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Control and eradication of the exotic and invasive plant Spartina alterniflora within the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve, Shanghai, China, is vital for the management and conservation of the saltmarshes. A demonstration project was established using waterlogging and cutting to control this invasive species. Results from 2007 to 2008 showed that, although the managed waterlogging significantly reduced biomass and seed production of S. alterniflora at an early stage, the species subsequently showed rapid adaptation to the long-term waterlogging stress. Thus, managed waterlogging alone was insufficient for the effective eradication of S. alterniflora. However, managed waterlogging for around 3 months, combined with cutting the above-ground part of S. alterniflora at a key stage (flowering period in July), controlled and eradicated the plant successfully. Both the above-ground and below-ground parts of S. alterniflora were killed and the plants began to decompose after 3 months. Furthermore, there was no re-growth of the emergent part of S. alterniflora in the following years. However, once the impounded water was released restoring the natural hydrodynamic regime of the saltmarshes, the seeds and seedlings of S. alterniflora reinvaded the controlled site from the neighboring areas and the S. alterniflora community was re-established. Thus, after eradication of S. alterniflora, control measures should be maintained to prevent the re-establishment of S. alterniflora. The results of this demonstration project indicate a potentially useful and effective approach for the control and management of large-scale invasion by S. alterniflora on saltmarshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China.  相似文献   
胶州湾口海底沙波的类型、特征及发育影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用多波束资料对胶州湾口的海底沙波类型、特征进行了研究,发现研究区主要有线性沙波(二维)、沙丘(三维)2种沙波类型。结合水流流速、海底构造和表层沉积物综合分析发现:海底沙波缓坡朝向与优势流向不完全一致,为强流作用的产物,在涨、落潮作用下均可形成;沉积物的多寡是研究区海底沙波类型分布的决定因素,海底松散沉积物较为丰富的地区形成二维沙波。在水动力强大的胶州湾口,沉积物多分布在构造低洼地带,使二维线性沙波的分布与海底断裂延伸方向一致。  相似文献   
洋山深水港海域水质变化趋势分析及富营养化评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明港口建设及外来船舶增加对洋山深水港海域水环境特征的影响,系统分析了2010年洋山深水港大洋山、小洋山海域两个监测点水环境因子的周年变化,采用单因子标准指数评价法、多参数水质综合评价法、营养状态质量指数法、富营养指数法和有机污染评价指数法分别对其水质现状进行了评价,同时分析了各站点Si∶N∶P比和潜在性富营养化程度。富营养化状态质量指数(NQ)I值在1.95~3.72范围内,平均值为2.67,属中营养型;营养指数(E)I值在8.63~72.05之间,平均值为34.01,属富营养型;有机污染指数(A)值在1.89~4.10之间,平均值为2.91,属轻度污染;潜在性富营养化评价结果显示,洋山深水港海域全年无机氮(DIN)、活性磷酸盐(PO43--P)及活性硅酸盐(SiO32--S)i的平均浓度分别为40.71μmol/L、1.94μmol/L、37.86μmol/L,Si∶N、Si∶P和N∶P的比值分别为0.94、21.76和23.30,其中PO43--P含量相对不足,为潜在限制性因子。因此,综合考虑海水评价要素,采用多种方法对调查海域进行评价,将更为科学。  相似文献   
