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Coastal zones are widely recognised as being particularly vulnerable to future environmental change. Although a significant number of previous papers warn of an increasing tendency in the appearance of eutrophication processes in such systems, very few papers have evaluated the influence of global climate change on eutrophication.  相似文献   
The Seridó Mobile Belt (SMB) is located in the Borborema Province in northeastern Brazil and consists of a gneiss basement (Archean to Paleo-Proterozoic), a metasedimentary sequence (marble, quartzites, and schists), and the Brasiliano igneous suite (both of Neo-Proterozoic age). In this region, skarns occur within marble and at the marble–schist contact in the metasedimentary sequence. Most of the skarn deposits have been discovered in the early 1940s, and since then, they have been exploited for tungsten and locally gold. Recently, the discovery of gold in the Bonfim tungsten skarn has resulted in a better understanding of the skarn mineralization in this region. The main characteristics of the SMB skarns are that they are dominantly oxidized tungsten skarns, with the exception of the Itajubatiba and Bonfim gold-bearing skarns, which are reduced based on pyrrhotite as the dominant sulfide, garnet with high almandine and spessartine component, and elevated gold contents. In the Bonfim deposit, pressure estimates indicate that the skarns formed at 10- to 15-km depth. The mineralized skarns present the prograde stage with almandine, diopside, anorthite, and actinolite-magnesio-hornblende, and titanite, apatite, allanite, zircon, and monazite as accessory minerals. The retrograde stage is characterized by alkali feldspar, clinozoisite–zoisite–sericite, calcite, and quartz. Scheelite occurs in four ore-shoots distributed within the marble and at the marble–schist contact. The main ore body is 5–120 cm wide and contains an average of 4.8-wt.% WO3, which occurs in the basal marble–schist contact. Fold hinges appear to control the location of high-grade scheelite. The late-stage gold mineralization contains bismite (Bi2O3), fluorine-bearing bismite, native bismuth, bismuthinite (Bi2S3), and joseite [Bi4(Te,S)3], and also chlorite, epidote, prehnite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. This gold–bismuth–tellurium mineralization exhibits a typical late character and occurs as a black fine-grained mineral assemblage controlled by conjugate brittle-ductile faults (and extensional fractures) that crosscut not only the banding in prograde skarn but also the retrograde alkali feldspar and clinozoisite–zoisite–sericite assemblage. The Au–Bi–Te-bearing minerals are intergrown with retrograde epidote, prehnite, chlorite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite, indicating that gold mineralization at Bonfim is linked to a late-stage skarn event. The polymetallic nature of the Bonfim deposit can be used as an important guide for the exploration of this type of skarn deposit in the Borborema Province, which potentially contains significant new, undiscovered gold and polymetallic deposits.  相似文献   
40Ar/39Ar geochronology of muscovite and biotite grains genetically related to gold and Be–Ta–Li pegmatites from the Seridó Belt (Borborema province, NE Brazil) yield well-defined, reliable plateau ages. This information, combined with data about paragenetic and field relationships, reveals Cambro-Ordovician mineralization ages (520 and 500–506 Ma) for the orogenic gold deposits in the Seridó Belt. Biotite ages of 525±2 Ma, which represent the mean weighted results of the incremental heating analysis of six biotite single crystals, record the time of pegmatite emplacement and reactivation of Brasiliano/Pan-African strike-slip shear zones. These results, along with previous structural evolution studies, suggest that shear zones formed during the Brasiliano/Pan-African event were reactivated in the Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician. Mineralization occurs late in the history of the orogen.  相似文献   
Riassunto L'A. mostra corne dal metodo più semplice di misura di rcsistività d'un suolo del polo singolo, si possano dedurrc tutti gli altri (Wenner, Schlumberger, ecc). CiÒ dà la possibilità di risalire immediatamente dai grafici s di un dispositivo a quelli di un altro. L'A., dopo rettificato recenti valutazioni del metodo dei due punti, rimuove la pretesa da altri formulata di porre gerarchie nei dispositivi di misure s .
