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Al-Kharrar Lagoon is a fossil back-reef basin with hypersaline waters, situated 10 km northwest of Rabigh city, central of the eastern Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia. About 130 stations were selected for measurements of the lagoon’s water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water depths during March 2014. The common macro-algae, flora, and fauna were also sampled and identified. The present study aims to investigate the prevailing environmental parameters and their impact on the macro-fauna/flora of the lagoon. The average water depth of the lagoon was around 5 m and reached maximum values of 8 and 16 at the lagoon centre and inlet, respectively. The results showed that the lagoon’s surface water temperature and salinity have mean values of 25 °C and 40‰, but with extreme values of 30 °C and 45‰ that occurred only at the enclosed intertidal areas, respectively. Their dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were 6.5 mg/l and 8.3, respectively and the latter showing the highest values up to 8.5 in the intertidal areas dominated by the green cyanobacteria. These physicochemical conditions make the lagoon as a favorite place for the mangrove Avicennia marina, macro-algae, seagrasses (Halophila stipulacea and Cymodocea rotundata), and algal mats (Cyanobacteria) which dominate the intertidal and supratidal areas of the lagoon, tolerating extremely high-salinity and high-temperature conditions. On the other hand, corals were observed alive at the southern part of the lagoon, immediately south of the Al-Ultah Islet. Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, and density in the lagoon’s water indicated that the water column consists of two layers throughout the year.  相似文献   
The Himalayas form an ideal natural laboratory to study the deformation processes of continental crust during collision orogeny. New information is presented concerning the structural evolution of the Main Mantle thrust zone in the Himalayas of N Pakistan, in the region around Nanga Parbat. The hanging-wall lies at relatively high levels within the Kohistan arc terrane which has been emplaced onto Indian continental rocks. This thrust probably originated as a breakback structure in the hanging-wall to the pre-collisional (oceanic) subduction zone. The present hanging-wall contains a shear zone of about 1 km width developed under amphibolite facies conditions. Simple shear dominant strains have developed new fabrics parallel to the main thrust zone. However, these structures are redeformed by discrete extensional and compressional shears within about 100 m of the thrust contact, again developed under amphibolite facies conditions. The footwall consists of an old basement complex (the Nanga Parbat gneisses) overlain by a distinct suite of metasediments now at amphibolite facies. This cover assemblage of psammites, pelites and marbles with local metabasites consistently lies directly against rocks derived from the Kohistan arc along the MMT. The absence of structures suggestive of consistent rheological contrasts within the cover assemblages suggests that the vast majority of the deformation features they contain were developed only once they experienced substantial tectonic overburdens. Prior to this the Indian cover rocks will have been »passively« subducted beneath the Kohistan arc until into amphibolite facies. We discuss these inferences in terms of evolving shear zone width with time and comment on the implications for predicting the character of mid-deep crustal shear zones, particularly from seismic reflection profiles.
