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We report the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of hyporheic exchange flows (HEFs) and nitrogen exchange in an upwelling reach of a 200 m groundwater-fed river. We show how research combining hydrological measurement, geophysics and isotopes, together with nutrient speciation techniques provides insight on nitrogen pathways and transformations that could not have been captured otherwise, including a zone of vertical preferential discharge of nitrate from deeper groundwater, and a zone of rapid denitrification linking the floodplain with the riverbed. Nitrate attenuation in the reach is dominated by denitrification but is spatially highly variable. This variability is driven by groundwater flow pathways and landscape setting, which influences hyporheic flow, residence time and nitrate removal. We observed the spatial connectivity of the river to the riparian zone is important because zones of horizontal preferential discharge supply organic matter from the floodplain and create anoxic riverbed conditions with overlapping zones of nitrification potential and denitrification activity that peaked 10–20 cm below the riverbed. Our data also show that temporal variability in water pathways in the reach is driven by changes in stage of the order of tens of centimetres and by strength of water flux, which may influence the depth of delivery of dissolved organic carbon. The temporal variability is sensitive to changes to river flows under UK climate projections that anticipate a 14%–15% increase in regional median winter rainfall and a 14%–19% reduction in summer rainfall. Superimposed on seasonal projections is more intensive storm activity that will likely lead to a more dynamic and inherently complex (hydrologically and biogeochemically) hyporheic zone. We recorded direct evidence of suppression of upwelling groundwater (flow reversal) during rainfall events. Such flow reversal may fuel riverbed sediments whereby delivery of organic carbon to depth, and higher denitrification rates in HEFs might act in concert to make nitrate removal in the riverbed more efficient.  相似文献   
This work presents sedimentological observations and interpretations on three detailed sections of the Pliocene Yutengping/Ailiaochiao formations, deposited in the early stages of collision in Taiwan. Seven facies associations record paleoenvironments of deposition ranging from nearshore to lower offshore with a strong influence of tidal reworking, even in shelfal sub-tidal environments, and a pro-delta setting characterized by mass-flows. The association of shallow facies of the upper offshore to lower shoreface with pro-delta turbidite facies sourced in the orogen to the east suggests a peculiar setting in which turbidite deposition occurred below wave base but on the shelf, in water depths of probably less than 100 m. This adds to the examples of “shallow turbidites” increasingly commonly found in foreland basins and challenges the classical view of a “deep” early underfilled foreland basin. Time series analysis on tidal rhythmites allow us to identify a yearly signal in the form of periodic changes of sand-supply, energy and bioturbation that suggests a marked seasonality possibly affecting precipitation and sediment delivery as well as temperature. The Taiwan foreland basin may also present a potentially high-resolution record in shallow sediments of the early installation of monsoonal circulation patterns in east Asia. We confirm partly the paleogeography during the early stages of collision in Taiwan: the Chinese margin displayed a pronounced non-cylindrical geometry with a large basement promontory to the west in place of the modern Taiwan mountain range. Collision in Taiwan may have happened at once along the whole length of the modern mountain range, instead of progressively from north to south as classically considered.  相似文献   
The potential interactions between aeolian and fluvial systems are critical in understanding environmental change. Whether aeolian products originated from the river depends on the river characteristics and wind regimes. In southern Tibet, aeolian sand dunes are widespread along the Yarlung River, and thus provide an ideal example to explore the relationships between large fluvial systems and aeolian products. Although previous studies postulated that those aeolian products were originated from the Yarlung River, few empirical data actually exist to support this idea. We analysed the spatial pattern, sand transportation directions, and granulometric characteristics of the sand dunes to evaluate the potential influence of the Yarlung River on the aeolian processes. Comparison of the dune field distribution against channel width and longitudinal profile of the Yarlung River shows that sand dunes are clustered at the wide and flat segments of the river. Analyses of >4,600 sand dune orientations using Google Earth imagery show that the dunes located at the southern and northern sides of the Yarlung River demonstrate opposite sand transportation directions that generally point against the river. This suggests that the sand grains probably originated from the river. Grain size distributions from dune samples show unimodal or unimodal-like patterns. This means that each sand dune field was dominantly fed by a simple transportation process rather than by compound processes from smaller-level fluvial systems, which in turn implies that the Yarlung River was the most possible candidate for the provenance of these aeolian deposits. This study provides new constraints to demonstrate that the Yarlung River provides both accommodation space and sorted fluvial sand for the aeolian sand dunes along the river.  相似文献   