Summary The Author shows how departing from simplest method of the ground resistivity measurement with the single pole can be deduced all another methods (Wenner, Schlumberger, etc.). That gives the practical possibility to pass immediately the s graphics of one arrangement to these of other types of arrangement. After having rectified recently mades evaluations about the two points method, the Author removes the requirements made from other side to graduate the s measuring arrangements.

Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser zeigt wie man von der einfachsten Methode der Widerstandsmessung eines Bodens mit Einzelpol alle anderen Methoden (Wenner, Schlumberger, usw.) ableiten kann. Dadurch hat man die praktische Möglichkeit, von den s Diagrammen einer Anordnung sofort auf jene anderer Anordnungen überzugehen. Nach Richtigstellung von kürzlich geäusserten Ansichten über die Zweipunktmethode, beseitigt der Verfasser die von Anderen gestellten Ansprüche, die s Messanordnungen vermeintlichen Vorzügen nach staffeln zu wollen.

Relazion e presentata il 5 Aprile 1956 alla Quarta Assemblea Generale dcllaSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 5–8 Aprile 1956).  相似文献   
The aim of the present work was to determine the activities of selected antioxidant enzymes (SOD, Se-GPX, CAT) in two species of bivalves, Scapharca inaequivalvis and Tapes philippinarum, from two sites of the lagoon of Venice that are characterized by different pO(2) (Marghera and Chioggia). The specimens were collected at four times during a 1-year period. In the two species studied, enzyme activities were found to be present in both digestive glands and gills, but with some species-specific differences that may also represent a different adaptation to seasonal variations. The presence of high SOD activities in the gills of both species may be related to their physiological role in respiration. Scapharca inaequivalvis is less sensitive than T. philippinarum to environmental changes, perhaps due to the presence of hemoglobins in this species. Moreover, in the digestive gland of T. philippinarum we found a significant negative correlation between the activities of SOD and GPX that may indicate the presence of oxidative stress. Some correlations between temperature/dissolved oxygen and antioxidant enzyme activity were present in specimens sampled in Marghera. Only GPX adequately responded to changes in dissolved oxygen and temperature, while the decrease in the activity of SOD and CAT in winter may be directly responsible for an enhanced susceptibility of mussels to oxidative stress during this period. We can conclude that the observed differences between Chioggia and Marghera are due to different concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Marghera is an appropriate location to study seasonal variations in water temperature. In fact, in this site, the differences between hot and cold months are quite evident.  相似文献   
Long term macrobenthos data together with physical habitat parameters were analysed to investigate spatial and temporal changes at an estuary under different anthropogenic pressures, mainly increasing shellfish farming. The aim was to assess the possible impacts of these pressures on the macrobenthic communities by comparing a period before and after changes in these pressures. Benthic samples were seasonally collected in 1990 (before major anthropogenic changes), 2000 and 2005 at the same sampling stations located on three different habitats in the Eo estuary (Northern Spanish coast). Multivariate and univariate methods were used to assess spatial variability of benthic assemblages and to compare community changes over time. Data from 1990 was assumed as the reference situation to appraise the subsequent impacts. We observed a significant spatial variability of the benthic assemblages in the system as a function of habitat heterogeneity in relation to sediment composition, presence/absence and density of seagrasses, and hydrodynamic regime. Changes were detected in the community composition at all sites during this 15 year period. The extent of changes was related to initial community conditions, rather than the intensity of the pressure. The results suggest that the responses of the benthic communities to human induced perturbations occurring in the system are largely dependent on its intrinsic buffer capacity, and that these communities have been able to cope with an increasing environmental stress (organic enrichment). In conclusion, to keep shellfish farming at a sustainable level without undesirable impacts, the disturbance intensity must be kept below the system carrying capacity. This will allow natural communities to cope with pressures and thus avoid further deterioration in ecological quality.  相似文献   
The objective of this computational study was to investigate to which extent the availability and the way of use of historical maps may affect the quality of the calibration process of cellular automata (CA) urban models. The numerical experiments are based on a constrained CA applied to a case study. Since the model depends on a large number of parameters, we optimize the CA using cooperative coevolutionary particle swarms, which is an approach known for its ability to operate effectively in search spaces with a high number of dimensions. To cope with the relevant computational cost related to the high number of CA simulations required by our study, we use a parallelized CA model that takes advantage of the computing power of graphics processing units. The study has shown that the accuracy of simulations can be significantly influenced by both the number and position in time of the historical maps involved in the calibration.  相似文献   
