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Electron transport properties of single crystal and polycrystalline natural mineral galena (PbS) samples from the Trep?a mine, Yugoslavia, were determined using the photoacoustic frequency transmission technique. Their thermal diffusivity (D T≈0.16 × 10?5 m2 s?1), the coefficient of diffusion (D between 0.15×10?2 0.16×10?2 m2 s?1) and lifetime of the excess carrier (τ≈35 μs and the front and rear recombination velocity (s g≈65.5 m s?1 and s b≈66.4 m s?1, respectively), were calculated by comparing the experimental results and the theoretical photoacoustic amplitude and phase signals. The lattice parameter obtained by X-ray work was a?=5.936?Å. The free carrier concentration of these single-crystal samples was measured using the Hall method (N?=?3×1018 cm?3). Measurements of the optical reflectivity of the same samples, as a function of wavelength, in the infrared and far infrared ranges, were performed. In the far infrared range a free electron plasma frequency was observed and numerically analyzed, using the least-squares fitting procedure. The values of optical parameters were calculated and the value of the free carrier concentration obtained by the Hall method was confirmed.  相似文献   
The marine magnetic data acquired from offshore Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin, eastern continental margin of India (ECMI), brought out a prominent NE-SW trending feature, which could be explained by a buried structural high formed by volcanic activity. The magnetic anomaly feature is also associated with a distinct negative gravity anomaly similar to the one associated with 85°E Ridge. The gravity low could be attributed to a flexure at the Moho boundary, which could in turn be filled with the volcanic material. Inversion of the magnetic and gravity anomalies was also carried out to establish the similarity of anomalies of the two geological features (structural high on the margin and the 85°E Ridge) and their interpretations. In both cases, the magnetic anomalies were caused dominantly by the magnetization contrast between the volcanic material and the surrounding oceanic crust, whereas the low gravity anomalies are by the flexures of the order of 3–4 km at Moho boundary beneath them. The analysis suggests that both structural high present in offshore Krishna-Godavari basin and the 85°E Ridge have been emplaced on relatively older oceanic crust by a common volcanic process, but at discrete times, and that several of the gravity lows in the Bay of Bengal can be attributed to flexures on the Moho, each created due to the load of volcanic material.  相似文献   
Data on the composition, age, and source of material of Aptian rocks composing a bimodal volcanic complex and related granitoids in the northern margin of the Amur microcontinent indicate that the granodiorites of the Talalinskii Massif and subalkaline granites of the Dzhiktandiunskii Massif crystallized at 117 ± 2 and 119 ± 2 Ma, respectively (40Ar/39Ar method), and their crystallization ages coincide with the age of volcanic rocks of the Gal’kinskii bimodal complex. These data make it possible to combine the rocks within a single volcano-plutonic association. Geochemical and isotopic-geochemical features of trachybasaltic andesites of the Gal’kinskii bimodal complex suggest that the parental melts were derived from such sources as PREMA (or DM) and an enriched source of the EMII type at a subordinate contribution of a crustal source. The parental melts of rhyolites of the Gal’kinskii Complex and granitoids of the Talalinskii and Dzhiktandinskii massifs were derived from crustal material with minor amounts of juvenile material. The bimodal volcanic association and related granitoids dated at 119–115 Ma were most likely formed in geodynamic environments implying the ascent of the asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   
A comparison of the observed distribution of absolute proper motions with a kinematical model of the Galaxy is presented. Proper motions with respect to galaxies were obtained for about 40 000 stars along the main Galactic meridian and in two fields near the North Galactic pole (programme MEGA). The Galaxy is considered as composed of the disk (main sequence and disk red giants), the thick disk and spheroid populations. For each subsystem, spatial velocity components and their dispersions were computed. The distribution of kinematical parameters were modelled for stars located in different directions of the Galaxy.  相似文献   
The MOx instrument was developed to characterize the reactive nature of the martian soil. The objectives of MOx were: (1) to measure the rate of degradation of organics in the martian environment; (2) to determine if the reactions seen by the Viking biology experiments were caused by a soil oxidant and measure the reactivity of the soil and atmosphere: (3) to monitor the degradation, when exposed to the martian environment, of materials of potential use in future missions; and, finally, (4) to develop technologies and approaches that can be part of future soil analysis instrumentation. The basic approach taken in the MOx instrument was to place a variety of materials composed as thin films in contact with the soil and monitor the physical and chemical changes that result. The optical reflectance of the thin films was the primary sensing-mode. Thin films of organic materials, metals, and semiconductors were prepared. Laboratory simulations demonstrated the response of thin films to active oxidants.  相似文献   
Major, trace and rare earth element contents of Fe- and Al-rich metapelites from the Korda (Yenisey Ridge) and Amar (Kuznetsk Alatau) formations were determined to examine the nature, origin and evolution of their protoliths. Results indicate that these rocks are the redeposited and metamorphosed products of Precambrian kaolinitic weathering crusts, while the geochemical distinctions between the studied metapelites are determined by different weathering conditions in the source area and tectonic settings. The protolith of the Korda Formation metapelites was produced by erosion products of the post-Archean granitoid rocks, which accumulated under humid climate conditions in shallow-water basins along the continental margin. The geochemical characteristics of the deeper primary deposits of the Amar Formation suggest that volcanogenic material of mafic composition derived from an island-arc environment had a major role in supplying the erosion zone. These results agree with lithofacies data and with the geodynamic reconstruction of the evolution of the Yenisey Ridge and Kuznetsk Alatau during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, respectively. It was shown that REEs had limited mobility during contact metamorphism. The coherent mobility of REEs during collisional metamorphism may be attributed both to mineral reactions responsible for modal changes and to local chemical heterogeneity inherited from the initial protolith.  相似文献   
