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A numerical simulation has been carried out to investigate the effects of below-sea-level (b.s.l.) excavation on the raw material quality of a cement quarry in Turkey. The model simulates variations in the hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical mechanisms in the coastal aquifer upon BSL excavation. In this context, behavior of the seawater intrusion zone, changes in water levels, and salt concentrations have been simulated. In the development of the model, previous geological and hydrogeological reports of the quarry site and the near vicinity have been considered. Eleven new wells (BH-1,...BH-11) have been drilled to reveal hydrogeological features of the area and also for periodical observations of the water levels and hydrogeochemical monitoring. These wells were utilized to develop and calibrate the model to the field conditions. Physical and hydrogeochemical parameters used in the model have been evaluated using available hydrogeological data, the field test results and the related literature. The model has been verified using the field observations. It is based on the virgin conditions of the aquifer as well as on the data for years 1990 and 2001. An average raw material production rate for the cement factory was considered during development of the model, and for making future predictions. Two alternative production scenarios have been considered and probable effects of above-sea-level (a.s.l.) and b.s.l. excavations on seawater intrusion into the aquifer have been studied. Future prediction studies are based on these two production scenarios that assume 43 years of total production (30 years of a.s.l. and 13 years of b.s.l. production) in the quarry. The first scenario, Scenario I, assumes that starting from 2001, the next 30 years would be devoted only to ASL and then the remaining 13 years would be used for b.s.l. production. Scenario II, on the other hand, assumes simultaneous operations both at a.s.l. and b.s.l. levels for the next 43 years after 2001. Effects of b.s.l. production in the quarry site have been simulated accordingly, and seawater intrusion into the aquifer as well as water discharge rates have been predicted for –10, –20 and –30 m production levels.  相似文献   
Optically homogeneous augite xenocrysts, closely associated with spinel–peridotite nodules, occur in alkali basalts from Hannuoba (Hebei province, China). They were studied by electron and X-ray diffraction to define the occurrence and significance of pigeonite exsolution microtextures. Sub-calcic augite (Wo34) exsolved into En62–62Fs25–21Wo13–17 pigeonite and En46–45Fs14–14Wo40–42 augite, as revealed by TEM through diffuse coarser (001) lamellae (100–300 Å) and only incipient (100) thinner ones (<70 Å). C2/c augite and P21/c pigeonite lattices, measured by CCD-XRD, relate through a(Aug)?a(Pgt), b(Aug)?b(Pgt), c(Aug)≠c(Pgt) [5.278(1) vs 5.189(1)Å] and β(Aug)≠β(Pgt) [106.55(1) vs 108.55(2)°]. Cell and site volumes strongly support the hypothesis that the augite xenocrysts crystallised at mantle depth from alkaline melts. After the augite xenocrysts entered the magma, (001) lamellae first formed by spinodal decomposition at a Tmin of about 1,100 °C, and coarsened during very rapid transport to the surface; in a later phase, possibly on cooling, incipient (100) lamellae then formed.  相似文献   
The present study deals with tectonomagmatic evolution of the collision-related leucogranite located near the northwest corner of exposed basement in Sinai, Egypt. The area is composed of: (1) a gabbroic complex; (2) amphibolite; (3) post-orogenic leucogranite; (4) Feiran gneisses. The amphibolite and gabbroic suites, generated in an island arc environment, have a high Fe-tholeiitic affinity and were derived from two independent magmas. On the basis of rare earth element (REE) patterns, the gabbroic melts could have been generated from a garnet- and amphibole-bearing, enriched mantle, and were subsequently modified by fractional crystallization of pyroxene and amphibole with minor plagioclase, whereas the amphibolite melts could be derived from garnet-free depleted mantle.The leucogranite has high Al2O3 content (>13 wt%), alumina saturation index (ASI) mostly >1, and normative corundum, indicating a peraluminous nature. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for the leucogranite show light REE enrichment (La/SmN=2.7–4.86), general flattening of the heavy REE (Gd/LuN=1.2–2), and negative europium (Eu) anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.24–0.47). The peraluminous nature and enrichment of the incompatible elements (K, Rb, Ba and Th) in the leucogranite strongly suggest derivation from a crustal source. The most probable source for the leucogranite magmas is represented by the adjacent Feiran gneisses, which could have generated the leucogranite by dehydration melting under water-undersaturated conditions. It appears likely that the restite unmixing model is responsible for the chemical variations within the leucogranite. In accordance with this model, the chemical variation of the leucogranite can be attributed to varying degrees of separation of restitic material from the melt during its emplacement and solidification and fractional crystallization could have played a minor role during magma ascent through the crust.  相似文献   
