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Because the flexible net barrier is a gradually developed open-type debris-flow counter-measure, there are still uncertainties in its design criterion. By using several small-scale experimental flume model tests, the dynamical evolution properties of debris flows controlled by large and small mesh-sized (equal to D90 and D50, respectively) flexible net barriers are studied, including the debris flow behaviors, segregation, and permeability of sediments, as well as the energy absorption rates and potential overtopping occurring when debris flows impact the small mesh-sized one. Experimental results reveal that (a) two sediment deposition patterns are observed depending on variations in debris flow textures and mesh sizes; (b) the aggregation against flexible net barriers is dominated by flow dynamics; (c) the segregation and permeable functions of the barrier are determined by the mesh size, concentration, and flow dynamics; and (d) the smaller mesh-sized flexible net barrier tends to be more efficient in restraining more turbulent debris flows and can absorb greater rate of kinematic energy, and finally, the great kinematic energy dissipation that occurs when secondary debris flows interact with the post-deposits in front of the small mesh-sized flexible net barrier is believed to cause the failure of overtopping phenomenon. The mesh size is concluded to be the decisive parameter that should be associated with debris flow textures to design the control functions of flexible net barriers.  相似文献   
We study the steady-state structure of an accretion disc with a corona surrounding a central, rotating, magnetized star. We assume that the magneto-rotational instability is the dominant mechanism of angular momentum transport inside the disc and is responsible for producing magnetic tubes above the disc. In our model, a fraction of the dissipated energy inside the disc is transported to the corona via these magnetic tubes. This energy exchange from the disc to the corona which depends on the disc physical properties is modified because of the magnetic interaction between the stellar magnetic field and the accretion disc. According to our fully analytical solutions for such a system, the existence of a corona not only increases the surface density but reduces the temperature of the accretion disc. Also, the presence of a corona enhances the ratio of gas pressure to the total pressure. Our solutions show that when the strength of the magnetic field of the central neutron star is large or the star is rotating fast enough, profiles of the physical variables of the disc significantly modify due to the existence of a corona.  相似文献   
Photometric observations of CU Eridani, recently classified as non-variable, indicate it to be a variable star.  相似文献   
Seismic observations exhibit the presence of abnormal b-values prior to numerous earthquakes. The time interval from the appearance of abnormal b-values to the occurrence of mainshock is called the precursor time. There are two kinds of precursor times in use: the first one denoted by T is the time interval from the moment when the b-value starts to increase from the normal one to the abnormal one to the occurrence time of the forthcoming mainshock, and the second one denoted by T p is the time interval from the moment when the abnormal b-value reaches the peak one to the occurrence time of the forthcoming mainshock. Let T* be the waiting time from the moment when the abnormal b-value returned to the normal one to the occurrence time of the forthcoming mainshock. The precursor time, T (usually in days), has been found to be related to the magnitude, M, of the mainshock expected in a linear form as log(T)?=?q?+?rM where q and r are the coefficient and slope, respectively. In this study, the values of T, T p , and T* of 45 earthquakes with 3?≤?M?≤?9 occurred in various tectonic regions are compiled from or measured from the temporal variations in b-values given in numerous source materials. The relationships of T and T p , respectively, versus M are inferred from compiled data. The difference between the values of T and T p decreases with increasing M. In addition, the plots of T*/T versus M, T* versus T, and T* versus T-T* will be made and related equations between two quantities will be inferred from given data.  相似文献   
In the present study analysis of Landsat MSS, TM and SPOT imagery and digital analysis of IRS LISS-1 data of Doon Valley was carried out. Various geomorphic features were identified and classified, morphostratigraphy of the area has been established. Main geomorphic units of the area are Mussoorie Hill Range (Denudational), Siwalik Hills (Structural), Remnant Hills (Residual). Siwalik Piedmont. Doon Piedmont, River Terraces and Flood Plain. Three large fan lobes are identified on Doon Piedmont deposits, viz., Western fan lobe, Central fan lobe and Eastern fan lobe. Average slope of these three fan lobes are 2°21′, 2°3′, and 1°24′ for the western, central and eastern fan lobes respectively. Western and central fan lobes have been affected by neotectonic activity which is reflected in transverse profiles.  相似文献   