In the low‐pressure, high‐temperature metamorphic rocks of western Maine, USA, staurolite porphyroblasts grew at c. 400 Ma, very late during the regional orogenesis. These porphyroblasts, which preserve straight inclusion trails with small thin‐section‐scale variation in pitch, were subsequently involved in the strain and metamorphic aureole of the c. 370 Ma Mooselookmeguntic pluton. The aureole shows a progressive fabric intensity gradient from effectively zero emplacement‐related deformation at the outer edge of the aureole ~2900 m (map distance) from the pluton margin to the development of a pervasive emplacement‐related foliation adjacent to the pluton. The development of this pervasive foliation spanned all stages of crenulation cleavage development, which are preserved at different distances from the pluton. The spread of inclusion‐trail pitches in the staurolite porphyroblasts, as measured in two‐dimensional (2‐D) thin sections, increases nonlinearly from ~16° to 75° with increasing strain in the aureole. These data provide clear evidence for rotation of the staurolite porphyroblasts relative to one another and to the developing crenulation cleavage. The data spread is qualitatively modelled for both pure and simple shear, and both solutions match the data reasonably well. The spread of inclusion‐trail orientations (40–75°) in the moderately to highly strained rocks is similar to the spread reported in several previous studies. We consider it likely that the sample‐scale spread in these previous studies is also the result of porphyroblast rotation relative to one another. However, the average inclusion‐trail orientation for a single sample may, in at least some instances, reflect the original orientation of the overgrown foliation.  相似文献   
In single-band single-polarized SAR images, intensity and texture are the information source available for unsupervised land cover classification. Every textural feature measure identifies texture patterns by different approaches. For efficient land cover classification, textural measures have to be chosen suitably. Therefore, in this letter, the role of various intensity and textural measures is analyzed for their discriminative ability for unsupervised SAR image classification into various land cover types like water, urban, and vegetation areas. To make the algorithm adaptable, these textural features are fused using principal component analysis (PCA), and principal components are used for classification purposes. To highlight the effectiveness of PCA, the difference between PCA- and non-PCA-based classifications is also analyzed. Analysis of the role of texture measures for unsupervised classification of real-world SAR data with application of PCA is presented in this letter. The analysis of how every individual feature measure contributes for classification process is presented, and then, textural measures for a feature set are chosen according to their role in improving classification accuracy. By analysis, it is observed that the feature set comprising mean, variance, wavelet components, semivariogram, lacunarity, and weighted rank fill ratio provides good classification accuracy of up to 90.4% than by using individual textural measures, and this increased accuracy justifies the complexity involved in the process.  相似文献   
Long‐term fluctuations in lake‐water optical properties were examined using a Holocene sediment sequence and multi‐proxy palaeolimnological approach in Lake Einstaken, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. UV‐absorbance of sedimentary cladoceran remains provided information on underwater UV exposure and changes in lake‐catchment coupling processes were inferred from sediment geochemistry. In addition, aquatic community succession was used as an indicator for lake‐water bio‐optical properties and a Holocene record of sun activity (sunspots) was utilized to evaluate long‐term solar forcing. The results indicated that the UV‐absorbance of cladoceran remains was highest (i.e. maximum UV‐induced pigmentation) for a short period during the early Holocene and for several millennia during the mid‐Holocene. Sun activity was high during these time intervals, probably impacting the UV intensities, but it is probable that the amount of UV‐attenuating compounds (e.g. dissolved organic carbon (DOC)) also significantly affected the underwater UV environment and were low during high UV exposure. Benthic autotrophic communities also responded to the millennial changes in lake‐water optical properties. UV‐resistant Nostoc cyanobacterial colonies were established during the mid‐Holocene, indicative of high underwater UV intensities, and Fontinalis mosses thrived during the early Holocene, indicating a highly transparent water column. The results further suggested that underwater UV exposure decreased during the late Holocene, which is probably attributable to increased DOC and decreased solar forcing. Owing to the location of Lake Einstaken and its catchment in the periglacial barren landscape of the polar desert, the fluctuations of bio‐optical lake‐water properties were apparently forced by postglacial environmental processes and Holocene climate development. These factors controlled sea shoreline proximity, water discharge, ice‐cover duration and littoral‐benthic primary production and further affected the underwater UV environment. Although the role of solar forcing cannot be underestimated, the current record emphasizes the role of climate‐mediated lake‐catchment interactions in impacting bio‐optical properties and UV exposure of high arctic aquatic systems.  相似文献   
中国近年来先后在南海北部和祁连山南缘青海省天峻县永久冻土带中发现天然气水合物,这是一种新能源,它将对中国能源结构的调整和能源紧张的缓解起到非常重要的作用。但是,天然气水合物开采安全是个大问题,已经引起了国际上专家们的极大关注。俄罗斯南方国立技术大学地球物理、探矿工程和石油钻采教研室开发出来的天然气水合物开发安全检测技术和方法,可以准确确定出射孔部位的位置、检查射孔部位是否阻塞和如何解阻等关键技术,对天然气水合物开采安全提供了技术支撑,对此应该进行研究。  相似文献   
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