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The 03 February 2002 Çay Earthquake (Mw ~6.7) occurred on the fault segment between Eber and Ak?ehir Lakes followed by a large aftershock (Mw ~5.6) near the western end of the fault and two sequential aftershocks. We computed the coseismic surface displacements from static GPS measurements to determine the fault geometry parameters and uniform slip components. The coseismic displacements were obtained through combining the regional pre-earthquake and post-earthquake GPS data. Fault geometry and slips were acquired through the inversion of GPS data modeling the events as elastic dislocations in a half-space and assuming all four events took place on the same fault plane. Results suggest that one-segment fault of ~33 km length and dipping ~43° northward suffices to model the dislocation, assuming uniform slip distribution with 0.51 m dip slip, 0.26 m left-lateral slip extending to a depth down to ~11.5 km which is consistent with seismological evidence. The results also verify the normal faulting in the eastern flank of Isparta Angle which has long been assumed as a thrusting structure. While the available data cannot identify the four individual events on the same day, an attempted distributed slip model differentiates dip slip and left-lateral slips near the hypocenter with maximum values of ~1 and 0.6 m, respectively.  相似文献   
The interpretation of fluvial styles from the rock record is based for a significant part on the identification of different types of fluvial bars, characterized by the geometric relationship between structures indicative of palaeocurrent and surfaces interpreted as indicative of bar form and bar accretion direction. These surfaces of bar accretion are the boundaries of flood‐related bar increment elements, which are typically less abundant in outcrops than what would be desirable, particularly in large river deposits in which each flood mobilizes large volumes of sediment, causing flood‐increment boundary surfaces to be widely spaced. Cross‐strata set boundaries, on the other hand, are abundant and indirectly reflect the process of unit bar accretion, inclined due to the combined effect of the unit bar surface inclination and the individual bedform climbing angle, in turn controlled by changes in flow structure caused by local bar‐scale morphology. This work presents a new method to deduce the geometry of unit bar surfaces from measured pairs of cross‐strata and cross‐strata set boundaries. The method can be used in the absence of abundant flood‐increment bounding surfaces; the study of real cases shows that, for both downstream and laterally accreting bars, the reconstructed planes are very similar to measured bar increment surfaces.  相似文献   
The flow of plasma on the sunward side of a comet is investigated by means of an axialsymmetric model based on hydrodynamics modified by source terms. The model assumes a given curvature of the isobaric surfaces, which corresponds to paraboloids around the nucleus of the comet. The flow on the axis can be represented by a solution of a system of seven ordinary differential equations (respectively five in case of pure photo-ionization). The flow pattern always contains a widely detached bow shock and a contact discontinuity separating a cavity with purely cometary plasma from the transition region containing also solar wind ions. The model is applied to the special case where the cometary gas is ionized by the solar UV radiation only. Numerical solutions are integrated for five levels of production of neutral gas by the comet and for seven typical situations in the undisturbed solar wind. The results imply standoff distances of the stagnation point from the nucleus of the order of 10 000 km or more, and distances of the bow shock of the order of 106–107 km.  相似文献   
Summary The conditions of metamorphism and petrogenesis of Kef Lakhal amphibolites and associated amphibolite and olivine-rich lenses are discussed. The Kef Lakhal amphibolites contain plagioclase ranging from An85 and An12 and Ca-poor normally zoned garnet (< 9 wt% CaO) and were last metamorphosed to upper amphibolite facies. The amphibolite lenses invariably contain calcic plagioclase (An97-78) and Ca-rich (up to 14 wt% CaO) doubly zoned garnets. Based on garnet zoning, it is found that the lenses experienced the three metamorphisms recorded elsewhere in the massif whereas the main amphibolites suffered only the last two metamorphisms, the last of which reached conditions of about T= 700 ± 80 °C and P= 8–10 Kb. This agrees with two unrelated igneous suites and is supported by the chemistry of the rocks and quantitative modelling. The Kef Lakhal amphibolites were formed by olivine-dominated fractional crystallisation processes from melts derived by partial melting of a homogeneous source and preserve MORB affinities. The amphibolite lenses were also evolved by fractional processes dominated by olivine but from a less homogeneous source and have island arc characteristics. The associated olivine-rich lenses are lherzolite-harzburgite mantle residua which suffered up to 35% melting. Bearing in mind the lack of isotopic and structural information, the data presented in this study indicate that fractional crystallisation of liquids produced through non model melting of these residua does not reproduce the composition of either of the amphibolites. Fractionation of melts similar to those derived from the Ronda peridotites yield compositions similar to the Edough amphibolites.
