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The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the geochemical characteristics of the limestone of the Upper Cretaceous Mortas Formation and related terra rossa in a 50 km2 area which is located 20 km south of the city of Seydisehir, Central Anatolia, by using data obtained from the ICP-MS analysis of randomly collected 42 samples of limestone and 18 samples of the terra rossa.The limestone of the Mortas Formation is composed of fossilliferous, gray-cream colored, medium to thick bedded, partially dolomitic carbonate rocks, and generally has dismicrite, intrapelmicrite composition. It includes the largest bauxite reservior in Turkey and has many occurences of terra rossa formation on it. According to mean distance, the Ba, Be, Hg, Mo, Nb, Sb and Th concentrations in the limestones overlying and underlying the bauxite deposits are different, but the main oxides, REE and other trace elements are same. In factor analysis, the first component reflects relative enrichment of clay against to CaO contents of the limestone, the second component corresponds to the degree of dolomitization. The PAAS-normalized REEs pattern for the Mortas Formation limestone samples illustrate similar main features as seawater.The terra rossa soils in the study area are considered to be highly weathered and weakly mature soil with respect to their generally low Al2O3 (21%), but high CaO (2%) contents, and their alteration indices. The element ratios in the terra rossa and limestone show that in the process of the transformation from limestone to terra rossa, Ba, Si, Ti, Al and Fe were enriched together by staying in-situ. Except Ce, all lanthanides show similar behavior, but the HREE, which were richer in limestone, were consumed fast relative to the LREE during soil formation. The association and the enrichment of Co, Cu, Cr, Ni and Pb as well as Ba, Zr, Ga, Nb and Rb in soil relative to the limestone are interpreted as being resulted from eolian transportation. Ca, Au, Hg, Sr, Se, Sb, Mo, Ag, U, Cd and Na were found to be the most mobile elements during pedogenic transformation. According to main oxide composition ratios of the limestone and terra rossa, the soils were described as representing a well washed soil completing the leaching and accumulation phase, but not totally completing the silicate weathering phase. In the processes of soil formation, 97.76% of the limestone was washed away; only 2.24% of limestone was deposited as soil. Therefore, 61 times mass reduction was realized.  相似文献   
Active deformation in the South Caspian region demonstrates the enormous variation in kinematics and structural style generated where a rigid basement block lies within a collision zone. Rigid basement to the South Caspian Basin moves with a westward component relative both to stable Eurasia and Iran, and is beginning to subduct at its northern and western margins. This motion is oblique to the approximately north–south Arabia–Eurasia convergence, and causes oblique shortening to the south and northeast of the South Caspian Basin: thrusting in the Alborz and Kopet Dagh is accompanied by range-parallel strike–slip faults, which are respectively left- and right-lateral. There are also arcuate fold and thrust belts in the region, for two principal reasons. Firstly, weaker regions deform and wrap around the rigid block. This occurs at the curved transition zone between the Alborz and Talysh ranges, where thrust traces are concave towards the foreland. Secondly, a curved fold and thrust belt can link a deformation zone created by movement of the basement block to one created by the regional convergence: west-to-east thrusts in the eastern Talysh represent underthrusting of the South Caspian basement, but pass via an arcuate fan of fold trains into SSW-directed thrusts in the eastern Greater Caucasus, which accommodates part of the Arabia–Eurasia convergence. Each part of the South Caspian region contains one or more detachment levels, which vary dependent on the pre-Pliocene geology. Buckle folds in the South Caspian Basin are detached from older rocks on thick mid-Tertiary mudrocks, whereas thrust sheets in the eastern Greater Caucasus detach on Mesozoic horizons. In the future, the South Caspian basement may be largely eliminated by subduction, leading to a situation similar to Archaean greenstone belts of interthrust mafic and sedimentary slices surrounded by the roots of mountain ranges constructed from continental crust.  相似文献   
Hazaribagh is a densely populated area of Dhaka city where about 185 leather processing industries have been operating and discharging solid and liquid wastes directly to the low-lying areas, river and natural canals without proper treatment. The area is covered by alluvial deposits of Holocene age and is underlain by Pleistocene Madhupur clay. The Dupi Tila Formation of Mio-Pliocene age underlain by this yellowish gray to brick red clay bed serves as the main water-bearing aquifer of Dhaka city. To assess the environmental degradation as well as the groundwater environment, major anions, cations and heavy metals of water samples, heavy metals and organic carbon content of sediment samples were analyzed in this study. Analyses of tannery effluent detect high concentration of Na+, Mg2+, Cl and SO 4 2− followed by Ca2+, NH 4 + and K+ with remarkable contents of some trace elements, mainly Cr, Fe, Mn, S, Ni and Pb. Higher accumulations of Cr, Al and Fe are observed in topsoil samples with significant amounts of Mn, Zn, Ni and Cu. Concentrations of ions and all the investigated trace elements of sampled groundwater were within the maximum allowable limit for drinking water of the Department of Environment, Bangladesh (DoE), and World Health Organization (WHO). However, excessive concentrations of Cr, Pb, etc., have already been reported in the shallow groundwater (10–20 m) of the area. Due to excessive withdrawal the vulnerability of groundwater contamination in deeper parts cannot be avoided for the future.  相似文献   
