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Gibson地基波阻板隔振分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用薄层法层状半空间基本解答作为格林函数的边界元法,对Gibson地基三维波阻板(WIB)隔振设计进行了详细的参数分析.结果表明Gibson地基内采用WIB隔振有较好的隔振效果;应保证WIB具有合理的宽度和较小的埋深;增加WIB的厚度和模量是提高隔振效果的最有效的两种措施;此外地基竖向模量变化对WIB隔振效果也具有一定...  相似文献   
Picoplankton abundance and distribution in the Mississippi River plume and its adjacent waters were studied during two cruises in April (high discharge) and October (low discharge) 2000 using flow cytometry. Concentrations of photosynthetic picoplankton,Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes were low in the turbid plume water but high in the coastal waters—i.e., the green waters resulting from mixing of river and oceanic waters. In this region, three types ofSynechococcus, characterized by their phycoerythrin chromophore composition, were found:Synechococcus cells with a low phycourobilin to phycoerythrobilin ratio (PUB:PEB) occurred throughout the region and dominated the totalSymechococcus abundance during both seasons; high PUB:PEB cells, which are the dominant strains in the open or blue ocean, occurred only at the outer shelf stations; and PEB-onlySynechococcus were abundant in most of the surveyed area during april, but were not observed during October.Prochlorococcus cyanobacteria only occurred at the oceanic stations, but extended farther inshore in October compared to April. This was a consequence of the reduced discharge and plume size during October. Picophytoplankton were a less important component of total phytoplankton biomass in the turbid river water and more important in the oligotrophic Gulf water. Seasonally, the contribution of picophytoplankton to total phytoplankton biomass in the surveyed area was higher during low discharge in October than during high discharge in April, even though the spring 2000 river discharge was unusually low and might not present a typical high discharge scenario. The abundance of heterotrophic bacteria was weakly correlated to chlorophylla (chla) concentration, but better correlated to picophytoplankton biomass. A higher proportion of High DNA bacteria occurred in the river-impacted regions during both seasons, with the ratio of High DNA bacteria to Low DNA bacteria significantly higher in April.  相似文献   
红壤丘陵区农业开发中的生态环境效应及其调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以江西余江县为例。通过实验研究,历史资料对比分析及邻近参照等方法。研究红壤区农业开发中的生态环境效应。农业开发引起的微观环境效应在于改变土壤水分及其运动状况,加速土壤物质迁移及降低土壤肥力质量;区域性效应是植被减少,农业面源污染,水土流失扩大及气候异常;全球性影响除区域集聚效应外,则是农业活动中产生的温室气体对全球气候的影响等,采取的调控对策主要是:保持合理开发,适当减轻土地压力,优化农业开发模式,更新农业耕作技术。强化环境整治与生态建设。  相似文献   
山东长岛特色旅游资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从海岛角度出发 ,在分析山东长岛旅游资源条件及开发现状的基础上 ,提出了该岛发展特色旅游应坚持独特性、时代性和系统性的原则及若干建议。  相似文献   
为了更全面地伊犁河谷极端暴雪发生发展的机制,利用常规探空和地面观测资料、FY-2H长波辐射资料(Outgoing Long-wave Radiation,OLR)和NCEP/NCAR1°×1°再分析资料,采用天气动力学分析方法对2022年11月22日-24日出现在伊犁河谷极端暴雪过程的成因和动力结构演变特征进行分析,结果表明:(1)此次降雪为强锋区降雪,锋区内不断有短波东移,是暴雪发生的大尺度环流背景;300hPa极锋急流、500hPa强锋区、700hPa强偏西急流的流场配置起至关重要作用。(2)低层冷空气入侵,迫使暖湿空气抬升、气温下降,形成了下冷上暖的强逆温层结,而导致降水相态转变。降雪持续时间长,导致强降雪发生。(3)低层偏西急流把水汽输送到暴雪区,并在暴雪区上方产生强的水汽辐合中心,为本次暴雪提供了有利的水汽条件。散度场对大暴雪的发生有较好的先兆意义,双辐合-辐散结构的散度场特征可以作为预报降雪加大的指标。(4)暴雪过程发生时大气处于对流稳定状态,但存在对称不稳定能量的释放。(5)OLR特征分析表明OLR3h平均值与3h降雪量存在明显的负相关关系。  相似文献   
Permafrost records, accessible at outcrops along the coast of Oyogos Yar at the Dmitry Laptev Strait, NE-Siberia, provide unique insights into the environmental history of Western Beringia during the Last Interglacial. The remains of terrestrial and freshwater organisms, including plants, coleopterans, chironomids, cladocerans, ostracods and molluscs, have been preserved in the frozen deposits of a shallow paleo-lake and indicate a boreal climate at the present-day arctic mainland coast during the Last Interglacial. Terrestrial beetle and plant remains suggest the former existence of open forest-tundra with larch (Larix dahurica), tree alder (Alnus incana), birch and alder shrubs (Duschekia fruticosa, Betula fruticosa, Betula divaricata, Betula nana), interspersed with patches of steppe and meadows. Consequently, the tree line was shifted to at least 270 km north of its current position. Aquatic organisms, such as chironomids, cladocerans, ostracods, molluscs and hydrophytes, indicate the formation of a shallow lake as the result of thermokarst processes. Steppe plants and beetles suggest low net precipitation. Littoral pioneer plants and chironomids indicate intense lake level fluctuations due to high evaporation. Many of the organisms are thermophilous, indicating a mean air temperature of the warmest month that was greater than 13 °C, which is above the minimum requirements for tree growth. These temperatures are in contrast to the modern values of less than 4 °C in the study area. The terrestrial and freshwater organism remains were found at a coastal exposure that was only 3.5 m above sea level and in a position where they should have been under sea during the Last Interglacial when the global sea level was 6–10 m higher than the current levels. The results suggest that during the last warm stage, the site was inland, and its modern coastal situation is the result of tectonic subsidence.  相似文献   
