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两株琼胶酶高产细菌的筛选和鉴定 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
从海洋环境中筛选得到两株琼胶酶的高产菌株,通过形态观察和生理生化反应,确定它们属于弧菌属,通过BIOLOG细菌鉴定系统鉴定,并同弧菌属标准菌株分析比较,确定上方宝剑两株菌都是塔式弧菌(Vibrio tubiashii),这两株菌在碳源利用方面存在差别。 相似文献
长江源区河水化学成分来自雨雪、蒸发盐岩、碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩.主要支流楚玛尔河、北麓河的主要阳离子为Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+,占阳离子总量的97%以上.Ca/Na, Mg/Na, K/Na的比值较低, 87Sr/86Sr为0.709180±20~0.710280±11,河水成分以蒸发岩类溶解为主.发源于唐古拉山北坡的长江源头,及其支流主要阳离子为Ca2+,Mg2+,Na+占阳离子总量的97%以上,Ca/Na, Mg/Na, K/Na的比值较楚玛尔河等河流高, 87Sr/86Sr 为0.708954±20~0.710455±18,表现为以碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩的溶解为主.计算表明,长江河源区河水中主要化学成分来自蒸发岩中Na+和Cl-,在河流水化学成分中占比例最大,长江河水中Cl-含量从河源区向下游明显逐渐减小,反应出河源区高寒干旱环境下河流蒸发岩的化学侵蚀作用较强的特征. 相似文献
1.引言对于大多数年份来说,秘鲁和厄瓜多尔海岸以外的海洋表面水是冷的。每年圣诞节前后,一股暖流在厄瓜多尔海岸以南流动,来替换冷的表面水,这种现象被称为厄尼诺。捕鱼受到轻微的影响,但这种影响是短暂的。然而,有些年份(1891、1925、1941、1957—1958、1965、1972—1973和1976)厄尼诺强而且长。沿秘鲁海岸和赤道东太平洋洋面温度上升,并且可以持续一年以上。鳀鱼捕捞遭受破坏,南美西部热带地区发生异常的大雨。在最近几年中,厄尼诺的最初含意已经失去。对于海洋学家和气象学家来说,现在的厄尼诺则意味着这种主要现象。较早的沿南美海岸的海水上翻速度控制着厄尼诺的海洋学理论,已被Wyrtki(1973,1975)有力地反驳了,他假定厄尼诺是由信风强度的振荡造成的。 相似文献
最新的地震学研究指出,地球的内核正在对地球的其余部分作相对旋转。根据数值模拟,这一情形可能是由在液态外核中正在作对流运动的流体所保持。另一方面,由于地幔中质量分布的不均匀,巨大的引力将足以便内核与地幔相匹配。内核的不同旋转会通过在旋转时对自身形状的调整民这些强大的引力保持一致,进面可得出在地球最内部区域内有效粘滞度的一个估计。由推测的旋转率得到的内核粘滞度为小于10^16Pa或大于10^20Pa。 相似文献
在龙门山中段小鱼洞地区映秀-北川断裂和彭县-灌县断裂发生了同震位移,同时在该地区新出现了一条北西向的同震破裂带——小鱼洞断裂的破裂带,并分割了两条近于平行的北东向逆冲-走滑型的主断裂。汶川特大地震发生后重点对小鱼洞断裂的地表破裂开展了详细的野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量。初步调查的结果表明,小鱼洞断裂位于映秀-北川断裂与彭县-灌县断裂之间,走向近于北西向,延伸约15km,以脆性破裂为特征,穿过小鱼洞大桥,并切割了多种类型的地貌单元,使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位。单个破裂长度在几米到300m不等,其南西盘为上升盘,北东盘为下降盘,平均垂直位错为1.0m,平均水平位错为2.3m,垂直与水平位错量之比1 ∶1~1 ∶2,显示为逆冲分量小于或等于左旋走滑分量,并以左旋走滑作用为主。同时,研究表明小鱼洞断裂属于映秀-北川断裂与彭县-灌县断裂之间的捩断层,其主要特征包括: 1)是在汶川地震中由于龙门山逆冲体之间的差异逆冲运动过程中而形成的断裂; 2)其走向近于北西向,垂直于龙门山北东向的主干断裂,而平行于逆冲体的逆冲运动方向; 3)具有高角度断面的断层,以左旋走滑作用为主。 相似文献
Bimal Raj SHRESTHA Binu TIMSINA Zuzana MüNZBERGOVá Tomás DOSTáLEK Prakash GAUDEL Tej B.BASNET Maan B.ROKAYA 《山地科学学报》2020,17(5):1115-1127
Butterflies are widely studied due to their key ecosystem functions.For this reason,they are used in ecosystem assessment,formulating conservation plans and in raising the environmental awareness.Quantification of different factors affecting diversity of butterflies is important for their effective conservation.In this study,we investigated abiotic and biotic factors affecting species richness and community composition of butterflies along an elevational gradient in Manang region,central Nepal.We also tested if butterfly species follow the Bergmann’s rule.A total of 57 butterfly species belonging to 39 genera and 8 families were recorded in the study area.Out of a total of 127 plant species identified in the study region,only 67 plant species were visited by butterflies as nectar sources.Species richness of butterflies increased with increasing elevation.Species richness was significantly higher in places with shrubs compared to other places and also in autumn than in summer.Species richness of butterflies also depended on composition of plant species occurring at the localities.Butterfly species composition varied among sampling localities.It was also determined by habitat type,elevation,sampling time,plant species and interactions of elevation×time.The relationship between butterfly size and elevation was in the opposite direction than expected according to the Bergmann’s rule.In conclusion,protection of butterfly diversity can only be achieved by protecting different habitats across the diverse physiography of the region and different plant species,in particular herbs and shrubs.Our results do not support the Bergmann’s rule for butterflies along an elevational gradient in our region. 相似文献
通过龙门山区和川西前陆盆地岩石样品的裂变径迹和镜质体反射率的测定和计算机模拟得出:1)松潘-甘孜褶皱带10Ma以来至少隆升了3-4km,隆升速率最低为0.3-0.4mm/a;(2)龙门山逆冲推覆构造带10Ma以来至少隆升了5-6km,隆升速率最低为0.016-0.032mm/a;(4)川西前陆盆地60Ma以来降升1-2km,降升速率为0.028-0.05mm/a;(5)10Ma以来北川-映秀-小关 相似文献
A body of komatiitic amphibolite, an enclave within the Archean high-grade orthogneisses in southern India, shows mild chemical weathering under semiarid conditions. Along fractures, chemical weathering has advanced (Chemical Index of Alteration &sqbl0;CIA&sqbr0;=53; CIA of fresh rock approximately 26) to the extent that secondary Mg-Fe-Al clay minerals have formed and the rock has turned brownish red, soft, and fine grained. The weathering process has resulted in the mobilization and redistribution of the so-called immobile elements Fe, Al, Ti, and REE effected by the nature of secondary mineral formation (talc vs. aluminous clay minerals) and also possibly by soil microbes. In the initial stages of secondary mineral formation, there is a small loss of Fe, Al, and REE (noticeably Eu). However, in the fracture zone as well as in the incipiently altered zone, there is significant REE enrichment, probably affected by a different precipitation mechanism. Mobilized REE may have come from a minor alteration of clinopyroxene. 相似文献