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2006年极端天气和气候事件及其他相关事件的概要回顾   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
2006年1月中旬欧洲东部地区经历10年来的最低温天气;2月,非洲南部地区遭遇20年以来的最强降水;2006年上半年美国路易斯安那州经历111年来最干旱的时期;7月,欧美地区经历破纪录的高温炎热天气;菲律宾、印尼、印度等东南亚国家遭受暴雨洪灾。2006年春季,我国北方地区遭受18次沙尘天气的侵袭;夏季重庆等地区遭遇百年一遇的大旱;我国东南沿海等地受到多次强台风袭击;波及全国31个省(市、区)的冰雹、雷雨等强对流天气……。2006年是全球有气象记录以来的第6个高温年,极端天气和气候灾害并没有缓和的迹象;我国又经历了许多极端天气和气候灾害。  相似文献   
陈玉春  张华 《高原气象》1996,15(1):11-20
对复杂地形条件下嵌套细网和数据模式进行了改进和发展,使之成为水平格距为50km,垂直分层为11层的高分辨率模式。同时对其物理过程如积云对流参数化、边界层物理等也进行了改进,并将该模式程序优化为能在计算机工作站和微机上进行业务运行的数值预报系统。  相似文献   
高低空急流在云南大范围暴雨过程中的作用及共同特征   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
何华  孙绩华 《高原气象》2004,23(5):629-634
通过对1980—1991年出现的46次云南全省性大范围暴雨过程的主要影响系统进行分型,找出云南暴雨的主要影响系统,利用美国国家环境预测中心NCEP再分析资料,对暴雨出现次数最多的11次冷锋切变型全省性大范围暴雨过程进行合成分析,揭示了在冷锋切变环流形势下云南大范围暴雨发生前后对流层高低空急流或强风速带的演变特征及其与大范围暴雨发生之间的关系,找出了它们的共同特征,并提取造成云南暴雨的强信号,以期对今后的暴雨预报提供依据。  相似文献   
北京地区大气稳定度垂直分布特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
基于北京325米气象铁塔观测资料,分析了北京地区大气稳定度垂直分布特征、日变化特征、季节变化特征.  相似文献   
对流和层状云系电活动,对流及降水特性的相关分析   总被引:27,自引:11,他引:27  
张义军  华贵义 《高原气象》1995,14(4):396-405
通过对6次不同云系电特性、回波、对流及降水特性的综合分析,探讨了它们之间的相关性。结果表明:除不稳定能量外,-10℃层和0℃层高度以及他们之间的高度差、0℃层与云顶的高度差也是表征雷暴动力和电特性的重要参量;雷暴云起电过程对冰相作用有较强的依赖性;雷暴中的电活动与对流活动成正相关,闪电多发生在30dBz强回波高度大于-10℃层高度时段内,强烈的电活动与强降雨有很好的对应关系,而与一般性降雨对应关系较差;在雷暴消散期,闪电可能会影响雷暴的特性  相似文献   
A comparative study on the vertical distributions of aerosol optical properties during haze and floating dust weather in Shanghai was conducted based on the data obtained from a micro pulse lidar.There was a distinct difference in layer thickness and extinction coefficient under the two types of weather conditions.Aerosols were concentrated below 1 km and the aerosol extinction coefficients ranged from 0.25 to 1.50km-1 on haze days.In contrast,aerosols with smaller extinction coefficients(0.20 0.35 km-1) accumulated mainly from the surface to 2 km on floating dust days.The seasonal variations of extinction and aerosol optical depth(AOD) for both haze and floating dust cases were similar greatest in winter,smaller in spring,and smallest in autumn.More than 85%of the aerosols appeared in the atmosphere below 1 km during severe haze and floating dust weather.The diurnal variation of the extinction coefficient of haze exhibited a bimodal shape with two peaks in the morning or at noon,and at nightfall,respectively.The aerosol extinction coefficient gradually increased throughout the day during floating dust weather.Case studies showed that haze aerosols were generated from the surface and then lifted up,but floating dust aerosols were transported vertically from higher altitude to the surface.The AOD during floating dust weather was higher than that during haze.The boundary layer was more stable during haze than during floating dust weather.  相似文献   