By taking the Yong River for example in this paper, based on the multiple measured data during 1957 to 2009, the change process of runoff, tide feature, tidal wave, tidal influx and sediment transport are analyzed. Then a mathematical model is used to reveal the influence mechanism on hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment transport of the wading engineering groups such as a tide gate, a breakwater, reservoirs, bridges and wharves, which were built in different periods. The results showed the hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment transport of the Yong River changed obviously due to the wading engineering groups. The tide gate induced deformation of the tidal wave, obvious reduction of the tidal influx and weakness of the tidal dynamic, decrease of the sediment yield of flood and ebb tide and channel deposition. The breakwater blocked estuarine entrances, resulting in the change of the tidal current and the reduction of the tidal influx in the estuarine area. The large-scale reservoirs gradually made the decrease of the Yong River runoff. The bridge and wharf groups took up cross-section areas, the cumulative affection of which caused the increase of tidal level in the tidal river.  相似文献   
探讨了利用地球重力场模型计算扰动重力垂直梯度的理论方法,介绍了高精度地球重力场模型和最新的EGM2008模型,并利用EGM2008模型的360阶和720阶完全规格化地球位系数,分别计算了西太平洋区域和全球范围的扰动重力垂直梯度。从绘制的计算结果分布图可以看出,扰动重力垂直梯度能够清晰反映并显示地球地质构造的变化特征与陆地边界轮廓。统计分析表明,随着位系数截断阶次从360阶增至720阶,计算结果的变化较为明显,均值接近于零,其数值分布近似服从正态分布。  相似文献   
本研究旨在揭示现代长江口不同沉积环境铁磁性矿物的分布差异,寻找有效识别河口-陆架沉积环境的磁学指标,以便更好地将环境磁学应用于河口古环境研究。在长江口及邻近陆架的6个沉积环境:汊道、拦门沙、三角洲前缘斜坡、前三角洲、前三角洲-陆架过渡区和残留砂区,采集表层沉积物样品,进行粒度和磁性测量。结果显示,χ和SIRM在汊道和拦门沙呈现显著高值,HIRM、χfd%、χARM、χARM/χ和χARM/SIRM在前三角洲和前缘斜坡呈现显著高值,反映了陆源物质输运距离和河口沉积动力对磁性矿物分布的控制作用。因此,参数组合HIRM、χARM、χARM/χ和χARM/SIRM可用于识别全新世地层前缘斜坡和前三角洲-陆架;参数组合χ、SIRM和S-20mT可尝试用于识别汊道和拦门沙环境。  相似文献   
A quantitative study on the community structure and biodiversity of free-living marine nematodes and their relationship with environmental factors in the northern South China Sea were carried out based...  相似文献   
海面与海底地磁日变化差异及其对海洋磁力测量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了海面与海底地磁日变化的计算公式,仿真分析了海面与海底地磁日变化差异,探讨了其对海洋磁力测量地磁日变改正的影响。结果表明:对于不同的地磁日变,海面与海底的地磁日变存在着较大的差异,且其随着地磁倾角的变化而变化,对磁测有一定的影响。为此,远海区海洋磁力测量中,建议联合采用地面日变站和海底日变站来减小或消除海面与海底地磁日变差异对磁测的影响,提高地磁日变改正的精度。  相似文献   
利用多源地理空间数据集成和融合理论,研究了基于ECDIS的多数据源支持技术。介绍了常用的多源海图数据及其使用原则,分析了ECDIS多数据源支持技术的特点及内涵,总结了国内外常用多源海图数据集成方法,从数据可用性角度探讨了提高国产电子海图系统适用性的措施。  相似文献   
渤黄海海域悬浮体季节性分布及主要运移路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据国家自然科学基金委公共航次2010年和2012年4个航次在渤黄海海域获得的现场悬浮体浓度数据及CTD海洋水文观测数据,结合MODIS L1B数据第4波段反射率值,建立了悬浮体浓度(SSC)与反射率强度的反演模型,反演了渤黄海海域表层悬浮体的月均分布。综合现场实测数据和遥感反演结果,研究渤黄海海域悬浮体的季节性变化特征。利用HYCOM数值模拟得到的各个层位流速数据,分析渤黄海海域主要断面的悬浮体扩散通量。结果表明,渤黄海海域表层悬浮体浓度高值区主要分布在黄河口莱州湾及渤海湾附近沿岸海域、山东半岛沿岸、苏北浅滩至长江口一带、罗洲群岛附近海域以及沿岸其他小河流入海口。渤黄海海域水体结构具有季节性变化特征。夏季,水体上下温差大、层化较强、水动力条件较弱,海域悬浮体浓度相对较低。而在冬季,海域气温较低,水体上下温差小,同时,渤黄海海域强劲的东北风盛行,水体混合强烈,海域悬浮体浓度较高。同时,黄海暖流和山东半岛沿岸流等流系加强,携带悬浮体的能力和效率均大大提高,冬季成为海域悬浮体输运的主要季节。在冬季,黄河三角洲沿岸、山东半岛沿岸以及苏北海岸等区域在强动力作用下的再悬浮成为海域的悬浮体主要来源。黄河三角洲沿岸再悬浮的沉积物通过渤海海峡的南端输入北黄海,在沿岸流的作用下悬浮体输送通量沿程增大,经过成山头海域后转向南输送,输送通量沿程减少,沉积物在黄海中部泥质沉积区汇聚。沉积动力的分析结果显示,冬春季节在山东半岛区域形成的混合锋面对悬浮体的输运路径有重要的影响。  相似文献   
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