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The base of the Saerba Member (Mbr) of the Hongguleleng Formation (Fm.) probably lies in the Famennian Palmatolepis crepida Zone; the Longkou Mbr is probably a sedimentary wedge that thins out northwards; the Duguer Mbr has an approximate age from the upper part of the Pa. marginifera Zone or the Lower Pa. rugosa trachytera Zone through the top of the Pa. perlobata postera Zone; the Wulan Mbr has an age approximately corresponding to the whole Pa. gracilis expansa Zone. In the Bulongguoer section, the Lower Mbr of the Hongguleleng Fm. corresponds to Famennian Pa. crepida Zone through Pa. marginifera Zone; the Middle Mbr probably ranges from the Pa. r. trachytera Zone through the Pa. g. expansa Zone. The basal Namu Mbr of the Heishantou Fm. is probably the product during and after the Hangenberg Event in the upper part of the Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, which is still within the Devonian. In this context, the underlying Chasi Mbr may approximately correspond to the lower part of the S. praesulcata Zone (before the Hangenberg Event). Lateral distribution of strata indicates that the Upper Devonian in the Gennaren and Saerba areas each constitutes a structure of syncline, which differs from the previous recognition of a monocline structure.  相似文献   
The Kambala and Barchin brackish lakes (Baraba steppe, southern West Siberia) contain an organic-rich sapropel layer that was formed in oxygen-depleted waters. We measured the bulk sediment elemental composition, the water chemistry and determined the mineralogical composition and predominant biota species (Diatoms and Cyanobacteria in phytoplankton community respectively) in the lakes. The result indicates that the first lake has a siliceous type of sapropel and the second a carbonaceous one. A computer thermodynamic model was developed for chemical interaction in water-bottom sediment systems of the Kambala and Barchin Lakes. The surface sodium bicarbonate waters are supersaturated with respect to calcite, magnesite (or low Mg-calcite), quartz and chlorite with minor strontianite, apatite and goethite (pH 8.9–9.3, Eh 0.3 V). Nevertheless, it is shown that during sapropel deposition, deep silt waters should be anoxic (Eh<0 V). The virtual component CH2O has been used to create an anoxic environment suitable for pyrite formation due to the biotic community impact and abiotic reduction. Thermodynamic calculation has shown that silt water is not necessarily euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic). Depending on Eh, sulfate sulfur can dominate in solution, causing the formation of gypsum together with pyrite. An attempt was made to find a reason for solution supersaturation with respect to Ca and Mg ions due to their complexation with humic acids.  相似文献   
以南京市为例,构建人工蜂群元胞自动机(CAABC)模型,对2000—2007年的土地利用变化进行模拟以实现CAABC模型的校正,并以2007—2015年的土地利用变化为案例,验证该模型的有效性。模拟结果总体精度(OA)2007年为87.79%,2015年为80.61%;模拟结果的品质因数(FOM)2007年为21.23%,2015年为19.25%。基于CAABC模型和马尔可夫链预测未来城市土地总量,对南京市2025和2035年的土地利用格局进行了预测,对城市扩张和生态用地被侵占现象进行分析。模型预测结果表明,未来20年的城市扩张主要以牺牲耕地和林地为代价,2025和2035年80%的城市扩张面积来源于对耕地面积的侵占,17%的城市面积扩张是由2015年的林地转换得到的。研究表明,准确模拟、预测未来城市格局及评估城市扩张能够对生态用地侵占,以及为决策者合理规划城市、推动城市可持续发展提供帮助。  相似文献   
针对建筑物提取方法缺乏泛化性的问题,本文提出了将nDSM、北京二号影像、NDVI、BAI的七通道图像相结合作为数据源的提取方法。采用随机森林、梯度提升机、支持向量机、BP神经网络分类器对建筑物进行提取获取最佳分类器模型,并运用二值化与开闭运算,以建筑物面积与最小外接矩形面积的比值为阈值,对建筑物分别进行最小外接矩形、DP算法拟合,优化建筑物提取结果。试验结果表明,梯度提升机(GBDT)较其他分类模型在不同场景下综合效果较好,F-score精度更高。  相似文献   
The eruption of Tambora (Indonesia) in April 1815 had substantial effects on global climate and led to the ‘Year Without a Summer’ of 1816 in Europe and North America. Although a tragic event—tens of thousands of people lost their lives—the eruption also was an ‘experiment of nature’ from which science has learned until today. The aim of this study is to summarize our current understanding of the Tambora eruption and its effects on climate as expressed in early instrumental observations, climate proxies and geological evidence, climate reconstructions, and model simulations. Progress has been made with respect to our understanding of the eruption process and estimated amount of SO2 injected into the atmosphere, although large uncertainties still exist with respect to altitude and hemispheric distribution of Tambora aerosols. With respect to climate effects, the global and Northern Hemispheric cooling are well constrained by proxies whereas there is no strong signal in Southern Hemisphere proxies. Newly recovered early instrumental information for Western Europe and parts of North America, regions with particularly strong climate effects, allow Tambora's effect on the weather systems to be addressed. Climate models respond to prescribed Tambora‐like forcing with a strengthening of the wintertime stratospheric polar vortex, global cooling and a slowdown of the water cycle, weakening of the summer monsoon circulations, a strengthening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and a decrease of atmospheric CO2. Combining observations, climate proxies, and model simulations for the case of Tambora, a better understanding of climate processes has emerged. WIREs Clim Change 2016, 7:569–589. doi: 10.1002/wcc.407 This article is categorized under:
