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为了准确测定高等级钢铁中的Si,必须使用HF。用ICP-AES法测定Si会受到Co、Mo、Ni、Ta、V和W的严重干扰,仅仅使用外标或内标(标准加入)无法保证足够的准确性,必须使用基质匹配空白校正技术才能得到准确的Si的测定结果。利用Multiwave 3000 密闭式微波加压湿法消解技术结合ICP-AES测定高等级钢铁中Si的方法,与常规重量法相比,可以极大地节省时间和减小试剂的消耗。  相似文献   
Long-term impacts of increased metal loading (Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb) on phytoplankton communities of large limno-corrals (diameter 12 m, depth 10 m) were studied. Increased metal concentrations initially lowered phytoplankton biomass, as well as species number and photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton. They caused changes in metal speciation and shifts in phytoplankton community structure, favoring less susceptible species. Although adaptation was not sufficient to completely prevent the metal-induced depression of photosynthesis, due to depressed zooplankton grazing, at the end of the experiment even higher phytoplankton densities were observed in the metal-loaded corrals than in the control.  相似文献   
Orange, ochre-coloured, light green and dark blue varieties of kyanite, ideally Al2SiO5, from Loliondo, Tanzania, have been characterised by electron microprobe analysis and polarised infrared and optical absorption spectroscopy. All colour varieties show elevated Fe contents of 0.39 to 1.31 wt.% FeO, but Ti contents only in the range of the EMP detection limit. Orange and ochre-coloured crystals have Mn contents of 0.23 and 0.06 wt.% MnO, respectively, the dark blue kyanite contains 0.28 wt.% Cr2O3, while the light green sample is nearly free from transition metal cations other than Fe. Polarised infrared spectra reveal OH defect concentrations of 3 to 17 wt.ppm H2O with structural OH defects partially replacing the OB (O2) oxygen atoms. Polarised optical absorption spectra show that the colour of all four varieties is governed by crystal field d-d transitions of trivalent cations, i.e. Fe3+ (all samples), Mn3+ (orange and ochre) and Cr3+ (blue kyanite), replacing Al in sixfold coordinated triclinic sites of the kyanite structure. Intervalence charge transfer, the prevalent colour-inducing mechanism in ‘usual’ (Cr-poor) blue kyanites, seems to play a very minor, if any, role in the present samples. Crystal field calculations in both a ‘classic’ tetragonal and in the semiempirical Superposition Model approach, accompanied by distance- and angle-least-squares refinements, indicate that Fe3+ preferably occupies the Al4 site, Cr3+ prefers the Al1 and Al2 sites, and Mn3+ predominantly enters the Al1 site. In each case specific local relaxation effects were observed according to the crystal chemical preferences of these transition metal cations. Furthermore, the high values obtained in the calculations for the interelectronic repulsion parameter Racah B correspond to a high ionic contribution to Me3+–O bonding in the kyanite structure. In the particular case of the blue sample, band positions specifically related to the high Racah B value enable this ‘unusual’ type of blue colouration of kyanite solely due to Cr3+ cations.  相似文献   
The interplay between streamwise flow,curvature-induced secondary flow,sediment transport and bed morphology leads to the formation of a typical bar-pool bed morphology in open-channel bends.The associated scour at the outer bank and deposition at the inner bank may endanger the outer bank’s stability or reduce the navigable width of the channel.Previous preliminary laboratory experiments in a sharply curved flume with a fixed horizontal bed have shown that a bubble screen located near the outer bank can generate an additional secondary flow located between the outer bank and the curvature-induced secondary flow and with a sense of rotation opposite to the latter.This bubble-induced secondary flow redistributes velocities and bed shear stresses.The reported study investigates the implications of a bubble screen on the flow and the morphology in configurations with mobile bed.Velocity measurements show that the bubble-induced secondary flow shifts the curvature-induced secondary flow in inwards direction and reduces its strength.The bubble screen considerably reduces morphological gradients.Maximum bend scour is reduced by about 50%and occurs further away from the outer bank where it does not endanger the bank stability anymore.The location of maximum scour coincides with the junction of the curvature-induced and bubble-induced secondary flows.At this same location,the maximum streamwise velocities and maximum vertical velocities impinging on the bed also occur,which indicates their importance with respect to the formation of bend scour.The bubble screen also substantially reduced deposition at the inner bank.These preliminary experiments show the potential of a bubble screen to influence and modify the bed morphology.  相似文献   
Hydrocarbon exploration in the Molasse basin and the Alpine thrust belt has provided new information on the tectonic structure of the foreland margin of the overthrust belt. Two N-S cross-sections show the front of the Folded Molasse as a so-called Triangle Zone in the area north of the Hindelang 1 well (Bavaria) and the Sulzberg 1 well (Vorarlberg). The Triangle Zone was described and defined byJones (1982) for the Alberta Foothills in Canada.Oil and gas wells commonly encountered overpressured zones with pressure gradients up to 2.5 bar/10 m. The pressure profiles from the Sulzberg1, Hindelang1, Staffelsee1, Miesbach 1 and Bromberg 1 wells were analysed stratigraphically and lithologically with respect to the tectonics of the region. It can be concluded that the overpressures in the Foreland Molasse were caused by compaction, where those within the thrust belt were caused by tectonics.
