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建立哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库是CASIN国际项目的一部分,应由中亚各国来共同完成。项目主要目的旨在建立地震学数据库,以作为今后减小哈萨克斯坦共和国地震危险性的工作基础。哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库由下列子系统构成:1)文件输入子系统;2)信息检索和提交子系统;3)信息元数据存储子系统;4)档案库运行控制子系统;5)信息安全子系统。哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库有以下功能:1)永久存储综合信息并上报和收集(记录)其他资料;2)存储数据和资料计算;3)电子文档的长期存储和管理;4)规定序号进行信息查询和文件的联机保证;5)信息统计和…  相似文献   
In this paper, the effect of pulse-type motions caused by forward directivity that can release huge amounts of energy in a short time period is studied on a telecommunication tower. Since telecommunication towers have longer periods, they are not as affected by seismic forces. Nevertheless, near source earthquakes characterized by high velocity and velocity pulses can change the behavior of these structures. For this reason, a telecommunication tower located near active faults was selected in this study. Considering the probable earthquake magnitude at the site and the distance of the tower from adjacent faults, nine simulated pulses and three near-fault earthquake records with forward directivity are selected and applied to a 3D fi nite element model of the tower. The results of nonlinear dynamic analysis, i.e., displacements and damage in the tower, indicate that the maximum displacement and drift ratio of the tower under the pulses are obviously affected by the ratio of the structure period to pulse period. When this ratio is decreased and close to 1.0, the maximum displacement and drift ratio are sharply increased and cause large displacements in the tower.  相似文献   
The classic Sverdrup theory suggests that the water movement in the central subtropical gyre of North Pa-cific be slowly westward or southwestward.In the late sixties of the20th century,the existence of a peculiar eastward narrow flow between20°N and25°N in spring was theoretically predicted.It was named the Subtropical Countercurrent(STCC),although direct observational evidences were not yet sufficient to con-firm whether or not such eastward flow between20°N and25°N was a persistent…  相似文献   
CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY BOUNDARY IN THE TINGRI REGION OF SOUTHERN TIBETtheNNSFProject(49872 0 0 3)andtheNationalProject (G19980 40 80 0 )ofChina  相似文献   
2004年12月26日苏门答腊—安达曼地震激发的地球自由振荡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据300~500S的面波估计得到的哈佛大学矩心矩张量断层机制,当周期大于1000S时,地球的地震自由振荡的振幅将异常地大。我们对一个比较陡的断层应用根据地震的体波和面波得到的更真实的破裂模型,估计了自由振荡的振幅近似等于地震矩(6.5×1022N.M),这相当于矩震级为9.15。由于破裂的持续时间达600S,故断层破裂模型足以描述地震的观测结果,但却低估了大地测量位移,这些位移表明在尼科巴群岛和安达曼群岛下面发生了缓慢的断层运动。  相似文献   
磷处理粉煤灰可作农业土壤磷源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粉煤灰(简称CCP或ash)具有改良土壤,增加植物产量的功能。此外,由于它特殊的多孔结构,也可用作吸纳并承载植物养分的载体。用NaH2PO4配制成含磷0.10mol/L浓度的溶液,对采自加拿大西安大略省Sarnia地区Lambton电厂的底灰(bottomash)进行振荡浸渍处理。结果表明,振荡浸渍66h后的粉煤灰中磷含量可达784×10-6。以磷处理粉煤灰、未进行磷处理的粉煤灰和石英砂按比例混合,作为基本生长介质进行玉米种植实验,其中实验配方设计为生长介质中含磷量分别为标准含磷浓度(50×10-6)的10%、25%、50%、75%和100%。生长26、34和46d后分别与不含磷的空白配方、施加含氮-磷-钾为0-20-0标准磷肥并控制磷含量为标准浓度(50×10-6)配方进行生物产量对比。生长实验结果表明,以磷处理粉煤灰供磷的生长介质,当含磷量为标准浓度的25%至100%时,其植物生长量就比添加标准浓度磷肥的配方好。种植46d后的生物生长量统计结果显示,含磷分别为标准浓度50%、75%和100%的实验介质中,玉米杆的鲜重较施标准磷肥介质中玉米分别增长39.46%、42.73%和46.13%;玉米杆干重依次增加29.71%、13.39%和28.87%;根鲜重平均增加16.62%;根干重平均增加14.03%。上述实验结果启示,粉煤灰可以很好地吸纳承载磷养分,并持续供给植物吸收生长,如果采用吸纳磷(或其他养分)的粉煤灰改良砂质土壤将有重要意义。  相似文献   
Based on fission track dating of apatite, and measurement of vitrinite reflectance of rock samples from the Longmenshan (Longmen Mountain)area and the West Sichuan foreland basin and computer modelling it is concluded that (l)the Songpan-Garze fold belt has uplifted at least by 3-4 km with an uplift rate of no less than 0.3-0.4 mm/a since 10 Ma B.P.; (2) the Longmenshan thrust nappe belt has uplifted at least by 5-6 km with an uplift rate of more than 0.5- 0.6 mm /a since 10 Ma B.P.; (3) the Longmenshan detachment belt has uplifted by 1 - 2 km at a rate of 0.016-0.032 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (4) the West Sichuan foreland basin has uplifted by 1.7-3 km at a rate of 0.028-0.05 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (5) the uplift rate of the area on the west side of the Beichuan-Yingxiu-Xiaoguanzi fault for the last 10 Ma is 40 times as much as that on its east side; (6) the uplifting of the the Songpan - Garze fold belt and the subsidence of the West Sichuan foreland basin 60 Ma ago exhibit a mirro-image correlation, i.e  相似文献   
正 As the Middle Triassic of China is generally fossiliferous only in its upper part, i. e., the Ladinic, the discovery of the Anisic fauna is interesting and it seems desirable to give an account of the remains. The material was collected  相似文献   
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION. "One of the striking features in the Tsinan plain is a group ofisolated hillocks standing up boldly from it. Though mainly overgrown withvegetation, they are distinguishable by ther shape and dark colour from thelight-grey tabular limestone islands which for the last outposts pushedforward by the mountains lying to the south."  相似文献   
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