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Communications network damage resulting from a large disaster causes difficulties in the ability to rapidly understand the current situation and thus make appropriate decisions towards mitigating problems, such as where to send and dispense emergency supplies. The research outlined in this paper focuses on the rapid construction of a network after a disaster occurs. This study suggests ZigBee and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies to resolve these problems and provide an effective communication system. The experimental results of the ZigBee network system are presented, examples are provided of the mapping and analysis undertaken using GIS for the disaster-stricken area of Tsukuba City, Japan, and the communications node arrangements are determined for this region. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of establishing such a communications system for supporting efforts to relieve disaster-damaged areas.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the water-quantity issues facing Dhaka because of the rapid exploitation of the Dupi Tila aquifer. Dhaka is one of the world's largest groundwater-dependent cities, relying on water withdrawn from this underlying semiconfined sand aquifer. A meteoric rise in well construction in both the private and public sectors in recent years has produced an estimated 1,300 boreholes that tap the aquifer in urban and suburban parts of the city. Analysis of construction records for public-supply wells drilled between 1970 and 2000 shows that water levels are falling in several areas of the city despite apparently favorable recharge conditions. The productivity of boreholes as measured by specific capacity has also declined significantly. Even though the aquifer system is vital to the infrastructure of the city it remains a poorly quantified resource, and until this is resolved by investment in evaluation studies, attempts to efficiently manage the resource in a sustainable way will be frustrated.
Resumen Este artículo trata de los aspectos cuantitativos relacionados con la sobreexplotación del acuífero de Dupi Tila, que suministra a la ciudad de Dhaka (Bangladesh). Ésta es una de las mayores ciudades del mundo con dependencia de las aguas subterráneas, y se abastece de un acuífero semiconfinado formado por arenas. El aumento meteórico en la construcción de pozos durante los últimos años, tanto en el sector público como en el privado, ha provocado que haya unas 1.300 captaciones del acuífero en las zonas urbana y suburbana de la ciudad. El análisis de los registros constructivos de pozos de abastecimiento público entre 1970 y 2000 muestra que los niveles piezométricos están descendiendo en diversas áreas de la ciudad, a pesar de la existencia de condiciones aparentemente favorables de recarga. La productividad de los pozos, determinada por su capacidad específica, también ha disminuido significativamente. Aunque el sistema acuífero es vital para la infraestructura de la ciudad, los recursos aún no han sido cuantificados adecuadamente. Hasta que este asunto no sea resuelto mediante la inversión en estudios de evaluación, los intentos por gestionar eficientemente los recursos de forma sustentable serán infructuosos.

Résumé Cet article porte sur les pertes en quantité subies par Dacca du fait de l'exploitation rapide de l'aquifère de Dupi Tila. Dacca est l'une des villes dépendant de l'eau souterraine les plus importantes du monde, prélevant l'eau d'un aquifère sableux sous-jacent semi-captif. On estime à 1,300 forages l'accroissement des creusements de puits aussi bien dans le secteur privé que public dans ces dernières années; ils prélèvent dans l'aquifère dans la partie urbaine et à la périphérie de la ville. L'analyse des déclarations de creusement de puits pour l'AEP forés entre 1970 et 2000 montre que les niveaux d'eau ont chuté dans plusieurs zones de la ville malgré des conditions de recharge apparemment favorables. La productivité des puits mesurée par la capacité spécifique a également diminué significativement. Même si le système aquifère est vital pour l'infrastructure de la ville, il reste une ressource médiocrement quantifiée, et tant que ceci ne sera pas résolu par un investissement dans des études d'évaluation, les tentatives pour gérer efficacement la ressource de façon durable échoueront.

