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Analyses of 72 samples from Upper Panjhara basin in the northern part of Deccan Plateau, India, indicate that geochemical incongruity of groundwater is largely a function of mineral composition of the basaltic lithology. Higher proportion of alkaline earth elements to total cations and HCO3>Cl + SO4 reflect weathering of primary silicates as chief source of ions. Inputs of Cl, SO4, and NO3 are related to rainfall and localized anthropogenic factors. Groundwater from recharge area representing Ca + Mg–HCO3 type progressively evolves to Ca + Na–HCO3 and Na–Ca–HCO3 class along flow direction replicates the role of cation exchange and precipitation processes. While the post-monsoon chemistry is controlled by silicate mineral dissolution + cation exchange reactions, pre-monsoon variability is attributable chiefly to precipitation reactions + anthropogenic factors. Positive correlations between Mg vs HCO3 and Ca + Mg vs HCO3 supports selective dissolution of olivine and pyroxene as dominant process in post-monsoon followed by dissolution of plagioclase feldspar and secondary carbonates. The pre-monsoon data however, points toward the dissolution of plagioclase and precipitation of CaCO3 supported by improved correlation coefficients between Na + Ca vs HCO3 and negative correlation of Ca vs HCO3, respectively. It is proposed that the eccentricity in the composition of groundwater from the Panjhara basin is a function of selective dissolution of olivine > pyroxene followed by plagioclase feldspar. The data suggest siallitization (L < R and R k) as dominant mechanism of chemical weathering of basalts, stimulating monosiallitic (kaolinite) and bisiallitic (montmorillonite) products. The chemical denudation rates for Panjhara basin worked out separately for the ground and surface water component range from 6.98 to 36.65 tons/km2/yr, respectively. The values of the CO2 consumption rates range between 0.18 × 106 mol//km2/yr (groundwater) and 0.9 × 106 mol/km2/yr (surface water), which indicates that the groundwater forms a considerable fraction of CO2 consumption, an inference, that is, not taken into contemplation in most of the studies.  相似文献   
Boron, chloride, sulfate, δD, δ18O, and 3H concentrations in surface water and groundwater samples from the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine (SBMM), California, USA were used to examine geochemical processes and provide constraints on evaporation and groundwater flow. SBMM is an abandoned sulfur and mercury mine with an underlying hydrothermal system, adjacent to Clear Lake, California. Results for non-3H tracers (i.e., boron, chloride, sulfate, δD, and δ18O) identify contributions from six water types at SBMM. Processes including evaporation, mixing, hydrothermal water input and possible isotopic exchange with hydrothermal gases are also discerned. Tritium data indicate that hydrothermal waters and other deep groundwaters are likely pre-bomb (before ~1952) in age while most other waters were recharged after ~1990. A boron-based steady-state reservoir model of the Herman Impoundment pit lake indicates that 71–79% of its input is from meteoric water with the remainder from hydrothermal contributions. Results for groundwater samples from six shallow wells over a 6–month period for δD and δ18O suggests that water from Herman Impoundment is diluted another 3% to more than 40% by infiltrating meteoric water, as it leaves the site. Results for this investigation show that environmental tracers are an effective tool to understand the SBMM hydrogeologic regime.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Résumé Les concentrations en bore, chlorure, sulfate, δD, δ18O, et 3H d’échantillons d’eaux de surface et souterraine prélevés dans le banc de soufre de la mine de mercure (SBMM en anglais) en Californie, USA, ont été utilisées pour étudier les processus géochimiques et pour fournir des contraintes à l’évaporation et à l’écoulement des eaux souterraines. La SBMM est une mine de soufre et de mercure abandonnée, adjacente au lac Clear en Californie et sous laquelle se trouve un système hydrothermal.Les résultats des traceurs autres que le tritium (bore, chlorure, sulfate, δD, et δ18O) ont permis d’identifier des contributions de six types d’eaux à SBMM. Des processus tels que l’évaporation, le mélange, l’entrée d’eau hydrothermale et de possibles échanges isotopiques avec des gaz hydrothermaux ont également été identifiés. Les données de tritium montrent que les eaux hydrothermales et d’autres eaux profondes sont probablement d’age antérieure à la bombe (avant ~1952), alors que la plupart des autres eaux sont issues de la recharge après ~1990. Un modèle de réservoir représentant le lac situé dans la partie Herman Impoundment de l’ancienne mine, en régime permanent et basé sur le bore, montre que 71–79% de l’eau provient des précipitations, le reste provenant de contributions hydrothermales. Les résultats de δD et δ18O pour des échantillons d’eau souterraine de six puits peu profonds sur une période de 6 mois suggèrent que l’eau de Hermann Impoundment est encore diluée entre 3% jusqu’à plus de 40% lorsqu’elle quitte le site du fait de l’infiltration d’eau météorique. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les traceurs environnementaux constituent un outil efficace pour comprendre le régime hydrogéologique de la SBMM.