An automatic system for the continuous monitoring of CO2, H2S, SO2 and meteorological parameters in atmosphere has been developed. The system has been tested in the laboratory in order to verify the stability and reliability of each sensor and of the whole system. A field test for a period of one month, at the Solfatara of Pozzuoli has also been carried out. The acquired data during the field test reveal a correlation between the wind speed and the concentrations of CO2, H2S, and SO2 in the atmosphere. With a wind speed of over 4 ms-1 the concentration of the three gases reached constant background values of 600 ppm for CO2 and about 2 ppm vol. for H2S and SO2. The different ratios of H2S/SO2 measured in the fumaroles (~100) and in the atmosphere (1–0.1) clearly indicate that H2S is oxidized to SO2 during the transport.  相似文献   
Summary The quantitative XRD determination of the most common serpentinite minerals, e.g. lizardite and chrysotile, is hampered by strongly overlapping reflections. Reconnaissance investigations indicated that the reflections 204 of lizardite and 008 of chrysotile are best suited for quantitative XRD. These lines are not interferred by other minerals such as brucite, magnesite, chlorite or talc, which are common in serpentinites. A calibration curve for the determination of the chrysotile/lizardite ratios in natural serpentinites has been constructed by means of synthetically prepared chrysotile/lizardite standards. Using this method serpentinites of the Msauli Chrysotile Asbestos Mine, South Africa, were investigated for their relative chrysotile contents. It was found, that the total amount of chrysotile in the ore zone is considerably higher than the amount of extractable chrysotile asbestos fibre.
Die röntgenographische Bestimmung der Chrysotil/Lizardit-Verhältnisse in asbesthaltigen Serpentiniten
Zusammenfassung Die quantitative röntgenographische Bestimmung der beiden häufigsten Serpentinminerale, Lizardit und Chrysotil, ist wegen der Überlagerung ihrer stärksten Reflexe erschwert. Aufgrund von Voruntersuchungen konnte jedoch festgestellt werden, daß die Reflexe 204 von Lizardit und 008 von Chrysotil für die quantitative Bestimmung geeignet sind. Diese Reflexe werden nicht überlagert von denen anderer häufig in Serpentiniten vorkommender Minerale, wie z.B. Brucit, Magnesit, Chlorit oder Talk. Eine Eichkurve zur Bestimmung der Chrysotil/Lizardit-Verhältnisse in natürlichen Serpentiniten wurde mit Hilfe synthetisch hergestellter Standardmischungen aufgestellt. Serpentinite der Msauli Chrysotilasbest Mine, Südafrika, wurden aufgrund der hier vorgestellten Methoden auf ihren relativen Chrysotilanteil untersucht. Es ergab sich, daß der totale Gehalt an Chrysotil in der erzführenden Zone deutlich größer ist als der Gehalt an ausbringbaren Chrysotilasbestfasern.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
The study area is located in the central part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and is mainly covered by different varieties of Precambrian basement rocks represented mainly by younger and older granites, metadiorite, metavolcanics, and metasediments. The analysis and interpretation of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric survey data are essentially based on the computation of the three radioelements (U, Th, and K) favorability indices, estimation of uranium migration rate percentage, variation of eU with eTh and eU/eTh ratio, and the construction of the contour map of the (eU-eTh/3.5) in the different rock units. The highest percent of uranium migration- out or leaching rate is connected with the red and pink granites of Gebel Kadabora El-hamra, metadiorite, and red and pink granites of G. Umm Rakham (??20.8%, ??18.57%, and ??8.45% respectively), which indicates that they could represent a major U-source bodies in the area. It was observed that the metasediments and associated graphite-bearing schists west and northwest of G. Kadabora El-hamra reflect more precipitation than the other locations around the pluton (the uranium migration rates varies between 2.59 and 30%) which mean that the graphite may have acted as a reducing agent for uranium carried in oxidizing fluids (surface meteoric water) and resulted in its precipitation. In the light of the availability of uranium source, its mobility, and graphite-bearing metasediments, the area has a good potential for the possible occurrence of uranium mineralization.  相似文献   
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