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Optimal fingerprinting has been the most widely used method for climate change detection and attribution over the last decade. The implementation of optimal fingerprinting often involves projecting onto k leading empirical orthogonal functions in order to decrease the dimension of the data and improve the estimate of internal climate variability. However, results may be sensitive to k, and the choice of k remains at least partly arbitrary. One alternative, known as regularised optimal fingerprinting (ROF), has been recently proposed for detection. This is an extension of the optimal fingerprinting detection method, which avoids the projection step. Here, we first extend ROF to the attribution problem. This is done using both ordinary and total least square approaches. Internal variability is estimated from long control simulations. The residual consistency test is also adapted to this new method. We then show, via Monte Carlo simulations, that ROF is more accurate than the standard method, in a mean squared error sense. This result holds for both ordinary and total least square statistical models, whatever the chosen truncation k. Finally, ROF is applied to global near-surface temperatures in a perfect model framework. Improvements provided by this new method are illustrated by a detailed comparison with the results from the standard method. Our results support the conclusion that ROF provides a much more objective and somewhat more accurate implementation of optimal fingerprinting in detection and attribution studies.  相似文献   
The proposed methodology relies on the modelling capabilities of the thermo-radiative model Solene to simulate the heat and radiation energy exchanges between an actual urban district and the atmosphere. It is based on the comparison of the simulated upward infrared and sensible heat flux diurnal cycles that may be measured by elevated sensors above the three-dimensional scene, as a function of sensor position: the heat flux is a function of an equivalent surface temperature given by the infrared sensor and an equivalent heat transfer coefficient deduced from Solene simulations with the actual geometry. The method is tested against measurements obtained in the city centre of Toulouse, France during an experimental campaign in 2004–2005. To improve the computation of the heat exchanges between air and building surfaces a new algorithm is first implemented, based on an empirical model of the wind distribution within street canyons. This improvement is assessed by a direct comparison of the simulated brightness surface temperatures of the Toulouse city centre to measurements obtained with an airborne infrared sensor. The optimization of the infrared remote sensor position is finally analyzed as a function of its height above the mean roof level: it allows evaluation of the heat flux from an urban district when the three different classes of surfaces (roofs, walls, grounds) have similar contributions to the infrared flux towards the sensor, and to the heat flux into the atmosphere.  相似文献   
Cement stratigraphy of carbonates aims to establish the chronology of processes involved in the rock diagenesis. Regional cement stratigraphy allows correlations and understanding of the petrological heterogeneities in reservoirs and aquifers, but is a long and rigorous approach. This article exposes a methodology of image analysis that facilitates the spatial correlation of diagenetic events in carbonate rocks. Based on the statistical comparison of signals extracted from the red spectrum emission of cathodoluminescence digital images, it gives via crosscorrelation a measure of similarity (values scaled from minimum −1 to maximum 1) between two cathodoluminescence facies. Cementation events and diagenetic chronologies can thus be quickly correlated without the support of a full chronology, the model normally established on cement morphologies, petrological analyses and cathodoluminescence zonation sequences. A case study from two Upper Kimmeridgian Mount Salève outcrops (France) illustrates this methodology. Their diagenetic sequences recorded in cathodoluminescent cements are presented and being compared. The final statistical similarity between the two outcrops reaches an index of R = 0.78. This result is sustained by petrological and geochemical analyses such as alizarine–ferricyanure stained thin sections, X microfluorescence mapping of elements, and microthermometry of fluid inclusions.  相似文献   
