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The Ferraria thermal water emerges at the sea level in the Ferraria lava delta (western edge of S. Miguel Island, Azores) with temperature of ca. 60°C and pH varying between 5.4 and 6.2. It is of sodium chloride type, resulting from ca. 50% seawater mixing with an acid brackish, at ≈100°C, denoting the presence of significant CO2(g) and the progress of water–rock interactions in open system conditions. The thermal Na–Cl water is strongly enriched with Sr and Mn and, comparatively, has low concentrations in Al, Fe and As. These elements are removed from the solution as critical conditions for the formation of several neo-formed mineral phases are gradually attained. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations are consistent with this interpretation, showing that the thermal fluid can precipitate Fe3+-(hydr-)oxides, kaolinite and non-crystalline silica. Wells logging show fracture planes and pores fully/partly filled up with polyphase botryoidal aggregates mostly composed of goethite + ferrihydrite and displaying variable adsorbed contents of Si, P and As. These neo-formed phases result from the pristine fluid oxidation due to seawater mixing; its precipitation is easily affected by pH and redox variations of the brackish, due to volcanic gases pressure alterations, and fluid pressure or flow-velocity oscillation in the fractured aquifer.  相似文献   
Karydomys, a rare genus of cricetid rodents from the Middle Miocene of central Europe, had previously been reported only from the Swiss part of the North Alpine Foreland basin; documented evidence from the German part was lacking. This paper describes several new specimens of Karydomys from the German localities Höll and Laimering 3. A correlation of both localities to the Bavarian local biostratigraphic scale OSM F is proposed. Taxonomically, the fossils are most probably linked to K. wigharti from Hambach 6C (north-west Germany), and thus assigned to K. cf. wigharti. In spite of the scarcity of Karydomys fossils in the Upper Freshwatermolasse, the taxon is an important biostratigraphical marker because of its short stratigraphical range.  相似文献   
The resistivity method is often used in cave prospecting. In this paper the pole–dipole array ability to detect cavities at different depths and with different water contents is investigated. The research was performed using analogical and numerical modelling. According to the results, empty caves at a depth less than four times its diameter can be easily detected. The ability of the pole–dipole array to detect water-filled caves reaches a minimum at filling percentages of 30–50%. Overburden effects research shows that low resistivity overburden reduces the resolution capability of the array. This study shows that equivalent results can be obtained by modelling the empty caves as infinite resistivity bodies or, alternatively, as very high resistivity ones. The analysis of field data acquired in the Maciço Calcário Estremenho (Portugal) shows the practical importance of the pole–dipole array in cavities prospecting.  相似文献   
Talc mineralisation occurs as hematite–talc schist between soft hematite ore and dolomitic itabirite at Gongo Soco, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The hematite–talc schist and soft hematite have a prominent tectonic foliation of tabular hematite. Tabular hematite without preferential orientation is superimposed on the tectonic foliation. The talcose schist is enriched in F and has a constant Fe/S ratio. Electron-microprobe analyses indicate trace amounts of S in different generations of hematite. The whole-rock Fe/S ratio possibly represents sulfate S from hematite-hosted fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusions in foliation-overprinting hematite and chlorite geothermometry from talcose rocks suggest, respectively, temperatures from <200°C to ~300°C. Tourmaline, a rarely observed mineral in the hematite–talc schist, belongs to the alkali group and falls in the dravite compositional field. Boron-isotope determinations of tourmaline crystals, using secondary ion mass spectrometry, vary from −20‰ to −12‰ δ11B. This compositional isotopic range and the tourmaline chemical composition suggest a meta-evaporitic origin. A non-marine evaporitic setting is the most likely source of acidic, highly oxidising fluids, which resulted in the abundant F-bearing talc and the presence of otherwise immobile Ti in hematite. Oxidising brines were channelled along shear zones and converted dolomitic itabirite into the Gongo Soco soft hematite and the talc mineralisation. The latter is envisaged as the hydrothermal wall-rock alteration of dolomitic itabirite, which gave rise to the soft hematite ore.  相似文献   
Ozone has been observed in elevated concentrations by satellites over areas previously believed to be background. There is meteorological evidence, that these ozone plumes found over the Atlantic Ocean originate from vegetation fires on the African continent.In a previous study (DECAFE-88), we have investigated ozone and assumed precursor compounds over African tropical forest regions. Our measurements revealed large photosmog layers at altitudes from 1.5 to 4 km. Both chemical and meteorological evidence point to savanna fires up to several thousand km upwind as sources.Here we describe ozone mixing ratios observed over western Africa and compare ozone production ratios from different field measurement campaigns related to vegetation burning. We find that air masses containing photosmog ingredients require several days to develop their oxidation potential, similar to what is known from air polluted by emissions from fossil fuel burning. Finally, we estimate the global ozone production due to vegetation fires and conclude that this source is comparable in strength to the stratospheric input.  相似文献   