Normal grain growth of calcite was investigated by combining grain size analysis of calcite across the contact aureole of the Adamello pluton, and grain growth modeling based on a thermal model of the surroundings of the pluton. In an unbiased model system, i.e., location dependent variations in temperature-time path, 2/3 and 1/3 of grain growth occurs during pro- and retrograde metamorphism at all locations, respectively. In contrast to this idealized situation, in the field example three groups can be distinguished, which are characterized by variations in their grain size versus temperature relationships: Group I occurs at low temperatures and the grain size remains constant because nano-scale second phase particles of organic origin inhibit grain growth in the calcite aggregates under these conditions. In the presence of an aqueous fluid, these second phases decay at a temperature of about 350 °C enabling the onset of grain growth in calcite. In the following growth period, fluid-enhanced group II and slower group III growth occurs. For group II a continuous and intense grain size increase with T is typical while the grain growth decreases with T for group III. None of the observed trends correlate with experimentally based grain growth kinetics, probably due to differences between nature and experiment which have not yet been investigated (e.g., porosity, second phases). Therefore, grain growth modeling was used to iteratively improve the correlation between measured and modeled grain sizes by optimizing activation energy (Q), pre-exponential factor (k0) and grain size exponent (n). For n=2, Q of 350 kJ/mol, k0 of 1.7×1021 mns–1 and Q of 35 kJ/mol, k0 of 2.5×10-5 mns–1 were obtained for group II and III, respectively. With respect to future work, field-data based grain growth modeling might be a promising tool for investigating the influences of secondary effects like porosity and second phases on grain growth in nature, and to unravel differences between nature and experiment.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   
The world-class Idrija mercury deposit (western Slovenia) is hosted by highly deformed Permocarboniferous to Middle Triassic sedimentary rocks within a complex tectonic structure at the transition between the External Dinarides and the Southern Alps. Concordant and discordant mineralization formed concomitant with Middle Triassic bimodal volcanism in an aborted rift. A multiple isotopic (C, O, S) investigation of host rocks and ore minerals was performed to put constraints on the source and composition of the fluid, and the hydrothermal alteration. The distributions of the 13C and 18O values of host and gangue carbonates are indicative of a fracture-controlled hydrothermal system, with locally high fluid-rock ratios. Quantitative modeling of the 13C and 18O covariation for host carbonates during temperature dependent fluid-rock interaction, and concomitant precipitation of void-filling dolomites points to a slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid (13C–4 and 18O+10), which most likely evolved during isotopic exchange with carbonates under low fluid/rock ratios. The 34S values of hydrothermal and sedimentary sulfur minerals were used to re-evaluate the previously proposed magmatic and evaporitic sulfur sources for the mineralization, and to assess the importance of other possible sulfur sources such as the contemporaneous seawater sulfate, sedimentary pyrite, and organic sulfur compounds. The 34S values of the sulfides show a large variation at deposit down to hand-specimen scale. They range for cinnabar and pyrite from –19.1 to +22.8, and from –22.4 to +59.6, respectively, suggesting mixing of sulfur from different sources. The peak of 34S values of cinnabar and pyrite close to 0 is compatible with ore sulfur derived dominantly from a magmatic fluid and/or from hydrothermal leaching of basement rocks. The similar stratigraphic trends of the 34S values of both cinnabar and pyrite suggest a minor contribution of sedimentary sulfur (pyrite and organic sulfur) to the ore formation. Some of the positive 34S values are probably derived from thermochemical reduction of evaporitic and contemporaneous seawater sulfates.Editorial handling: P. Lattanzi  相似文献   
Vitrinite reflectance was measured in Late Carboniferous to Triassic shales, siltstones and marls of the Karawanken Range. Thermal models of the central South-Karawanken Range were calibrated on the basis of these data. They suggest an eroded overburden of more than 3,200 m of Jurassic to Cretaceous sediments and a heat flow in the range of 42 to 60 mW m?2 during the time of maximum subsidence. Because the reconstructed thermal history of the South-Karawanken Range is very similar to the thermal history of the Generoso basin (western Southern Alps), these data provide strong evidence for a deep basinal position of the Southern Karawanken Range during Jurassic to Cretaceous times. A vitrinite reflectance anomaly at the northern margin of the South-Karawanken Range is explained by advective heat transport during the Oligocene. The heat source for the anomalies at the western margin of the Seeberg Rise and in the area between the Periadriatic Lineament and the Donat Fault Zone is unknown. Vitrinite reflectance in Late Triassic sediments indicates the South-Karawanken Range and the South-Zala Unit of the Pannonian basement as exotic blocks in the Sava Composite Unit. This is explained by Miocene displacement of structural units, which were derived from different paleogeographical segments of the Permo-Mesozoic western Tethyan margin.  相似文献   
Sandstones and shales from the Upper Neoproterozoic (UN) succession in the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) show parallel REE patterns and relatively restricted and similar ranges and average values of some element ratios such as Al2O3/TiO2, Ti/Nb, Eu/Eu*, (La/Yb)n, (Gd/Yb)n and Th/U. This remarkable geochemical homogeneity for related medium- and fine-grained rocks is unusual, and strongly suggests a recycled source area. However, the Lower Cambrian (LC) equivalent rocks are, in general terms, geochemically less mature, more heterogeneous and more fractionated. Their average REE patterns are practically coincident, probably as a consequence of REE redistribution related to the reworking of sediments during a stage of sea level fall in Lower Cambrian times. Ti and Zr abundances, chemical index of alteration (CIA) values and element ratios such as Al2O3/TiO2, K/Rb, Ti/Nb and Rb/Zr can be used for discriminating purposes between the UN and LC siliciclastic rocks. Detrital zircons from a UN and a LC sandstone display morphological differences. However, U-Pb data are discordant and cannot be interpreted in a straightforward manner. Nevertheless, age data are compatible with a model in which the continent of Gondwana would have supplied zircons, showing a bimodal age distribution, in variable proportions to the respective sandstone units.  相似文献   
