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The paper presents the results of determinations of stable S and O isotopes of dissolved sulfates and O and H stable isotopes of waters from three ponds, that is, Marczakowe Do?y acid pond, Marczakowe Do?y fish pond and Podwi?niówka acid pit pond, located in the Holy Cross Mountains (south-central Poland). The δ34SV-CDT and δ18OV-SMOW of SO4 2? in waters of three ponds (n = 14) varied from ?16.2 to ?9.5 ‰ (mean of ?13.6 ‰) and from ?8.1 to ?3.2 ‰ (mean of ?4.8 ‰), respectively. The mean δ34S–SO4 2? values were closer to those of pyrite (mean of ?25.4 ‰) and efflorescent sulfate salts (mean of ?25.6 ‰), recorded previously in the Podwi?niówka quarry, than to sulfates derived from other anthropogenic or soil and bedrock sources. The SO4 2? ions formed by bacterially induced pyrite oxidation combined with bacterial (dissimilatory) dissolved sulfate reduction, and presumably with subordinate mineralization of carbon-bonded sulfur compounds, especially in both Marczakowe Do?y ponds. In addition, the comparison of δ18O–SO4 2? and δ18O–H2O values indicated that 75–100 % of sulfate oxygen was derived from water. Due to the largest size, the Podwi?niówka acid pit pond revealed distinct seasonal variations in both δ18O–H2O (?9.2 to ?1.6) and δD–H2O (?29.7 to ?71.3) values. The strong correlation coefficient (r 2 = 0.99) was noted between δ18O–H2O and δD–H2O values, which points to atmospheric precipitation as the only source of water. The sediments of both acid ponds display different mineral inventory: the Marczakowe Do?y acid pond sediment consists of schwertmannite and goethite, whereas Podwi?niówka acid pit pond sediment is composed of quartz, illite, chlorite and kaolinite with some admixture of jarosite reflecting a more acidic environment. Geochemical modeling of two acid ponds indicated that the saturation indices of schwertmannite and nanosized ε-Fe2O3 (Fe3+ oxide polymorph) were closest to thermodynamic equilibrium state with water, varying from ?1.44 to 3.05 and from ?3.42 to 6.04, respectively. This evidence matches well with the obtained mineralogical results.  相似文献   
This work presents the results of a comparison between the global storm activity rate IRS and electric field intensity E0Z. The permanent analysis of the IRS may become an important tool for testing Global Electric Circuit models. IRS is determined by a new method that uses the background component of the first 7 Schumann resonances (SR). The rate calculations are based on ELF observations carried out in 2005 and 2006 in the observatory station “Hylaty” of the Jagiellonian University in the Eastern Carpathians (Kułak, A., Zięba, S., Micek, S., Nieckarz, Z., 2003. Solar variations in extremely low frequency propagation parameters: I. A two-dimensional telegraph equation (TDTE) model of ELF propagation and fundamental parameters of Schumann resonances, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 1270, doi:10.1029/2002JA009304). Diurnal runs of the IRS rate were compared with diurnal runs of E0Z amplitudes registered at the Earth's surface in the Geophysical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Świder (Kubicki, M., 2005. Results of Atmospheric Electricity and Meteorological Observations, S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory at Świder 2004, Pub. Inst. Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, D-68 (383), Warszawa.). The days with the highest values of the correlation coefficient (R) between amplitudes of both observed parameters characterizing atmosphere electric activity are shown. The seasonal changes of R, IRS and E0Z are also presented.  相似文献   
The Arab countries cover a large portion of the African and Arabian plates, a region characterized by seismic activity along complex continental collision zones, active seafloor spreading, rifting, and intraplate earthquakes. Establishing a standardized regional seismic network in these countries, then, is of great importance. Considerable effort of some Arab countries and UNESCO under project PAMERAR is under way to achieve this goal. A design for the spatial distribution of a regional seismic network in the area, based on a D-optimal planning criterion, is proposed in this paper. The method, which involves optimizing the geographical locations of stations, is based on the probability of earthquake occurrence at a given point in the seismic region, travel times of seismic waves, and minimization of the ellipsoid volume of earthquake location errors.  相似文献   
