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以512矿床为例,研究了砂岩铀矿体铀、钍含量及其放射性同位素分布规律,由此讨论铀矿体的定位条件。结果表明:①在整个层间氧化带中岩石的钍含量变化不大,表现出钍化学性质的不易被淋洗、迁移、富集的惰性特征;②铀含量从强氧化带到弱氧化带直至矿化带逐渐升高,由矿化带到还原带逐渐降低,铀含量分带性反映了氧化环境铀溶解迁移、还原环境水解沉淀的过程;③铀含量大于100μg/g是砂岩铀矿体的定位条件;④放射性同位素比值作为铀矿体定位条件因矿体所处时期不同而不同;后期矿体放射性同位素定位条件为1≤234U/238U≤2,0≤230Th/238U≤0·2,234U/230Th>1;前期铀矿体放射性同位素定位的标准为0·75≤234U/238U≤1,0·5≤230Th/238U≤1。  相似文献   
Ordovician carbonate buried-hill reservoir beds in the Hetianhe (和田河) gas field,located in the Mazhatage (玛扎塔格) structural belt on the southern margin of the Bachu (巴楚) faulted uplift,southwestern Tarim basin,were studied.Based on field survey,core and slice observation,the general characteristics of carbonate buried-hill reservoir beds and specifically Ordovician carbonate buried-hill reservoir beds in the Hetianhe gas field were discussed.The karst zone of the reservoir beds in Hetianhe gas field was divided into superficial karst zone,vertical infiltration karst zone,lower subsurface flow karst zone,and deep sluggish flow zone from top to bottom.The effects of faulting on Ordovician carbonate buried-hill reservoir beds in the Hetianhe gas field were obvious.The faulting intensified the karstification and increased the depth of denudation.Faulting and subsequent fracture growth modified the reservoir beds and improved the physical property and quality of the reservoir beds.Moreover,faulting enhanced the development of the dissolution holes and fractures and increased the thickness of the effective reservoir beds.Meanwhile,faulting made the high porosity-permeability carbonate belts,which created conditions for the hydrocarbon accumulation,develop near the fault zone.  相似文献   
Adakitic rocks and related Cu–Au mineralization are widespread along eastern Jiangnan Orogen in South China. Previous studies have mainly concentrated on those in the Dexing area in northeastern Jiangxi Province, but information is lacking on the genesis and setting of those in northwestern Zhejiang Province. The Jiande copper deposit is located in the suture zone between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks of South China. This paper presents systematic LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating and element and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic data of the Jiande granodiorite porphyry. Zircon dating showed that the Jiande granodiorite porphyry was produced during the Middle Jurassic (ca. 161 Ma). The Jiande granodiorite porphyry is characterized by adakitic geochemical affinities with high Sr/Y and LaN/YbN ratios but low Y and Yb contents. The absence of a negative Eu anomaly, extreme depletion in Y and Yb, relatively low MgO contents, and relatively high 207Pb/204Pb ratios, indicated that the Jiande granodiorite porphyry was likely derived from partial melting of the thickened lower continental crust. In addition, the Jiande granodiorite porphyry shows arc magma geochemical features (e.g., Nb, Ta and Ti depletion), with bulk Earth‐like εNd (t) values (?2.89 to ?1.92), εHf (t) values (?0.6 to +2.8), and initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7078 to 0.7105). However, a non‐arc setting in the Middle Jurassic is indicated by the absence of arc rocks and the presence of rifting‐related igneous rock associations in the interior of South China. Combined with the regional Neoproterozoic Jiangnan Orogeny, it indicates that these arc magma geochemical features are possibly inherited from the Neoproterozoic juvenile continental crust formed by the ancient oceanic crust subduction along the Jiangnan Orogen. The geodynamic environment that is responsible for the development of the Middle Jurassic Jiande granodiorite porphyry is likely a localized intra‐continental extensional environment along the NE‐trending Jiangshan‐Shaoxing Deep Fault as a tectonic response to far‐field stress at the margins of the rigid South China Plate during the early stage of the paleo‐Pacific plate subduction. In terms of Cu mineralization, we suggest that the metal Cu was released from the subducted oceanic slab and reserved in the juvenile crust during Neoproterozoic subduction along the eastern Jiangnan Orogen region. Partial melting of the Cu rich Neoproterozoic juvenile crust during the Middle Jurassic time in the Jiande area caused the formation of adakitic rocks and the Cu deposit.  相似文献   
世界碳酸盐岩大油气田分布特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
白国平 《古地理学报》2006,8(2):241-250
到2002年底,全球共发现877个大油气田,其中碳酸盐岩大油田188个,碳酸盐岩大气田95个,这些碳酸盐岩大油气田的油气可采储量达1330×108t油当量,占大油气田可采总储量的47.09%。研究表明大油气田集中分布于波斯湾盆地、扎格罗斯盆地、南墨西哥湾盆地、二叠盆地和苏尔特盆地等。碳酸盐岩大油田和大气田的主要储集层层位不一致,石油大部分储于侏罗系和白垩系,而天然气大部分储于三叠系和二叠系。碳酸盐岩大油气田的展布受控于多个因素,其中最重要的因素包括区域大地构造背景、地层时代、有效烃源岩的分布、有利的储盖组合、运移通道和圈闭等。中国的碳酸盐岩油气田勘探既要借鉴国外碳酸盐岩大油气田的勘探经验,更要结合中国碳酸盐岩层系自身的特征,建立适合我国碳酸盐岩的油气地质理论并研发相关勘探技术。  相似文献   
