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In this paper, the background of MGF-K migration in dual domain (wavenumber-frequency K-F and space-time) in anisotropic media is presented. Algorithms for poststack (zero-offset) and prestack migration are based on downward extrapolation of acoustic wavefield by shift-phase with correction filter for lateral variability of medium’s parameters. In anisotropic media, the vertical wavenumber was determined from full elastic wavefield equations for two dimensional (2D) tilted transverse isotropy (TTI) model. The method was tested on a synthetic wavefield for TTI anticlinal model (zero-offset section) and on strongly inhomogeneous vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) Marmousi model. In both cases, the proper imaging of assumed media was obtained.  相似文献   
在前人研究基础上,依托露头和钻井资料,以沉积相分析为核心,结合四川盆地构造演化,采用单因素分析多因素综合法,以"组"为单元编制了奥陶纪岩相古地理图。奥陶纪四川盆地及邻区总体呈现西高东低的古地理格局,自西向东发育滨岸相、混积潮坪相、局限台地相、开阔台地相和斜坡相—盆地相。从岩相古地理视角对成藏条件的分析表明:奥陶系五峰组沉积期四川盆地主体属于局限海环境,发育了一套优质烃源岩,此外,与奥陶系临近的上覆志留系龙马溪组和下伏寒武系筇竹寺组烃源岩在有断层沟通的情况下可提供有效气源;奥陶系碳酸盐岩总体致密,白云石化、表生溶蚀和裂缝的存在是储层形成的关键因素,对应发育了桐梓组—红花园组颗粒滩白云岩储层、岩溶储层和宝塔组裂缝储层等三类储层;奥陶系发育下部(下生上储)和上部(上生下储)两套成藏组合,具有较好的勘探潜力。  相似文献   
This study focuses on spatial motion of the lunar elevator which is studied in the framework of elliptical restricted three-body problem. Analysis of dynamics of a spacecraft anchored to the Moon by a tether is done assuming that the tether’s length can be changed according to a prescribed law. The goal is to find the control laws that allow one to compensate for the eccentricity of the orbits, i.e., to maintain the pendulum at a fixed angle with respect to the Earth–Moon direction. The results have shown that the fixed orientation of the tether can be kept for several configurations of the system; some of these configurations are found to be stable. The obtained results can be applied to study the properties and possible configurations of the lunar elevator, as well as applications for small planets and asteroids.  相似文献   
Shipboard incubations from the US JGOFS cruise to the Arabian Sea (TN045) March, 1995 showed evidence of iodate reduction in 0.45 μ (Gelman Supor membrane) filtered seawater samples collected from intermediate depths (200–600 m) within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Inorganic chemical reduction of iodate in these samples was ruled out as no free sulfide was measurable and concentrations of ammonia and nitrite were found to be less than 5 μM. To examine whether the reduction of iodate observed at sea could have been the result of bacterial metabolism, reduction of iodate (IO3) to iodide (I) by Shewanella putrefaciens strain MR-4 was studied in artificial seawater using electrochemical methods. MR-4 is a ubiquitous marine bacterium which may be of considerable importance when considering redox zonation in the water column because it is a facultative anaerobe and may switch amongst a suite of electron acceptors to support metabolism. In all experiments MR-4 reduced all iodate to iodide. The rate of formation of [I]in the culture followed pseudo-first order kinetics. This is the first report of the marine bacterial reduction of iodate where the concentrations of iodide and iodate were measured directly. Our results may help to explain the depth distribution of iodine speciation reported in productive waters like the Arabian Sea and for the first time couple iodine speciation with bacterial productivity in the ocean.  相似文献   
The objective of the article presented herein is to highlight the specific issue of the protection of water sources in the vicinity of golf courses. Currently we have experienced the construction of a large number of golf courses, which are often found in areas where the protection of natural groundwater resources is needed. In this article, limit conditions are specified, which could be used in construction of other golf courses in the world, where there is a potential threat of contamination of groundwater resources. The issue is demonstrated on a case study in the area of a water resource, Rusovce. A major concern of golf courses is the fact that in an apparently clean environment of these anthropogenic structures contamination occurs, resulting from the maintenance, and the current legislation does not address this specific group of areas. These are particularly dangerous substances derived from fertilizer and turf protection, in particular the use of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, acaricides, e.g. nematocides, and related products, such as growth regulators used for plant protection). The results of the modelling at the water source, Rusovce, show that the combination of negative factors (for example, the groundwater table level close to the surface along with extremely high precipitation totals or the areas flooding and the lack of a golf course bedrock sealing) the limit value of 0.100 μg/l of pesticides concentration in groundwater was exceeded up to 0.880 μg/l. Similarly, such excess may occur in the case of an emergency situation (for example, the spilling of the barrel with the pesticide), where the concentration of pesticides in groundwater may be increased up to 0.874 μg/l in standard conditions (without flooding with an average depth of groundwater table level beneath the terrain). But even under a standard level of security for the establishment and operation of a golf course and standard procedures for the maintenance of the lawn, the concentration of pesticides in the wells reached 0.0001 μg/l.  相似文献   