Die Entstehung der Edough Amphibolite, Annaba, NE Algerien; zwei basische Magmen und das Lherzolit-Harzburgit-Residuum einer möglichen Magmenquelle
Zusammenfassung Die Metamorphosebedingungen und die Petrogenese der Amphibolite von Kef Lakhal und der mit ihnen assoziierten Amphibolit- und Olivin-reichen Linsen werden diskutiert. Die Kef Lakhal-Amphibolite enthalten Plagioklas, dessen Zusammensetzung von An85 bis An12 schwankt, und Ca-armen, normal zonierten Granat (< 9 Gew % CaO). Sie wurden unter Bedingungen der obenen Amphibolitfacies metamorphosiert. Die Amphibolit-Linsen führen stets Ca-reichen (An97-78) Plagioklas und doppelt zonierten Granat (bis zu 14 Gew % Ca0). Die Granatzonierung läßt erkennen, daß die Linsen drei Metamorphose-Phasen, die auch sonst in dem Massiv nachgewiesen wurden, ausgesetzt waren. Die letzte Phase erreichte Bedingungen von ungefähr T = 700 ± 80 °C und P = 8–10 kb. Dies weist auf zwei, miteinander nicht verwandte magmatische Gesteinsabfolgen hin; dieses Konzept wird durch die chemische Zusammensetzung und durch quantitative Modellierung unterstützt. Die Kef Lakhal-Amphibolite wurden durch Olivin-dominierte fraktionierte Kristallisation aus Schmelzen gebildet, die durch partielle Aufschmelzung einer homogenen Quelle entstanden sind und MORB-Charakteristik haben. Die Amphibolit-Linsen gehen auch auf Olivin-dominierte Fraktionierungs-Prozesse zurück, hatten aber eine weniger homogene Quelle und zeigen Inselbogen-Charakteristika. Die assoziierten Olivin-reichen Linsen sind Lherzolit-Harzburgit Mantel-Residua, die von bis zu 35% Aufschmelzung betroffen waren. Obwohl zu berücksichtigen ist, daß isotopengeologische und strukturelle Daten fehlen, zeigen die Ergebnisse, daß fraktionierte Kristallisation von Schmelzen, die durch Non-Modell Aufschmelzung der Residua entstanden sind, nicht die Zusammensetzung der Amphibolite reproduzieren können. Hingegen liefert Fraktionierung von Schmelzen, die denen des RondaPeridotits ähnlich sind, Zusammensetzungen, die denen der Edough Amphibolite ähnlich sind.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   
We analyze the data presented in a previous paper by Gyulzadyan and Petrosian, and discuss the results of a statistical investigation of the relationship between SBS galaxies and Zwicky clusters. The main results are that SBS galaxies follow the overall galaxy distribution in clusters and they do not avoid any type of Zwicky cluster. There is a significantly higher probability of finding SBS galaxies occurring in medium compact clusters than in open clusters. They also follow the well-established morphology-density relation. Earlier morphological type, higher luminosity, larger linear size, and redder SBS galaxies tend to be found in clusters with higher compactness, or in more compact regions of the clusters. The number distribution of SBS galaxies in Zwicky open clusters probably follows the distribution of normal galaxies. The number distribution of SBS galaxies in medium compact and compact clusters shows two-maxima structure. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 225–236 (May 2009).  相似文献   
A broad sample of computed realistic equations of state of superdense matter with a quark phase transition is used to construct a series of models of neutron stars with a strange quark core. The integral characteristics of the stellar configurations are obtained: gravitational mass, rest mass, radius, relativistic moment of inertia, and red shift from the star's surface, as well as the mass and radius of the quark core within the allowable range of values for the central pressure. The parameters of some of the characteristic configurations of the calculated series are also given and these are studied in detail. It is found that a new additional region of stability for neutron stars with strange quark cores may exist for some models of the equation of state.  相似文献   
With a multi-proxy approach, an attempt was made to constrain productivity and bottom-water redox conditions and their effects on the phosphorus accumulation rate at the Mohammed Plage section on the Tarfaya coast, Morocco, during the Cenomanian-Turonian Anoxic Event (OAE 2). A distinct δ13Corg isotope excursion of +2.5‰ occurs close to the top of the section. The unusually abrupt shift of the isotope excursion and disappearance of several planktonic foraminiferal species (e.g. Rotalipora cushmani and Rotalipora greenhornensis) in this level suggests a hiatus of between 40–60 kyrs at the excursion onset. Nevertheless, it was possible to determine both the long-term environmental history as well as the processes that took place immediately prior to and during OAE 2. TOC% values increase gradually from the base of the section to the top (from 2.5% to 10%). This is interpreted as the consequence of a long-term eustatic sea-level rise and subsidence causing the encroachment of less oxic waters into the Tarfaya Basin. Similarly a reduction in the mineralogically constructed ‘detrital index’ can be explained by the decrease in the continental flux of terrigenous material due to a relative sea-level rise. A speciation of phosphorus in the upper part of the section, which spans the start and mid-stages of OAE 2, shows overall higher abundances of Preactive mass accumulation rates before the isotope excursion onset and lower values during the plateau. Due to the probable short hiatus, the onset of the decrease in phosphorus content relative to the isotope excursion is uncertain, although the excursion plateau already contains lower concentrations. The Corg/Ptotal and V/Al ratios suggest that this reduction was mostly likely caused by a decrease in the available bottom oxygen content (probably as a result of higher productivity) and a corresponding fall in the phosphorus retention ability of the sediment. Productivity appears to have remained high during the isotope plateau possibly due to a combination of ocean-surface fertilisation via increased aridity (increased K/Al and Ti/Al ratios) and/or higher dissolved inorganic phosphorus content in the water column as a result of the decrease in sediment P retention. The evidence for decreased P-burial has been observed in many other palaeoenvironments during OAE 2. Tarfaya's unique upwelling paleosituation provides strong evidence that the nutrient recycling was a global phenomenon and therefore a critical factor in starting and sustaining OAE 2.  相似文献   
Observations of radio emission at 3.3 mm wavelength associated with magnetic fields in active regions are reported. Results of more than 200 regions during the years 1967–1968 show a strong correlation between peak enhanced millimeter emission, total flux of the longitudinal component of photospheric magnetic fields and the number of flares produced during transit of active regions. For magnetic flux greater than 1021 maxwells flares will occur and for flux of 1023 maxwells the sum of the H flare importance numbers is about 40. The peak millimeter enhancement increases with magnetic flux for regions which subsequently flared. Estimates of the magnetic energy available and the correlation with flare production indicate that the photospheric fields and probably chromospheric currents are responsible for the observed pre-flare heating and provide the energy of flares.This work was supported in part by NASA Contract No. NAS2-7868 and in part by Company funds of The Aerospace Corporation.  相似文献   
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