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We present high spatial resolution (∼0.8 arcsec) diffraction-limited 12.8-μm Ne  ii fine-structure emission line and 12.5-μm continuum images of the bright southern compact H  ii region G333.6–0.2, taken with the mid-infrared imaging polarimeter NIMPOL. The two images show remarkably similar, compact, yet asymmetric, flux distributions. The [Ne  ii ] image shows a complex structure near the ionizing source(s) which we interpret in terms of the ionization structure of the H  ii region. It is found that G333.6–0.2 is more likely to be excited by a cluster of O and B stars than by a single star.  相似文献   
Haze particles exert a significant influence over the thermodynamics and radiation absorption properties of the Titan haze, as well as its complex organic chemistry. Characterization of both the molecular and the submicrometer components of the haze is therefore vital for understanding the global properties of Titan. We have carried out a Titan tholin synthesis experiment and measured the time variation of the infrared spectrum of the product as a thin film developed. Also, to examine the possibility of oxygen contamination, we compared the infrared spectrum of the tholin film with that of a tholin film exposed to dry air and laboratory air. The objective of this study is to understand the chemical processes related to how simple organic molecules are processed into more complex haze particles. The progressive development of features characteristic of amines, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, and nitriles in the experimental mixture is clear. Of particular interest is the formation of aromatic rings after only a few seconds of glow discharge, indicating that these compounds appear to be intermediates between simple haze molecules and microphysical aerosols. The early dominance of aromatic ring structures is accompanied during the later stages of the experiment by the appearance of nitrile and amine compounds. This time-dependent succession of chemical structures provides vital clues to the possible chemical formation pathways of Titan haze aerosols.  相似文献   
A series of microwave observations of a sunspot in the active region NOAA 4741 was made with the Owens Valley Solar Array for the purpose of investigating the center-to-limb variation of both the spectral and spatial brightness distribution. In this investigation, several properties of the sunspot microwave radiation are found. First, sunspot microwave emission appears in two typical profiles depending on the heliocentric position of the spot: either the ring structure near disk center or single-peak structure near the limb. Second, the brightness temperature at high, optically thin frequencies (>6 GHz) increases slightly as the spot approaches the limb, which we interpret as being due to the increase of the gyroresonance opacity of the field lines near the spot center as they gain greater viewing angles. Third, the center-to-limb variation of the gyroresonance spectrum seems to be mostly characterized by a change of effective harmonic, which accompanies a discontinuous change of the degree of polarization. Fourth, a change of spectrum from gyroresonance to free-free emission is found in the passage of the spot over the solar limb, which gives a determination of the height of the gyroresonance layer to confirm its location low in the corona of the active region.  相似文献   
Computational aspects of the estimation of generalized covariance functions by the method of restricted maximum likelihood (REML) are considered in detail. In general, REML estimation is computationally intensive, but significant computational savings are available in important special cases. The approach taken here restricts attention to data whose spatial configuration is a regular lattice, but makes no restrictions on the number of parameters involved in the generalized covariance nor (with the exception of one result) on the nature of the generalized covariance function's dependence on those parameters. Thus, this approach complements the recent work of L. G. Barendregt (1987), who considered computational aspects of REML estimation in the context of arbitrary spatial data configurations, but restricted attention to generalized covariances which are linear functions of only two parameters.  相似文献   
Sediment transport in the scoria areas of Marion Island is primarily the result of needle‐ice‐induced frost creep associated with diurnal soil frost cycles. Clasts move most rapidly in ?ne textured areas (532 mm a?1; SD 382), more slowly in stony areas (161 mm a?1; SD 179), and most slowly in blocky areas (26 mm a?1; SD 23). Movement rates increase with increasing frost susceptibility of sediments, slope angle and altitude. The heave of dowels indicates that frost heave is active in all the scoria areas examined. The depth of effective frost heave increases with increasing altitude, with frost heave being restricted to the upper 100 mm of the soil in low altitude areas (<200 m). The heave of 150 mm dowels at the higher altitude sites provides evidence for segregation ice formation at depths greater than those associated with needle ice and diurnal soil frost cycles. Vertical movement pro?les show a concave downslope pro?le, with sediment movement rates being most rapid at the soil surface and decreasing rapidly with depth. This pro?le shape is typical of areas dominated by diurnal freeze–thaw cycles and needle ice. The capture of sediments moving downslope in troughs and the sampling of material lifted by needle ice, suggest that sediment transport by needle ice under present conditions is extremely effective. Observations suggest that although both ?ne material and clasts are transported downslope, some preferential transport of clasts occurs. Experiment results and observations of soil frost processes suggest that frost creep associated with needle ice activity is the dominant slope process in the scoria areas of Marion Island. Other slope processes such as slopewash and debris ?ows appear to play a relatively minor and localized role in sediment transport. It is suggested that needle ice activity is likely to be the dominant geomorphic agent in other areas of the Subantarctic with similar climatic characteristics to Marion Island. