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Abstract This paper contains extended abstracts of the seven papers presented at the symposium 'Radiolarians and Orogenic Belts' held at the seventh meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists (INTERRAD). Important results of the symposium include the following: (1) Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic cherts are widely distributed within accretionary complexes in the circum-Pacific orogenic belt. Radiolarian dating reveals that long durations of chert sedimentation in a pelagic environment are recorded on both sides of Pacific-rim accretionary complexes (e.g. New Zealand, Japan, Russian Far East, Canadian Cordillera). (2) Triassic radiolarian faunas from New Zealand and the Omolon Massif, northeast Siberia are similar in composition and are characterized by the absence of typical Tethyan elements. This suggests that radiolarian faunal provincialism may have been established as early as the Triassic. High-latitude radiolarian taxa exhibit a bi-polar distribution pattern. (3) The Lower Triassic interval in chert dominant pelagic sequences is mechanically weaker than other levels and acted as a décollement in accretionary events. This lithologic. contrast in physical property is considered to reflect radiolarian evolution, such as the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   
I.horoductionPleNorthwestPacificOceanisti1elnostfrequentlyaffeCtedareaoftropicalcyclone(TC).AboLIt36percentTCoftheworldoccurinffosarea[2],andthenumberofTCWhichlandedonChinawiti1n1akimumwindforcescalesoverlOisabout35percentofti1atintheeastemcoastalcoLUitriesofAsia[l].BothrainstormsandfloodsMide,theidriuenceofTCareheaVyinChina,suchastherainfalldePthof2749mm/3datXinliao,Taiwanandpeakdischargeof44,6oOm'/satHuanggo(55,42okn'),YalujiangRjver.Therefore,TCisanimportantfaCtorforflooddisas…  相似文献   
西藏“一江两河”中游地区风成地层沉积时代、沉积相和磁化率等研究结果表明,早在800KaB.P.前西南季风就已存在,受全球气候波动和青藏高原隆起的影响,其盛行衰变与东南季风具有较好的一致性,主要表现为本区地层所记录的气候变化信息不如东南季风区详细;而且西南季风因高原屏障作用给本区带来的降水愈来愈少,气候明显地向干冷化发展。  相似文献   
Nd, Sr and O isotopic study on the spilite-keratophyre sequence in Xiqiu shows that its ∈_(Nd) values are inthe range of 4.02-5.26, and its ∈_(Sr) values, +1.4-2.6. According to the points of these data in the ∈_(Nd)-T,∈_(Sr)-T and ∈_(Nd)-∈_(Sr) diagrams, the spilite-keratophyre is interpreted as being slightly contaminated by crustalmaterials. Its δ~(18)O values are 3.9-5.0‰. The depletion of ~(18)O in the rocks resulted from the influence ofseawater hydrothermal alteration during or soon after the rock formation. Based on the isotopic characteristicsand available geochemical data, it is believed that the spilite-keratophyre was formed in the well-developedisland-arc environment during the Late Proterozoic subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate beneath thesoutheastern margin of the Yangtze massif.  相似文献   
生物地理区系的形成与演化,是研究古板块位置,漂移方向和会聚过程的有效标志,但生物地理区系的划分又必须在严格的年代地层对比基础上进行。作者经数次的野外剖面测制,收集各类化石标本加以研究。同时广泛收集前人化石研究成果,经仔细核实研究,确定了臭牛沟组命名剖面上的生物化石分布实况。进一步证明臭牛沟组是一个跨统的岩石地层单位,上、下石炭统的界线在其上部通过。  相似文献   
江西相山碎斑熔岩成因和钾长石亚显微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相山碎斑熔岩含铁铝榴石(1340g/T)、红柱石等岩浆结晶副矿物,具S型火山岩地球化学和Nd、Sr、O同位素组成的特征。据光学测定和X光粉晶衍射测定,斑晶钾长石主要是高正长石或低透长石,有序参数δ′=-0.32—-0.01。在透射电镜下,出溶的细钠长石页片由共格拐点分解形成,成分波长约50—100nm;出溶的宽钠长石页片由无应力离溶作用形成,页片宽50—200nm。结果表明,碎斑熔岩是在火山环境下形成,而不是在深成环境下形成。  相似文献   
对于氟碳钡铈矿(Cordylite—Ce)成分与结构的质疑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了氟碳钡铈矿的成分和结构问题。发现氟碳钡铈矿的成分、密度、折射率三者间的一致性参数很差,晶体结构与光性和空间群相矛盾,单个大阳离子的平均占有体积远大于同类矿物的平均占有体积,它的晶体结构与同类矿物不可类比。由于受当时条件的限制,在以往有关氟碳钡铈矿的成分和结构的资料中存在着一些明显的错误,有必要对其进行重新定义。其结构化学式应改为:(Na_(1-x),Ca_(0·5x))BaCe_2(CO_3)_4F。  相似文献   
河套灌区井渠联合运用优化灌溉模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对河套灌区的地面水与地下水联合运用问题,提出了井渠结合优化灌溉模型,以最佳种植模式和最优工程运行策略,达到控制地下水位、防治土壤盐碱化、获得农作物稳产高产的目的.模型有调蓄地面水源、土壤贮水层、地下含水层的能力.优化计算成果与266.7hm2试验示范区的实际运行结果相吻合,节水、节能、增产及控制地下水位、改良盐碱地等效果十分显著,这对发展节水型灌溉农业具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
中国黄土10Be研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
80年代中期,中国和瑞士科技工作者开始联合进行黄土^10Be研究。建立了黄土^10BeAMS测量的理想流程,发现了^10Be在黄土地层良好保存性等重要地球化学行为特征,确认了黄土^10Be研究具有重要意义。对洛川黄土部面0.4-138m段600多个样品进行了^10Be测定,建立了2.5Ma以来大陆堆积物同位素记录曲线。  相似文献   
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