Dissolved major ions and important heavy metals including total arsenic and iron were measured in groundwater from shallow (25–33 m) and deep (191–318 m) tube-wells in southeastern Bangladesh. These analyses are intended to help describe geochemical processes active in the aquifers and the source and release mechanism of arsenic in sediments for the Meghna Floodplain aquifer. The elevated Cl and higher proportions of Na+ relative to Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ in groundwater suggest the influence by a source of Na+ and Cl. Use of chemical fertilizers may cause higher concentrations of NH4+ and PO43− in shallow well samples. In general, most ions are positively correlated with Cl, with Na+ showing an especially strong correlation with Cl, indicating that these ions are derived from the same source of saline waters. The relationship between Cl/HCO3 ratios and Cl also shows mixing of fresh groundwater and seawater. Concentrations of dissolved HCO3 reflect the degree of water–rock interaction in groundwater systems and integrated microbial degradation of organic matter. Mn and Fe-oxyhydroxides are prominent in the clayey subsurface sediment and well known to be strong adsorbents of heavy metals including arsenic. All five shallow well samples had high arsenic concentration that exceeded WHO recommended limit for drinking water. Very low concentrations of SO42− and NO3 and high concentrations of dissolved Fe and PO43− and NH4+ ions support the reducing condition of subsurface aquifer. Arsenic concentrations demonstrate negative co-relation with the concentrations of SO42− and NO3 but correlate weakly with Mo, Fe concentrations and positively with those of P, PO43− and NH4+ ions.  相似文献   
Southern Bangladesh’s irrigation and drinking water is threatened by saline intrusion. This study aimed to establish an irrigation water quality index (IWQI) using a geostatistical model and multivariate indices in Gopalganj district, south-central Bangladesh. Groundwater samples were taken randomly (different depths) in two seasons (wet-monsoon and dry-monsoon). Hydrochemical analysis revealed groundwater in this area was neutral to slightly alkaline and dominating cations were Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ along with major anions Cl? and HCO3 ?. Principal component analysis and Gibbs plot helped explain possible geochemical processes in the aquifer. The irrigation water evaluation indices showed: electrical conductivity (EC) >750 µS/cm, moderate to extreme saline; sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), excellent to doubtful; total hardness (TH), moderate to very hard; residual sodium bicarbonate, safe to marginal; Kelly’s ratio >1; soluble sodium percentage (SSP), fair to poor; magnesium adsorption ratio, harmful for soil; and IWQI, moderate to suitable. In addition, the best fitted semivariogram for IWQI, EC, SAR, SSP, and TH confirmed that most parameters had strong spatial dependence and others had moderate to weak spatial dependence. This variation might be due to the different origin/sources of major contributing ions along with the influence of variable river flow and small anthropogenic contributions. Furthermore, the spatial distribution maps for IWQI, EC, SSP, and TH during both seasons confirmed the influence of salinity from the sea; low-flow in the major river system was the driving factor of overall groundwater quality in the study area. These findings may contribute to management of irrigation and/or drinking water in regions with similar groundwater problems.  相似文献   
In the present study, the end bearing capacity of screw and straight pipe pile under similar pile tip area and ground conditions were investigated. The effect of increasing overburden pressure was also considered in this research. Pile load tests on close-ended screw and straight pipe piles were conducted in the small scale. Dry Toyoura sand was used to develop the model ground. The sand was compacted at relative density of 70, 80 and 92 %. It was observed that in case of straight pipe pile, load settlement curve plunges downward without increase in load around settlement equals to 10 % of pile tip diameter, whereas in case of screw pile, the load settlement curve plunges around settlement equals to 15 % of pile tip diameter. Moreover, the screw piles having helix-to-shaft diameter ratio 2–4.1 showed 2–12 times higher end bearing capacity than straight pipe piles with similar pile shaft diameter. It was also observed from the test results that the end bearing capacity of single-helix screw pile was in average 16.25 % less than straight pipe pile with similar pile tip area and ground conditions irrespective of the effect of increasing overburden pressure.  相似文献   