During the onset of caldera cluster volcanism at a new location in the Snake River Plain (SRP), there is an increase in basalt fluxing into the crust and diverse silicic volcanic products are generated. The SRP contains abundant and compositionally diverse hot, dry, and often low-δ18O silicic volcanic rocks produced through time during the formation of individual caldera clusters, but more H2O-rich eruptive products are rare. We report analyses of quartz-hosted melt inclusions from pumice clasts from the upper and lower Arbon Valley Tuff (AVT) to gain insight into the initiation of caldera cluster volcanism. The AVT, a voluminous, caldera-forming rhyolite, represents the commencement of volcanism (10.44 Ma) at the Picabo volcanic field of the Yellowstone hotspot track. This is a normal δ18O rhyolite consisting of early and late erupted members (lower and upper AVT, respectively) with extremely radiogenic Sr isotopes and unradiogenic Nd isotopes, requiring that ~50 % of the mass of these elements is derived from melts of Archean upper crust. Our data reveal distinctive features of the early erupted lower AVT melt including: variable F concentrations up to 1.4 wt%, homogenous and low Cl concentrations (~0.08 wt%), H2O contents ranging from 2.3 to 6.4 wt%, CO2 contents ranging from 79 to 410 ppm, and enrichment of incompatible elements compared to the late erupted AVT, subsequent Picabo rhyolites, SRP rhyolites, and melt inclusions from other metaluminous rhyolites (e.g., Bishop Tuff, Mesa Falls Tuff). We couple melt inclusion data with Ti measurements and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of the host quartz phenocrysts to elucidate the petrogenetic evolution of the AVT rhyolitic magma. We observe complex and multistage CL zoning patterns, the most critical being multiple truncations indicative of several dissolution–reprecipitation episodes with bright CL cores (higher Ti) and occasional bright CL rims (higher Ti). We interpret the high H2O, F, F/Cl, and incompatible trace element concentrations in the context of a model involving melting of Archean crust and mixing of the crustal melt with basaltic differentiates, followed by multiple stages of fractional crystallization, remelting, and melt extraction. This multistage process, which we refer to as distillation, is further supported by the complex CL zoning patterns in quartz. We interpret new Δ18O(Qz-Mt) isotope measurements, demonstrating a 0.4 ‰ or ~180 °C temperature difference, and strong Sr isotopic and chemical differences between the upper and lower AVT to represent two separate eruptions. Similarities between the AVT and the first caldera-forming eruptions of other caldera clusters in the SRP (Yellowstone, Heise and Bruneau Jarbidge) suggest that the more evolved, lower-temperature, more H2O-rich rhyolites of the SRP are important in the initiation of a caldera cluster during the onset of plume impingement.  相似文献   
The paleohydrological and sedimentological characteristics of a playa lake in northern Kuwait (Arabian Gulf) are reconstructed using sedimentological, geochemical, and isotopic techniques. The sequence consists of up to 8 cycles of S-poor, alluvial sediments capped by a thin organic soil interbedded with gravity-fall calcrete sediments. The succession is locally derived from mainly Quaternary sediments and is regressive with upsection filling of the subsiding basin by cycles of sheetwash flow in response to climatic change. There is no natural, open-water lake water as indicated by low total organic carbon (TOC) data, but the presence of incised calcrete yardangs suggests that more extensive open-water conditions were operative in the past. Stable isotope (δ18O‰ and δ13C‰) values of the authigenic carbonates indicate the following three distinct processes: evaporation, meteoric fluid infiltration, and rapid per-descensum flow (rapid downward movement of water and playa sediment through pipes) through a porous, clastic sequence. Because evaporites are scarce, other factors besides evaporation action control chemical and