Geomorphology could record long-term accumulation of tectonic movement and quantify it by relevant parameters.But because the influences of other factors such as climate and lithology,how to use the relevant parameters to reveal the relationship between geomorphology and tectonics is a research hot spot.In this paper,we utilize the variogram method and the cellular fractal model to estimate parameters such as the fractal dimension (D) and ordinate intercept (γ) from the SRTM3 DEM using a moving window operation.We compare the distribution characteristics of the parameters in different climate and lithology.The results indicate that the correlation between the parameters and lithology or climate is very poor.The fractal dimension (D) reveals a very good correlation with tectonics,which is low in tectonically inactive areas and high in active areas.It implies that fractal dimension (D) may be a new method for research of regional tectonic movement.  相似文献   
王瑾  李明元  汪华 《高原气象》2010,29(6):1533-1545
为解决单部雷达强冰雹识别产品在雷达的探测范围、雷达的静锥区以及与基于格点的近风暴环境因子的融合上存在局限性的问题,本文建立了雷达反射率因子的三维局部空间插值及多部雷达拼图方法;类似于SCIT算法的风暴单体的VIL及SHI等冰雹识别参数的计算,基于多部雷达三维插值拼图数据集,实现了格点VIL、SHI、POH和POSH等算法,建立了基于三维格点的多部雷达强冰雹识别参数因子、风暴数值模拟的近风暴环境因子(0°层及-20°层高度)为识别参数的冰雹识别算法。为确定适合于贵州地区的冰雹识别阈值,使用贵州504个防雹炮点的冰雹观测资料及贵州2005年和2006年8次贵阳、遵义雷达站冰雹个例观测资料,建立了冰雹算法校验数据库;通过对降雹校验数据库的统计分析,建立了适于贵州地区VOD与冻结层高度统计关系式,确立了VIL密度产品的强冰雹判别阈值,并通过对WTSM的调整,改进了原来的POSH算法,在贵州西北部到中部一线的一次强冰雹过程中对强降雹区的识别效果较好。  相似文献   
In 1876 Blytt proposed a post-glacial climatic classification, maintaining that the then temperature fluctuated 1- 2℃ higher or lower than that today. Lamb (1969) held that in Europe " the axis of the subtropical high pressure belt was generally displaced north by about 10° latitudes" during the Hypsithermal and that the temperature was three to six times higher than that in the postglacial period.In China, there appear relict beachrocks (living fossils) in tropical tidal zones from the Bohai Bay (40° N) to coastal areas in South China. Many relict tropical marine fossils were discovered, such as Ostrea gigas in Tianjin (which is larger than that found today in Hainan), Placuna placenta in Zhejiang and Spondylus sp. in Fujian. In Hebei, Henan and Zhejiang provinces and Guilin of Guangxi, such tropical fossil animals as Elephas maximus and Rhinoceros sp, were discovered, and in Hebei and Jiangsu provinces such fresh water fossils as Unio douglasiae were found. Their living species are still seen in So  相似文献   
张伟  季国松  廖国忠  张启跃  高慧  熊伟  夏时斌  杨剑  李华 《地质学报》2021,95(12):3961-3978
黔西南地区以丫他、烂泥沟、百地等为代表的"断控型"金矿床地处深水槽盆浊积岩沉积建造,其中烂泥沟金矿床埋深达1000m且尚未圈闭,显示了该类型矿床巨大的深部隐伏矿找矿潜力.本文基于丫他幅1∶5万矿产地质调查和以丫他金矿为典型矿床的大比例尺找矿方法试验成果,分析了本区"断控型"金矿床的地质和成矿特征,对比研究了地质、物探、化探、遥感多尺度组合异常特征,总结了"断控型"金矿床的勘探找矿模式、靶区优选依据和定量预测评价要素,并利用成矿地质体参数法对丫他金矿床及外围0~2 km深度的潜在资源量进行了定量估算.研究结果认为区域性深切断层及其浅表贯通的次级断层、裂隙网络是该区重要的控矿要素之一,不同尺度、不同组合的物化遥异常对各级别构造的规模、产状等存在响应关系.对丫他金矿床外围及其深部的资源潜力进行了定量评价,预测0~2000 m空间仍存在约112.983 t的金资源潜力.化探、遥感浅表组合异常和区域重力、电法剖面相结合的勘查技术方法,能够为本区找矿靶区的优选提供多学科交叉证据支撑,其勘探技术、评价方法值得在黔西南其他找矿远景区推广,能够为后续商业性开发投入指明方向、减少风险.  相似文献   
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