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The accelerated production and replacement of new electrical and electronic equipment demonstrates a tendency for the proportional increase in the generation of e‐waste. Developing countries experience similar social and environmental consequences from this trend, which compounds the other challenges associated with the already poor solid waste management in these regions. Moreover, the dangerous composition of some e‐waste amplifies the problems related to managing these materials. This mini‐review presents a brief overview of e‐waste management in Brazil, including technical aspects, scientific studies, and the challenges ahead. With the Brazilian National Policy of Solid Waste already in place, technical and scientific studies endorse measures that range from incorporating the informal recycling sector into the e‐waste management sector to encouraging the expansion of the recycling industry. All such actions, combined with an intensified commitment of electronic equipment manufacturers to reverse logistics, can improve e‐waste management in Brazil.  相似文献   
The Brazilian Amazon is a vast territory with an enormous need for mapping and monitoring of renewable and non-renewable resources. Due to the adverse environmental condition (rain, cloud, dense vegetation) and difficult access, topographic information is still poor, and when available needs to be updated or re-mapped. In this paper, the feasibility of using Digital Surface Models (DSMs) extracted from TerraSAR-X Stripmap stereo-pair images for detailed topographic mapping was investigated for a mountainous area in the Carajás Mineral Province, located on the easternmost border of the Brazilian Amazon. The quality of the radargrammetric DSMs was evaluated regarding field altimetric measurements. Precise topographic field information acquired from a Global Positioning System (GPS) was used as Ground Control Points (GCPs) for the modeling of the stereoscopic DSMs and as Independent Check Points (ICPs) for the calculation of elevation accuracies. The analysis was performed following two ways: (1) the use of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and (2) calculations of systematic error (bias) and precision. The test for significant systematic error was based on the Student’s-t distribution and the test of precision was based on the Chi-squared distribution. The investigation has shown that the accuracy of the TerraSAR-X Stripmap DSMs met the requirements for 1:50,000 map (Class A) as requested by the Brazilian Standard for Cartographic Accuracy. Thus, the use of TerraSAR-X Stripmap images can be considered a promising alternative for detailed topographic mapping in similar environments of the Amazon region, where available topographic information is rare or presents low quality.  相似文献   
Human activities in coastal areas have increased the occurrence of eutrophication events, especially in vulnerable ecosystems such as coastal lagoons. Although we have a general knowledge of the consequences of eutrophication in these ecosystems, some efforts need to be made to understand biotic feedbacks that could modify the response of the environment to nutrient enrichment. The plant-mediated 'coastal filter' is one of the main factors that determine lagoonal efficiency in processing excess nutrients. In this context, the present paper examined the relative contribution of benthic macrofauna to the 'coastal filter' of a Mediterranean lagoon. The analysis of macrofaunal assemblages in the Mar Menor lagoon led to a clear differentiation between shallow areas of net nutrient recycling and exportation and deeper areas of net retention. These differences enhance nutrient removal from the water column, thus increasing the ecosystem's resistance to eutrophication.  相似文献   
Due to the growing rate of urbanization and a rapid and unplanned development in many tropical coastal areas, there continues to be an increasing concern in relation to the impact of anthropogenic activities on mangrove sediments. In southeastern Brazil, the Sepetiba Bay becomes an example of an ecosystem in the process of accelerated degradation. Previous studies highlighted the activities related with zinc processing by an industry on the Madeira’s Island as one of the main source of heavy metal to Sepetiba Bay. Despite the end of the industrial activities in the area, the waste reservoir became the main source of pollutant to the surrounding area. Analyses of Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Zn, particle size and nutrients of 20 sediment samples collected in the mangrove of the Madeira Island showed that the waste reservoir is the main source of contaminant to the mangrove. The statistic analyses showed that the moisture content and organic matter play an important role in the geochemical dynamic of heavy metal in the area.  相似文献   
The Cabo Frio region in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeast coast of Brazil, is characterized by a local coastal upwelling system and converging littoral sediment transport systems that are deflected offshore at Cabo Frio, as a consequence of which a thick cross-shelf sediment deposit has developed over time. To investigate the evolution of this muddy deposit, geophysical, sedimentological and geochemical data from four sediment cores (3.8–4.1 m in length) recovered in water depths between 88 and 141 m were analyzed. The high-resolution seismic data show variable sediment thicknesses ranging from 1 to 20 m, comprising two sedimentary units separated by a high-impedance layer at a depth of about 10 m below the seafloor at the coring sites. According to the available age datings, the upper sedimentary unit is late Pleistocene to Holocene in age, whereas the lower unit (not dated) must, by implication, be entirely Pleistocene in age. The boomer-seismic reflection signal can be divided into three echo-types, namely transparent (inner shelf), stratified (middle shelf) and reflective (outer shelf), each type seemingly related to the local sediment composition. The upper 4 m of the upper sedimentary unit is dominated by silty sediment on the middle shelf, and by upward-fining sediments (silty sand to sandy silt) on the inner and outer shelf. The downcore trends of P-wave velocity, gamma-ray density and acoustic impedance are largely similar, but generally reversed to those of water and organic carbon contents. Total organic carbon contents increase with decreasing mean grain size, periodic fluctuations suggesting temporal changes in the regional hydrodynamics and primary productivity fuelled