isotopic compositions of the per-decensum lake fluids. Consequently, the isotopic composition cannot be interpreted exclusively as an indicator of salinity or evaporation ratio. The degassing of CO2 during groundwater discharge may explain the enriched carbon isotope values for the authigenic carbonates precipitated in the sediments. Hydrologically closed lake water bodies tend to show low negative carbonate oxygen and carbon isotopic signatures. Isotopically negative δ13C values imply a strong input of soil-zone carbon to the groundwater of the top 60 cm of the sediment. Lakes that are hydrologically closed and evaporate or equilibrate with atmospheric CO2 will tend to have low negative δ18O and δ13C values in the carbonates as reported by Talbot (Chem Geol: Isotope Geosci Sect 80(4):261–279, 1990). Biologically active lakes will tend toward lower δ13C of dissolved carbon due to the photosynthetic effects of 12C withdrawal as reported by Dunagan and Driese (J Sed Res 69:772–783, 1999). Increased biological activity during sedimentation may account for low carbon isotope values where plants were abundant, but in shrinkage-dominated systems (those of clay-rich soil subjecting to wet-dry conditions), carbon isotopes will be largely inherited from the calcretic limestones in the land extending landward of the coast and not influenced by coastal processes (known as hinterland), such as Umm Ar-Rimam depression. This basin does not fit the classic shallow playa-type basins of the Arabian Peninsula but rather the recharge playas of the southwestern USA.  相似文献   
The long-term variability of rainfall in the Soummam watershed (NE Algeria) has been analysed over the past 108 years using continuous wavelet method in order to identify the interannual modes controlling the rainfall variability. Statistical analyses of rainfall timeseries have shown its distribution following five periods of time, limited by a series of discontinuities around 1935, 1950, 1970 and 1990. The continuous wavelet transform have demonstrated different low frequency modes: 2–4, 4–8, 8–16 and 16–32 years.The annual band is expanded during the full study period with some pics around 1905, 1920–1935 and 1960; it shows a negative long-term trend, in particular since the period 1970–1990 when a major change has been identified. Then, the relationships between climate patterns of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the hydrological variability in the frequency domain have been investigated; they have shown a mean explained variance of 40 and 24 %, respectively. Such variances are less obvious for the annual mode and increase for the interannual frequencies. The coherence suffer from high perturbations since the period 1970–1990 when the NAO (SOI) shifts from negative (positive) phases to positive (negative) ones. Such anomalies are responsible for significant changes of rainfall variability, emphasising the global warming effects.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a numerical study that has been performed to investigate the different joint types that affect the moment-rotation relation and ultimate bending moment capacity of a joint. A 3D finite element method was adapted to establish elaborate numerical models of segments. To evaluate the possible differences in moment-rotation behavior between different joint types, 10 different joint types were simulated. Additionally, the effect of different joint types on behavior of a lining ring was investigated. The validity of the peridynamic simulation was tested by comparing results obtained in this paper against the results obtained in a study performed by Hordijk and Gijsbers. Observations of the results demonstrate that in a flat joint, the expanding of joint height increased the rotation stiffness of the joint in the linear branch, and accordingly, the ultimate bending moment of the joint increased. In the ring model, it was observed that the expanding of joint height led to the decreased of ring displacement and stress concentration in the joint. Whenever there were full surface contacts (contact two segment in total cross section) in the joints, the rotation stiffness of the joints in the linear branch became equal, and, as a result, the displacement in the ring model was the same in all joint types. In addition, it was observed that using a convex joint in the ring model increases the displacement of the ring. The ultimate bending moment of bolted joints was higher than that of joints without bolts, especially in the case of a negative moment.  相似文献   
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