During a severe earthquake, steel moment resisting frames are expected to experience significant inelastic deformation in their members and joints. This behaviour is dependent upon several design parameters such as member sizes, frame's overstrength, member deformation capacities and the detailing of components. In this study, the influence of such aspects on the inelastic response of frames is investigated. Inelastic static and dynamic analyses were performed on four frames of different designs for a typical six-storey building. The frames were designed and detailed in accordance with current North American code requirements. The computed response of each frame was compared with the behaviour expected by the codes. Recommendations for a design procedure are suggested for improving the structural performance of low-rise steel frames subjected to strong earthquake excitation.  相似文献   
Water resources availability in the semiarid regions of Iran has experienced severe reduction because of increasing water use and lengthening of dry periods. To better manage this resource, we investigated the impact of climate change on water resources and wheat yield in the Karkheh River Basin (KRB) in the semiarid region of Iran. Future climate scenarios for 2020–2040 were generated from the Canadian Global Coupled Model for scenarios A1B, B1 and A2. We constructed a hydrological model of KRB using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to project water resources availability. Blue and green water components were modeled with uncertainty ranges for both historic and future data. The Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Version 2 was used with parallel processing option to calibrate the model based on river discharge and wheat yield. Furthermore, a newly developed program called critical continuous day calculator was used to determine the frequency and length of critical periods for precipitation, maximum temperature and soil moisture. We found that in the northern part of KRB, freshwater availability will increase from 1716 to 2670 m3/capita/year despite an increase of 28% in the population in 2025 in the B1 scenario. In the southern part, where much of the agricultural lands are located, the freshwater availability will on the average decrease by 44%. The long‐term average irrigated wheat yield, however, will increase in the south by 1.2%–21% in different subbasins; but for rain‐fed wheat, this variation is from ?4% to 38%. The results of critical continuous day calculator showed an increase of up to 25% in both frequency and length of dry periods in south Karkheh, whereas increasing flood events could be expected in the northern and western parts of the region. In general, there is variability in the impact of climate change in the region where some areas will experience net negative whereas other areas will experience a net positive impact. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The automatic detection of geological features such as faults and channels is a challenging problem in today's seismic exploration industry. Edge detection filters are generally applied to locate features. It is desirable to reduce noise in the data before edge detection. The application of smoothing or low‐pass filters results in noise suppression, but this causes edge blurring as well. Edge‐preserving smoothing is a technique that results in simultaneous edge preservation and noise suppression. Until now, edge‐preserving smoothing has been carried out on rectangular sampled seismic data. In this paper, an attempt has been made to detect edges by applying edge‐preserving smoothing as a pre‐processing step in the hexagonally sampled seismic‐data spatial domain. A hexagonal approach is an efficient method of sampling and has greater symmetry than a rectangular approach. Here, spiral architecture has been employed to handle the hexagonally sampled seismic data. A comparison of edge‐preserving smoothing on both rectangular and hexagonally sampled seismic data is carried out. The data used were provided by Saudi Aramco. It is shown that hexagonal processing results in well‐defined edges with fewer computations.  相似文献   
The Egyptian government is replacing the existing Naga Hammadi barrage, located across the Nile River some 450 km south of Cairo, with the New Naga Hammadi barrage (NNHB) to incorporate a hydropower plant and to improve conditions for river traffic. The new structure will lead to an increase in river water levels, both locally near the new barrage and upstream. The rise in river water levels will in turn result in changes in groundwater levels in the aquifer system up and downstream of the barrages. In this paper, an area is chosen, which is expected to suffer from a high groundwater table after the construction of the NNHB, to investigate the problem and propose alternatives for lowering the groundwater levels. The study area is a village called Bakhaness, with an area of 588 ha. It is located some 1.5 km upstream of the NNHB. A computer model (MicroFEM) has been used to simulate the groundwater conditions before and after construction of the NNHB. Alternatives for lowering the groundwater table are proposed, simulated and evaluated. The systems, which are assessed are a municipal sewer system, a system of perforated pipes in urban areas, and tile drainage with different values of efficiency in agricultural areas.  相似文献   
An approximate solution for the effects of high strain rates, and gradual strength degradation, on the penetration resistance of penetrometers can be obtained by combining the strain‐path method with the classical upper bound theorem. The stream path calculations require the integration of the material constitutive equation along the streamlines. Unless the geometry is simple so that the integration can be evaluated analytically, numerical procedures are required to backtrack streamlines. The strain at any location is calculated by finding the streamline that passes through the given point and integrating the strain rate along that streamline from its inlet boundary. Thus, the calculations can be complicated, and errors can be accumulated during the calculation procedure. This paper presents an efficient approach for evaluating cumulative strains around penetrometers without the need to backtrack individual streamlines. In this approach, the strain components are treated as field variables. The global solution is obtained using the streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin method. The new method together with an Eulerian‐based finite element formulation was used to study the cone penetration test and evaluate the effect of strain softening on the cone resistance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In ancient Egypt, lakes, canals, and other water bodies were an essential part of the sacred landscape in which temples were embedded. In recent years, geoarchaeological research at the site of the Temple of Bastet at Bubastis in the southeastern Nile Delta has proven the existence of two water canals surrounding the temple. It has now been investigated whether these canals were connected to the Temple of Pepi I (2300–2250 B.C.E.), located approximately 100 m to the west of the Temple of Bastet. To explore the Holocene landscape genesis of the Temple of Pepi I, 15 drillings and six geoelectrical profile lines were performed in the surroundings of the temple in spring 2022. The results show loamy to clayey sediments in deeper sections of all drillings with a maximum thickness of 1.70 m, indicating a marshy or swampy depositional environment. Based on the recovered sediment sequences and archaeological remains in the vicinity of the Temple of Pepi I, the marshy or swampy area existed before the Fourth Dynasty. During the Old Kingdom (ca. 2850–2180 B.C.E.), the former marshland either dried up through natural processes or was intentionally drained and filled with sediments for subsequent use for occupation. Regarding the original research question, there is as yet no evidence for a direct connection to the canals of the Temple of Bastet.  相似文献   
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