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李志  孟强  薛亮 《海洋科学进展》2020,38(2):199-210
孟加拉湾与其他热带海盆不同,在季风影响下,该地区热带气旋具有双气旋季的独特结构(4—5月的春季转换期和10—11月的秋季转换期)。虽然孟加拉湾气旋频数在10—11月较多,但是4—5月超强气旋(Saffir-Simpson 4,5级)的生成率却远高于10—11月。1981—2016年,春季转换期内孟加拉湾超强气旋都与第一支北传季节内振荡(First Northward-propagating Intra-Seasonal Oscillation,FNISO)相应而生,然而并不是所有伴随FNISO发生的气旋都能发展成为超强气旋。因此本研究以气旋生成指数为基础,利用气旋最佳轨道数据以及NCEP的海气参量数据,诊断指出孟加拉湾夏季风形成的强垂直风速剪切配合低层大气旋度和气旋潜在强度抵消夏季风期间水汽对气旋生成的促进作用,造成双峰分布,而中层大气相对湿度差异双峰不对称的主因。FNISO强度的不同与深对流中心与气旋中心的相对位置的差异,使得部分气旋受季节内振荡影响更大,强深对流的超越作用导致更显著的高低层大气温差,促使气旋具有且达到更大的潜在强度。在年际尺度上大气高低层温差的不同也是引起气旋潜在强度不同的主要原因。当季节内尺度和年际尺度共同作用,使得部分气旋发展成为超强气旋。  相似文献   
基于布放在南海东北部陆坡海域的5套潜标观测到的内孤立波波列数据和孤立波扰动KdV(PKdV)理论,研究内孤立波在趋浅陆架上的传播特征。得出如下结果:1)观测到的内孤立波属于C型内孤立波,即平均重现周期为(23.41±0.31)h。2)内孤立波在西传爬坡过程中,其振幅表现为先增大后减小再增大,与该海域温跃层深度的变化趋势一致;由观测数据和理论计算得到的孤立波振幅增长率(SAGR)数值接近,表明该海域的内孤立波的振幅变化可以采用由孤立波PKdV方程导出的趋浅温跃层理论来描述。3)随着水深变浅,内孤立波传播方向向北偏移,传播速度减小,即在A,B和D站位,传播方向分别为279°,296°和301°,偏转角度达22°;传播速度分别为2.36,2.23和1.47 m/s,减小38%。  相似文献   
南海永乐龙洞位于西沙群岛永乐环礁,是迄今为止发现的最深的海洋蓝洞,水文环境及理化因素特殊,90 m以下水体为无氧环境。为研究永乐龙洞浮游植物的群落组成及其昼夜变化,于2017年3月在龙洞、潟湖及外礁坡进行浮游植物样品采集。研究结果表明:龙洞内叶绿素a浓度呈现随深度先增大后减小的趋势,日间浓度最大值层出现在40 m层(0.42μg/L),夜间则出现在20 m层(0.59μg/L)。永乐龙洞微微型浮游植物丰度介于1.1×10^3~5.1×10^4 cells/mL。聚球藻在上层水体占优势(0~20 m),40 m以下水层原绿球藻丰度对微微型浮游植物丰度贡献率最大(90%以上),微微型真核浮游植物丰度在整个水体都较低(除20 m层)。微微型浮游植物昼夜存在明显差异,夜间其丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则上移至表层。本研究共记录微型和小型浮游植物5门41属55种(含未定种)。其中,硅藻门25属34种、甲藻门12属15种、金藻门1属1种、蓝藻3属、隐藻1属。微型和小型浮游植物丰度介于3.3×10^2~9.8×10^4 cells/L。甲藻丰度对浮游植物总丰度贡献率最大,其次是硅藻,隐藻和蓝藻丰度仅在少数水层占优势。微型和小型浮游植物昼夜变化明显,夜间丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则出现在40 m层。微微型、微型和小型浮游植物垂直分布与叶绿素a浓度垂直分布一致性高。龙洞浮游植物的种类数和丰度高于潟湖和外礁坡。  相似文献   
为确定东昆仑祁漫塔格乌兰乌珠尔地区片麻状黑云母花岗岩和二长花岗岩的形成时代、岩石成因、源区性质和构造背景,对该岩石样品进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学和锆石Hf同位素研究.结果显示:片麻状黑云母花岗岩加权平均年龄为457.5±2.3 Ma,铝饱和指数A/CNK介于0.98~1.02,属准铝质岩石,Na2O/K2O比值...  相似文献   
Wang  Fakai  Luo  Yongjiang  Liang  Yunpei  Peng  Jianming  Li  Baijun 《Natural Resources Research》2020,29(2):1351-1360

Methane content in coal seam is an essential parameter for the assessment of coalbed gas reserves and is a threat to underground coal mining activities. Compared with the adsorption-isotherm-based indirect method, the direct method by sampling methane-bearing coal seams is apparently more accurate for predicting coalbed methane content. However, the traditional sampling method by using an opened sample tube or collecting drill cuttings with air drilling operation would lead to serious loss of coalbed methane in the sampling process. The pressurized sampling method by employing mechanical-valve-based pressure corer is expected to reduce the loss of coalbed methane, whereas it usually results in failure due to the wear of the mechanical valve. Sampling of methane-bearing coal seams by freezing was proposed in this study, and the coalbed gas desorption characteristics under freezing temperature were studied to verify the feasibility of this method. Results show that low temperature does not only improve the adsorption velocity of the coalbed gas, but also extend the adsorption process and increase the total adsorbed gas. The total adsorbed methane gas increased linearly with decreasing temperature, which was considered to be attributed to the decreased Gibbs free energy and molecular average free path of the coalbed gas molecular caused by low temperature. In contrast, the desorption velocity and total desorbed gas are significantly deceased under lower temperatures. The process of desorption can be divided into three phases. Desorption velocity decreases linearly at the first phase, and then, it shows a slow decreases at the second phase. Finally, the velocity of desorption levels off to a constant value at the third phase. The desorbed coalbed gas shows a parabolic relation to temperature at each phase, and it increases with increasing temperature at the first phase, and then, it poses a declining trend with increasing temperature at the rest phases. The experimental results show that decreasing the system temperature can restrain desorption of coalbed methane effectively, and it is proven to be a feasible way of sampling methane-bearing coal seams.


