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A strong topographic relief and the presence of weakly consolidated sediments create favorable conditions for the development of landslides around the eastern rim of the Fergana Basin (Central Asia). In summer 2012, a field experiment employing small aperture seismic arrays was carried out on an unstable slope, using ambient vibration recordings. The aim of the study was to constrain the seismic response of a potential future landslide and to map lateral and vertical changes in the shear-wave velocity of the surficial soil layers. Strong variations of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios in terms of amplitude and directionality indicated clear differences in local site effects, probably reflecting the stability of different sections of the slope. Results further showed resonant frequencies of both the entire unstable block, as well as for smaller, individual parts. The use of an ad hoc, passive seismic tomography approach based on noise correlograms allowed for the mapping of the shear-wave velocities of the sliding material, even in cases of significant topography relief. Based on the recording of seismic noise only, we clearly identified a low-velocity body of weakly consolidated claystone and limestone material, which can be interpreted as the landslide body, with laterally varying thickness.  相似文献   
During the operations of purging and disposal of sediments of a reservoir it is necessary to know the values of turbidity in the river downstream in natural condition,in the absence of dams or river training works.The paper shows that under these conditions the ratio of the average values of sediment discharge to the annual maximum value of water discharge is a function of the average annual turbidity.Turbidity can be considered as representative synthetic index of the climatic conditions,the lithological features and the land cover of the basin,and the geometric characteristics of the river network.The proposed relationship of sediment discharge as a function of water discharge were validated on the basis of data collected from different Italian regions that have very different morphological,geo-lithological and rainfall features and that are characterised by a basin area changing between a few dozen and thousands of square kilometres.The results can be considered satisfying.  相似文献   
This study attempts to assess the aquifer vulnerability in the northeastern sector of the Campania Plain (southern Italy). The area is a highly populated region with anthropic impacts caused by rapid urban growth, quarrying, agricultural and industrial activities and uncontrolled waste storage. The main geologic feature of this plain is the alternation of alluvial/transitional and volcaniclastic deposits of Late Pleistocene–Holocene age. The study was performed integrating different sets of geologic and environmental data to restore the stratigraphic architecture and to assess anthropic impacts on subsoil. The reconstruction of stratigraphic subsurface architecture was based on remarkable geodatabase, concerning well log stratigraphies. Specific insights have been delineated on the volcaniclastic lithofacies heteropies across the entire area of study to highlight the differences in lithification degree and permeability. The contribution of pedogenesis on the reconstruction of the stratigraphic setting was also considered for the relative implications on groundwater quality concerns, as paleosols are usually regarded as aquitards. All of this information has been managed into a GIS project to produce a detailed 3D geological reconstruction, integrated with hydrogeological information to provide a model of the aquifer under study, highlighting sites of greater vulnerability to pollution. The anthropic impacts on subsoil were assessed by evaluating land-uses and overlaying the ANHI (Agricultural Nitrate Hazard Index) Map. The integration of the above datasets has allowed to check the reliability of the previsional empirical model with respect to the hydrostratigraphic model based on a thorough stratigraphic model and to verify the real potential of contamination.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the U–Pb data of zircon separated from three samples representative of mylonitic leucogranites, trondhjemites and pegmatites occurring along the Alpine tectonic zone between the Castagna and Sila Units in northern Calabria. These mylonites are associated to Variscan granitic-granodioritic biotite-rich augen gneisses derived from Neo-Proterozoic-Early Cambrian protoliths. Apparent ages ranging from Early Cambrian to post-Variscan have been obtained. Th, U and rare earth elements have been determined in two zircon domains of mylonitic leucogranite and trondhjemite giving different ages in order to get information relative to their geological significance. The pegmatite preserves intrusive contact with the augen gneisses and with the other mylonites; it turns out to be emplaced at 290–300 Ma, like the Variscan plutonites of the Castagna Unit. The deformation masks the original contacts of the mylonitic leucogranite and trondhjemite with the biotite-rich augen gneisses. The age-group averaging 540 Ma is interpreted as indicative of the emplacement of the protoliths and it coincides with the age previously determined for the emplacement of the protoliths of the biotite-rich augen gneisses. Zircon from the mylonitic pegmatite includes domains showing concordant and discordant ages younger than 290 Ma, thus reflecting various degrees of partial resetting and Pb-loss caused by post-Variscan events. Zircon from the mylonitic leucogranite and trondhjemite includes apparent ages between 300 and 280 Ma as well as ages younger than 250 Ma. Perturbation of U–Pb system by Alpine shearing appears evident; however, possibile effects caused by thermal input and hydrothermal fluid infiltration from the Variscan plutonites cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
