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The theoretical acceleration spectrum of observation site has been obtained from source acceleration spectrum derived from scaling law, using attenuation modelQ=Q ν f η . A comparison of a set of theoretical acceleration spectra with observation spectra has been made, and we have obtained the attenuation model for observation site and seismic moment magnitude. We obtain thatQ o=300,η=0.25 for Wuqia area, Xinjing Zizhizhou, and seismic moment magnitudes of 18 greater aftershocks of Wuqia earthquake occurred in 1985. In order to obtain seismic moment magnitued conveniently, three functional tables of acceleration spectra at 1Hz as the distances for variousQ value have been made. The seismic moment magnitude can be quickly measured from acceleration spectrum at 1Hz according to these tables (epicenter has to be known). The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 435–445, 1992.  相似文献   
本文分析了汽车轻量化的必要性和紧迫性;论述了汽车轻量化的要求、效果和对象;从优化设计,更换材料、革新工艺三个方面探讨了轻量化途径;并以活塞和连杆为例阐明了汽车零部件的轻量化方法。  相似文献   
北京冬小麦产量预报的一种建模方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对农业产量气象预测的各类统计模式中所存在的某些不足,如趋势产量外推的稳定性,预报因子的物理及生物学意义、相关阶段性、多元共线性,回归系数稳定性和剩余产量的处理等,提出了不同的解决办法。在北京冬小麦产量预报试验中收到较好的效果。  相似文献   
本文介绍了STM-PC微机系列上实现的地震测深资料现场收录系统,其中包括对模拟磁带地震记录进行A/D转换、数据采集等。在研究中,对时标信号的采集方式、六响报时信号处理、模拟回放电路的改进与采集速率等方面进行了试验,为高质量地进行A/D转换取得了经验。本文是以海城震区的实际资料为基础,对A/D转换的精度与效果进行了统计与分析,结果表明,该收录系统对模拟地震记录的A/D转换精度达到了规范要求。该收录系统与一般微机系列兼容,适用于我国目前使用的几种模拟磁带地震记录仪。  相似文献   
Distributions of inorganic nutrients in the bohai sea of china   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction TheBohaiSeaislocatedinthenorthernChinawithlongitudesofbetween 117°38′Eand 12 2°31′Eandlat itudesofbetween 37°0 8′Nand 4 1°0 2′N .Itisashal lowseawithanaveragewaterdepthof 18m (LiuandZhang ,2 0 0 0 ) .Severalbigrivers ,suchastheLiaoheRiver,theHaiheRiverandtheYellowRiver ,findtheirwaysintotheBohaiSeaandtransportlargeamountofnutrientsandsuspendedmattersfromthecontinentintothesea (Zhangetal.,1994 ;Zhang ,1996 ) .Duringthelasttwodecades ,marineenviron mentintheBohai…  相似文献   
The quantity and quality changes of cropland in Jilin province are analyzed by combining the statistics from 1949 to 1999 and land-use maps interpreted from TM images in 1986 and in 2000. In general, the decreasing trend of the cropland in Jilin province was derived from the statistic data in 1949-1999. While since 1983, the cropland area has increased slightly, because of the conversion from other land-use types to cropland. It is showed that the net increase of cropland was about 43.40×104 ha. While the quality change of the cropland can be seen from that mainly caused by the conversion from forestland, grassland to cropland and the change mainly took place in the west, where it is ecologically fragile. According to the spatial distribution model, the centroids' move of the cropland and the grain production are calculated, whose directions are not consistent. The impact of the dynamic change of the cropland on food security is further analyzed.  相似文献   
