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Environmental tritium and radiocarbon studies were undertaken in the Vedavati river basin situated partly in Karnataka and partly in Andhra Pradesh, India, aimed at the determination of the general recharge condition of the water-bearing zones in the gneissic complex, granites and the Dharwar Group of metamorphic rocks, where groundwater occurs under semi-unconfined to semi-confined conditions and at places under the water-table condition. The groundwater movement is controlled by fractures, fissures, a weathered zone and surficial mantle. An attempt was also made to find out whether substantial recharge occurs along fractured lineaments; whether the water-bearing zones can be considered as interconnected or isolated, and whether the recharge and discharge areas identified by geohydrological considerations can be confirmed.

Environmental tritium and radiocarbon contents, measured in 45 groundwater samples, show that a large number of samples are very young, containing water from post-thermonuclear-era rain, thus indicating an age less than 25 yr. In some other samples, despite radiocarbon ages found to be older, some component of recent precipitation is found to be present as indicated by bomb tritium.

Groundwater dating in the area shows an excellent correlation between hydro-isochrons of minimum age with the recharge contour of maximum magnitude. This study has clearly resulted in the demarcation of the recharge areas. However, the discharge areas as such cannot be clearly delineated because of lack of a pattern indicating increase of ages in any particular direction. This, however, also reflects somewhat discontinuous groundwater bodies, which may also be expected from the general structure and hydrogeology of the region. Along a major lineament the groundwater is found to be very young thus confirming that substantial recharge occurs along lineaments.  相似文献   

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