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This paper surveys results of the comprehensive turbulent measurements in the stable boundary layer (SBL) made over the Arctic pack ice during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean experiment (SHEBA) in the Beaufort Gyre from October 1997 through September 1998. Turbulent fluxes and mean meteorological data were continuously measured and reported hourly at five levels on a 20-m main SHEBA tower. Eleven months of measurements during SHEBA cover a wide range of stability conditions, from the weakly unstable regime to very stable stratification, and allow studying the SBL in detail. A brief overview of the SBL regimes, the flux-profile relationships, the turbulent Prandtl number, and other parameters obtained during SHEBA is given. The traditional Monin—Obukhov approach, z-less scaling, and gradient-based scaling are evaluated and discussed based on the data from SHEBA.  相似文献   
We present ab initio calculations of the zero-temperature iron high- to low-spin crossover in (Mg1 ? xFex)SiO3 perovskite at pressures relevant to Earth's lower mantle. Equations of state are fit for a range of compositions and used to predict the Fe spin transition pressure and associated changes in volume and bulk modulus. We predict a dramatic decrease in transition pressure as Fe concentration increases. This trend is contrary to that seen in ferropericlase, and suggests the energetics for spin crossover is highly dependent on the structural environment of Fe. Both Local Density Approximation (LDA) and Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) exchange-correlation methods are used, and both methods reproduce the same compositional trends. However, GGA gives a significantly higher transition pressure than LDA. The spin transition is made easier by the decreasing spin-flip energy with pressure but is also driven by the change in volume from high to low spin. Volume trends show that high-spin Fe2+ is larger than Mg2+ even under pressure, but low-spin Fe2+ is smaller at ambient conditions and approximately the same size as Mg2+ under high pressure, indicating that low-spin Fe2+ is less compressible than high-spin Fe2+. We find large changes between high- and low-spin in the slope of volume with Fe concentration. Although these changes are small in absolute magnitude for small Fe content, they are still important when measured per Fe and could be relevant for calculating partitioning coefficients in the lower mantle.  相似文献   
The Seve Nappes consist of long-transported thrust sheets belonging to the Upper Allochthon within the Scandinavian Caledonides. Eclogites from two different megalenses within the Seve Nappe Complex in Norrbotten (northern Sweden) have been dated with the Sm-Nd method. The two eclogite-bearing megalenses have been subjected to different pressure and temperature conditions during the high-pressure metamorphism. Garnet + omphacite + whole-rock from TS2 within the Tsäkkok Lens give an age of 505±18 Ma (2), I=0.512231±0.000024, MSWD=0.10. Garnet and whole-rock from TS5 and whole-rock TS3 also fall on the above isochron. The composite isochron gives an age of 503±18 Ma (2). These results are interpreted to date the peak of the high-pressure metamorphism (500–630° C and 12–15 kbars) for the Tsäkkok Lens. The eclogites in the Vaimok Lens (at Grapesvarre) were subjected to higher pressure and temperature conditions and more extensive reequilibration during the early cooling stages. Retrograde breakdown-reactions accompanied by retrograde zoning of relict garnet seems to be associated with disturbance of the Sm-Nd isotopic systems. In contrast, a sample with unzoned garnet and well preserved high-pressure mineralogy from Grapesvarre gives a Sm-Nd garnet + omphacite age of 503±14 Ma (2), I = 0.512010±0.000038 (2). The ages for the Seve eclogites are significantly older than the Sm-Nd eclogite dates from the Western Gneiss Region of Norway (WGR), suggesting the existence of at least two eclogite-forming events in the Caledonide Orogen. The younger event has been related to the main continent-continent collision stage of the Caledonian Orogeny, while the older event that led to the production of the Norrbotten eclogites must have taken place several hundred kilometres to the north and in a different tectonic setting more oceanward to the WGR. It appears that the older event (ca. 505 Ma) was restricted to the subduction of dyke-intruded sedimentary cover rocks which are thought to represent the rifted edge of the Baltic continent.  相似文献   
The distribution of iron and magnesium between coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene is expressed by the distribution coefficient KDga-cpx. This coefficient has been experimentally determined as a function of temperature and pressure, and is used to determine the temperature of equilibration of natural eclogites.

The presence of relict zoning in both garnet and clinopyroxene in low to medium temperature eclogites permits evaluation of the P,T path followed by these rocks during prograde metamorphism.

The average P,T path for eclogites of blueschist terranes (type C eclogites) is suggested to be 40°C/Kb during prograde metamorphism. The Tasmanian eclogite (type B) records crystallization along a different P,T path (lower pressure at given temperature) from those of the type C eclogites. Eclogites from the migmatite-gneiss terrances of Poland and Norway do not preserve evidence of prograde metamorphism in mineral zoning but indicate higher temperatures at the metamorphic maximum; pressures were similar to those attained by type C eclogites.  相似文献   

