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北岭地震时,许多新的技术,包括震源数据的实时获取、改进后的损失估计技术、地理信息系统以及不同的卫星监测系统,已经出现或被考虑作为应急管理的资源。然而,这些技术在减轻地震灾害、地震应急反应和震后恢复方面的潜在益处大多是概念性的。从1994年1月17日地震中得到的主要经验之一,就是这些技术为了解和应对重大灾害可提供显著的便利条件,并且这些技术结合起来会贡献出更大的显著效益。北岭地震之后的两年半时间内,在将相对独立的技术结合成一个系统方面迈出了重要一步,该系统对区域性破坏、损失和人口影响提供实时估计.本文将阐述应急服务组织使用的第一个实时损失估计系统的研制、运行和应用情况。  相似文献   
海上石油钻井平台乃是20世纪末的技术奇迹,仅波斯湾,墨西哥湾,北海三个海域就有钻井平台1000多座,目前钻探深度可达到12km,能够沉入海底或水中的钻井平台已经投入使用,80年代海上石油,天然气的勘探和开采总投资已达7500亿美元,海上石油开采总量已超过同期世界石油总开采量的1/3。重要的是海上石油开采比陆上石油开采更经济,可为人们提供更廉的石油,但是海上石油设施增多,钻井平台,油井等造成的石油泛  相似文献   
A "Watershed-Scale Sediment Information Network" (WaSSIN), designed to complement UNESCO’s International Sedimentation Initiative, was endorsed as an initial project by the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research. WaSSIN is to address global fluvial-sediment information needs through a network approach based on consistent protocols for the collection, analysis, and storage of fluvial-sediment and ancillary information at smaller spatial scales than those of the International Sedimentation Initiative. As a second step of implementation, it is proposed herein that the WaSSIN have a general structure of two components, (1) monitoring and data acquisition and (2) research. Monitoring is to be conducted in small watersheds, each of which has an established database for discharge of water and suspended sediment and possibly for bed load, bed material, and bed topography. Ideally, documented protocols have been used for collecting, analyzing, storing, and sharing the derivative data. The research component is to continue the collection and interpretation of data, to compare those data among candidate watersheds, and to determine gradients of fluxes and processes among the selected watersheds. To define gradients and evaluate processes, the initial watersheds will have several common attributes. Watersheds of the first group will be: (1) six to ten in number, (2) less than 1000 km2 in area, (3) generally in mid-latitudes of continents, and (4) of semiarid climate. Potential candidate watersheds presently include the Weany Creek Basin, northeastern Australia, the Zhi Fanggou catchment, northern China, the Eshtemoa Watershed, southern Israel, the Metsemotlhaba River Basin, Botswana, the Aiuaba Experimental Basin, Brazil, and the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, southwestern United States.  相似文献   
We present high-precision photometric observations of the transiting exoplanets HAT-P-40 b and HAT-P-51 b by the Rozhen 2-m telescope.The newly-observed transit of HAT-P-40 b is the first one with a complete curve.The orbital periods of the two targets were improved.We modeled the observed transits and found bigger stellar radii than those derived from the stellar models.The planet radii of HATP-40 b and HAT-P-51 b obtained from our transit solutions are bigger than the values calculated by the empirical relations for Jupiter-mass and Saturn-mass planets respectively.Their values reveal the highlyinflated nature of the two targets,especially that of HAT-P-51 b.We established that the best transit solutions correspond to a quadratic limb-darkening law.The fitted limb-darkening coefficients of HAT-P-40 are close to the theoretical ones while those of HAT-P-51 are a little different.The precise astrometric Gaia distances of the two targets are smaller by 6%–7%than the calculated values from the stellar models.We propose the Gaia distances to be used for improvement of the stellar models as well as for more reliable calculation of the parameters of the known exoplanets.  相似文献   
中苏海洋生物考查队,1958年曾在中国南海的海南岛沿岸获得了双壳类软休动物斧蛤属(Genus Donax Linné)的四种代表:豆斧蛤(Donax faba Gmelin)、乏肋斧蛤(Dona,vinearnatus Chemnitz)、热带紫藤斧蛤新亚种(Donax semigranosus Dunker tropicus Scarlatossp. nov)和楔形斧蛤(Donax cuneatus Linné)。这四种均在潮间带砂底生活,但是它们的生物学特性和在潮间带的分布则显然不同。  相似文献   
Markarian 478是典型的窄线赛弗特I星系之一。本文展示了在 2 0 0 1年 1月利用远紫外光谱探测卫星 (FUSE)观测到的Markarian 478的远紫外光谱。我们的光谱覆盖了 91 5Å ;— 1 1 85Å的波长范围 ,分辨率约为 2 0km/s。我们在连续谱上探测到OⅥλλ1 0 3 2 ,1 0 3 8、NⅢλ989和CⅢλ977强发射线。在高电离双线OⅥ以及Lyβ的蓝端线翼上出现了成协吸收线 ,而在NⅢ和CⅢ发射线上没有出现内禀吸收线。这些吸收线被分解成 5个动力学成分 ,它们相对于系统红移zem=0 .0 774的静止坐标系速度覆盖了从 -2 3 0 0~ 3 70km/s的范围  相似文献   