The Sarno River basin area is one of the most polluted in Europe and it is due to the waste products of the tomato industry, the leather tanneries and the pharmaceutical industry. This area also has been densely populated and urbanized since the Middle Bronze Age, as testified by the presence of numerous archeological sites, including the ancient Pompeii town, and environmental degradation that characterizes the area is absolutely unacceptable. This paper represents a detailed study to assess the potentially harmful element content of topsoils. In total, 283 soil samples were collected and analyzed, after an aqua regia extraction, by a combination of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for 53 elements. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to show the single-element geochemical distribution and the distribution of factor scores of the elemental associations resulting from R-mode factor analysis. Maps showing elements and the association factor score distributions have been obtained using GeoDAS and ArcGIS software. The assessment of the soil contamination was also carried out using the contamination factor and degree of contamination. The results obtained indicate that soil pollution has different anthropogenic sources. Specifically, Cr pollution derives from tanneries discharging wastewaters in the main water bodies of the basin while Cu contamination seems to depend on widespread agricultural practices. Tin, Pb, Hg, Zn, Cd, Sb anomalies are found mainly in urban and industrial areas, sometimes close to roads with high traffic levels while there is a substantial coincidence with background values for other elements (Co, Ni, Se, Tl and V).  相似文献   
In the coupled finite element analysis of the two-phase, saturated soils the pore pressure could decrease below the atmospheric pressure in particular when the plastic dilation of the skeleton is accounted for. The consequent reduction of the bulk modulus of the liquid phase is here modelled in a simplified manner through a tension cut off on the pore pressure. Two alternative approaches are outlined in the framework of the finite element method. The first one introduces a unilateral constraint on the nodal pore pressures and involves manipulations on matrices of the assembled mesh, whilst the second approach requires calculations solely at the element level. The effects of the pore pressure tension cut off are illustrated through some undrained test examples in elastic–plastic regime.  相似文献   
The Italian volcano, Vesuvius, erupted explosively in AD 79. Sanidine from pumice collected at Casti Amanti in Pompeii and Villa Poppea in Oplontis yielded a weighted-mean 40Ar/39Ar age of 1925±66 years in 2004 (1σ uncertainty) from incremental-heating experiments of eight aliquants of sanidine. This is the calendar age of the eruption. Our results together with the work of Renne et al. (1997) and Renne and Min (1998) demonstrate the validity of the 40Ar/39Ar method to reconstruct the recent eruptive history of young, active volcanoes.  相似文献   
An approximate step-by-step procedure is presented for the finite element analysis of transient unconfined flow problems. At each step the free surface is modelled by means of segments coinciding with sides of the elements. This leads to an approximate but extremely simple solution scheme which can be readily incorporated into standard codes for confined analysis. The solutions of some significant problems are presented and compared with other non-approximate solutions. They show that the technique, in spite of its approximation, is capable of giving meaningful results from an engineering viewpoint.  相似文献   
The “Costa Viola” mountain ridge (southern Calabria), in the sector between Bagnara Calabra and Scilla, is particularly exposed to geo-hydrological risk conditions. The study area has repeatedly been affected by slope instability events in the last decades, mainly related to debris slides, rock falls and debris flows. These types of slope movements are among the most destructive and dangerous for people and infrastructures, and are characterized by abrupt onset and extremely rapid movements. Susceptibility evaluations to shallow landslides have been performed by only focusing on source activation. A logistic regression approach has been applied to estimating the presence/absence of sources in terms of probability, on the basis of linear statistical relationships with a set of territorial variables. An inventory map of 181 sources, obtained from interpretation of air photographs taken in 1954–1955, has been used as training set, and another map of 81 sources, extracted from 1990 to 1991 photographs, has been adopted for validation purposes. An initial set of 12 territorial variables (i.e. lithology, land use, soil sand percentage, elevation, slope angle, aspect, across-slope and down-slope curvatures, topographic wetness index, distance to road, distance to fault and index of daily rainfall) has been considered. The adopted regression procedure consists of the following steps: (1) parameterization of the independent variables, (2) sampling, (3) calibration, (4) application and (5) evaluation of the forecasting capability. The “best set” of variables could be identified by iteratively excluding one variable at a time, and comparing the ROC results. Through a sensitivity analysis, the role of the considered factors in predisposing shallow slope failures in the study area has been evaluated. The results obtained for the Costa Viola mountain ridge can be considered acceptable, as 98.1 % of the cells are correctly classified. According to the susceptibility map, the village of Scilla and its surroundings fall in the highest susceptibility class.  相似文献   
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