Turbulent and mean meteorological data collected at five levels on a 20-m tower over the Arctic pack ice during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean experiment (SHEBA) are analyzed to examine different regimes of the stable boundary layer (SBL). Eleven months of measurements during SHEBA cover a wide range of stability conditions, from the weakly unstable regime to very stable stratification. Scaling arguments and our analysis show that the SBL can be classified into four major regimes: (i) surface-layer scaling regime (weakly stable case), (ii) transition regime, (iii) turbulent Ekman layer, and (iv) intermittently turbulent Ekman layer (supercritical stable regime). These four regimes may be considered as the basic states of the traditional SBL. Sometimes these regimes, especially the last two, can be markedly perturbed by gravity waves, detached elevated turbulence (‘upside down SBL’), and inertial oscillations. Traditional Monin–Obukhov similarity theory works well in the weakly stable regime. In the transition regime, Businger–Dyer formulations work if scaling variables are re-defined in terms of local fluxes, although stability function estimates expressed in these terms include more scatter compared to the surface-layer scaling. As stability increases, the near-surface turbulence is affected by the turning effects of the Coriolis force (the turbulent Ekman layer). In this regime, the surface layer, where the turbulence is continuous, may be very shallow (< 5 m). Turbulent transfer near the critical Richardson number is characterized by small but still significant heat flux and negligible stress. The supercritical stable regime, where the Richardson number exceeds a critical value, is associated with collapsed turbulence and the strong influence of the earth’s rotation even near the surface. In the limit of very strong stability, the stress is no longer a primary scaling parameter.  相似文献   
At a temperature of 23.0~24.8℃,the mixed feeding of Japanese anchovy larvae was initiated 24 h before the yolk-sac was exhausted.The point of no return(PNR) was reached on the 6th day after hatching.On the 4th day after hatching,the pectoral angle appeared in both fed and unfed anchovy larvae although it was more evident and sharper in the starved and the PNR stage larvae than in the fed ones.According to observations of larvae collected in the sea,the pectoral angles were evident not only in the larvae of 3.62~7.44 mm in standard length,but also in the larvae of 2.70 mm in standard length with remnants of yolk.The pectoral angles became diffuse when the larvae reached 7.84 mm and vanished at 9.86 mm.The pectoral angle cannot be used as a criterion to distinguish healthy from starving larvae.  相似文献   
We analyze an extensive data set of immersion and emersion lightcurves of the occultation of 28 Sgr by Saturn's atmosphere on 3 July 1989. The data give profiles of number density as a function of altitude at a variety of latitudes, at pressures ranging from about 0.5 to about 20 μbar. The atmosphere is essentially isothermal in this range, with a temperature close to 140 K for an assumed mean molecular weight of 2.135. Owing to favorable ring geometry, an accurate radial scale is available for all observations, and we confirm the substantial equatorial bulge produced by zonal winds of ∼450 m/s first observed in the Voyager radio-occultation experiments. The fact that the bulge is still present at microbar pressures suggests that the equatorial winds persist to high altitudes. According to our radial scale, the 2.4-μbar level, which corresponds to half-flux in the stellar occultations, is at an equatorial radius of 60,960 km. This radial scale is in good agreement with the Voyager radio-occultation data at mbar pressures and allows smooth interpolation of the isothermal structure between the stellar-occultation and radio-occultation regions. We do not have such a smooth interpolation between our data and Voyager ultraviolet occultation data, unless we discard the lowest 200 km of Voyager ultraviolet data. When this is done, we obtain a complete atmospheric model from an equatorial radius of 61,500 km down to an equatorial radius of 60,500 km. This model gives excellent agreement between all 28 Sgr, Voyager, and Pioneer 11 data.  相似文献   
40Ar/39Ar data for muscovite separates and hydrothermally altered whole‐rock samples from the Ballarat West and the Ballarat East goldfields indicate that mesothermal gold mineralisation at Ballarat occurred during several episodic pulses, ranging in age from the Late Ordovician to the Early Devonian. Initial formation of auriferous structures in the Ballarat goldfields coincided with folding and thrusting associated with the development of the western Lachlan Fold Belt between 460 and 440 Ma. Subsequent fault reactivation and magmatism resulted in remobilisation and additional mineralisation between 410 and 380 Ma, and around 370 Ma. The results presented herein are in agreement with findings for other major gold deposits in central Victoria and further constrain the history of deformation, metamorphism and mineralisation in the western subprovince of the Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   
We present baddeleyite U–Pb ages of Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic dyke swarms and the Mashonaland sill province in Zimbabwe. The 2575.0 ± 1.5 Ma age of the Umvimeela dyke is indistinguishable from the 2575.4 ± 0.7 Ma result (Oberthür et al., 2002) for a pyroxenite layer of the Great Dyke and testifies to synchronous emplacement of the Great Dyke and its satellites. Three samples of WNW- to NNW-trending dykes of the Sebanga swarm yielded ages of 2512.3 ± 1.8 Ma, 2470.0 ± 1.2 Ma and 2408.3 ± 2.0 Ma, the latter of which dates the Sebanga Poort Dyke of this swarm. These results suggest that emplacement took place over a protracted period which involved at least three generations of dykes within the swarm and, more importantly, invalidate previous inferences of a genetic link between the Sebanga swarm and the Mashonaland sills. Crystallisation ages of 1877 ± 2.2 Ma, 1885.9 ± 2.4 Ma and 1875.6 ± 1.6 Ma for three dolerite samples of the extensive Mashonaland sills from different parts of the Zimbabwe craton were also obtained. This is the oldest common igneous event that is recorded in the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons. Collectively with previous published geochronological and petrological evidence in favour of a major 2.0 Ga event within the Limpopo Belt, these results suggest that the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons did not form a coherent unit (Kalahari) until ca. 2.0 Ga.  相似文献   
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