Visibility determination is a key requirement in a wide range of national and urban applications, such as national security, landscape management, and urban design. Mobile LiDAR point clouds can depict the urban built environment with a high level of details and accuracy. However, few three-dimensional visibility approaches have been developed for the street-level point-cloud data. Accordingly, an approach based on mobile LiDAR point clouds has been developed to map the three-dimensional visibility at the street level. The method consists of five steps: voxelization of point-cloud data, construction of lines-of-sight, construction of sectors of sight, construction of three-dimensional visible space, and calculation of volume index. The proposed approach is able to automatically measure the volume of visible space and openness at any viewpoint along a street. This approach has been applied to three study areas. The results indicated that the proposed approach enables accurate simulation of visible space as well as high-resolution (1 m × 1 m) mapping of the visible volume index. The proposed approach can make a contribution to the improvement of urban planning and design processes that aim at developing more sustainable built environments.  相似文献   
The currents over the East China Sea continental slope northeast of Taiwan were monitored from mid-July to early December, 1992 and again from late March to early August, 1993, covering the two transition periods of monsoon seasons. In 1992, we found massive Kuroshio intrusion (onshore velocity reaching 25 cm/s or more) occurred at mid-October, a lag of one month after the wind pattern changed from southerly to northeasterly. By comparing the surface meteorological with observed cross-slope velocity, we suggest that cooling rather than direct wind forcing, i.e., mid-October cold air outbreaks associated with the Siberia highs moving across the East China Sea, may be the major cause for triggering the observed winter intrusion event. The intrusion continued until the end of the 1992 data in early December and again in late March and early April of 1993 when the data became available. In mid-April, 1993, the intrusion suddenly halted when the lows replaced the highs and the wind reversed with warm air from south. In addition, we found that short-period intrusions appeared in August and early September, 1992 and in late July, 1993. All of these summer intrusions coincide with the occurrence of typhoon passages over or further offshore of the area northeast of Taiwan.  相似文献   
冲绳海槽北段的重磁场特征及地质意义   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
1992年之前,国内对冲绳海槽的调查研究主要集中在海槽的中部和南部,而对其北段的调查研究工作却很少。根据实测的重磁异常,较深入地分析了海槽北段的地球物理场特征,构造活动地壳结构及应力状态,结果表明冲绳海槽北段同样具有强烈的地壳构造活动。  相似文献   
非线性效应对浅水水波变形的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用波数矢量无旋和波能守恒方程建立了一个考虑非线性作用的浅水水波变形数值模型,模型中采用Battjes关系与波数矢量无旋,波能守恒方程一起来求解波浪在浅水中变形的波浪要素,在波能守恒方程中考虑了底摩擦的影响。利用本文提出的数值模型对一个斜坡浅滩水域波浪折射绕射现象进行了验证,验证计算中用一个非线性经验弥散关系近似浅水水波变形的非线性效应并与用线性弥散关系的计算结果进行了比较,结果说明使用非线性  相似文献   
饵料中添加锰对中国对虾的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
报道了在以花生饼、鱼粉、玉米粉和麸皮为基本原料,加入不同浓度梯度的锰所配制的人工饵料饲喂中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis),对其增长、增重和存活率均无明显的影响,但添加适量的锰对其肝胰脏申的羧肽酶A具有激活作用。据此认为,利用上述原料生产的配合饵料可以不添加锰,但饵料中即使含锰量较高,对对虾的生长、成活也没有害处。  相似文献   
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