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正 为了完成工苏联共产党第廿一次代表大会给地质部门提出的任务,必须进行地质和水文地质测量,以便为有成效地进行各种矿物原料(其中包括象地下水这样的重要的矿产)的普查与勘探工作,提供必要的科学依据。但是苏联的领土在水文地质方面研究得不平衡和不充分,比地质方向要差得多。尽管苏联领土的水文地质研究程度是比较浅的,  相似文献   
西北非海域的陆缘地貌因受到顺陆坡而下和平行于陆坡两个方向沉积物运移作用的相互影响而有很大改变。在几个航次的调查中,通过地球物理、沉积学和地球化学方法,对位于12°~26°N之间的塞内加尔和毛利塔尼亚海域的沉积物运移作用进行了调查。测深和高分辨率地震资料被用于研究再沉积的延伸范围以及内部结构。根据这些测量结果进行了沉积物取芯,并进行了沉积学和地球化学分析。  相似文献   
编写海岸水册是研究海岸水文和地貌的最终目的。海岸水册总括海的沿岸水文和地貌的全部费料(包括河口)。水册是修建商港、军港,规划商业航行和军事航行、鱼业、沿岸城市经济和设计海堤等工作所必需的。许多海洋国家最近才开始整理多年视察所得的零散的材料,编纂水册。苏联已编好了黑海水册,其他海岸水册也在编写中。  相似文献   
从有冰川供给的斯瓦尔巴特群岛北部陆缘采集到的多波束资料揭示出一个大型海底滑坡-Hinlopen—Yemaak滑坡的详细地形特征。有许多个几百米高的平坦断崖,其中位于横穿陆架的Hirdopen深海槽口的最大的滑坡后壁的高度超过了1400m。除了有明显的压缩外,地震剖面上还见有半透声体,表明块体运移沉积物可能是重塑或液化的碎屑流堆积物,这些堆积物在一些地方有几百米厚。在大范围的块体运移沉积物的外缘,许多漂浮的块体从半透明的沉积单元中突起,  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS Engine的地震风险预报与评估系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出利用ArcGIS Engine技术结合地震相关分析理论进行地震风险预报与评估系统设计,阐述设计原理及优势,并编程实现。系统综合集成地震分析、空间分析、重力分析及统计检验等功能,能有效提高地震风险预测评估一体化程度及震前灾害预警效率,并为地震灾害预警研究提供参考。  相似文献   
A study on the inputs of organic matter to marine sediments of Santos Bay and Estuary, located in southeastern S?o Paulo State, Brazil, is presented here. The following geochemical markers were identified and quantified: aliphatic hydrocarbons (normal and isoprenoid alkanes), petroleum biomarkers, linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Sediment samples, collected at 15 sites in the bay and surrounding channels, were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometer detectors. Total concentrations varied from 0.17 to 107.80 microg g(-1) for aliphatics, from 47.2 to 2560.1 ng g(-1) for petroleum biomarkers, from 16.9 to 430.6 ng g(-1) for LABs and from 79.6 to 15389.1 ng g(-1) for PAHs. Anthropogenic contributions were apparent, indicating the influences of the Cubatao industrial complex, sewage outfalls along the area, the waste deposit of Santos city and storage facilities for petroleum and derivatives, based on the higher concentrations of geochemical markers detected.  相似文献   
Reasons are given for the introduction of two new stage-names in the series of steps by which the present land-surface has evolved. The term Paote Stage is proposed for the long-recognized phase of aggradation (between the Tanghsien and Fenho erosional stages) during which the Red Clays and high gravels accumulated. The importance of the Chingshui Stage has not previously been appreciated, but it is now clear that an epoch of erosion separated the Sanmen and Malan (loess) Stages of accumulation. When Dr. Andersson first applied the term Fenho Stage to the dissection seen in the Chaitang Basin, Dr. V. K. Ting had not yet discovered the Sanmen beds. With the recognition that these beds were not an isolated deposit but represented a distinct change of conditions which left its mark widespread over Northern China, it became necessary to establish the exact relationship between the Sanmen and Fenho in Willis's type area.  相似文献   
14.1关于地震后果哈萨克斯坦地区广阔,它包括西哈萨克斯坦、克孜勒奥尔达、南哈萨克斯坦、江布尔、阿拉木图和东哈萨克斯坦(州),这些地区都属于地震危险区域。地震最活动地区是天山、准噶尔阿拉套、塔尔巴哈台和阿尔泰造山作用地区。在19世纪末和20世纪初,仅天山地区就发生了数次破坏性地震,其中韦尔诺耶、奇利克和克明地震列入世界灾难性地震。这些地震的烈度为8—11度,地震导致人员死亡,建筑物破坏。例如,1911年1月4日克明地震,震级为M8.2,震中烈度大于11度,人员伤亡245人;1887年6月9日韦尔诺耶地震,震级为M7.3,烈度9—10度,在韦尔诺耶城…  相似文献   
以杰尔图拉克矿化特征为例研究了阿穆尔河流域碳酸盐岩中金的成矿作用,并将碳酸盐围岩和矿石与美国内华达州卡林金矿床进行了地球化学和岩石化学的比较分析.查明了含有粘土-水云母(K、Al)组分及多种成矿元素的白云岩的矿化富集趋势.矿体为条带状或角砾状白云岩,它具有脉状金-多金属、透镜状金-磁铁矿-磁黄铁矿及浸染状金-黄铁矿-毒砂等矿化.矿化在碳酸盐岩层剖面中占据一定的层位.矿石特征是金以不同粒度的、成色高的游离金存在,并与辰砂共生.杰尔图拉克矿床金-黄铁矿-毒砂成矿作用与卡林型金矿床相似,特别是与乌拉尔的沃龙佐夫矿床碳酸盐岩金矿石相似.总结了阿穆尔河流域碳酸盐岩地层中金矿的找矿远景.  相似文献   
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