The study of water clarity is essential to understand variability in biological production, particularly in coastal seas. The spatial and temporal variability of non-algal suspended particulate matter (SPM) in surface waters of the English Channel was investigated and related to local forcing by means of a large satellite dataset covering the study area with a spatial resolution of 1.2 km and a daily temporal resolution. This analysed dataset is a time series of non-algal SPM images derived from MODIS and MERIS remote-sensing reflectance by application of an IFREMER semi-analytical algorithm over the period 2003–2009. In a first step, the variability of time series of MODIS images was analysed through temporal autocorrelation functions. Then, non-algal SPM concentrations were assessed in terms of site-specific explanatory variables such as tides, wind-generated surface-gravity wave amplitudes and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), based on three statistical models with fitting parameters calibrated on a dataset of merged MERIS/MODIS images gathered from 2007 to 2009 over the whole English Channel. Correlogram analysis and the first model highlight the local patterns of the influence of the tide, especially the neap–spring cycle, on non-algal surface SPM. Its effect is particularly strong in the central and eastern English Channel and in the western coastal areas. The second model shows that waves prevail as driver at the entrance of the English Channel. The most sophisticated of the three statistical models, although involving only three explanatory variables—the tide, waves and Chl-a—is able to estimate non-algal surface SPM with a coefficient of determination reaching 70% at many locations.  相似文献   
The compilation of results obtained on three giant piston cores from the Whittard, Shamrock and Guilcher turbidite levees reveals a high-resolution stratigraphic record for the Bay of Biscay. Due to the abundance of reworked sediments in these sedimentary environments, a specific methodological approach, based on an X-ray-assisted subsampling phase associated with sedimentological, geochemical and micropalaeontological analyses, was implemented. With an accurate chronological framework, this multi-proxy investigation provides observations on the ‘Fleuve Manche’ palaeoriver and the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIS) histories over the last 20,000 years. The results obtained highlight the direct influence of the decay of the BIS on the Bay of Biscay deep-sea clastic sedimentation during the last European deglacial phase. During this period, the annual BIS cycle of meltwater seems enough to generate seasonal turbidity currents associated with exceptional sedimentation rates in all the Celtic and Armorican turbidite systems. With very high sedimentation rates, the turbidite levees represent the main deep-sea clastic depositional area. Long coring combined with a very careful subsampling method can provide continuous high-resolution palaeoenvironmental signals.  相似文献   
The mechanical efficiency of the biocementation process is directly related to the microstructural properties of the biocemented sand, such as the volume fraction of calcite, its distribution within the pore space, coordination number, contact surface area, and types of contact. In the present work, some of these microscopic properties are computed, from 3D images obtained by X-ray tomography of biocemented sand. These properties are then used as an input in current analytical models to estimate the elastic properties (Young and shear moduli) and the strength properties (Coulomb cohesion). For the elastic properties, the analytical estimates (contact cement theory model) are compared with classical bounds, self-consistent estimate and numerical results obtained by direct computation (FEM computation) on the same 3D images. Concerning the cohesion, an analytical model initially developed to estimate the cohesion due to suction in unsaturated soils is modified to evaluate the macroscopic cohesion of biocemented sands. Such analytical model is calibrated on experimental data obtained from triaxial tests performed on the same biocemented sand. In overall, the presented results point out the important role of some microstructural parameters, notably those related to the contact, on such effective parameters.  相似文献   
Sedimentological and geomorphological studies of terraces around Lake Van (1647 m) provided a preliminary framework for lake‐level variations. The elevations of terraces and past lake level were measured with a differential global positioning system. A chronology is developed using 234U/230Th dating of travertines, 39Ar/40Ar dating of pyroclastites and 14C dating of organic matter. Facies and stratigraphic correlations identify four transgressions (C1′, C1″, C2′ and C2″), each followed by a regression which ended with low lake levels that caused river incision and terrace formation. Evidence of the oldest transgression (C1′) is found in the uppermost reaches of valleys up to 1755 m, an altitude higher than the present lake threshold (1736 m). This C1′ transgression may be related to pyroclastic flows which dammed an outlet located in the western part of the lake basin and which is dated to before 105 ka. After 100 ka, a second transgression (C1″) reached 1730/1735 m, possibly related to a younger ignimbrite flow, in association with high water inflow (warm and/or wetter conditions). The two younger transgressions reached 1700–1705 m. The first one (C2′) is dated to 26–24.5 cal. ka BP