A long-term study (monthly sampling, 1992 to 2007) was conducted in the surf zone of Cassino Beach, Southern Brazil, in order to detect possible natural and/or anthropogenic disturbances. Surface water temperature (6–29°C) was the only parameter with predictable seasonal variation; salinity (14–38) was inversely related to rainfall (3.1–485.2 mm month−1) and low values followed extreme precipitation periods in 1997/1998 and 2002/2003 (El Ni?o years). Asterionellopsis glacialis and chlorophyll a presented high concentrations and peak frequency until 1998, when an intense mud deposition occurred with concomitant extreme rainfall. It affected the surf zone and beach, changing the hydrology and dissolved inorganic nutrient availability. Six phytoplankton species groups were recognized with distinct responses to this mud deposition. We conclude that large-scale climatic changes, like El Ni?o Southern Oscillation, in conjunction with human activities significantly altered the phytoplankton ecology of the highly dynamic Cassino Beach surf zone.  相似文献   
The state of knowledge and resources available to issue alerts of precipitation-induced landslides vary across the USA. Federal and state agencies currently issue warnings of the potential for shallow, rapidly moving landslides and debris flows in a few areas along the Pacific coast and for areas affected by Atlantic hurricanes. However, these agencies generally lack resources needed to provide continuous support or to expand services to other areas. Precipitation thresholds that form the basis of landslide warning systems now exist for a few areas of the USA, but the threshold rainfall amounts and durations vary over three orders of magnitude nationwide and over an order of magnitude across small geographic areas such as a county. Antecedent moisture conditions also have a significant effect, particularly in areas that have distinct wet and dry seasons. Early warnings of shallow landslides that include specific information about affected areas, probability of landslide occurrence, and expected timing are technically feasible as illustrated by a case study from the Seattle, WA area. The four-level warning scheme (Null, Outlook, Watch, Warning) defined for Seattle is based on observed or predicted exceedance of a cumulative precipitation threshold and a rainfall intensity–duration threshold combined with real-time monitoring of soil moisture. Based on analysis of historical data, threshold performance varies according to precipitation characteristics, and threshold exceedance corresponds to a given probability of landslide occurrence. Experience in Seattle during December 2004 and January 2005 illustrates some of the challenges of providing landslide early warning on the USA West Coast.  相似文献   
Using both the photosynthetically active chlorophylla (chla) content of the organic carbon fraction of suspended particulate matter (chla/POC) and the percentage of photosynthetically, active chla in fluorometrically measured chla plus pheophytina (% chla), we determined that under specified hydrodynamic conditions, neap-spring tidal differentiation in particle dynamics could be observed in the Columbia River estuary. During summer time neap tides, when river discharge was moderate, bottom chla/POC remained relatively unchanged from riverine chla/POC over the full 0–30 psu salinity range, suggesting a benign trapping environment. During summertime spring tides, bottom chla/POC decreased at mid range salinities indicating resuspension of chla-poor POC during flood-ebb transitions. Bottom % chla during neap tides tended to average higher than that during spring tides, suggesting that neap particles were more recently hydrodynamically trapped than those on the spring tides. Such differentiation supported the possibility of operation of a particle conveyor belt process, a process in which low-amplitude neap tides favor selective particle trapping in estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM)., while high-amplitude spring tides favor particle resuspension from the ETM. Untrapped river-derived particles at the surface would continue through the estuary to the coastal ocean on the neap tide; during spring tide some particles eroded from the ETM would combine with unsettled riverine particles in transit toward the ocean. Because in tensified biogeochemical activity is associated with ETM, these neap-spring differences may be critical to maintenance and renewal of populations and processes in the estuary. Very high river discharge (15, 000 m3 s−1) tended to overwhelm neap-spring differences, and significant oceanic input during very low river discharge (5,000 m3 s−1) tended to do the same in the estuarine channel most exposed to ocean input. During heavy springtime phytoplankton blooms, development of a thick bottom fluff layer rich in chla also appeared to negate neapspring differentiation because spring tides apparently acted to resuspend the same rich bottom material that was laid down during neap tides. When photosynthetic assimilation numbers [μgC (μgchl,a)−1h−1] were measured across, the full salinity range, no neap-spring differences and no river discharge effects occurred, indicating that within our suite of measurements the compositional distinction of suspended particulate material was mainly a function of chla/POC, and to a lesser extent % chla. Even though these measurements suggest the existence of a conveyor belt process, proof of actual operation of this phenomenon requires scalar flux measurements of chla properties in and out of the ETM on both neap and spring tides.  相似文献   
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