The Paulistana and Santa Filomena Complexes are situated in the southern part of the Borborema Province (northeastern Brazil), in the Riacho do Pontal Orogen, and represent meta-volcano-sedimentary sequences. We present compositional variations in the metasedimentary rocks and new U–Pb detrital zircon data. Major and trace elements indicate that the metasedimentary rocks from the Paulistana and Santa Filomena Complexes are composed mostly of immature to mature sediments derived from felsic-intermediate sources with moderate to slightly high chemical weathering. The geochemical signatures of the sediment protoliths for both complexes are characteristic of continental magmatic arc settings with minor contribution from recycled sediment sources. The source area for the Paulistana Complex rocks follow the compositional trend between calc-alkaline granites and granodiorites, whereas the Santa Filomena Complex rocks have a more restricted composition trending to more granodioritic sources. For the Paulistana Complex, two main source ages were identified: (1) Tonian (ca. 950 Ma – sample RPE-58) and Tonian–Stenian (ca. 1.0 Ga – sample RPE-103). These data coupled with geochemical information suggest that the Cariris Velhos arc system was the main source area for the Paulistana Complex. Regarding the Santa Filomena metasedimentary rocks, potential source-areas include: (1) Neoarchaean rocks (~2.6 Ga) represented by the adjacent basement rocks of the Riacho do Pontal Orogen; (2) Rhyacian–Orosirian rocks (2.2–2.0 Ga) of the Riacho do Pontal Orogen and the Pernambuco–Alagoas terrain, which include an augen-gneiss with arc-related geochemical signature; (3) Statherian granites (1.7–1.6 Ga); and (4) Cariris Velhos crust (1000–920 Ma). The metasedimentary rocks of the Paulistana Complex were deposited in a rift stage (ca. 900 Ma), which is related to the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent. The metasedimentary rocks of the Santa Filomena Complex most probably were deposited in another rift stage (ca. 750–700 Ma) and could be correlatives of the rift formation of the Canindé Domain (Sergipano Orogen).  相似文献   
A possible effective stress variable for wet granular materials is numerically investigated based on an adapted discrete element method (DEM) model for an ideal three‐phase system. The DEM simulations consider granular materials made of nearly monodisperse spherical particles, in the pendular regime with the pore fluid mixture consisting of distinct water menisci bridging particle pairs. The contact force‐related stress contribution to the total stresses is isolated and tested as the effective stress candidate for dense or loose systems. It is first recalled that this contact stress tensor is indeed an adequate effective stress that describes stress limit states of wet samples with the same Mohr‐Coulomb criterion associated with their dry counterparts. As for constitutive relationships, it is demonstrated that the contact stress tensor used in conjunction with dry constitutive relations does describe the strains of wet samples during an initial strain regime but not beyond. Outside this so‐called quasi‐static strain regime, whose extent is much greater for dense than loose materials, dramatic changes in the contact network prevent macroscale contact stress‐strain relationships to apply in the same manner to dry and unsaturated conditions. The presented numerical results also reveal unexpected constitutive bifurcations for the loose material, related to stick‐slip macrobehavior.  相似文献   
The Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS) pilot plant, rated at 2 MW, was tested offshore at Póvoa de Varzim in northern Portugal in 2004, gathering a large team of engineers and scientists. The Mechanical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico was involved, following previous work done for the project. The present paper describes one of the studies conducted. It aims to characterise the sea state at the actual location of the pilot plant using the available pressure sensors. Two approaches were performed: a first one purely based in linear wave theory, neglecting the presence of the device, and a second one, based on the results from a Boundary Element Method (BEM) code named AQUADYN, originally developed at École Centrale de Nantes (France), which allowed a detailed quantification of the effects of the presence of the plant on the wave profile directly above it. Comparisons with a Datawell Waverider buoy located at a certain distance from the plant also played an important role in the current study.  相似文献   
A density-dependent numerical groundwater model was applied to study the climate change impact in a shallow aquifer in the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, the Saïdia aquifer. The stresses imposed to the model were derived from the IPCC emission scenarios and included recharge variation and sea level rise. The main effect of the climate change in the Saïdia aquifer will be a decrease in renewable resources, which in the worst-case scenario may decrease to 50–60% of present-day values, due to the decline in recharge and to a reduced inflow from the adjacent Triffa aquifer. The water quality will be affected mostly in the area immediately adjacent to the seashore, where salinity may increase up to 30 g/l. Localised areas may see a decrease in salinity due to the induced freshwater recharge from Oued Moulouya River and diminished inflow from high-salinity springs.  相似文献   
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