Guanabara Bay (GB) is considered to be one of the most polluted environments of the southern Brazilian coastline. This typical estuarine system is impacted by the heavy discharge of both industrial and domestic waste from the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area. The mollusc community structure and distribution was investigated between 2000 and 2001, using a three month sampling design of 38 stations, according to austral seasons. Species abundance was aggregated into progressively higher taxa matrices (genus, family, order) and were analysed using multivariate techniques. Mollusc distribution in GB varied significantly in space and time and was probably ruled by the organic enrichment effects of hypoxia and altered redox conditions coupled with prevailing patterns of circulation. Within the sectors of GB an increasing gradient in mollusc diversity and occurrence was observed, ranging from the azoic and impoverished stations in the inner sector to a well-structured community in terms of species composition and abundance inhabiting the outer sector. The non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) and cluster analysis showed similar results when species were aggregated into genera and families, while greater difference occurred at coarser taxonomic identification (order). The literature about taxonomic sufficiency has demonstrated that faunal patterns at different taxonomic levels tend to become similar with increased pollution. In Guanabara Bay, an analysis carried out solely at family level is perfectly adequate to describe the ecophysiological stress. Further aggregation to order level changed the perceived patterns of differences. However, a different taxonomic resolution can be chosen depending on the type of ecological patterns investigated.  相似文献   
The kinematics of superluminal components in blazar 3C 454.3 are studied.Nine components are included:superluminal knots R1,R2,R3,R4,A,B,C and D(from Britzen et al.2013) and C4(from Pauliny-Toth 1998).We find that their kinematics derived from VLBI observations can be consistently interpreted in terms of a jet precession scenario with a period of about 14.5 yr.We discuss the model fits of their trajectory,distance from the core and apparent velocity.We show that the bulk Lorentz factor(in the range 4 to 15) derived for these components does not have any dependence on the phase of the precession(or position angle for ejection).The LenseThirring effect is assumed to interpret the precession of the jet nozzle.The results obtained for blazar 3C 454.3 are only suggestive.They are not unique and have yet to be tested,but they might be useful for understanding the kinematics of superluminal components in blazars and for disentangling different mechanisms and factors.  相似文献   
From February to March 1989 the Phobos 2 spacecraft took 37 TV images of Phobos at a distance of 190-1100 km. These images complement Mariner-9 and Viking data by providing higher-resolution coverage of a large region West of the crater Stickney (40-160 degrees W) and by providing disk-resolved measurements of surface brightness at a greater range of wavelengths and additional phase angles. These images have supported updated mapping and characterization of large craters and grooves, and have provided additional observations of craters' and grooves' bright rims. Variations in surface visible/near-infrared color ratio of almost a factor of 2 have been recognized; these variations appear to be associated with the ejecta of specific large impact craters. Updated determinations of satellite mass and volume allow calculation of a more accurate value of bulk density, 1.90 +/- 0.1 g cm-3. This is significantly lower than the density of meteoritic analogs to Phobos' surface, suggesting a porous interior perhaps containing interstitial ice.  相似文献   
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