First-ever ice core drilling at Mt. Kazbek (Caucasus Mountains) took place in the summer of 2014. A shallow ice core (18 m) was extracted from a plateau at ~4500 m a.s.l. in the vicinity of the Mt. Kazbek summit (5033 m a.s.l.). A detailed radar survey showed that the maximum ice thickness at this location is ~250 m. Borehole temperature of ?7 °C was measured at 10 m depth. The ice core was analyzed for oxygen and deuterium isotopes and dust concentration. From the observed seasonal cycle, it was determined that the ice core covers the time interval of 2009–2014, with a mean annual snow accumulation rate of 1800 mm w. eq. Multiple melt layers have been detected. δ18O values vary from ?25 to ?5‰. The dust content was determined using a particle sizing and counting analyzer. The dust layers were investigated using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Dust can be separated into two categories by its origin: local and distant. Samples reflecting predominantly local origin consisted mainly of magmatic rocks, while clay minerals were a characteristic of dust carried over large distances, from the deserts of the Middle East and Sahara. The calculated average dust flux over three years at Kazbek was of 1.3 mg/cm2 a?1. Neither δ18O nor dust records appear to have been affected by summer melting. Overall, the conditions on Kazbek plateau and the available data suggest that the area offers good prospects of future deep drilling in order to obtain a unique environmental record.  相似文献   
Plants and animals in brackish marshes are adapted to live within a wide, yet finite, range of conditions. Events that shift the environmental state beyond that range can dramatically alter habitats and, potentially, the numerous ecosystem services they provide. A prolonged exceptional drought in Texas (October 2010–January 2012) provided a unique opportunity to understand how brackish wetland habitats respond to an extreme environmental event. We examined marshes in the Lower Neches Wildlife Management Area (Texas, USA) that fell within the drought affected area, including restored areas and an adjacent reference marsh. To test our hypothesis that the brackish marsh community would be sensitive to drought conditions, we quantified emergent plant and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) and animal (invertebrates, fish) characteristics in summer 2010 and 2011. In spite of its severity, the exceptional drought of 2011 did not have a negative impact on emergent plant communities: biomass, stem density, and chlorophyll a concentrations were the same in pre-drought and drought years in all restored and reference areas. In contrast, SAV biomass was reduced by up to 100 % in the drought year. Some fish and invertebrate densities were also reduced by an order of magnitude or more, possibly due to the loss of SAV. Aquatic faunal species composition was markedly different in the drought year, largely due to the loss of the hydrobiid snail Probythinella protera and the gain of some marine species, including Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus), brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus), and white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus). By altering aquatic the plant and animal community, this drought event may subsequently reduce trophic support for higher consumers, or contribute to a decline in water quality. Restoration monitoring programs that only focus on relatively stress-resistant, emergent wetland plant communities may underestimate the sensitivity of these ecosystems to extreme environmental events like droughts.  相似文献   
Environments characterized by fluctuating hypersaline to fresh-water conditions are defined as “schizohaline” and examples are given of situations in which “schizohaline” environments can arise. Fabrics diagnostic for the occurrence of both hyper- and hyposalinity have been recorded in Late Paleozoic rocks from Bear Island (74°30′N, 19°E): evaporite nodules, length-slow chalcedony and very finely crystalline penecontemporaneous dolomite are considered as indicators of hypersaline conditions while euhedral limpid dolomite crystals, coarse poikilitic sparry calcite and microspar calcite are thought to have originated under the hyposaline regime. Zoned dolomite crystals and euhedral crystals of authigenic mega-quartz replacing sulphates have also been recorded in the same rocks; their diagnostic importance for the schizohaline environment is, however, uncertain.Internal structural pores of some crinoid and bryozoan skeletal grains of biosparites from Bear Island are either empty or infilled with very finely crystalline dolomite. Expulsion of Mg2+ ions from the magnesian-calcite skeletons and either: (1) “poisoning” of the micro-environment of the pores; or (2) formation of stagnant “micro-sabkha” conditions in the pores are proposed as an explanation for these phenomena.  相似文献   
Mas-Pla  Josep  Brusi  David  Roqué  Carles  Soler  David  Menció  Anna  Costa  Josep M  Zamorano  Manuel  Meredith  Warren 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(3):661-684

The mineral water of Vilajuïga village in Alt Empordà (NE Catalonia, Spain) owes its uniqueness to an emanation of geogenic CO2 that modifies groundwater hydrochemistry to produce a differentiated HCO3–Na- and CO2-rich groundwater among the usual Ca–HCO3 type found in this region. A hydrogeological conceptual model attributes its occurrence to the intersection of two faults: La Valleta and Garriguella-Roses. The former provides a thrust of metamorphic over igneous rocks, formed during the Paleozoic, over a layer of ampelitic shale that, from a hydrogeological perspective, acts as a confining layer. The Garriguella-Roses normal fault, which originated during the Neogene, permits the degassing of geogenic CO2 that is attributed to volcanic activity occurring in the Neogene. Groundwater mixing from the metamorphic and igneous rock units plus the local occurrence of CO2 creates a HCO3–Na water that still holds free-CO2 in solution. Interaction with the gas phase is restricted at the intersection of the two faults. Radiocarbon dating, after correcting for geogenic dead carbon, estimates an age of 8,000 years BP. The low tritium content (0.7 TU) indicates that Vilajuïga water is a mix of “older” groundwater recharged in the metamorphic rocks of the Albera range and “younger” groundwater from the igneous rocks of the Rodes range, over a recharge area of 45 km2 and a maximum elevation of 600 m. Given its origin as rare groundwater in the southern slope of the Eastern Pyrenees, purposeful monitoring is necessary to evaluate the groundwater vulnerability and anticipate impacts from nearby wells and climate-change effects.

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