaline pH (NaHCO3) appeared ideal for microbial activity and thus biodegradation. Natural gas along the Western Slope appears mainly to have originated from biodegradation and the formation of heavy oil. This origin is suggested by the heavy δ13C of CO2 (−18.78‰ to 0.95‰) which suggests that the methane was produced via fermentation as the terminal decomposition stage of the oil.  相似文献   
We conducted a land change analysis to determine if the forest communities of presettlement and present contain areas that are analogous in composition, using surveys of the Holland Land Company (1797–1799) and U.S. Forest Service (1991–1993) from western New York. Gridded forest-type maps are produced from each survey using two models: a uniform model that assumes each data grid cell is occupied by a single forest type, and a mixture model in which grid cells are assumed to be occupied by multiple forest types in different proportions. The mixture model consistently detects a larger area of analogous communities in the two time periods at both global and local scales.  相似文献   
Macrospicules have been observed in H and He i D3, on the disk and above the limb. In 1975, a rate of 1400 (A day)–1 is inferred, and the ratio of equatorial to polar rates 2. D3 intensities are a few × 10–3 of the disk center, and do not decrease in coronal holes. The ratio of H to D3 intensities is 10. The integral number of macrospicules with D3 intensity I 0 is proportional to I 0 –1.  相似文献   
Geophysical surveys and chemical analyses on cores were carried out in three Ontario peatlands, from which we have gained a better understanding of the peat properties that control the geophysical responses. The electrical conductivity depends linearly on the concentration of total dissolved solids in the peat pore waters and the pore waters in turn bear the ionic signatures of the underlying mineral sediments. The ionic concentration, and thus the electrical conductivity, increase linearly from the surface to basement. The average bulk electrical conductivity of peatlands at Ellice Marsh, near Stratford, and at Wally Creek Area Forest Drainage Project, near Cochrane, are of the order of 25 mS/m. The Mer Bleue peatland, near Ottawa, has extremely high electrical conductivity, reaching levels of up to 380 mS/m near the base of the peat. The Mer Bleue peatland water has correspondingly high values of total dissolved solids, which originate from the underlying Champlain Sea glaciomarine clays. The dielectric permittivity in peats is largely controlled by the bulk water content. Ground penetrating radar can detect changes in water content greater than 3%, occurring within a depth interval less than 15 cm. The principal peatland interfaces detected are the near-surface aerobic to anaerobic transition and the peat to mineral basement contact. The potential for the successful detection of the basement contact using the radar can be predicted using the radar instrument specifications, estimates of the peatland depth, and either the bulk peat or the peat pore water electrical conductivities. Predicted depths of penetration of up to 10 m for Ellice Marsh and Wally Creek exceed the observed depths of 1 to 2 m. At Mer Bleue, on the other hand, we observe that, as predicted, a 100 MHz signal will penetrate to the base of a 2 m thick peat but a 200 MHz signal will not.  相似文献   
An analytical model is presented for the analysis of constant flux tests conducted in a phreatic aquifer having a partially penetrating well with a finite thickness skin. The solution is derived in the Laplace transform domain for the drawdown in the pumping well, skin and formation regions. The time-domain solution in terms of the aquifer drawdown is then obtained from the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform and presented as dimensionless drawdown–time curves. The derived solution is used to investigate the effects of the hydraulic conductivity contrast between the skin and formation, in addition to wellbore storage, skin thickness, delayed yield, partial penetration and distance to the observation well. The results of the developed solution were compared with those from an existing solution for the case of an infinitesimally thin skin. The latter solution can never approximate that for the developed finite skin. Dimensionless drawdown–time curves were compared with the other published results for a confined aquifer. Positive skin effects are reflected in the early time and disappear in the intermediate and late time aquifer responses. But in the case of negative skin this is reversed and the negative skin also tends to disguise the wellbore storage effect. A thick negative skin lowers the overall drawdown in the aquifer and leads to more persistent delayed drainage. Partial penetration increases the drawdown in the case of a positive skin; however its effect is masked by the negative skin. The influence of a negative skin is pronounced over a broad range of radial distances. At distant observation points the influence of a positive skin is too small to be reflected in early and intermediate time pumping test data and consequently the type curve takes its asymptotic form.  相似文献   