We describe the non-primate mammalian fauna from the late Pliocene to earliest Pleistocene deposits of Mille-Logya in the Lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia, dated to c. 2.9–2.4 Ma, and divided into three successive units: Gafura, Seraitu, and Uraitele. We identify 41 mammalian taxa (including rodents), the most diverse group being the Bovidae, with 17 taxa. While the Gafura assemblage still resembles those from the earlier Hadar Formation, the younger Seraitu assemblage documents a major turnover. While there is little change in the species present across this interval, the relative abundances of various taxa change dramatically, with suids being largely replaced by open-country bovids (Alcelaphini and Antilopini). We interpret this faunal change as reflective of an environmental shift, contemporaneous with the replacement of Australopithecus afarensis by Homo in the area.  相似文献   
Bed-load transport plays a critical role in river morphological change and has an important impact on river ecology.Although there is good understanding of the role of the variation of river bed grain size on transport dynamics in equilibrium conditions,much less is understood for non-equilibrium conditions when the channel is either aggrading or degrading.In particular,the relative role of different grain sizes in the promotion and hindering of the transport of coarse and fine fractions in a degrading channel has yet to be investigated.The current study attempts to provide new understanding through a series of flume experiments done using uniform and graded sediment particles.The experiments revealed coarser grain-size fractions for a poorly-sorted sediment,relative to uniform-sized sediment,reduced the transport of finer grains and finer fractions enhanced the transport of coarse grains.This hinderingpromotion effect,caused by relative hiding and exposure of finer and coarse fractions,increased with bed slope and decreased with relative submergence.In particular,as relative submergence increased,the graded fractions tended towards behaving more like their uniform-sized counterparts.Also,the bed-load parameter of the graded fractions increased more with a rise in bed slope than observed for the uniformsized counterparts.These results revealed,for degrading channel conditions,such as downstream of a dam,bed-load equations developed for uniform bed sediment are inappropriate for use in natural river systems,particularly in mountain streams.Furthermore,changes in river bed composition due to activities that enhance the input of hill-slope sediment,such as fire,logging,and agricultural development,are likely to cause significant changes in river morphology.  相似文献   
Electrical resistivity tomography is a technique widely used for the investigation of the structure and fluid dynamics of the shallow subsurface, particularly for hydro‐geophysical purposes, sometimes using cross‐borehole configurations. The results of electrical resistivity tomography inversion and their usefulness in solving hydrogeophysical problems, even though invariably limited by resolution issues, depend strongly on the accuracy of inversion, which in turn depends on a proper estimation and handling of data and model errors. Among model errors, one approximation often applied in cross‐hole electrical resistivity tomography is that of neglecting the effects of boreholes and the fluids therein. Such effects inevitably impact the current and potential patterns as measured by electrodes in the boreholes themselves. In the presence of very saline fluids, in particular, this model approximation may prove inadequate and the tomographic inversion may yield images strongly contaminated by artefacts. In this paper, we present a case study where highly saline water was used for hydraulic fracturing to improve permeability of a shallow formation impacted by hydrocarbon contamination, with the final aim of improving the effectiveness of in situ contaminant oxidation. The hydraulic fracturing was monitored via time‐lapse cross‐hole electrical resistivity tomography. Arrival of the saline water in the monitoring borehole likely caused a strong borehole effect that significantly affected the quality and usefulness of electrical resistivity tomography inversions. In this paper, we analyse the experimental dataset and produce, via three‐dimensional electrical resistivity tomography forward modelling, a viable explanation for the observed, paradoxical field results.  相似文献   
Analytical protocols for SHRIMP‐SI oxygen isotope analysis (δ18O) of a suite of zircon reference materials (RMs) are presented. Data reduction involved a robust estimate of uncertainties associated with the individual spot as well as for groups where the spot data are combined. The repeatability of δ18O measurements is dependent on both the analytical conditions and the choice of the primary reference material. Under optimised conditions, repeatability was often better than 0.4‰ (2s) allowing sample uncertainties to be obtained to better than 0.2‰ (at 95% confidence limit). Single spot uncertainty combined the within‐spot precision with the scatter associated with repeated measurements of the primary zircon reference material during a measurement session. The uncertainty for individual spots measured under optimised conditions was between 0.3 and 0.4‰ (at 95% confidence). The analytical protocols described were used to assess a variety of zircon RMs that have been used for geochronology and for which laser fluorination oxygen isotope data are available (Temora 2, FC1, R33, QGNG and Ple?ovice), as well as zircons that have been used as RMs for trace element or other types of determination (Mud Tank, Monastery, 91500, AS57, AS3, KIM‐5, OG1, SL13, CZ3 and several other Sri Lankan zircons). Repeated analyses over nine sessions and seven different mounts show agreement within analytical uncertainty for Temora 2, FC1, R33, QGNG, Ple?ovice and 91500, when normalised to Mud Tank. For existing ion microprobe mounts with these materials, an appropriate δ18O can be determined. However, care should be taken when using zircons from the Duluth Complex (i.e., FC1, AS57 and AS3) as reference materials as our data indicated an excess scatter on δ18O values associated with low‐U zircon grains.  相似文献   
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