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Anton Brown 《Tectonophysics》1973,19(4):383-397
A technique is described for measuring recoverable strain in situ using bridged photoelastic bar gages and a simple reflecting polariscope. Rosettes of 0.2 × 0.4 × 4-cm bars are bonded to the rock for 0.6 cm at each end. Change in strain is measured following overcoring with a 10-cm bit. Correction for strains in the order of 30 · 10?6/°C, due to differential thermal expansion between rock and gage, are made by monitoring dummy gages mounted on free blocks. Bar gages have been satisfactorily tested against foil resistance gages. Rosettes mounted closely adjacent on a free granite block showed a reasonable homogeneity of response.  相似文献   
Abstract— Sample preparation is always a critical step in the study of micrometer‐sized astromaterials available for study in the laboratory, whether their subsequent analysis is by electron microscopy or secondary ion mass spectrometry. A focused beam of gallium ions has been used to prepare electron transparent sections from an interplanetary dust particle (IDP), as part of an integrated analysis protocol to maximize the mineralogical, elemental, isotopic, and spectroscopic information extracted from one individual particle. In addition, focused ion beam (FIB) techniques have been employed to extract cometary residue preserved on the rims and walls of microcraters in 1100 series aluminum foils that were wrapped around the sample tray assembly on the Stardust cometary sample collector. Non‐ideal surface geometries and inconveniently located regions of interest required creative solutions. These include support pillar construction and relocation of a significant portion of sample to access a region of interest. Serial sectioning, in a manner similar to ultramicrotomy, is a significant development and further demonstrates the unique capabilities of focused ion beam microscopy for sample preparation of astromaterials.  相似文献   
Abstract— To improve the scarce data base of H2O content in tektites and impact glasses, we analyzed 26 tektites from all four strewn fields and 25 impact glass samples for their H2O content. We used the fourier-transformed infrared (FTIR) spectrometry method, which permits measurement of areas of ~40 μm in diameter. Our results show that the tektites have H2O contents ranging from 0.002 to 0.030 wt% (average 0.014 ± 0.008 wt%). Ivory Coast tektites have the lowest H2O abundances (0.002–0.003 wt%), and Muong Nong-type indochinites and some North American tektites having the highest contents (up to ~0.03 wt%). Impact glass samples (from the Zhamanshin, Aouelloul, and Rio Cuarto craters) yielded H2O contents of 0.008 to 0.13 wt% H2O. Typical impact glasses from the Aouelloul and Zhamanshin craters have low H2O contents (0.008 to 0.063 wt%). Libyan Desert Glasses and Rio Cuarto glasses have higher H2O contents (~0.11 wt%). We also analyzed glasses of unknown origin (e.g., urengoites; glass fragments from Tikal), which showed very low H2O contents, in agreement with an origin by impact. Our data confirm that all tektites found on land have very low H2O contents (<0.03 wt% H2O), while impact glasses have slightly higher H2O contents. Both glass types are very dry compared to volcanic glasses. This study confirms that the low H2O contents (<0.05 wt%) of such glasses can be considered good evidence for an origin by impact.  相似文献   
We studied distribution and site conditions of epiphytic orchids in a gradient of human interference in Kathmandu valley, central Nepal. The aim was to understand the recent distribution pattern of epiphytic orchids, with respect to (i) the micro-site conditions and (ii) the type and intensity of land use. The occurrence of epiphytic orchids was recorded for a grid with 1.5 km cell size. The cells represent different types and intensities of human impact. Site factors such as bark rugosity, bark pH, diameter at breast height (dbh; 1.3 m) of host trees, exposure to wind and sunlight intensity were recorded. With regard to the species richness and abundance of epiphytic orchids, we compared different human impact categories from very strong human impact (settlement area) to very low human impact (national park). Remote sensing was used for a supervised classification of land cover. Ficus religiosa turned out to be the most important host species for orchids in urban areas, while Schima wallichii and Alnus nepalensis significantly host orchids in the other categories. Both species richness and abundance of epiphytic orchids were significantly higher under very low human impact (forest in national park) and also some remaining patches of primary forest than the other regions. Micro-climate is crucial for orchid populations. Host bark pH, bark rugosity, sunlight intensity and host exposure were significantly different for all human impact categories in order to harbour epiphytic orchid species. Habitats with a mixture of mature trees are suitable and essential for the conservation of viable populations of epiphytic orchids in settled areas. The study reveals that to improve the population size of orchids it is essential for future urban forestry to: (i) Protect old trees as carriers of existing epiphytic orchid diversity, (ii) protect medium old trees to ensure that they may become old trees, (iii) plant new host trees for the future, (iv) plant in groups instead of single isolate trees. Trees should especially be planted in areas where orchids still exist to provide more trees for orchid population enlargement (e.g. along riparian system). Native species should be favoured; the pool of such native host species is wide.  相似文献   