Seasat altimetry profiles across the Falkland-Agulhas fracture zone (FZ) and the Ascension FZ in the South Atlantic were examined for evidence of step-like geoid offsets predicted from thermal modeling of the lithosphere. The geoid profiles exhibit much short-wavelength power and the step-like offsets are often small, making reliable estimation of the heights of the observed geoid offsets difficult. The offsets were estimated by the least-squares fitting of quadratic curves incorporating a step function to the altimetry profiles. A preferred offset value was determined for each profile by taking the average of step heights computed with various distances around the fracture zone excluded from the fit. The age of the crust surrounding the fracture zones, necessary for computing a theoretical geoid offset, was determined from surface ship magnetic anomaly data and from existing ocean floor age maps.Observed variations in geoid step height with age of the lithosphere are not consistent with those predicted from standard thermal plate models. For ages less than 30 Ma, the step offsets across both fracture zones decrease in a manner appropriate for an unusually thin plate with a thickness of 50–75 km. At greater ages, the offsets show complex behavior that may be due to bathymetric features adjacent to the fracture zones. Similar geoid patterns on opposite branches of the Falkland-Agulhas FZ are indicative of processes that act symmetrically on both sides of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This behavior of the geoid is consistent both with small-scale convection occurring beneath the lithosphere and with bathymetric features originally produced along the ridge crest and now located symmetrically on opposite sides of the ridge. The west flank of the Ascension FZ displays a regrowth in step height at about 40 Ma consistent with small-scale convection and in agreement with other studies of Pacific and South Atlantic fracture zones.  相似文献   
The Mees CCD (MCCD) instrument is an imaging spectroscopy device which uses the 25 cm coronagraph telescope and the 3.0 m Coudé spectrograph at Mees Solar Observatory (MSO) on Haleakala, Maui. The instrument works with resolving power up to R 200 000 with significant throughput from 3934 Å (Caii K) to 10 000 Å. A fast guiding active mirror stabilizes the image during observations. A rapidly writing magnetic tape storage system allows observations to be recorded at 256 kbytes s–1. Currently, the MCCD is used for imaging spectroscopy of solar flares at 6563 Å (H), and velocity measurements of umbral oscillations; future plans include emission line studies of active region coronae, and photospheric studies of solar oscillations.  相似文献   
One proposed approach to ameliorate the effects of global warming is sequestration of the greenhouse gas CO2 in the deep sea. To evaluate the environmental impact of this approach, we exposed the sediment-dwelling fauna at the mouth of the Monterey Submarine Canyon (3262 m) and a site on the nearby continental rise (3607 m) to CO2-rich water. We measured meiobenthic nematode population and community metrics after ~30-day exposures along a distance gradient from the CO2 source and with sediment depth to infer the patterns of mortality. We also compared the nematode response with that of harpacticoid copepods. Nematode abundance, average sediment depth, tail-group composition, and length: width ratio did not vary with distance from the CO2 source. However, quantile regression showed that nematode length and diameter increased in close proximity to the CO2 source in both experiments. Further, the effects of CO2 exposure and sediment depth (nematodes became more slender at one site, but larger at the other, with increasing depth in the sediment) varied with body size. For example, the response of the longest nematodes differed from those of average length. We propose that nematode body length and diameter increases were induced by lethal exposure to CO2-rich water and that nematodes experienced a high rate of mortality in both experiments. In contrast, copepods experienced high mortality rates in only one experiment suggesting that CO2 sequestration effects are taxon specific.  相似文献   
As part of the evaluation of the environmental impact of sequestering carbon dioxide in the deep ocean, we exposed the sediment-dwelling fauna at a station in Monterey Submarine Canyon (36.378°N, 122.676°W, 3262 m) to carbon dioxide-rich seawater and found that most of the harpacticoid copepods were killed. In an expanded, follow-on experiment on the continental rise nearby (36.709°N, 123.523°W, 3607 m), not only did harpacticoids survive exposure to carbon dioxide-rich seawater, but we found no evidence from seven additional metrics that the harpacticoids had been affected. We infer that during the second experiment the harpacticoids were not exposed to a stressful dose. During the second experiment, carbon dioxide-rich seawater appears to have been produced more slowly than in the first, probably because of differences in the near-bottom flow regimes. We conclude that local physical circumstances can substantially influence the results of experiments of this type and will complicate the evaluation of the environmental consequences of deep-ocean carbon dioxide sequestration.  相似文献   
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