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Diamondiferous kimberlites occur in eastern Finland, in the areas of Kaavi–Kuopio and Kuhmo. Active diamond exploration has been ongoing in the country for over two decades, but the Karelian craton still remains under explored given its size and potential. In order to develop techniques that can be applied to diamond exploration in glaciated terrains, the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) carried out a detailed heavy mineral and geochemical survey of Quaternary till in 2001–2003 around two of the known kimberlitic bodies in Finland, Pipe 7 in Kaavi and Dyke 16 in Kuhmo. The mineralogical and geochemical signatures of these two kimberlites were studied in the basal till deposited down-ice from the targets. The kimberlites were selected to represent two different types in terms of shape, size, age and petrology, as well as showing contrasting country rocks and Quaternary deposits. Till samples up to 60 kg in weight were taken by excavator and by drill rig. Kimberlitic indicator mineral grains (0.25–1.0 mm) were concentrated using a GTK modified 3″Knelson Concentrator. Fine fractions (< 0.063 mm) of selected samples were analyzed by XRF and ICP-MS. The indicator grains down-ice from Pipe 7 form a well-defined fan in the basal till that can be followed for at least 2 km with a maximum concentration at 1.2 km distance from the pipe. Another kimberlitic body discovered during the study 300 m down-ice from Pipe 7 demonstrates that there are in fact at least two superimposed indicator fans. The results do not rule out the possibility of even more undiscovered kimberlitic sources in the area. In contrast, the indicator dispersal trail from Dyke 16 is shorter (1 km) and less well-defined than that at Kaavi, mainly due to the lower indicator content in the kimberlite itself and subsequently in till, as well as a large population of background chromites in till. The latter population is likely having been derived from the Archean Näätäniemi serpentinite massif and the associated ultramafic metavolcanics of the Kuhmo greenstone belt, located ca. 30 km up-ice from the sampling area. The indicator maximum at Seitaperä dyke swarm occurs immediately down-ice from the kimberlite, after which the concentration drops rapidly. Results of this study contribute to the overall understanding of the Quaternary history of the Kaavi and Kuhmo areas, and more importantly, provide key information to diamond exploration in these particular regions and also elsewhere in glaciated terrains.  相似文献   
Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture and ion accumulation can provide a deep understanding of aspects of a region’s hydrology such as recharge rates and flow paths. By combining this approach with detrended canonical correspondence analysis, the present study investigated the vertical and spatial variation of soil moisture and chloride (Cl?) in vadose profiles of megadunes near lakes in the southeastern Badain Jaran Desert, northwestern China. Soil moisture varied vertically within the dune profiles following exponential, logarithmic, or log-normal distributions at different sites as a result of regulation by different local controls. The main local controls for Cl? concentration were slope and orientation of the dune. Cl? was not affected by local controls at depths >5 m. Sills of spatial variation in soil moisture and Cl? in the variogram analysis were highly sensitive to local controls in the top 4 m of the profiles, and the values were three times those at depths >4 m. The lag for soil moisture was insensitive to local controls, and was 50–60 m in the top 4 m of the profiles and 20 m in deeper layers, whereas the lag for Cl? was about 20 m at all depths. The results demonstrate that understanding recharge rates using factors such as Cl? accumulation requires a careful survey to ensure that the local controls that regulate these factors are adequately accounted for.  相似文献   
Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases are expected to contribute to a global warming. This paper examines the potential implications of a climatic change corresponding to a doubling of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 on crop production opportunities throughout Ontario, a major food producing region in Canada. The climate is projected to become warmer and drier, but the extent of these shifts are expected to vary from region to region within Ontario. The effect of this altered climate on crop yields and the area of land capable of supporting specific crops varies according to region, soil quality and crop type. Most notable are the enhanced opportunities for grains and oilseeds in the northern regions, and the diminished production prospects for most crops in the most southerly parts of Ontario.  相似文献   
Apparent ages of the paleosoils buried under ash deposits or lava flows cannot be used without a correct understanding of the soil type buried by the volcanic event. Considering the apparent ages measured in the French «Massif Central» we can accept the rejuvenation of 500 years generally used if mollisols (sol bruns) are concerned. The rejuvenation can reach 4,000 years or more in the case of buried andosoils whose mean residence time of carbon is generally of 2,000 to 6,000 years. These observations have to be taken into account in the future to establish more accurate chronosequences of the volcanic events using paleosoil14C datations.  相似文献   