Zusammenfassung Die von der Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie im Bereich des Alpennordrandes durchgeführten Untersuchungsarbeiten brachten neue Ergebnisse zum tektonischen Bau. So stellt sich in zwei N-S-Profilen nördlich von Hindelang (Bayern) und über die Tiefbohrung Sulzberg 1 (Vorarlberg) die Stirn der Faltenmolasse als Triangelzone dar, wie sie von Jones (1982) aus den Foothills der Rocky Mountains beschrieben wird.Tiefbohrungen auf Erdöl und Erdgas haben verbreitet überhydrostatische Porendrücke mit Gradienten bis 2,5 bar/10 m angetroffen. Es wurden Druckprofile aus den Bohrungen Sulzberg 1, Hindelang 1, Staffelsee 1, Miesbach 1 und Bromberg 1 nach stratigraphisch-lithologischen Gesichtspunkten analysiert, regionaltektonisch zugeordnet und interpretiert. Es zeigt sich, daß die Überdrücke in der Vorlandmolasse durch Kompaktion entstanden sind, während diejenigen unter den Decken tektonische Ursachen haben.

Résumé Les travaux d'exploration entrepris par l'industrie du pétrole dans le bassin molassique et dans la bordure septentrionale des Alpes ont conduit à de nouveaux résultats en ce qui concerne les structures tectoniques de cette région. Dans deux profils nord — sud établis dans la région, respectivement au nord de Hindelang (Bavière) et au nord de Sulzberg (Vorarlberg), le front de la molasse plissée se présente comme une »zone triangulaire« du type défini parJones (1982) dans les Foothills d'Alberta au Canada.Des forages pétroliers profonds ont fréquemment recontré des pressions interstitielles hyperhydrostatiques avec des gradients pouvant atteindre 2,5 bars / 10 m.Les profils de pression relevés dans les sondages de Sulzberg 1, Hindelang 1, Staffelsee 1, Miesbach 1 et Bromberg 1 ont été analysés au point de vue stratigraphique et lithologique et placés dans le cadre tectonique de la région. Il en résulte que les surpressions dans la molasse d'avant-pays (Vorlandmolasse) sont dues à la compaction et que celles des formations recouvertes par les nappes sont d'origine tectonique.

, - , . , Hindelang / /, Sulzberg 1 / Vorarlberg / , Jones' 1982 Foothills . 2.5 /10 . , . , , - .