  • Paleoclimates and Current Trends > Paleoclimate
正Objective Oil and gas are abundant in the Ordovician Yingshan Formation carbonate karst reservoirs on the northern slope of Tazhong uplift in the Tarim Basin,and have extremely complicated oil-gas-water distribution,however.The  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies and scientific substantiation of an effect of directional change in the chemical and phase composition of the surface and increase in the contrast of physicochemical and electrical properties of tantalite, columbite, and zircon in the course of treatment with anolyte (pH < 5) and a hydrochloric acid solution (HCl, pH 3–3.5) are reported. The mechanism of structural and chemical transformations of the mineral surface in the process of leaching with acid solutions are studied. This mechanism includes the activation of oxidation of iron atoms in the surface layer of tantalite and columbite with the transition from Fe(II) to Fe(III), destruction of the zircon surface with the formation of oxygen–vacancy defects of the SiO 2-3 - and SiO 02 -types, and intense dissolution of iron- and silicate-bearing films from the surface of rare-metal minerals.

Extrapolation of the palaeoclimate chronology of the past million years or so seems to leave little doubt that another glacial stage can be expected in the near geologic future. On a shorter time scale it appears that the increasing greenhouse effect from the use of fossil fuel will raise atmospheric temperature by 2 to 3 °K within a hundred years. The possibility of man's reversing or at least weakening these portentous climate changes is investigated here with the use of a thermodynamic climate model. Preliminary results indicate that the climate effects referred to may be reversible if caught early and certainly suggest that further and more sophisticated attention be given the subject.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a digital image based approach for three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulation and failure analysis of rocks by taking into account the actual 3-D heterogeneity. Digital image techniques are adopted to extract two-dimensional (2-D) material heterogeneity from material surface images. The 2-D image mesostructures are further extrapolated to 3-D cuboid mesostructures by assuming the material surface as a representation of the inner material heterogeneity within a very small depth. The iterative milling and scanning system is set up to generate the 3-D rock mesostructures. A Hong Kong granite specimen is used as an example to demonstrate the procedure of 3-D mesostructure establishment. The mechanical responses and failure process under the conventional Brazilian tensile test condition are examined through numerical analyses. The stress distribution, crack propagation process and failure model of heterogeneous material cases are simulated with a finite difference software. The numerical results indicate that material heterogeneity plays an important role in determining the failure behavior of rocks under external loading.  相似文献   
Saline groundwater and drainage effluent from irrigation are commonly stored in some 200 natural and artificial saline-water disposal basins throughout the Murray-Darling Basin of Australia. Their impact on underlying aquifers and the River Murray, one of Australia's major water supplies, is of serious concern. In one such scheme, saline groundwater is pumped into Lake Mourquong, a natural groundwater discharge complex. The disposal basin is hydrodynamically restricted by low-permeability lacustrine clays, but there are vulnerable areas in the southeast where the clay is apparently missing. The extent of vertical and lateral leakage of basin brines and the processes controlling their migration are examined using (1) analyses of chloride and stable isotopes of water (2H/1H and 18O/16O) to infer mixing between regional groundwater and lake water, and (2) the variable-density groundwater flow and solute-transport code SUTRA. Hydrochemical results indicate that evaporated disposal water has moved at least 100 m in an easterly direction and that there is negligible movement of brines in a southerly direction towards the River Murray. The model is used to consider various management scenarios. Salt-load movement to the River Murray was highest in a "worst-case" scenario with irrigation employed between the basin and the River Murray. Present-day operating conditions lead to little, if any, direct movement of brine from the basin into the river. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
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