We investigate the properties of fluorescent iron lines that arise as a result of the illumination of a black hole accretion disc by an X-ray source located above the disc's surface. We study in detail the light-bending model of the variability of the lines, extending previous work on the subject. We indicate that the bending of photon trajectories to the equatorial plane (a distinct property of the Kerr metric) is the most feasible effect underlying the reduced variability of the lines observed in several objects. A model involving an X-ray source with a varying radial distance, located within a few central gravitational radii around a rapidly rotating black hole, close to the disc's surface, may explain both the elongated red wing of the line profile and the complex variability pattern observed in MCG–6-30-15 by XMM–Newton . We also point out that illumination by radiation that returns to the disc (following the previous reflection) contributes significantly to the formation of the line profile in some cases. As a result of this effect, the line profile always has a pronounced blue peak (which is not observed in the deep minimum state in MCG–6-30-15), unless the reflecting material is absent within the innermost 2–3 gravitational radii.  相似文献   
Tourmalinization associated with peraluminous granitic intrusions in metapelitic host-rocks has been widely recorded in the Iberian Peninsula, given the importance of tourmaline as a tracer of granite magma evolution and potential indicator of Sn-W mineralizations. In the Penamacor-Monsanto granite pluton (Central Eastern Portugal, Central Iberian Zone), tourmaline occurs: (1) as accessory phase in two-mica granitic rocks, muscovite-granites and aplites, (2) in quartz (±mica)-tourmaline rocks (tourmalinites) in several exocontact locations, and (3) as a rare detrital phase in contact zone hornfels and metapelitic host-rocks. Electron microprobe and stable isotope (δ18O, δD, δ11B) data provide clear distinctions between tourmaline populations from these different settings: (a) schorl–oxyschorl tourmalines from granitic rocks have variable foititic component (X□ = 17–57 %) and Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios (0.19–0.50 in two-mica granitic rocks, and 0.05–0.19 in the more differentiated muscovite-granite and aplites); granitic tourmalines have constant δ18O values (12.1 ± 0.1 ‰), with wider-ranging δD (?78.2 ± 4.7 ‰) and δ11B (?10.7 to ?9.0 ‰) values; (b) vein/breccia oxyschorl [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.31–0.44] results from late, B- and Fe-enriched magma-derived fluids and is characterized by δ18O = 12.4 ‰, δD = ?29.5 ‰, and δ11B = ?9.3 ‰, while replacement tourmalines have more dravitic compositions [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.26–0.64], close to that of detrital tourmaline in the surrounding metapelitic rocks, and yield relatively constant δ18O values (13.1–13.3 ‰), though wider-ranging δD (?58.5 to ?36.5 ‰) and δ11B (?10.2 to ?8.8 ‰) values; and (c) detrital tourmaline in contact rocks and regional host metasediments is mainly dravite [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.35–0.78] and oxydravite [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.51–0.58], respectively. Boron contents of the granitic rocks are low (<650 ppm) compared to the minimum B contents normally required for tourmaline saturation in granitic melts, implying loss of B and other volatiles to the surrounding host-rocks during the late-magmatic stages. This process was responsible for tourmalinization at the exocontact of the Penamacor-Monsanto pluton, either as direct tourmaline precipitation in cavities and fractures crossing the pluton margin (vein/breccia tourmalinites), or as replacement of mafic minerals (chlorite or biotite) in the host-rocks (replacement tourmalinites) along the exocontact of the granite. Thermometry based on 18O equilibrium fractionation between tourmaline and fluid indicates that a late, B-enriched magmatic aqueous fluid (av. δ18O ~12.1 ‰, at ~600 °C) precipitated the vein/breccia tourmaline (δ18O ~12.4 ‰) at ~500–550 °C, and later interacted with the cooler surrounding host-rocks to produce tourmaline at lower temperatures (400–450 °C), and an average δ18O ~13.2 ‰, closer to the values for the host-rock. Although B-metasomatism associated with some granitic plutons in the Iberian Peninsula seems to be relatively confined in space, extending integrated studies such as this to a larger number of granitic plutons may afford us a better understanding of Variscan magmatism and related mineralizations.  相似文献   
