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Chondritic Mg isotope composition of the Earth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The processes of planetary accretion and differentiation have potentially been recorded as variations in the stable isotope ratios of the major elements between planetary objects. However, the magnitude of observed isotopic variations for several elements (Mg, Fe, Si) is at the limit of what current analytical precision and accuracy are able to resolve. Here, we present a comprehensive data set of Mg isotope ratios measured in ocean island and mid-ocean ridge basalts, peridotites and chondrites. The precision and accuracy were verified by isotopic standard addition for two samples, one carbonaceous chondrite (Murchison) and one continental flood basalt (BCR-1). In contrast with some previous studies, our data from terrestrial and chondritic materials have invariant Mg isotope ratios within the uncertainty of the method (0.1‰ for the 26Mg/24Mg ratio, 2SD). Although isotopic variations of less than about 0.1‰ could still be present, the data demonstrate that, at this level of uncertainty, the bulk silicate Earth and chondritic Mg reservoir have a homogeneous δ26Mg = −0.23‰ (26Mg/24Mg ratio of the sample relative to the DSM3 standard set to zero by definition). This implies that neither planetary accretion processes nor partial mantle melting and subsequent shallow-level differentiation have fractionated Mg isotope ratios. These observations imply in particular that the formation of the Earth cannot stem from preferential sorting of chondrite constituents that would have been fractionated in their Mg isotope composition. It also implies that unlike oxygen isotopes, there was no zonation in Mg isotopes in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

The Upper Prealpine nappe of the Swiss and French Prealps consists of a composite stack of various tectonic slivers (Gets, Simme, Dranse and Sarine sub-nappes, from top to bottom). The structural superposition and stratigraphic content of the individual sub-nappes suggests a successive stacking at the South Penninic/Adriatic transition zone during the Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene. The present paper deals with two aspects. (1) new data obtained from the Complexe de base Series of the Dranse sub-nappe which underlies the Helminthoid Sandstone Formation, and (2) the development of a geodynamic accretionary model for the Upper Prealpine nappe stacking.

The Complexe de base Series reveals a succession of black shales at the base, grading upward into variegated red/green and red shales which were deposited in an abyssal plain environment starved of clastic input. It is overlain by the Helminthoid Sandstone Formation. The combined analysis of planktic and agglutinated benthic foraminifera and comparisons with other Tethyan series suggest an Albian to Campanian age of the Complexe de base succession. Tectonic transport of the abyssal plain segment into a trench environment allowed for the stratigraphic superposition by the Helminthoid sandstone sequence. The present findings combine well with the general scheme of the Upper Prealpine nappe stack and several single results on parts of the nappe stack. We take that opportunity to present a comprehensive model for the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Upper Prealpine nappe.

We suggest that Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous asymmetric (?) extension at the South Penninic-Adriatic margin created an extensional alloehthon. Later during the mid-Cretaceous, the start of convergence drove the obduction of oceanic crust on the northern margin of the extensional allochthon. The resulting ophiolitic/continental source supplied clasts to the trench basin in front (Manche turbidite series), and the backarc basin (Mocausa Formation) and abyssal plain (Perrières turbidite series) to the South. During Middle to Late Coniacian the main Adriatic margin was thrusted over the obductionrelated mixed belt and established an incipient accretionary prism containing the former trench, backarc and abyssal plain basin fill series. During this stage the Gueyraz (melange) Complex formed, which separates the trench series from the retroarc and abyssal plain formations. On top of the incipient accretionary prism a forearc basin developed hosting the Hundsrück Formation. The frontal abyssal plain formation (Complexe de base) still received few turbiditic intercalations. From Campanian time on, the forearc basin was bypassed and deposition of the Helminthoid Sandstone Formation occurred on the Complexe de base succession. During the Maastrichtian the abyssal plain and trench fill succession (Dranse nappe) was accreted to the incipient wedge, and in front of a newly active buttress, the Gurnigel trench basin was established. Another accretionary event during latest Paleocene/earliest Eocene added parts of that trench series to the base of the wedge (Sarine nappe). During the Late Eocene the accretionary wedge and remaining trench fill series (Gurnigel nappe) were thrusted en-bloc over the Middle Penninic limestone nappes and partly overtook the latter. Continued shortening of the resulting nappe pile and out-of-sequence thrusting accomplished the overriding of the Middle Penninic units over the former South Penninic Gurnigel trench series (inversion of palaeogeographic domains).  相似文献   
Tracing leachates at landfills is usually carried out using either geophysical methods or chemical analyses of groundwater. There are often problems with fingerprinting pollution sources or clarifying the spreading pattern due to a wide variety of possibilities giving similar anomalies. The aims of the project were to evaluate the advantages of combining results from multigeophysical modelling and statistical/chemical modelling in order to identify pollution sources and the spreading pattern and to test a new technique for chemical fingerprinting. The project was carried out at a landfill in central Sweden using geophysical measurements and modelling of CVES, GPR and VLF as well as chemical modelling using M3 (multivariate mixing and mass balance calculations). The results indicate that by combining geophysical modelling and chemical calculations, the possibilities of fingerprinting the origin of pollution as well as delineating the spreading pattern are significantly increased.  相似文献   
We report experimentally determined 1 atm olivine/melt DNa partitioning data for low fO2, a variety of melt compositions and a temperature range of 1325-1522 °C. We demonstrated that high-current electron microprobe analyses (EPMA, I = 500 nA, 600 s on the peak) allow quantitative determination of Na2O in olivine down to ∼10 μg/g. The mean olivine/melt DNa from 12 experimental runs is 0.0031 ± 0.0007 (1σ). This is the recommended value for low pressures and a wide range of natural compositions.This result is applied to the problem of the origin of alkalis in chondrules and the formation of chondritic refractory forsterite grains. The data on Semarkona (LL3.0) chondrules show that Na2O is primordial and was present during olivine crystallization. For refractory forsterite grains from Murchison (CM2), we demonstrate that high CaO contents are not a result of equilibration with Na2O-rich melts, but require high activities of CaO during their formation.  相似文献   