Resumen Se han utilizado datos de concentraciones de boro, cloruros, sulfatos, δD, δ18O, y 3H en muestras de aguas superficiales y subterráneas procedentes de la Mina de Mercurio Sulphur Bank (SBMM), California, USA, para estudiar los procesos geoquímicos y caracterizar la evaporación y el flujo del agua subterránea. SBMM es una mina abandonada de azufre y mercurio con un sistema hidrotermal subyacente, cercano al Lago Clear, California.Los resultados de los trazadores que no son 3H (por ejemplo, boro, cloruros, sulfatos δD, y δ18O) identifican las contribuciones de seis tipos de agua en la SBMM. Se han identificado diversos procesos, como evaporación, mezcla, entrada de agua hidrotermal y la posibilidad de intercambios isotópicos con gases hidrotermales. Los datos de tritio indican que las aguas hidrotermales y otras aguas subterráneas profundas son probablemente pre-bombas (previas a ~1952) en edad mientras que la mayoría de las otras aguas se han recargado después de ~1990. Un modelo estacionario basado en el boro de la fosa del lago Herman Impoundment indica que el 71–79% de su entrada procede de agua meteórica con restos de contribución hidrotermal. Los resultados para las muestras de aguas subterráneas procedentes de seis pozos superficiales en un periodo de 6 meses para δD y δ18O sugieren que el agua procedente de Herman Impoundment se diluye en otro 3% hasta más del 40% debido a la infiltración de agua meteórica., que sale del sitio. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que los trazadores ambientales son una herramienta efectiva para entender el régimen hidrogeológico de la SBMM.
海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷南屯组与松辽盆地孤店CO2气田泉头组发育大量含片钠铝石砂岩。通过偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、茜素红-S染色、X射线衍射、电子探针与INCA能谱分析等,对含片钠铝石砂岩的骨架碎屑组分、胶结物与自生矿物、成岩共生序列等岩石学特征进行了系统研究。研究表明,含片钠铝石砂岩的岩石类型为长石砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩,粒度以细粒、细-中粒为主,分选差-中等。砂岩中胶结物主要为次生加大石英、自生石英、片钠铝石、铁白云石和粘土矿物。其中,片钠铝石最高可达砂岩总体积的22%在砂岩中或以放射状、束状、菊花状、杂乱毛发状、毛球状、板状等集合体充填孔隙,或呈束状和板状交代长石和岩屑。电子探针与INCA能谱综合分析表明,片钠铝石主要由Na、Al、O、C等组成。在含片钠铝石砂岩中,成岩共生序列依次为粘土矿物包壳-次生加大石英、自生石英、自生高岭石-油气充注-CO2充注-片钠铝石-铁白云石。其中,CO2注入前形成的自生矿物组合主要为次生加大石英、自生石英和自生高岭石,CO2注入后形成的自生矿物组合主要为片钠铝石和铁白云石。  相似文献   
一种单线河流渐变符号的绘制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单线河流渐变符号的自动绘制是地图制图研究中的常见问题,在分析和总结现有单线河流渐变符号绘制方法的基础上,提出一种基于分段缓冲区技术的渐变线绘制方法,详细论述该方法的实现过程,并通过实例验证了该方法的可行性,为自动绘制单线河流渐变符号提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   
At present, researches on climate change of the Heihe River basin mainly focus on the relationship between basin climate change and regional water resources, regional desertification and dynamic climatic seasons of sandstorm, but less on climate change of oasis region, where there are more intense and frequent human activities. Based on data of precipitation, temperature, strong wind and dust events frequencies obtained from the six meteorological stations of Zhangye