by the local upwelling system. The reconstruction of sedimentation rates in the course of the Holocene is based on 35 AMS age datings of organic material recovered from variable downcore depths. These range from a maximum of 13.3 cm/decade near the base of the inner shelf core (7.73–7.70 ka BP) to generally very low values (<0.11 cm/century) over the last thousand years in all cores. Over the last 6 ka there appear to have been three distinct sedimentation peaks, one between 6 and 5 ka BP, another between 4 and 3 ka PB, and one around 1 ka BP. Due to different time intervals between dates, not every peak is equally well resolved in all four cores. Based on the similar sedimentology of the inner and outer shelf cores, an essentially identical sedimentation model is proposed to have been active in both cases, albeit at different times. Thus, already during the last glacial maximum, alongshore sediment transport was deflected offshore by a change in shoreline orientation caused by the Cabo Frio structural high. The source of terrigenous material was probably a barrier-island complex that was subsequently displaced landward in the course of sea-level rise until it stabilized some 6.5 ka BP along the modern coast.  相似文献   
Shallow-water hydrothermal activity is widely present at Azores archipelago. Organisms in such environments present great potential as sentinels of the effects derived from chronically exposure to increased temperature, metal concentrations and reduced pH. This study aimed to evaluate metal concentration in Corallina elongata collected at locations exposed and not exposed to shallow-water hydrothermal activity and evaluate changes in its calcareous structure. Elemental concentration was determined and morphometric analysis was performed by scanning electron microscopy. Thicker cell walls and a bleached appearance were observed on C. elongata specimens from the hydrothermally active location, as well as increased concentrations of elements associated to volcanic activity.This study reports on metal accumulation and morphometric changes in the calcareous structure of C. elongata from a hydrothermally active location, adding new data for further research on such habitats and communities, providing an insight on how coralline algae might be affected by ocean acidification.  相似文献   
Suspended particles and dissolved substances in water provide reactive surfaces, influence metabolic activity and contribute to the net sediment deposition. It therefore plays an important part in the ecology and quality of the water mass. The water quality in reservoirs is crucial and it is naturally maintained by flushing and sedimentation, which continuously remove phosphorus from the water. In some reservoirs, however, these removal processes are countered by recycling of ions which could play a key role to start and/or maintain the eutrophic state. The combination of macro‐, trace‐ and microanalysis techniques can be useful to trace pollution sources through a chemical fingerprint, whether be during an acute environmental disaster or a long‐term release of pollutants. The water quality and total metal content of reservoir sediments were assessed in a reservoir, situated in the capital of the Paraná State, in the South‐Eastern part of Brazil. The goal of this paper was to determine the metal presence in the sediment and metal and ionic speciation in the Green River reservoir water. Water and bed sediment samples, collected from various sites during 2008 and 2009, were investigated using XRF, ICP‐OES, ICP‐MS, XRD and zeta potential measurements. Based on the results, the heavy metal concentration and chemical composition of the suspended matter in the water samples, as well as the sediment's chemical composition will be discussed.  相似文献   
This study used hydrographic data (CTD and ADCP) collected along the north Brazilian continental shelf and the adjacent oceanic area (the north Brazilian zone) and 13 years of monthly data of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite microwave images. In July and August 2001, the core of the North Brazil Current (NBC) with a velocity exceeding 1.2 m s?1 in the upper 150 m was observed near the break of the north Brazilian continental shelf. The satellite and in situ SSTs from the same time indicate that relatively cold waters (<27.5 °C) extended throughout the NBC region where the vertical distribution of temperature displayed a rise of the 26 °C isotherm to near the surface on transects where the NBC was more intense. These observations indicated that the NBC plays an important role in temperature changes in the water column near and/or over the north Brazilian continental shelf margin even at times when, theoretically, the NBC may be expected to be less intense (April–May) and warm waters dominate the area. The distribution of accumulated temperature change reveals that the NBC may contribute to possible nutrient upwelling of the bottom boundary layer along the continental shelf to surficial areas and offshore following the NBC deflection or merely into the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
Riassunto Fino ad oggi sono apparse solo teorie elettrogeosmotiche transitorie unidimensionali. Quì risolviamo un problema del genere bidimensionale, con elettrodi verticali cilindrici. Le curve rappresentative delle portate d'acqua catodicaq K a cui perveniamo, denotano diminuzioni abbastanza rapide fino ai tempi dell' ordine dei «tempi elettrodici », (t=), portate che poi diminuiscono in modo molto lento. Si riscontrano quì più estesi «pianerottoli»q K che non quelli delle monodimensionalità (t=/9). Inoltre, col crescere dei rapporti distanze eteropolari-raggi catodici, o col diminuire dei raggi catodici, tali portate (che si compongono dei contributi dei singoli anodi) s'incrementano nel modo diagrammato.
Summary Till now only mono-dimensional transient electro-geoosmotical theories have been published. In this paper a solution is given for a problem of bi-dimensional type, with vertical cylindrical electrodes. The plots which represent the amounts of cathodic waterq K show quite rapid lowerings as far as to reach time durations of the order of «electrodic times » (t=) volumes which, after, diminish very slowly. In this case more extendedq K «lobbies» are found than those in mono-dimensional case (t=/9). Furthermore increasing the ratios heteropolar spacings—cathodic radii, or diminishing the cathodic radii, water discharges (which result from the contribution of the single anods) increase as plotted in the diagrams.
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