and the second one (C2″) to 21–20 cal. ka BP. Available data suggest that the long‐term lake‐level changes responded mainly to climate oscillations. Additional events such as river captures caused by volcanic falls filling valleys, tectonism, erosion and karstic diversion may have impacted these long‐term lake‐level changes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although many consequences of climate change on marine and terrestrial ecosystems are well documented, the characterisation of estuarine ecosystems specific responses and the drivers of the changes are less understood. In this study, we considered the biggest Southwestern European estuary, the Gironde, as a model of a macrotidal estuary to assess the effects of both large- (i.e., North Atlantic basin-scale) and regional-scale climate changes. Using a unique set of data on climatic, physical, chemical and biological parameters for the period 1978–2009, we examined relations between changes in both the physical and chemical environments and pelagic communities (plankton and fish) via an end-to-end approach. Our results show that the estuary experienced two abrupt shifts (~1987 and ~2000) over the last three decades, which altered the whole system. The timing of these abrupt shifts are in accordance with abrupt shifts reported in both marine (e.g., in the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and along the Atlantic) and terrestrial (e.g., in European lakes) realms. Although this work does not allow a full understanding of the dynamical processes through which climate effects propagate along the different compartments of the ecosystem, it provides evidence that the dynamics of the largest estuary of Southwest Europe is strongly modulated by climate change at both regional and global scales.  相似文献   
Testate amoebae that inhabit peat are sensitive indicators of water table position. In this study, we used testate amoebae in sediments from a mire in the western Alps (Lac du Thyl) to: (1) reconstruct the hydrology of the site over the last 7,000 years, (2) determine how hydrological changes affected testate amoebae diversity and (3) infer past trophic state shifts. The study site is located in one of the driest valleys of the Alps and is thus very sensitive to hydrological changes. Our study revealed that the water table depth increased (dry conditions) between 5,800 and 4,000 cal year BP. This triggered establishment of a Sphagnum-type peat and acidic conditions from 5,700 to 4,000 cal year BP. These processes were independent of ongoing transformations of the terrestrial vegetation and soil in the catchment area. After 1,690 cal year BP, the depth to the water table decreased (wetter conditions) and a minerotrophic fen developed. At the same time, the diversity of testate amoebae increased, probably as a result of deforestation that supported the expansion of grassland. Climate and land use were apparently more important factors controlling the lake hydrology than were changes in vegetation and soil in the catchment. Testate amoebae diversity was linked to land cover. Changes in pH were controlled indirectly by external forcing (climate), but more directly by fluctuations in the level of the water table (internal forcing) and autogenous expansion of Sphagnum.  相似文献   
A methodology is proposed to analyze the radiative and thermal exchanges between a small urban neighborhood and the atmosphere based on the use of the thermoradiative model SOLENE and radiometric measurements to optimize the effective values of its constant parameters. Applied to the center of Toulouse, France, the optimization data are building surface temperatures measured with handheld radiometers and a downward-facing pyranometer during one of the intense observation periods of the CAnopy and Particles Interactions in TOulouse Urban Layer (CAPITOUL) experimental campaign. The quality of the simulations is assessed by comparing, without any other model adjustment, the model outputs for two diurnal cycles (1?day in summer and 1?day in winter) against two independent experimental datasets from fixed permanent radiometers and from sensors measuring the solar, infrared and sensible heat fluxes to the atmosphere at the top of a mast 30?m above the roofs. These simulations allow us to further analyze the separate contributions of the different surface classes, roofs, facades and pavement to these fluxes and to compare them with their counterparts observed over a neighborhood of Marseilles city center during a previous experiment. The partition is remarkably similar in Toulouse and Marseilles: 6–7% for the solar radiation, 73–76% for the infrared radiation and 17–20% for the sensible heat flux. The contribution of roofs to the infrared flux appears proportional to their plan area proportion (built density) but not the contributions to the other two fluxes. The contributions of facades to all three fluxes are roughly proportional to their fraction of the total surface area.  相似文献   
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