This paper examines the evidence for the model of a small cumulus cloud represented as a quasi static but turbulent entity, growing on the upshear side and decaying on the downshear side. While the air just outside the cloudy outline is, on average, stationary relative to the embedding airmass, there is a slight flow, upwards and forward as though the updraft has induced upward motion in the clear air outside the cloud, on the growing side. On the decaying side the motion is downwards and away from the cloud.This is a flow pattern which is not consistent with the air flowing around the cloud as it moves forward but it agrees well with the picture given. Decayed remnants of cloud are found throughout the air previously occupied by the cloud. The cloud outline moves through the embedding air at a velocity which is almost as large as the relative motion of the subcloud feeding airflow (which is almost free from internal wind shear in strong convection).The mixing of dry air from above the inversion yields the observed diluted liquid water content in small cumuli, if such mixing is allowed to proceed until the cloud density equals that of the surrounding air. Quantitative conditions relating the liquid water to inversion temperature and moisture changes, and to the stability of the environment are presented. The strong vertical mixing from the top of the cloud downwards is important to microphysical processes.  相似文献   
A regional geochemical and mineralogical study aimed at investigating the mineralization in the western-part of the Walawe Ganga (river) Basin in Sri Lanka is represented in this paper. The river basin is the 3rd largest in the country and has within it a boundary zone between two geologically different crustal blocks, which are marked by granulitic grade rocks and amphibolite grade rocks. Size fractions of stream sediments (< 63 μm; 63–125 μm; 125–177 μm and 177–250 μm) developed on the granulite-grade metamorphic terrain have been analysed at their source for their mineralogical and selected element compositions. Thirty-eight (38) sediment samples and 15 representative probable parent rock samples were chemically analysed giving special emphasis to the High Field Strength trace Elements (HFSE) including the Rare Earth Elements (REE). The granulite grade rocks in the study area is geochemically similar to that of post Archean upper crust. However the stream sediments developed from the high-grade rocks during the intense weathering, are markedly enriched with HFSE and REE. The enrichment of HFSE and LREE is accounted for by the presence of HFSE- and REE- rich accessory mineral phases such as zircon, monazite, apatite, garnet and rutile in the sediments. In some samples, the content of heavy minerals contributes as much as 50 wt. %. These minerals act as a source of elements in the sediments. However, extreme hydraulic sorting of HFSE- and REE-bearing minerals during the sediment deposition cannot be expected within a short distance from near the sources except from a mineralized occurrence. Therefore, the higher enrichment of these elements presumably indicates occurrences of scattered mineral sources such as highly differentiated granites and associated pegmatites within the Walawe Ganga drainage basin. These granitic pegmatites are probably intruded during or soon after the main granulite-facies metamorphic event and similar events are seen in other terrains of East-Gondwana.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the impact of ambient temperature changes on the gravity reading of spring-based relative gravimeters. Controlled heating experiments using two Scintrex CG5 gravimeters allowed us to determine a linear correlation (R \(^{2}>\) 0.9) between ambient temperature and gravity variations. The relation is stable and constant for the two CG5 we used: ?5 nm/s\(^{2}/^\circ \)C. A linear relation is also seen between gravity and residual sensor temperature variations (R \(^{2}>\) 0.75), but contrary to ambient temperature, this relation is neither constant over time nor similar between the two instruments. The linear correction of ambient temperature on the controlled heating time series reduced the standard deviation at least by a factor of 2, to less than 10 nm/s\(^{2}\). The laboratory results allowed for reprocessing the data gathered on a field survey that originally aimed to characterize local hydrological heterogeneities on a karstic area. The correction of two years of monthly CG5 measurements from ambient temperature variations halved the standard deviation (from 62 to 32 nm/s\(^{2}\)) and led us to a better hydrological interpretation. Although the origin of this effect is uncertain, we suggest that an imperfect control of the sensor temperature may be involved, as well as a change of the properties of an electronic component.  相似文献   
Raman spectra of natural analcime have been recorded at atmospheric pressure and up to 9.4 kbar. The basic Si, Al-O network vibrations are little affected by pressure even though significant volume changes and a minor phase transition take place. However, the 3,557 cm?1 OH-stretch mode is modified in that band splitting takes place indicating at least two O-OH hydrogen bond distances. Thus there are at least three sites of hydrogen bonding in analcime. The bonded water (H2O) in analcime appears to remain in the mineral at high pressure. The bulk volume change, determined previously by cell dimension measurements, can be traced to reduction of the size of the “voids” in the structure. This is deduced from the fact that Si-Al-O vibrations are little affected by pressure but O-H vibrations of water molecules found in the voids are strongly pressure-dependent.  相似文献   
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