In situ X-ray observations of the phase transition from ilmenite to perovskite structure in MnGeO3 were carried out in a Kawai-type high-pressure apparatus interfaced with synchrotron radiation. The phase boundary between the ilmenite and perovskite structures in the temperature range of 700–1,400°C was determined to be P (GPa) = 16.5(±0.6) − 0.0034(±0.0006)T (°C) based on Anderson’s gold pressure scale. The Clapeyron slope, dP/dT, determined in this study is consistent with that for the transition boundary between the ilmenite and the perovskite structure in MgSiO3.  相似文献   
This paper contains the results of an extensive isotopic study of United States Geological Survey GSD‐1G and MPI‐DING reference glasses. Thirteen different laboratories were involved using high‐precision bulk (TIMS, MC‐ICP‐MS) and microanalytical (LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS, LA‐ICP‐MS) techniques. Detailed studies were performed to demonstrate the large‐scale and small‐scale homogeneity of the reference glasses. Together with previously published isotopic data from ten other laboratories, preliminary reference and information values as well as their uncertainties at the 95% confidence level were determined for H, O, Li, B, Si, Ca, Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb, Th and U isotopes using the recommendations of the International Association of Geoanalysts for certification of reference materials. Our results indicate that GSD‐1G and the MPI‐DING glasses are suitable reference materials for microanalytical and bulk analytical purposes.  相似文献   
Long‐term relative sea‐level cycles (0·5 to 6 Myr) have yet to be fully understood for the Cretaceous. During the Aptian, in the northern Maestrat Basin (Eastern Iberian Peninsula), fault‐controlled subsidence created depositional space, but eustasy governed changes in depositional trends. Relative sea‐level history was reconstructed by sequence stratigraphic analysis. Two forced regressive stages of relative sea‐level were recognized within three depositional sequences. The first stage is late Early Aptian age (intra Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) and is characterized by foreshore to upper shoreface sedimentary wedges, which occur detached from a highstand carbonate platform, and were deposited above basin marls. The amplitude of relative sea‐level drop was in the order of tens of metres, with a duration of <1 Myr. The second stage of relative sea‐level fall occurred within the Late Aptian and is recorded by an incised valley that, when restored to its pre‐contractional attitude, was >2 km wide and cut ≥115 m down into the underlying Aptian succession. With the subsequent transgression, the incision was backfilled with peritidal to shallow subtidal deposits. The changes in depositional trends, lithofacies evolution and geometric relation of the stratigraphic units characterized are similar to those observed in coeval rocks within the Maestrat Basin, as well as in other correlative basins elsewhere. The pace and magnitude of the two relative sea‐level drops identified fall within the glacio‐eustatic domain. In the Maestrat Basin, terrestrial palynological studies provide evidence that the late Early and Late Aptian climate was cooler than the earliest part of the Early Aptian and the Albian Stage, which were characterized by warmer environmental conditions. The outcrops documented here are significant because they preserve the results of Aptian long‐term sea‐level trends that are often only recognizable on larger scales (i.e. seismic), such as for the Arabian Plate.  相似文献   
In situ trace element analyses of constituent minerals in mantle xenoliths occurring in an alnöite diatreme and in nephelinite plugs emplaced within the central zone of the Damara Belt have been determined by laser ablation ICP-MS. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of clinopyroxene and amphibole indicate the presence of both depleted MORB-like mantle and variably enriched mantle beneath this region. Clinopyroxenes showing geochemical depletion have low La/Smn ratios (0.02–0.2), whereas those showing variable enrichment have La/Smn ranging up to 3.8 and La/Ybn to 9.1. The most enriched clinopyroxenes coexist with amphibole showing similar REE patterns (La/Smn = 1.3–4.1; La/Ybn = 4.5–9). Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns allow further groups to be distinguished amongst the variably enriched clinopyroxenes: one having strong relative depletion in Rb–Ba, Ta–Nb and relative enrichment in Th–U; another with similar characteristics but with additional strong relative depletion in Zr–Hf; and one showing no significant anomalies. Amphiboles show similar normalized trace element patterns to co-existing clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene and amphiboles showing LREEN enrichment have high Sr and low Nd isotope ratios compared to clinopyroxene with LREE-depleted patterns. Numerical simulation of melt percolation through the mantle via reactive porous flow is used to show that the chromatographic affect associated with such a melt migration process is able to account for the fractionation seen in La–Ce–Nd in cryptically metasomatized clinopyroxenes in Type 1 xenoliths, where melt–matrix interactions occur near the percolation front, whereas REE patterns in clinopyroxenes proximal to the source of metasomatic melt/fluid match those found in modally metasomatized Type 2 xenoliths. The strong fractionation between Rb–Ba, Th–U and Ta–Nb shown by some cryptically metasomatized xenoliths can be also accounted for by reactive porous flow, provided amphibole crystallizes from the percolating melt/fluid close to its source. The presence of amphibole in vein-like structures in some xenoliths is consistent with this interpretation. The strong depletion in Zr–Hf in clinopyroxene and amphibole in some xenoliths cannot be accounted for by melt migration processes and requires metasomatism by a separate carbonate-rich melt/fluid. When taken together with published isotope data on these same xenoliths, the source of metasomatic enrichment of the previously depleted (MORB-like) sub-Damaran lithospheric mantle is attributed to the upwelling Tristan plume head at the time of continental breakup.  相似文献   
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