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An ensemble of nine experiments with the same interannually varying sea surface temperature (SST), as boundary forcing, and different initial conditions is used to investigate the role of tropical oceans in modulating precipitation variability in the region of La Plata Basin (LPB). The results from the ensemble are compared with a twentieth-century experiment performed with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, sharing the same atmospheric component. A rotated empirical orthogonal functions analysis of South America precipitation shows that the dominant mode of variability in spring is realistically captured in both experiments. Its principal component (RPC1) correlated with global SST and atmospheric fields identifies the pattern related to El Niño Southern Oscillation and its large-scale teleconnections. Overall the pattern is well simulated in the tropical southern Pacific Ocean, mainly in the ensemble, but it is absent or too weak in other oceanic areas. The coupled model experiment shows a more realistic correlation in the subtropical South Atlantic where air-sea interactions contribute to the relationship between LPB precipitation and SST. The correspondence between model and data is much improved when the composite analysis of SST and atmospheric fields is done over the ensemble members having an RPC1 in agreement with the observations: the improvement relies on avoiding climate noise by averaging only over members that are statistically similar. Furthermore, the result suggests the presence of a high level of uncertainty due to internal atmospheric variability. The analysis of some individual years selected from the model and data RPC1 comparison reveals interesting differences among rainy springs in LPB. For example, 1982, which corresponds to a strong El Niño year, represents a clean case with a distinct wave train propagating from the central Pacific and merging with another one from the eastern tropical south Indian Ocean. The year 2003 is an example of a rainy spring in LPB not directly driven by remote SST forcing. In this case the internal variability has a dominant role, as the model is not able to reproduce the correct local precipitation pattern.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to estimate the stress field acting in the Irpinia Region, an area of southern Italy that has been struck in the past by destructive earthquakes and that is now characterized by low to moderate seismicity. The dataset are records of 2,352 aftershocks following the last strong event: the 23 November 1980 earthquake (M 6.9). The earthquakes were recorded at seven seismic stations, on average, and have been located using a three-dimensional (3D) P-wave velocity model and a probabilistic, non-linear, global search technique. The use of a 3D velocity model yielded a more stable estimation of take-off angles, a crucial parameter for focal mechanism computation. The earthquake focal mechanisms were computed from the P-wave first-motion polarity data using the FPFIT algorithm. Fault plane solutions show mostly normal component faulting (pure normal fault and normal fault with a strike-slip component). Only some fault plane solutions show strike-slip and reverse faulting. The stress field is estimated using the method proposed by Michael (J Geophys Res 92:357–368, 1987a) by inverting selected focal mechanisms, and the results show that the Irpinia Region is subjected to a NE–SW extension with horizontal σ 3 (plunge 0°, trend 230°) and subvertical σ 1 (plunge 80°, trend 320°), in agreement with the results derived from other stress indicators.  相似文献   
A series of recent papers showed that sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the south equatorial tropical Atlantic modulate the interannual variability of the African and Indian monsoon rainfall. Physically this teleconnection can be explained by a simple Gill-Matsuno mechanism. In this work, the output from five different models chosen within the CMIP3 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project version 3) ensemble of coupled general circulation models (CGCMs) are analyzed to investigate how state-of-the-art CGCMs represent the impact of the South Tropical Atlantic (STA) SSTs on the Indian and African region. Using a correlation-regression technique, it is found that four out of the five models display a teleconnection between STA and Indian region which is generally weaker than in the observations but in agreement in the rainfall field pattern. This teleconnection is also noticeable in the ensemble mean of the five models. Over Africa, however, the significant changes in rainfall displayed in the observation are properly caught by only one of the CGCMs. Additionally, none of the models reproduces the symmetric upper-level wind response around the Equator seen over the Indian Ocean in the observations and all have significant biases also in the surface pressure field response to the tropical Atlantic SSTs. Nonetheless the STA response, particularly over the southern hemisphere, is indicative of the Gill-Matsuno-type mechanism identified in previous studies using idealized experiments with atmospheric GCMs and observational data. With a suite of atmospheric-only GCM integrations it is shown that the differences in amplitude and pattern are not only due to the strong biases and reduced variabilities of the CGCMs over the tropical Atlantic but they are also caused by the different physical parameterizations used in models.  相似文献   
