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Analysis of Argo float trajectories at 1 000 m and temperature at 950 m in the North Atlantic between November 2003 and January 2005 demonstrates the existence of two different circulation modes with fast transition between them. Each mode has a pair of cyclonic - anticyclonic gyres. The difference is the location of the cyclonic gyre. The cyclonic gyre stretches from southeast to northwest in the first mode and from the southwest to the northeast in the second mode. The observed modes strongly affect the heat and salt transport in the North Atlantic. In particular, the second mode slows down the westward transport of the warm and saline water from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
Synoptic features in/around thermal fronts and cross-frontal heat fluxes in the southern Huanghai./Yellow Sea and East China Sea (HES) were examined using the data collected from four airborne expendable bathythermograph surveys with horizontal approxmately 35 km and vertical 1 m(from the surface to 400 m deep) spacings. Since the fronts are strongly affected by HES current system, the synoptic thermal features in/around them represent the interaction of currents with surrounding water masses. These features can not be obtained from climatological data. The identified thermal features are listed as follows : ( 1 ) multiple boundaries of cold water, asymmetric thermocline intrusion, locally-split front by homogeneous water of approxmately 18 ℃, and mergence of the front by the Taiwan Warm Current in/around summertime southern Cheju - Changjiang/Yangtze front and Tsushima front; (2) springtime frontal eddy-like feature around Tsushima front; (3) year-round cyclonic meandering and summertime temperature-inversion at the bottom of the surface mixed layer in Cheju - Tsushima front; and (4) multistructure of Kuroshio front. In the Kuroshio front the mean variance of vertical temperature gradient is an order of degree smaller than that in other HES fronts. The southern Cheju- Changjiang front and Cheju -Tsushima front are connected with each other in the summer with comparable cross-frontal temperature gradient. However, cross-frontal heat flux and lateral eddy diffusivity are stronger in the southern Cheju - Changjiang front. The cross-frontal heat exchange is the largest in the mixing zone between the modified Huanghai Sea bottom cold water and the Tsushima Warm Current, which is attributable to enhanced thermocline intrusions.  相似文献   
G.  M.  Ingram  T.  J.  Chisholm  C.  J.  Grant  万玲 《海洋地质》2006,(2):71-80
在西北婆罗州深水区,一个活动的海上褶皱冲断带内拥有大量已经证实的烃类聚集,相信继续的勘探活动还会发现相当可观的油气。在新近纪大规模褶皱冲断带中发现典型的圈闭几何形态是上盘背斜、前陆褶皱及隆起和逆断层下盘错动断开处。商业性钻井目标位于变形的中新统和上新统沉积地层中,其中充满的油气来自现今仍然活跃的含油气系统。此处主要面临的问题是避免钻探活动变形和近期隆起期间烃类已经排出的圈闭。构造变形阶段研究列出了控制圈闭形成史和烃类保存史的一些关键要素。本文目的是提供一个有关西北婆罗州深水区褶皱冲断带的总体看法,为今后这一地区的油气勘探介绍一些重要结果。  相似文献   
A zooplankton index of biotic integrity was developed for the polyhaline waters of the Chesapeake Bay using data from a long-term environmental assessment program in which both zooplankton and water quality were regularly monitored. Summer (July to September) sampling events were classified as either coming from impaired or reference (least-impaired) conditions based on water quality conditions. Seventeen zooplankton community metrics were evaluated under these criteria and nine were chosen for a composite index. These were the Simpson diversity index, and abundance of barnacle larvae, rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, total mesozooplankton, and predators. The composite index of biotic integrity correctly classified about 94% of the impaired samples and about 82% of the reference samples. Average classification efficiency was 88%. This index appears to be an effective measure of eutrophication for the summer polyhaline waters of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem.  相似文献   