The Polish Outer Carpathians consist of several flysch series of unknown original basement. They were deposited from Late Jurassic to Miocene in a large basin dissected by tectonically uplifted ridges (cordillieras) which acted as source terrains. The actual nappe pile is correlated with palaeogeographic basin realms. From N to S the Skole, Silesian, Dukla and Magura basins are distinguished. Our paper presents a first compilation of heavy mineral data and pebble analysis in the various turbiditic fan systems. It is assumed that the heavy minerals primarily reflect the nature of basement rocks exposed in the source terrains.The individual flysch basins were supplied generally from unmetamorphosed granitic to highgrade metamorphic continental basement series. But staurolite-bearing high-grade metamorphics appear to have been present only in the northernmost provenance area (Silesian and Subsilesian ridges). A few reworked chromian spinel mineral grains in the northern parts of the basin were derived from small Caledonian/Variscan ultrabasic sutures present in the source ridges. Increased chromian spinel contents are revealed in the southern part of the basin (Maastrichtian-Eocene Magura series) and in Cretaceous Pieniny Klippen belt flysch formations. The chromian spinel in the Magura series was derived, either directly from Alpine oceanic crust obducted in the southern part of the Pieniny realm, or from re-eroded Pieniny flysch series. Hence, our heavy mineral data indicate that in the Outer Carpathian basin during Cretaceous convergence no Alpine ophiolitic crust was obducted. Therefore, an ophiolitic basement to the individual basins appears inprobable. The Outer Carpathians presumably occupied, with respect to the internal suture zone, the position of a deep continental basement floored foreland basin.
Zusammenfassung Die Äußeren Karpathen in Polen bestehen aus mehreren von ihrem Untergrund abgescherten Flysch-Serien, die von oberem Jura bis Miozän in einem Großbecken abgelagert wurden, das durch mehrere tektonisch hochgehobene Rücken (Cordillieren oder Liefergebiete) in Teilbecken gegliedert war. Das ursprüngliche Substrat der verschiedenen Becken ist unbekannt und die heutige Deckenstruktur wird mit der ursprünglichen Beckenanordnung korreliert. Von N nach S werden die Skole-, Silesien-, Duklaund Magura-Becken unterschieden. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine erste Zusammenfassung von Schwermineraldaten und Geröllanalysen in den verschiedenen turbiditischen Schüttungssystemen. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, daß die Schwermineralgehalte der Sandsteine primär die Zusammensetzung des kristallinen Grundgebirges in den Liefergebieten widergeben.Die einzelnen Flyschbecken wurden zumeist von unmetamorphem granitischem bis hochgradig metamorphem kontinentalem Grundgebirge beliefert. Staurolith-führende hochgradige Metamorphite waren jedoch nur in den nördlichst gelegenen Liefergebietsprovinzen (Silesischer und Subsilesischer Rücken) anstehend. Geringe Vorkommen von Chromspinell in den nördlichen Beckenteilen stammen von kleineren caledonisch/variszischen ultrabasischen Einschlüssen (Suturen) in den Cordillieren. Erhöhte Chromspinellgehalte werden nur im südlichen Becken (Maastricht bis Tertiär des Magura-Beckens) und in kretazischen Flyschen der Pieniny-Klippen festgestellt. Der Chromspinell in den Magura-Serien stammt von alpiner ozeanischer Kruste, die während der Kreide im südlichen Pieniny-Raume obduziert wurde oder von neuerlich erodierten Flyschen aus den Pieniny-Becken. Unsere Schwermineraldaten weisen folglich darauf hin, daß während der kretazischen tektonischen Konvergenz im Bereich der Äußeren Karpathen keine alpin gebildete ophiolithische Kruste aufgeschuppt wurde. Die Anwesenheit eines ozeanischen Untergrundes der einzelnen Teilbecken erscheint deshalb unwahrscheinlich. Die Äußeren Karpathen nahmen deshalb vermutlich gegenüber der internen Suturzone die Stellung eines tiefen Foreland-Beckens über kontinentaler Kruste ein.

