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Morphometric analysis is an indispensable tool for hydrological investigation that involves the development and management of drainage basin. This study characterizes the micro watersheds in the Palar sub-watershed using morphometric analysis and assesses its risk by land use and land cover features in a particular micro watershed. Palar sub-watershed is divided into 6 micro watersheds for prioritization based on morphometric and land use analysis. Several morphometric parameters (linear, shape and relief) are determined from the drainage map; ranks are assigned based on their capacity to induce erodability and degradation. Final ranking is based on the composite index calculated from the sum of the ranks of each morphometric parameter. Morphometric analysis reveals micro watersheds 5 and 6 as most susceptible and 2 and 3 as low susceptible. Land use is mapped using IRS ID LISS III satellite data. The risk in terms of watershed degradation involved to each micro watershed is based on the ranks of each land use feature, obtained from a similar composite index as that of morphometric analysis. Land use analysis shows that micro watersheds 2 and 4 fall under high priority category while 5 and 6 under low priority category. Integration of the morphometric and land use analysis shows that only microwatershed 1 falls under the same category in both analyses. Control measures are suggested to contain degradation depending on its specific land use pattern and morphometric features. This study ean be used to prepare a comprehensive watershed plan for the development or for planning resource conservation strategies, by integrating land use features with the drainage characteristics of the region, in particular for a hill ecosystem as the prioritization is at micro level.  相似文献   
Inference of magnetic fields from very high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution polarized images is critical in understanding the physical processes that form and evolve fine scale structures in the solar atmosphere. Studying high spectral resolution data also helps in understanding the limits of lower resolution spectral data. We compare three different methods for calibrating the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field. Each method is tested for varying degrees of spectral resolution on both synthetic line profiles computed for known magnetic fields and real data. The methods evaluated are: (a) the differences in the center of gravity of the right and left circular components for different spectral resolution, (b) conversion of circular polarization, at particular wavelengths, to magnetic fields using model-dependent numerical solutions to the equations of polarized radiative transfer, and (c) the derivative method using the weak field approximation. Each method is applied to very high spatial and spectral resolution circular polarization images of an active region, acquired in the Fei 5250 Zeeman-sensitive spectral line. The images were obtained using the 20 m pass-band tunable filter at NSO/Sacramento Peak Observatory Vacuum Tower Telescope. We find that the center-of-gravity separation offers the best way of inferring the longitudinal magnetic field.Work partially done while the author held an NRC-USAF Resarch Associateship.Supported under a USAF/AFOSR research initiative.The National Optical Astronomy Observatories are operated by the Association of Universities Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA), under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF). Partial support for National Solar Observatory is provided by the United States Air Force under a Memorandum of Understanding with NSF.  相似文献   
Sequential chromospheric brightenings (SCBs) are often observed in the immediate vicinity of erupting flares and are associated with coronal mass ejections. Since their initial discovery in 2005, there have been several subsequent investigations of SCBs. These studies have used differing detection and analysis techniques, making it difficult to compare results between studies. This work employs the automated detection algorithm of Kirk et al. (Solar Phys. 283, 97, 2013) to extract the physical characteristics of SCBs in 11 flares of varying size and intensity. We demonstrate that the magnetic substructure within the SCB appears to have a significantly smaller area than the corresponding \(\mbox{H}\upalpha\) emission. We conclude that SCBs originate in the lower corona around \(0.1~R_{\odot}\) above the photosphere, propagate away from the flare center at speeds of \(35\,\mbox{--}\,85~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\), and have peak photosphere magnetic intensities of \(148\pm2.9~\mbox{G}\). In light of these measurements, we infer SCBs to be distinctive chromospheric signatures of erupting coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   
Surface roughness of rock discontinuities is an important factor that determines the strength characteristics of rock mass. Joint roughness coefficient (JRC), which is typically measured by means of Barton’s combs in the field, is widely used to describe the joint roughness. However, this traditional method of measurement can be rather subjective, labor-intensive and time consuming. In contrast, photogrammetry can provide an alternative method to obtain relatively simple and fast measurements of JRC based on high resolution 3D models. However, the reliability of such measurements still remains an issue as the results from photogrammetry can be affected by the quality of images. This study seeks to clarify whether photogrammetry can produce accurate measurements of JRC that can be used to assess the stability of slopes. A rock slope with a recent wedge failure in the Gold Coast area, Australia was selected for this purpose, and three different methods such as manual measurements, photogrammetry, and tilt tests were employed to determine the JRC. The obtained results showed some discrepancy in the values of JRC obtained from these three different measurements. In particular, the JRC obtained using the Barton’s comb had slightly higher values compared to those determined through the photogrammetry method while the tilt test results tended to yield overestimated values of JRC. Computer analysis using Universal Distinct Element Code was also performed to study the effect of JRC variation on the slope stability. It was found that an increase in the JRC led to an increase in the safety factor of the slope.  相似文献   
We report here on the present state-of-the-art in algorithms used for resolving the 180° ambiguity in solar vector magnetic field measurements. With present observations and techniques, some assumption must be made about the solar magnetic field in order to resolve this ambiguity. Our focus is the application of numerous existing algorithms to test data for which the correct answer is known. In this context, we compare the algorithms quantitatively and seek to understand where each succeeds, where it fails, and why. We have considered five basic approaches: comparing the observed field to a reference field or direction, minimizing the vertical gradient of the magnetic pressure, minimizing the vertical current density, minimizing some approximation to the total current density, and minimizing some approximation to the field's divergence. Of the automated methods requiring no human intervention, those which minimize the square of the vertical current density in conjunction with an approximation for the vanishing divergence of the magnetic field show the most promise.  相似文献   
We present a new automated algorithm to identify, track, and characterize small-scale brightening associated with solar eruptive phenomena observed in Hα. The temporal, spatially localized changes in chromospheric intensities can be separated into two categories: flare ribbons and sequential chromospheric brightenings (SCBs). Within each category of brightening we determine the smallest resolvable locus of pixels, a kernel, and track the temporal evolution of the position and intensity of each kernel. This tracking is accomplished by isolating the eruptive features, identifying kernels, and linking detections between frames into trajectories of kernels. We fully characterize the evolving intensity and morphology of the flare ribbons by observing the tracked flare kernels in aggregate. With the location of SCB and flare kernels identified, they can easily be overlaid on complementary data sets to extract Doppler velocities and magnetic-field intensities underlying the kernels. This algorithm is adaptable to any dataset to identify and track solar features.  相似文献   
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