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当今地球上的自然环境,呈现一派荒废景象,其责任大半要归咎于人类的活动。荒废就意味着对人类生存环境的破坏。人类生存环境的复生关系到地球自然状态的恢复。然而,复生和恢复并不只是恢复以前的状态,而是要以新的发展来考虑问题。  相似文献   
为了适应到木世纪末,全国工农业总产值翻两番宏伟战略目标的需要,通过科学地总结历史经验,探索一些符合水文地质工作性质和特点的方针政策与科学技术进步措施,以提高水文地质工作经济效益和社会效益,促进水文地质工作出现新局面。  相似文献   
In a previous paper I have described at some length the geological structure of the Peking plain, and explained how this governs the underground flow of water. The present paper is intended to supplement the earlier one.  相似文献   
本文通过对瓜达卢皮山国家公圆的分区和评价,提出了一种对土地系统和景观单元进行划分的方法。划分土地系统和景观单元,以许多相关因素作为基础。给一些小的区域下定义,然后再将这些小区域合并成大区域。  相似文献   
美国对海洋的控制,是通过庞大的军事基地网实现的。目前,美军在太平洋区域有完整的三线基地网,在大西洋区域建有完备的二线基地网。美军的意图是,战时通过控制全球16条海上要道,赢得对各大洋的控制权。  相似文献   
当今世界所有工业发展国家关于安全以及居民、地区、国民经济工程设施对人为灾害和自然灾害的防护问题,已成为没有地理和民族界限的最重要的社会经济、人口学和生态研究问题。因此,建立与地震安全性保障有关的国家科技课题是极为重要的。在哈萨克斯坦,研究人员拓展了地震监测系统构思,在其基础上制定了优先问题的计划:——研究地震危险性评定的方法学和编制不同比例尺的地震区划图以作为进行建设和合理利用土地的标准文件。——研究地震发生地点、强度和时间预报的方法,建立地震活动性和地震预报的地震监测系统。——研究监测的方法学,对有…  相似文献   
1 ВведениеВсвязистем,чтоРеспубликаУзбекистанрасположенанасейсмоактивнойтерриторииЗападногоТянь- Шанябольшуюважностьимеютвопросысейсмическогорайонированияипрогнозированияместа,силыивременисильныхземлетрясений. СэтойцельювИнститутесейсмологииАНТУзБылпрове…  相似文献   
Studies of the formation process of water-in-oil emulsions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper summarizes studies to determine the formation process of water-in-oil emulsions and the stability of such emulsions formed in the laboratory and in a large test tank. These studies have confirmed that water-in-oil mixtures can be grouped into four states: stable emulsions, unstable water-in-oil mixtures, mesostable emulsions, and entrained water. These states are differentiated by rheological properties as well as by differences in visual appearance. The viscosity of a stable emulsion at a shear rate of one reciprocal second is about three orders of magnitude greater than that of the starting oil. An unstable emulsion usually has a viscosity no more than about 20 times greater than that of the starting oil. A stable emulsion has a significant elasticity, whereas an unstable emulsion does not. A mesostable emulsion has properties between stable and unstable, but breaks down within a few days of standing. The usual situation is that emulsions are either obviously stable, mesostable, or unstable. Entrained water, water suspended in oil by viscous forces alone, is also evident. Very few emulsions have questionable stability. Analytical techniques were developed to test these observations.

The type of emulsion produced is determined primarily by the properties of the starting oil. The most important of these properties are the asphaltene and resin content and the viscosity of the oil. The composition and property ranges of the starting oil that would be required to form each of the water-in-oil states are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

对哈萨克斯坦几次M≥6强震前动物行为异常的有关资料进行了研究,发现动物(20种)是通过其行为反应的变化对地震作出响应的。另外,在阿拉木图的山前地带(地震活动值大于9),对动物血液学和生物学指数上的动态变化进行了观察。  相似文献   
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