This study was conducted as an initial investigation of 'differential response' in one of the main sentinel organisms used for monitoring programmes in United Kingdom estuaries, the flounder Platichthys flesus. It has been hypothesised that monitoring using species with a wide geographical spread and limited migration, such as flounder, might result in the comparison of different genetic stocks and certainly of populations with differing early life stage contaminant exposure histories. Furthermore, it is probable that these pre-exposure and genetic differences could manifest themselves in an ability to respond differently to contaminant exposure, so-called 'differential response'. It is important that the extent and nature of this response is understood, if we want to be able to fully interpret the monitoring data from such programmes. During this study, flounder were collected from four separate sources; wild caught fish from the estuaries of the Rivers Alde, Mersey and Tyne, and farmed flounder from Port Erin Farm, Isle of Man. Under controlled laboratory conditions, groups of fish from each source were exposed to water-borne concentrations of the synthetic oestrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) at a nominal concentration of 50 ng/l. Plasma was taken from each male fish after 6 and 10 days exposure and analysed for the presence of vitellogenin (VTG) using an ELISA technique. Significant levels of VTG induction were evident in fish from all sources after both 6 and 10 days exposure. Flounder from the Mersey were the only fish with significantly elevated initial background levels of VTG (day 0) and this appeared to be reflected in that these specimens showed the highest induction response after day 6. However, after day 10, fish from all other sites had a slightly higher mean VTG than those from the Mersey which showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower mean plasma VTG. It is suggested that other differential responses may have been masked by the use of a high dose of EE2 which produced maximum induction in nearly all fish. The findings of the study are discussed in terms of implications for further research into the differential response issue and how the initial plasma VTG figures contribute to a time-series from the Mersey, Tyne and Alde estuaries.  相似文献   
从有冰川供给的斯瓦尔巴特群岛北部陆缘采集到的多波束资料揭示出一个大型海底滑坡-Hinlopen—Yemaak滑坡的详细地形特征。有许多个几百米高的平坦断崖,其中位于横穿陆架的Hirdopen深海槽口的最大的滑坡后壁的高度超过了1400m。除了有明显的压缩外,地震剖面上还见有半透声体,表明块体运移沉积物可能是重塑或液化的碎屑流堆积物,这些堆积物在一些地方有几百米厚。在大范围的块体运移沉积物的外缘,许多漂浮的块体从半透明的沉积单元中突起,  相似文献   
西北非海域的陆缘地貌因受到顺陆坡而下和平行于陆坡两个方向沉积物运移作用的相互影响而有很大改变。在几个航次的调查中,通过地球物理、沉积学和地球化学方法,对位于12&#176;~26&#176;N之间的塞内加尔和毛利塔尼亚海域的沉积物运移作用进行了调查。测深和高分辨率地震资料被用于研究再沉积的延伸范围以及内部结构。根据这些测量结果进行了沉积物取芯,并进行了沉积学和地球化学分析。  相似文献   
The effectiveness of fertilizers for crude oil bioremediation in sub-Antarctic intertidal sediments was tested over a one-year period in a series of ten (10) experimental enclosures. Chemical, microbial and toxicological parameters demonstrated the effectiveness of various fertilizers in a pristine environment where hydrocarbon degrading bacteria (HDB) had not been stimulated by previous accidental spills or human activities. The low temperature of seawater (3-4 degrees C) had no obvious effects on the HDB community and the bioremediation process. Over 90% of n-alkanes were degraded in the first six months and most light aromatics (2-3 rings) disappeared during the first year of observation. The toxicity of oiled residues (Microtox(R) SP) was significantly reduced in the first 6 months of the process, but it increased again in the last months of the experiment. One of the fertilizers containing fishbone compost enriched with urea, inorganic phosphorus and a lipidic surfactant reduced significantly the toxicity of oil residues in the last 3 months of the experiment. Interstitial waters collected below the oil slicks during the remediation showed no toxicity, and even stimulated Vibrio fischeri. When comparing all fertilizers to the control plots, a good correlation (r(2)=0.82) was found between the growth rate of HDB and the degradation rate of n-alkanes in the first 90 days of the experiment only indicating that fertilizers were efficient for at least 3 months but their beneficial effects were lost after 6 months.  相似文献   
北大西洋海流是大洋循环的重要组成部分,将热带的热量从墨西哥湾传输到北大西洋北部。这些热量被释放进向东移动的气团中,极大地改善了欧洲北部的冬季气候。我们通过模式模拟预测出:随着CO2浓度的持续增加(IPCC第3个评价报告:气候变化,2001),下个世纪的大洋循环会极大地减弱。自从20世纪60年代早期以来,我们开始观察到由于来自Nordic海的流量减少,北大西洋北部的海水不断淡化(Hansen等,2001;Dickson等,2002)。  相似文献   
Under the action of marine currents, non-cohesive sediments evolve by bed-load, by saltation or suspension depending on their granulometry. Several authors have considered that the movement of sediment...  相似文献   
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