We present a methodology and a planning and design support software tool for evaluating walkability and pedestrian accessibility of places which are relevant for people’s capabilities, and thus an important component of quality of life in cities. A multicriteria evaluation model, at the core of the decision support system, is used to assign walkability scores to points in urban space. Walkability scores are obtained through algorithms which process spatial data and run the evaluation model in order to derive potential pedestrian routes along the street network, taking into account the quality of urban space on several attributes relevant for walkability. One of its notable characteristics is a certain reversal of perspective in evaluating walkability: the walkability score of a place does not reflect how that place is per se walkable, but instead how and where to can one walk from there, that is to say, what is the walkability the place is endowed with. This evaluation incorporates three intertwined elements: the number of destinations/opportunities reachable by foot, their walking distances, and the quality of the paths to these destinations. In this article, we furthermore demonstrate possible uses of the support system by reporting and discussing the results of a case-study assessment of a project for the Lisbon’s Segunda Circular (Second Ring Road). The software tool is made freely available for download.  相似文献   
Detailed monitoring of the groundwater table can provide important data about both short‐ and long‐term aquifer processes, including information useful for estimating recharge and facilitating groundwater modeling and remediation efforts. In this paper, we presents results of 4 years (2002 to 2005) of monitoring groundwater water levels in the Rio Claro Aquifer using observation wells drilled at the Rio Claro campus of São Paulo State University in Brazil. The data were used to follow natural periodic fluctuations in the water table, specifically those resulting from earth tides and seasonal recharge cycles. Statistical analyses included methods of time‐series analysis using Fourier analysis, cross‐correlation, and R/S analysis. Relationships could be established between rainfall and well recovery, as well as the persistence and degree of autocorrelation of the water table variations. We further used numerical solutions of the Richards equation to obtain estimates of the recharge rate and seasonable groundwater fluctuations. Seasonable soil moisture transit times through the vadose zone obtained with the numerical solution were very close to those obtained with the cross‐correlation analysis. We also employed a little‐used deep drainage boundary condition to obtain estimates of seasonable water table fluctuations, which were found to be consistent with observed transient groundwater levels during the period of study.  相似文献   
The “Colli Albani” composite volcano is made up of strongly silica-undersaturated leucite-bearing rocks. Magmas were erupted during three main periods, but a complex plumbing system dominated by regional tectonics channelled magmas into different reservoirs. The most alkali-rich magmas, restricted to the caldera-forming period (pre-caldera), are extremely enriched in incompatible trace elements and display more radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86Sr?=?0.71057–0.71067), with slightly less radiogenic Pb with respect to those of the post-caldera period. Post-caldera volcanic activity was concentrated in three different volcanic environments: external to the caldera, along the caldera edge and within the caldera. The post-caldera magmas produced melilite- to leucitite-bearing, plagioclase-free leucitites. In contrast to the pre-caldera lavas, they are characterised by lower incompatible trace element abundances and less radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86Sr?=?0.71006–0.71039). Magmas evolved through crystal fractionation plus minor crustal assimilation in a large magma chamber during the pre-caldera period. The multiple caldera collapses dissected and partially obliterated the early magma chamber. During the post-caldera stage, magmas were channelled through several pathways and multiple shallow-level magma reservoirs were established. A lithospheric mantle wedge previously depleted in the basaltic component and subsequently enriched by metasomatic slab-derived component is suggested as the mantle source of Colli Albani parental magmas. Two different parental magmas are recognised for the pre- and post-caldera stages. The differences may be related to the interplay between smaller degrees of melting for the pre-caldera magmas and more carbonate-rich recycled subducted lithologies in the post-caldera magmas.  相似文献   
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