Two magnetotelluric (MT) surveys were carried out on the Mt. Etna volcano after two of the most intense eruptions of the last 30 years which took place in summer 2001 and winter 2002–2003. Surveying was pursued for two main reasons. First, we sought to contribute to the definition of the first-order structure and physico-chemical state (temperature, fluids, melts) of a volcano that has been extensively explored and monitored by means of various geophysical methods, but where only few electrical and electromagnetic surveys have been performed. Secondly, we acquired MT data in the same sites in the two different surveys with the aim of monitoring the possible changes of the first-order structure, since conditions are expected to vary on an active volcano such as Etna, and are supposed to be linked to the eruptive events. Soundings have been acquired in an E-W 10 km-long profile across the southern flank of Mt. Etna, at a distance of almost 6 km south from the Central Crater. The first survey was carried out three months after the 2001 eruption. Inverse models define a pronounced (4 km thickness) low resistivity section at a depth of about 1 km b.s.l. to the west. To the east, a low resistivity section is still present, but appears deeper, thinner and more resistive, and a shallow low resistivity anomaly also exists. The shallow anomaly to the east is tentatively correlated with altered and clayey volcanic units and/or temporary groundwater storage. The deep anomalies are interpreted as being due to melt storage at shallow depths which was not exhausted during the eruption. This would be confirmed by the abundance of lava erupted within one year from the end of the survey. The few good sites retrieved in the second survey, carried out a few weeks after the eruption of 2002–2003, confirm the picture defined in the first survey, and provide a better definition of the bottom of the deep anomaly located in the sedimentary basement.  相似文献   
A high-resolution P-wave seismic reflection survey was conducted in the area of Lambro Park within the city of Milan (northern Italy). Several high permeability channel sequences were identified and the stratigraphy of the infill was accurately mapped. The seismic signature imaged a previously undefined unit and also established the lateral correlation of some depositional units within the three major aquifer groups along the survey line. The complexity of the acoustic framework and the reduced depth of the source location limited effective elastic-wave generation. The geological setting also caused propagation of strong coherent noise patterns. Further interference, observed in the recorded data, was due to the traffic noise from the nearby highway. The attenuation of the undesired events required the design of specific filters and their multistep implementation. The results of forward modelling based on borehole information and of noise tests were crucial factors in the design of the processing parameters and in the stratigraphic interpretation of the final stacked section.  相似文献   
Lagrangian and Eulerian statistics are obtained from a water-channel experiment of an idealized two-dimensional urban canopy flow in neutral conditions. The objective is to quantify the Eulerian \((T^{\mathrm{E}})\) and Lagrangian \((T^{\mathrm{L}})\) time scales of the turbulence above the canopy layer as well as to investigate their dependence on the aspect ratio of the canopy, AR, as the latter is the ratio of the width (W) to the height (H) of the canyon. Experiments are also conducted for the case of flat terrain, which can be thought of as equivalent to a classical one-directional shear flow. The values found for the Eulerian time scales on flat terrain are in agreement with previous numerical results found in the literature. It is found that both the streamwise and vertical components of the Lagrangian time scale, \(T_\mathrm{u}^\mathrm{L} \) and \(T_\mathrm{w}^\mathrm{L} \), follow Raupach’s linear law within the constant-flux layer. The same holds true for \(T_\mathrm{w}^\mathrm{L} \) in both the canopies analyzed \((AR= 1\) and \(AR= 2\)) and also for \(T_\mathrm{u}^\mathrm{L} \) when \(AR = 1\). In contrast, for \(AR = 2\), \(T_\mathrm{u}^\mathrm{L} \) follows Raupach’s law only above \(z=2H\). Below that level, \(T_\mathrm{u}^\mathrm{L} \) is nearly constant with height, showing at \(z=H\) a value approximately one order of magnitude greater than that found for \(AR = 1\). It is shown that the assumption usually adopted for flat terrain, that \(\beta =T^{\mathrm{L}}/T^{\mathrm{E}}\) is proportional to the inverse of the turbulence intensity, also holds true even for the canopy flow in the constant-flux layer. In particular, \(\gamma /i_\mathrm{u} \) fits well \(\beta _\mathrm{u} =T_\mathrm{u}^\mathrm{L} /T_\mathrm{u}^\mathrm{E} \) in both the configurations by choosing \(\gamma \) to be 0.35 (here, \(i_\mathrm{u} =\sigma _\mathrm{u} / \bar{u} \), where \(\bar{u} \) and \(\sigma _\mathrm{u} \) are the mean and the root-mean-square of the streamwise velocity component, respectively). On the other hand, \(\beta _\mathrm{w} =T_\mathrm{w}^\mathrm{L} /T_\mathrm{w}^\mathrm{E} \) follows approximately \(\gamma /i_\mathrm{w} =0.65/\left( {\sigma _\mathrm{w} /\bar{u} } \right) \) for \(z > 2H\), irrespective of the AR value. The second main objective is to estimate other parameters of interest in dispersion studies, such as the eddy diffusivity of momentum \((K_\mathrm{{T}})\) and the Kolmogorov constant \((C_0)\). It is found that \(C_0\) depends appreciably on the velocity component both for the flat terrain and canopy flow, even though for the latter case it is insensitive to AR values. In all the three experimental configurations analyzed here, \(K_\mathrm{{T}}\) shows an overall linear growth with height in agreement with the linear trend predicted by Prandtl’s theory.  相似文献   
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