— Rupture in heterogeneous brittle media, including earthquakes, can be regarded as complicated phenomena in driven nonlinear threshold systems. It displays catastrophe transition and sample-specificity, which results in difficulty of rupture prediction. Our numerical simulations indicate that critical sensitivity might be a common precursor of catastrophe transition and thus give a clue to catastrophe prediction. In this paper we present an analytical examination of critical sensitivity in driven nonlinear threshold systems, based on mean field approximation and damage relaxation time model. The result suggests that critical sensitivity is in reality a common feature prior to catastrophe transition in driven nonlinear threshold systems, with disordered mesoscopic heterogeneity. This result seems to be supported by rock experiments.  相似文献   
本文分析了陀螺仪的寻北原理,并以一种新型自动化陀螺经纬仪为例,探讨了地理纬度对陀螺补偿角、仪器常数和陀螺经纬仪测量精度的影响。在此基础上进一步讨论了陀螺经纬仪测量精度随地理纬度变化的关系,提出了提高陀螺经纬仪测量精度的方法和建议。  相似文献   
福州市活断层探测与地震危险性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大量震例研究表明,活动断层产生的直下型地震对城市的破坏非常严重,应用先进有效的地质与地球物理探测技术,准确地探明城市之下及附近活动断层分布,确定直下型地震的震源和危害性是我国城市减灾工作面临的一个非常急迫的实际问题。《福州市活断层探测与地震危险性评价》项目作为中国地震局全国城市活动断层探测的试点与示范项目于2001年初开始实施,2004年8月通过中国地震局的验收。项目围绕解决城市范围内的断裂定位、定年、定性、深部背景、地震危险性和危害性及防震减灾对策等一系列科学问题,通过“初查与目标区主要活断层鉴定”、“深部地震构造环境探测”、“地震活断层鉴定与危险性评价”、“地震活断层的详细探测”、“地震活断层危害性评价”和“活断层地理信息系统建设”等阶段的探测和评价工作,同时在福州市城、郊区全面开展壤中气汞、土壤汞、气氡、地质雷达、多道直流电法、瞬变电磁法、浅层地震折射法、浅层地震反射法、勘探震源效果对比、用于建立福州盆地埋藏第四系(标准)剖面的钻探等多种手段的试验探测,总结各种试验探测的技术指标和实践经验,在活断层的综合试验探测、定位定年、地震危险性和危害性评价等方面取得了下列成果与结论:(1)福州市活断层综合试验探测成果表明,在充分收集、整理与分析相关地质、地球物理、钻孔等资料的基础上,以地球化学探测为先导“侦察机”,确定了活断层的可能位置;以浅层地震勘探为主要探测方法,辅以电磁勘探作为补充,并利用钻探建立的第四系(标准)剖面或地层层序及测井获得的各种地球物理参数进行必要的校正和验证,结合裸露地表断层或埋深较浅断层的槽探及古地震调查或隐伏断层两侧钻孔岩芯岩性、层序、绝对年龄或孢粉等相对年龄的测定与对比等,是进行城市活断层探测(定位)与地震危险性、危害性评价(定年、定性)的最佳组合方法。(2)福州盆地位于具有发生中等强度地震的区域地震构造环境中,“台湾动力触角”对其影响相对较弱。(3)福州盆地主要断裂的活动性较弱,经鉴定的6条目标断裂都不是全新世断裂。其中,八一水库-尚干断裂和闽侯-南屿断裂至少为晚更新世中期以来的不活动断裂,其它为晚更新世以来不活动断裂。(4)福州盆地深部不存在发生直下型强烈破坏性地震的构造环境,其邻近的长乐-诏安断裂带是未来可能会发生对福州市有影响的地震震源区。(5)福州盆地主要断裂存在发生中等-中强地震的危险性,但发震概率较小。(6)福州盆地地震危害性较弱,地面发生地震地表破裂带的可能性不大。(7)开发建立了全国第一个活断层地理信息系统,具备信息查询显示、数据管理、数据的分析处理和咨询服务等功能。  相似文献   
陈军雄  张宏泽柏 《山地学报》2006,24(B10):282-287
高寒草甸氮素循环过程中的物理过程、化学过程和生物过程与土壤、植物的发生、发育紧密联系,因此对物理、化学、生物三个不同过程高寒草甸氮素循环的研究现状进行了分析。  相似文献   
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