Quantitative evaluations of the impact of groundwater abstraction on recharge are rare. Over a period (1975??007) during which groundwater abstraction increased dramatically in the Bengal Basin, changes in net groundwater recharge in Bangladesh are assessed using the water-table fluctuation method. Mean annual groundwater recharge is shown to be higher (300??00?mm) in northwestern and southwestern areas of Bangladesh than in southeastern and northeastern regions (<100?mm) where rainfall and potential recharge are greater. Net recharge in many parts of Bangladesh has increased substantially (5??5?mm/year between 1985 and 2007) in response to increased groundwater abstraction for irrigation and urban water supplies. In contrast, net recharge has slightly decreased (??.5 to ???mm/year) in areas where groundwater-fed irrigation is low (<30% of total irrigation) and where abstraction has either decreased or remained unchanged over the period of 1985??007. The spatio-temporal dynamics of recharge in Bangladesh illustrate the fundamental flaw in definitions of “safe yield??based on recharge estimated under static (non-pumping) conditions and reveal the areas where (1) further groundwater abstraction may increase actual recharge to the shallow aquifer, and (2) current groundwater abstraction for irrigation and urban water supplies is unsustainable.  相似文献   
Bodies of magnesite-rich rocks (magnesite ± talc ± quartz ± dolomite), locally containing emerald deposits, occur within the Swat Valley. These rocks, part of the Indus suture mélange group, are distributed mostly along contacts of serpentinized ultramafic rocks with carbonate ± graphite-bearing metasedimentary rocks. Their field association, petrographic details, mineralogical composition and geochemical characteristics show that they likely formed due to carbonate alteration of previously serpentinized ultramafic rocks by CO2-bearing fluids released as a result of metamorphism of spatially associated, originally sedimentary rocks of the Indo-Pakistan plate.Locally, late-stage hydrothermal activity affected these highly fissile magnesite-rich rocks to produce veins and stockworks of quartz as well as emerald, Cr-rich tourmaline and Cr, Ni-rich muscovite. Detailed petrographic and mineral chemical investigations suggest that all three Cr-bearing silicates are genetically related and their Cr, as well as Ni and Mg found in Cr-rich muscovite and Cr-rich tourmaline, was derived from the original ultramafic protoliths.Detailed geochemical comparison reveals that relative to non-mineralized sections, magnesite-rich rocks in mineralized zones show significant enrichment in B and Be as well as As, Pb, Zr, Rb, Ba, W, Sn, Sr and Y. Boron and Be enrichment in these rocks appears to be structurally controlled. More extreme B and Be enrichment is evident in small granitic dikes cutting granite gneisses and in Miocene leucogranitic stocks at Malakand 45 km southwest. These geochemical features argue strongly for a leucogranite-associated source for Be-transporting fluids to the emerald's host rocks.  相似文献   
A comprehensive controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) modelling study, based on complex resistivity structures in a deep marine geological setting, is conducted. The study demonstrates the effects of acquisition parameters and multi‐layered resistors on CSEM responses. Three‐dimensional (3D) finite difference time domain (FDTD) grid‐modelling is used for CSEM sensitivity analysis. Interpolation of normalized CSEM responses provides attributes representing relative sensitivity of the modelled structures. Modelling results show that fine grid, 1 × 1 km receiver spacing, provides good correlations between CSEM responses and the modelled structures, irrespective of source orientation. The resolution of CSEM attributes decreases for receiver spacing >2 × 2 km, when using only in‐line data. Broadside data in the grid geometry increase data density by 100 – approximately 200% by filling in in‐line responses and improve the resolution of CSEM attributes. Optimized source orientation (i.e., oblique to the strike of an elongated resistor) improves the structural definition of the CSEM anomalies for coarse‐grid geometries (receiver spacing ≥3 × 3 km). The study also shows that a multi‐resistor anomaly is not simply the summation but a cumulative response with mutual interference between constituent resistors. The combined response of constituent resistors is approximately 50% higher than the cumulative response of the multi‐resistor for 0.5 Hz at 4000 m offset. A gradual inverse variation of offset and frequency allows differentiation of CSEM anomalies for multi‐layered resistors. Similar frequency‐offset variations for laterally persistent high‐resistivity facies show visual continuity with varying geometric expressions. 3D grid‐modelling is an effective and adequate tool for CSEM survey design and sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Artesian aquifers offer interesting opportunities for water supply by providing a low-vulnerability groundwater resource that is easily abstracted without any installation of pumps or power supply costs. However, hydraulic tests are challenging to perform, notably where the piezometric head is above ground level with free-flowing wells not equipped with valves and open for years. This paper describes a low-cost, easy to reproduce and adaptable device, the free-flowing artesian well device (FFAWD), which is mainly designed with a set of PVC tubes equipped with a pressure probe and a valve. This device is used to perform hydraulic tests on free-flowing artesian wells, to measure the piezometric head of the aquifer and to compute its transmissivity. The practical use of the FFAWD is described and a method is proposed to compute the piezometric head and the transmissivity of the aquifer from this data set (free-flowing well discharge and pressure increase measurements) with any adapted analytical solution, using the Houpeurt-Pouchan method. Artefacts such as post-production effects, surge effects, and the impact of a leaky well are identified to avoid any misinterpretation. The FFAWD was applied to the volcano-sedimentary artesian plain of Pasuruan (Indonesia). The advantages and limitations of using the device, along with the interpretation methodology, are also discussed.

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