柏美祥 《内陆地震》1992,6(2):206-216
地震构造系潜在震源区的蕴震及发震构造,也是地震所产生的断层和形变带,受活断层及活动褶皱控制。 新疆主要的地震构造位于印度板块和欧亚板块相碰撞的喜马拉雅碰撞带的后陆,多在碰撞期后形成。这些碰撞期后构造就是新疆主要的地震构造,分布于羌塘板块、冈底斯板块、哈萨克斯坦板块和西伯利亚板块相互碰撞地段,即塔里木盆地南北缘、准噶尔盆地南缘及东北缘、伊犁盆地两侧、塔什库尔干谷地、布伦口各地以及鲸鱼湖盆地南缘。 从新疆历史地震断层或形变带的时间及空间分布来看,其活动顺序为:1716年特克斯活断层→1812年喀什河活断层→1842年巴里坤洛包泉活断层→1895年塔什库尔干活断层→1902年托特拱拜孜—阿尔帕勒克活断层→1906年准噶尔盆地南缘活断层→1914年鄯善碱泉子活断层→1924年阿尔金活断层→1931年可可托海—二台活断层→1985年卡兹克阿尔特活断层,反映了地震构造活动的新生性及迁移性。7—8级地震迁移距离为120—1340km,平均为640km。这些地震构造一般都发生过多次古地震,其平均复现期为千年左右。由布伦口活断层、策勒活断层、木孜塔格—鲸鱼湖活断层及霍尔果斯—吐谷里活断层上古地震断层的发现,拜城、库尔勒、吐鲁番和木垒古地震遗迹的展布,以及地震迁移规律等表明,今后十年北天山、南天山  相似文献   
Geological sequestration of CO2 (carbon dioxide) shows great potential to reduce Greenhouse gas emissions. However, CO2 injection into geological formations may give rise to a variety of coupled chemical and physical processes. The thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) impact of CO2 injection can induce fault instability, even possibly lead to seismic activities in and around the disposal reservoir. A sequential coupling approach under some assumptions was proposed in the numerical study to investigate the THM behavior of the CO2 sequestration system concerning the temperature, initial geological stress, injection pressure and CO2 buoyancy. The fault was treated as a flexible contact model. The effects of CO2 injection on the mechanical behavior of the faults were investigated. The Drucker-Prager model and the cap model were used to model the constitutive relationship of formations. The numerical results show that injection pressure sensitively affects the relative slip change of the fault. At the initial stage of the sequestration process, the injection pressure plays a key role in affecting the pore pressure of the formations. However, as time continues, the influence of CO2-induced buoyancy becomes obvious on the pore pressure of the formations. In general, The THM effects of CO2 geosequestration do not affect the mechanical stability of formations and faults.  相似文献   
北京地下水位趋势下降动态及地震前兆信息识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对北京地区超采引起的地下水位动态特征与成因作了详细分析,并对超采背景下如何提取地震前兆异常信息的问题作了探讨.北京地区地下水位年动态的主要影响因素是地下水开采和降雨,而地下水位动态的趋势变化则与区域地下水超采量有直接关系.本文用相关分析的方法,分析了北京平原区超采量与水位变化之间的关系,为评价超采区观测井的干扰影响程度、识别地震前兆信息提供依据.研究结果表明,在区域超采不严重的地区引起的水位趋势性变化中,也包含着地震前兆信息;采用消除趋势及年变化影响的数学处理方法,可提取出地震的趋势异常变化.   相似文献   
At the mean annual scale, water availability of a basin is substantially determined by how much precipitation will be partitioned into evapotranspiration and run-off. The Budyko framework provides a simple but efficient tool to estimate precipitation partitioning at the basin scale. As one form of the Budyko framework, Fu's equation has been widely used to model long-term basin-scale water balance. The major difficulty in applications of Fu's equation is determining how to estimate the curve shape parameter ω efficiently. Previous studies have suggested that the parameter ω is closely related to the long-term vegetation coverage on large river basins globally. However, on small basins, the parameter ω is difficult to estimate due to the diversity of controlling factors. Here, we focused on the estimation of ω for small basins in China. We identified the major factors controlling the basin-specific (calibrated) ω from nine catchment attributes based on a dataset from 206 small basins (≤50,000 km2) across China. Next, we related the calibrated ω to the major factors controlling ω using two statistical models, that is, the multiple linear regression (MLR) model and artificial neural network (ANN) model. We compared and validated the two statistical models using an independent dataset of 80 small basins. The results indicated that in addition to vegetation, other landscape factors (e.g., topography and human activity) need to be considered to capture the variability of ω on small basins better. Contrary to previous findings reached on large basins worldwide, the basin-specific ω and remote sensing-based vegetation greenness index exhibit a significant negative correlation. Compared with the default ω value of 2.6 used in the Budyko curve method, the two statistical models significantly improved the mean annual ET simulations on validation basins by reducing the root mean square error from 114 mm/year to 74.5 mm/year for the MLR model and 70 mm/year for the ANN model. In comparison, the ANN model can provide a better ω estimation than the MLR model.  相似文献   
本文在“立交模式”的基础上,用三维粘弹有限元方法计算了几个简化的地质体模型,讨论了地壳下部的蠕滑断层对浅部断层活动的影响和对浅部应力场的调整和控制过程。结果表明,深部断层的蠕滑作用可使浅部应力场增强,井使得在特定方向,特定走向的断层内的应力加速积累或松弛。据此,本文解释了地震震中沿直线的迁移问题,同时也讨论了大地震原地重复发生的力学机制。  相似文献   
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