Zusammenfassung Der Himalaya bildet ein ideales, natrliches Laboratorium für Untersuchungen von Deformationsprozessen in kontinentalen Krustengesteinen während der Kollision bzw. Orogenese. Hier werden neue Daten vorgelegt, die sich mit der strukturellen Entwicklung der Hauptmantelüberschiebung im Himalaya von Nordpakistan im Gebiet um den Nanga Parbat befassen. Die Hangendeinheiten oberhalb der Störung liegen in einem relativ hohen Niveau innerhalb des »Kohistan arc terrane«, das auf die indischen Kontinentalgesteine überschoben wurde. Diese Überschiebung entstand wahrscheinlich als Rücküberschiebungsstruktur im Hangenden der Subduktionszone vor der Kollision. Im Hangenden befindet sich eine ca. 1 km breite Scherzone, die sich unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen gebildet hat. Die durch »simple shear« erzeugten Deformationen sind mit ihren neuen Gefügen parallel zur Hauptüberschiebungszone ausgerichtet. Die Gefüge wurden nachfolgend von Extensionsund Kompressionsbewegungen im Bereich von ca. 100 m um den Überschiebungskontakt erneut unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen erfaßt und deformiert. Das Liegende der Hauptüberschiebung besteht aus einem alten Basementkomplex (den Nanga Parbat Gneisen), die von deutlich abgesetzten, amphibolitfaziellen Metasedimenten überlagert werden. Diese Sedimenthülle bestehend aus Psammiten, Peliten und Marmoren mit lokalen Metabasiten stößt entlang der MMT direkt gegen die Gesteine des Kohistanbogens. Das Fehlen von Strukturen, die auf gleichbleibende rheologische Unterschiede hinweisen würde, läßt vermuten, daß der Großteil der in ihnen enthaltenen Deformationsgefüge auf einmal während beträchtlicher tektonischer Auflast entstanden ist. Vorher wurden die indischen Hüllgesteine »passiv« unter den Kohistanbogen bis in den Bereich der Amphibolitfazies subduziert. Die Folgerungen aus der sich über die Zeit entwickelnden Breite dieser Scherzone werden diskutiert und die Bedeutung für die Vorhersage der Charakteristik von mitteltiefen krustalen Scherzonen, insbesondere in Verbindung mit seismischen Reflektionsprofilen betont.

Résumé L'Himalaya constitue un laboratoire naturel idéal pour l'étude des processus de déformation de la croûte continentale au cours d'une orogenèse de collision. Les auteurs présentent des informations nouvelles relatives à l'évolution structurale de la zone du Main Mantle Thrust dans la région du Nanga Parbat au nord du Pakistan. Le toit de cet accident occupe un niveau assez élevé dans le «Kohistan arc Terrane» qui a été charrié sur les roches du continent indien. Le charriage doit probablement son origine à une structure en retour apparue au-dessus de la zone de subduction pré-collisionnelle (océanique). Le toit actuel de l'accident contient une zone de glissement (shear zone) épaisse d'environ 1 km et formée dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites. Les déformations engendrées par glissement simple (simple shear) ont développé de nouvelles fabriques parallèles à la surface de charriage. Cependant, dans une tranche d'une centaine de mètres à partir du contact du charriage, ces structures ont été reprises par des cisaillements extensionnels ou compressionnels, toujours dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites.Le mur de l'accident est formé d'un complexe ancien (le gneiss du Nanga Parbat) surmonté d'une série de métasédiments distincts qui présentent aujourd'hui le facies des amphibolites. Cette couverture de psammites, de pélites, de marbres et de métabasites locales est directement en contact le long du MMT avec l'arc du Kohistan. L'absence, dans cette couverture, de structures témoignant de contrastes rhéologiques marqués, suggère que la grande majorité des structures déformatives n'y ont été développées qu'après un enfouissement tectonique important. Avant cela, les roches de la couverture indienne ont dû être subductées passivement sous l'arc du Kohistan, jusqu'au facies des amphibolites. Les auteurs discutent ces conclusions en termes d'évolution temporelle d'une shear zone et en commentant les implications dans le domaine de la prédiction du caractère des shear zones de profondeur crustale moyenne, en particulier à partir des profils de sismique réflexion.

, , . -. Kohistan arc terrane —, . , , . 1 , . , , . 100 . — - —, . , , , . , , , , , . . .