Journal of Paleolimnology - Analysis of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) subfossil remains in lake sediments features prominently in paleolimnological studies. It is well known, however, that...  相似文献   
A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conglomerate test is widely used in palaeomagnetism to date components of natural remanent magnetization with respect to deposition of conglomerates. It has been demonstrated, however, that this test may be positive even if the data are strongly contaminated by a secondary remanence, especially for the commonly used small number of clasts Starkey & Palmer 1970). Here we show with the aid of numerical simulations that different statistical procedures employed in this test have similar low sensitivities to remagnetization. We suggest a new conglomerate test which incorporates additional information on the direction of a secondary palaeomagnetic component which is isolated from either clasts themselves or their host rocks. Numerical simulations show that this new test is about twice as sensitive to remagnetization as the previous procedures and is robust with respect to small errors in the direction of a secondary component.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, silica aerogel tracks and aluminum foil craters on the Stardust collector have been studied extensively to determine the nature of captured cometary dust grains. Analysis of particles captured in aerogel has been developed to a fine art, aided by sophisticated preparation techniques, and yielding revolutionary knowledge of comet dust mineralogy. The Stardust foil craters can be interpreted in terms of impacting particle size and structure, but almost all studies of composition for their contents have relied on in situ analysis techniques or relatively destructive extraction of materials. This has limited their examination and interpretation. However, numerous experimental hypervelocity impact studies under Stardust-Wild 2 encounter conditions have shown that abundant dust components are preserved in foil craters of all sizes. Using some of these analogue materials, we have previously shown that modern, nondestructive scanning electron microscope imaging and X-ray microanalysis techniques can document distribution of dust remnants both quickly and thoroughly within foil craters prior to any preparation. Here we present findings from our efforts to quantify the amount of residue and demonstrate a simple method of crater shape modification which can bring material into positions where it is much more accessible for in situ analysis, or safe removal of small subsamples. We report that approximately 50% of silicate-dominated impactors were retained as impact crater residue; however, <3% of organic impactors remained in the craters after impact.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo simulation of space radiation effects induced by protons is important for design of space missions. Geant4 is a well established toolkit for Monte Carlo simulation focused on high energy physics applications. In this work, a set of new validation results versus data for Geant4 electromagnetic and hadronic interaction of protons is presented and discussed. Optimal configuration of Geant4 physics for space applications is proposed.  相似文献   
Our investigation is motivated by the recent discovery of asteroids orbiting the Sun and simultaneously staying near one of the Solar System planets for a long time. This regime of motion is usually called the quasi-satellite regime, since even at the times of the closest approaches the distance between the asteroid and the planet is significantly larger than the region of space (the Hill’s sphere) in which the planet can hold its satellites. We explore the properties of the quasi-satellite regimes in the context of the spatial restricted circular three-body problem “Sun–planet–asteroid”. Via double numerical averaging, we construct evolutionary equations which describe the long-term behaviour of the orbital elements of an asteroid. Special attention is paid to possible transitions between the motion in a quasi-satellite orbit and the one in another type of orbits available in the 1:1 resonance. A rough classification of the corresponding evolutionary paths is given for an asteroid’s motion with a sufficiently small eccentricity and inclination.  相似文献   
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