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Forty-eight new and previously published radiocarbon ages constrain deglacial and postglacial sea levels on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Sea level fell rapidly from its high stand of about +75 m elevation just before 14 000 cal BP (12 000 radiocarbon yrs BP) to below the present shoreline by 13 200 cal BP (11 400 radiocarbon years BP). The sea fell below its present level 1000 years later in the central Strait of Georgia and 2000 years later in the northern Strait of Georgia, reflecting regional differences in ice sheet retreat and downwasting. Direct observations only constrain the low stand to be below ?11 m and above ?40 m. Analysis of the crustal isostatic depression with equations utilizing exponential decay functions appropriate to the Cascadia subduction zone, however, places the low stand at ?30 ± 5 m at about 11 200 cal BP (9800 BP). The inferred low stand for southern Vancouver Island, when compared to the sea-level curve previously derived for the central Strait of Georgia to the northwest, generates differential isostatic depression that is consistent with the expected crustal response between the two regions. Morphologic and sub-bottom features previously interpreted to indicate a low stand of ?50 to ?65 m are re-evaluated and found to be consistent with a low stand of ?30 ± 5 m. Submarine banks in eastern Juan de Fuca Strait were emergent at the time of the low stand, but marine passages persisted between southern Vancouver Island and the mainland. The crustal uplift presently occurring in response to the Late Pleistocene collapse of the southwestern sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet amounts to about 0.1 mm/yr. The small glacial isostatic adjustment rate is a consequence of low-viscosity mantle in this tectonically active region.  相似文献   
The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, represents the second most important fishery for coastal Georgia; yet, little is known about environmental forces that affect planktonic postlarval settlement in the region. Here, we describe a study to examine the physical mechanisms responsible for blue crab settlement in the extensive salt marsh system of coastal Georgia. Bottom and surface samplers were placed at three sites along a salinity gradient from a low-salinity site in the Altamaha River to a high-salinity area of the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, GA, USA during 2005. Megalopae and juvenile monitoring occurred from July through December. The majority of both megalopae (86.8%) and juvenile (89.3%) blue crabs were recovered in bottom samplers at the low-salinity Altamaha River site during August and early September. Few megalopae were collected at the surface of the Altamaha River or at the two higher-salinity sites in the Duplin and North Rivers. Downwelling winds were unable to explain all settlement events; however, winds with an onshore component regularly preceded settlement events. The use of a multiple-regression model revealed a lagged relationship (r = 0.5461, $ lag = 0–2 days $ lag = 0–2 days ) between wind events, temperature, salinity, maximum tidal height, and settlement.  相似文献   
Four artificial sweeteners, acesulfame, sucralose, cyclamate, and saccharin were detected in a large septic plume at Long Point, Ontario, Canada. The pattern of sweetener detections in the groundwater indicated that they were derived from waste water seepage from a large septic system at the site. Acesulfame was pervasive in the septic plume, whereas the other three sweeteners have been attenuated, probably by microbial degradation.  相似文献   
Lignin oxidation products and stable carbon isotope distributions are used to investigate the sources, transport, and chemical stability of land-derived organic matter in dated cores of modern sediment from the southern Washington State continental shelf and slope. There is no evidence for significant chemical alteration of lignin compounds in these sediments for time periods of up to 400 yr. Gymnosperm woods and nonwoody angiosperm tissues account for most of the land-derived organic matter in the deposits. These land plant remains have an average δ13C of approximately ?25.5% and are concentrated in a narrow band of silty sediment which extends northward from the Columbia River mouth along the mid-shelf. Marine organic matter having an approximate δ13C of ?21.5%, strongly predominates in most other shelf and slope environments. Net fluxes of land-derived organic matter into the surface 5 cm of the cores vary directly with sediment accumulation rates. Net fluxes of marine organic material into the surface sediments are highest in environments which favor the preservation of organic matter, but correspond to less than 1% of the primary productivity in the overlying waters.  相似文献   
Hydrogeophysical methods are presented that support the siting and monitoring of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems. These methods are presented as numerical simulations in the context of a proposed ASR experiment in Kuwait, although the techniques are applicable to numerous ASR projects. Bulk geophysical properties are calculated directly from ASR flow and solute transport simulations using standard petrophysical relationships and are used to simulate the dynamic geophysical response to ASR. This strategy provides a quantitative framework for determining site‐specific geophysical methods and data acquisition geometries that can provide the most useful information about the ASR implementation. An axisymmetric, coupled fluid flow and solute transport model simulates injection, storage, and withdrawal of fresh water (salinity ~500 ppm) into the Dammam aquifer, a tertiary carbonate formation with native salinity approximately 6000 ppm. Sensitivity of the flow simulations to the correlation length of aquifer heterogeneity, aquifer dispersivity, and hydraulic permeability of the confining layer are investigated. The geophysical response using electrical resistivity, time‐domain electromagnetic (TEM), and seismic methods is computed at regular intervals during the ASR simulation to investigate the sensitivity of these different techniques to changes in subsurface properties. For the electrical and electromagnetic methods, fluid electric conductivity is derived from the modeled salinity and is combined with an assumed porosity model to compute a bulk electrical resistivity structure. The seismic response is computed from the porosity model and changes in effective stress due to fluid pressure variations during injection/recovery, while changes in fluid properties are introduced through Gassmann fluid substitution.  相似文献   
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