1881年Stanford首次自海带类海藻加碱提取出一种胶质,命名为“Algin”(褐藻胶),并对它的化学性质进行了初步研究。后来经过许多化学家对这种胶质的化组成和结构进行了多年的研究,才确定褐藻胶是一种主要由?-D甘露糖醛酸残基通过1,4位碳原子互相键合的多糖。"褐藻胶"这一名词在广义上包括水不溶性的褐藻酸、与多价金属离子构成的水不溶性褐藻酸盐类、以及与碱金属离子或铵基构成的水溶性褐藻酸盐类;狭义的说来,则指褐藻酸纳而言,因为市场上的商品主要是纳盐。  相似文献   
The optimum performance of a simple Rankine cycle ocean thermal energy conversion plant is investigated analytically. It is shown that the ratio of maximum net power output to heat exchanger surface area varies as Htt0)2 where H describes the overall heat transfer properties of the evaporator and condenser, Δt is the temperature difference between the warm and cold sea water supplies, and t0 is a parameter depending primarily upon the pressure drops across the warm and cold sea water pumping systems. The model is relatively insensitive to the choice of working fluid, although ammonia is used as the illustrative example.  相似文献   
Sedimentation in the 9500 km2, 4100 m deep Hispaniòla—Caicos Basin is dominated by turbidity currents. Carbonate turbidites originate from the Bahama Islands, Great Inagua and Caicos at the north end of the basin. Mixed carbonate—non-carbonate flows come from Hispaniola and perhaps Cuba. Most flows originate on insular slopes rather than in shallow water. The relatively low CaCO3 content of hemipelagic sequences throughout the entire basin reveals that the influence of non-carbonate Hispaniola—Cuba sources is widespread.The basin was sampled with closely spaced piston cores. Sand-layer isopach and frequency maps reveal four or five major basin entry points for turbidity currents. Flow size is proportional to the size of source areas. Average volumes of flows originating from Hispaniola—Cuba, the largest source, are 109 m3. This compares to an average flow volume of 106 m3 for flows derived from the smallest source area, the Southeastern Caicos Bank. Measures of turbidity-current activity, such as thickness and frequency, change in a regular fashion away from each entry point. Average lutite thickness (combining hemipelagic and turbiditic lutite) are greatest near the basin entry points. On the abyssal plain occupying the south half of the basin, Bouma turbidite sedimentary structure sequences tend to be complete. However, on the Caicos Fan, the sedimentary structure sequences in turbidites are characterized by missing or repeated units. Six radiocarbon dates of two widespread presumed pelagic units in the basin yielded younger dates in stratigraphically older positions. The reversed dates are assumed to reflect storm erosion of older sediment on adjacent insular shelves.Consideration of a north—south reflection seismic profile over the basin indicates that the present sediment regimen has pertained through much of the Neogene. The coherence, convergence and termination of reflections in the seismic section are consistent with and tend to confirm conclusions based on the core study regarding the greater extent and volume of sediment deposits derived from the Hispaniola source area.  相似文献   
The metabasic Marydale Formation of the Kheis Group occupies a zone of contact between the Sanama and Kaapvaal structural provinces of South Africa. Stratigraphic relationships between the two provinces are not well understood. Whilst the well-known Kaapvaal basement and supracrustal succession yield radiometric ages older than 1900 m.y., Sanama Province ages reflect a Kibaran(1200 ± 200m.y.) tectogenetic cycle. The age of the Marydale, stratigraphically the oldest Sanama formation, has been variously estimated at2500m.y., about 2000 m.y., or Kibaran, based on controversial field interpretations or on available radiometric data.Rb-Sr data are presented for Marydale samples from a nappe-like body which, having been thrust over the Kaapvaal basement, was shielded from metamorphism. Two types of alteration are described and possible causes of isotopic homogenisation are discussed. It is concluded that an isochron age of 1899± 57m.y. (I = 0.7040 ± 0.0003) represents the age of extrusion of the Marydale volcanics.The stratigraphic controversy is thus resolved, Kheis Group formations being approximately coeval with the Matsap, the youngest formation of the Kaapvaal Precambrian succession. The implications of this and other recent work to theories of crustal evolution are considered. It is suggested that the continental crust of Sanama Province originated partly during the Eburnian(2000 ± 100m.y.) period of African orogeny and partly during the Kibaran tectogenetic cycle during which the province became cratonised and was added to the Southern African cratonic block.  相似文献   
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