Résumé Les Carpathes externes, en Pologne, sont composées de plusieurs séries de flysch d'âge jurassique à miocène déposées dans un grand bassin alimenté par l'érosion de rides tectoniques internes et externes (cordillères). Ces séries de flysch sont préservées en nappes, classiquement corrélées avec différents domaines paléogéographiques du bassin. Le substratum originel de ces bassins individuels n'est pas connu et reste discuté. On distingue, du nord au sud, les bassins de Skole, de Silésie, de Dukla et de Magura. Nous présentons ici les premiers résultats de l'analyse des minéraux lourds et des lithoclastes reconnus dans les principaux éventails turbiditiques sous-marins. Nous partons de l'hypothèse que le contenu des grès en minéraux lourds reflète la nature du socle cristallin qui était à l'affleurement dans les diverses régions-source.D'une manière générale, les bassins de flysch ont été alimentés par des terrains granitiques non métamorphiques et par des formations métamorphiques de moyenne et haute température. Il semble cependant que les terrains métamorphiques de haut degré à staurotide étaient présents seulement dans les sources les plus septentrionales (rides silésienne et subsilésienne). Le spinelle chromifère présent en petite quantité dans la partie nord du bassin peut être expliqué par la présence d'inclusions ultramafiques calédoniennes ou varisques (zones de sutures) dans les cordillères. Une proportion élevée de grains de spinelle chromifère ne s'observe que dans la partie méridionale du bassin des Carpathes externes (séries maastrichtiennes et tertiaires du bassin de Magura) et dans les flyschs crétacés des clippes de Pieniny. Il est suggéré que le spinelle chromifère du bassin de Magura a été fourni par la croûte océanique alpine, obductée au cours du Crétacé dans la partie interne du domaine des clippes de Pieniny, ou par l'érosion secondaire des flyschs de Pieniny.La rareté et l'origine probablement ancienne des spinelles chromifères dans la partie septentrionale indique que lors des mouvements convergents crétacés aucune roche ophiolitique alpine n'était exposée à l'érosion. Par conséquent, la présence de fonds océaniques dans ces bassins individuels semble peu probable. Les Carpathes externes représentent probablement un bassin profond, de type «foreland» par rapport à une zone de suture ophiolitique plus interne.

, , , . , . : Skole, Silesien, Dukla Magura. . , . , . , , , , , .. . - () . ( ) Pieniny . , Pieniny, . , , . , , . .. , .
The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of modified methods, developed on the basis of NRCS-CN method, in determining the size of an effective rainfall (direct runoff). The analyses were performed for the mountain catchment of the Kamienica river, right-hand tributary of the Dunajec. The amount of direct runoff was calculated using the following methods: (1) Original NRCS-CN model, (2) Mishra—Singh model (MS model), (3) Sahu Mishra Eldho model (SME model), (4) Sahu 1-p model, (5) Sahu 3-p model, and (6) Q_base model. The study results indicated that the amount of direct runoff, determined on the basis of the original NRCS-CN method, may differ significantly from the actually observed values. The best results were achieved when the direct runoff was determined using the SME and Sahu 3-p model.  相似文献   
Utilizing topographic models of Saturn's F-ring shepherd satellites Prometheus (S16 1980S27) and Pandora (S15 1980S26), derived by Stooke (1994), and supposing that their mass density is constant, we derived basic geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the moons. They include the volume and mass, the mean radii, the tensor of inertia, and Stokes coefficients of the harmonic expansions of external gravitational potential. The best fitting ellipsoid approximations of the topography were calculated. A simple method of determining the gravitational potential on the surface of an irregular satellite is presented. Examples of equipotential surfaces of the satellites are shown  相似文献   
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