region in Heihe River basin, the features of climate change during 1968–2005 were carefully studied. Results show that the regional temperature rise rate exceeded the average level of China. The annual precipitation changed a little, but the precipitation had a slowly increasing trend in spring and winter. Frequencies of strong wind and sandstorm days show obviously descending trends, which had a close correlation with the regional temperature rise and the precipitation increase in spring and winter. Meanwhile, further human economic activities and exploitations to the oasis in the inland valley of arid regions also affected the climate change of this region, which has a sensitive and fragile eco-environment. __________ Translated from Journal of Desert Research, 2007, 27(6): 1048–1054 [译自: 中国沙漠]  相似文献   
随着地形高差增大、地貌单元多变、近地表模型复杂,目前被广泛应用的初至折射静校正的精度已无法满足精细勘探的要求。初至层析静校正技术,由给定的初始模型进行正演,用射线追踪方法得到初始模型的初至波,利用该初至波和实际拾取的初至波进行比较,计算地表模型的修正量,反复迭代求得准确的地表模型。山西省国阳新能股份有限公司二矿390水平九采扩区地表标高940~1100m,地貌单元复杂,在对该区资料处理时,利用初至层析折射静校正,经9次迭代计算后,真实地刻划出近地表模型。在二种静校正技术对比中,初至折射静校正不但近地表模型精度低于层析折射静校正,而且其叠加剖面精细程度也远低于层析静校正,如在初至折射静校正叠加剖面同相轴上呈现的凹凸形态,在层析静校正叠加剖面并无显示,且后者剖面的信噪比也比前者明显提高。  相似文献   
A new efficient algorithm for retrieving wind-vector solutions from scatterometers is developed based on a criterion of minimum normalized standard deviation (NSD) of wind speed derived from backscatter measurements using a geophysical model function (GMF). Its performance has been evaluated through simulations using QSCAT-1 GMF and the QuikSCAT observational geometry. The present algorithm, named the NSD algorithm, is found to be computationally more efficient (two to three times) besides being at par with the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) algorithm in terms of retrieval skill, retrieval errors, and distribution of solutions, on the basis of simulations as well as comparison of limited QuikSCAT-data-derived winds with National Centers for Environmental Prediction and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model winds. Simulation results and analysis of sample QuikSCAT data are presented.   相似文献   
城市三维可视化快速建模与浏览系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息时代的到来,虚拟现实做为信息技术发展重要驱动力越来越多地应用到城市建设领域中来。本文分析了虚拟现实技术如何在城市尺度上进行快速建模和浏览,并通过具体案例对该技术进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   
成矿理论与勘探实践证明,东部一些老矿由于勘探深度、范围的限制以及认识上的局限,在矿区深部、周边仍有一些矿未能发现和查明,其中相当一部分仍具有找矿潜力;而寻找西部新的煤炭资源是国家“稳定东部发展西部”战略需要。针对中国东西部不同的地质条件和勘探目标,其地震勘探野外施工方法及资料处理原则有所差异;而资料解释在东部以查明地层赋存形态、煤层赋存范围、构造发育特征为主,西部则以寻找煤系地层波阻抗差异明显、连续性好的反射波组为解释重点。地震勘探技术在中国东西部的二个典型地震时间剖面佐证了其在深部找矿的应用效果。  相似文献   
以流线、流面、汇点的概念为基础,对稳定流双井干扰和直线隔水边界附近涌水量理论公式进行对比分析,提出了二个虚拟界面,其中虚拟界面Ⅰ,运用流线、流面的性质,流线方程等给出证明;虚拟界面Ⅱ则通过半无限条形降落漏斗的分析,应用元流和总流的能量方程得到流量为零,流线为零的平面。在同样条件下,条形无限涌水量是半无限潜含水层涌水量的二倍。应用总流能量方程对三种情况水头损失的分析,解释了这种关系存在的合理性,得出虚拟界面Ⅱ,并以此得出该界面内的最大残余水头计算公式。将基坑降水运用虚拟界面简化为扇形,条形半无限含水层,从而实现单井预测,该方法应用到昊华水泥厂基坑降水中,预测效果理想。  相似文献   
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