In aerodynamic levitation, solids and liquids are floated in a vertical gas stream. In combination with CO2-laser heating, containerless melting at high temperature of oxides and silicates is possible. We apply aerodynamic levitation to bulk rocks in preparation for microchemical analyses, and for evaporation and reduction experiments.  相似文献   
Variscan shear zones in the Armorican Massif represent sites of strong fluid‐rock interaction. The hydrogen isotope composition of muscovite (δDMs) from syntectonic leucogranite allows to determine the source of fluids that infiltrated the footwall of three detachment zones and the South Armorican Shear Zone. Using temperatures of hydrogen isotope exchange estimated from microstructural data, we calculate the hydrogen isotope ratios of water (δDwater) present within the shear zones during high‐temperature deformation. A ~40‰ difference in δDwater values from deep to shallow crustal level reveals a mixing relationship between deep crustal fluids with higher δD values that range from ?34 to ?33‰, and meteoric fluids with δD values as low as ?74‰ in the upper part of detachment footwalls.  相似文献   
This excursion guide results form a field trip to the Glarus nappe complex organized by the Swiss Tectonic Studies Group in 2006. The aim of the excursion was to discuss old and recent concepts related to the evolution of the Glarus thrust. The major aspects were (i) the interplay between deformation, fluid flow and geochemical alteration, (ii) episodic versus continuous deformation and fluid flow, and (iii) the link between large-scale structures, microstructures, and geochemical aspects. Despite 150 years of research in the Glarus nappe complex and the new results discussed during the excursion, there exist controversies that still are unsolved.  相似文献   
U/Pb SHRIMP ages of nine Variscan leucocratic orthogneisses from the central Tauern Window (Austria) reveal three distinct pulses of magmatism in Early Carboniferous (Visean), Late Carboniferous (Stephanian) and Early Permian, each involving granitoid intrusions and a contemporaneous opening of volcano-sedimentary basins. A similar relationship has been reported for the Carboniferous parts of the basement of the Alps further to the west, e.g. the “External massifs” in Switzerland. After the intrusion of subduction-related, volcanic-arc granitoids (374?±?10?Ma; Zwölferkogel gneiss), collisional intrusive-granitic, anatectic and extrusive-rhyolitic/dacitic rocks were produced over a short interval at ca. 340?Ma (Augengneiss of Felbertauern: 340?±?4?Ma, Hochweißenfeld gneiss: 342?± 5?Ma, Falkenbachlappen gneiss: 343?±?6?Ma). This Early Carboniferous magmatism, which produced relatively small volumes of melt, can be attributed to the amalgamation of the Gondwana-derived “Tauern Window” terrane with Laurussia–Avalonia. Probably due to the oblique nature of the collision, transtensional phenomena (i.e. volcano-sedimentary troughs and high-level intrusives) and transpressional regimes (i.e. regional metamorphism and stacked nappes with anatexis next to thrust planes) evolved contemporaneously. The magmas are mainly of the high-K I-type and may have been generated during a short phase of decompressional melting of lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources. In the Late Carboniferous, a second pulse of magmatism occurred, producing batholiths of calc-alkaline I-type granitoids (e.g. Venediger tonalite: 296?±?4?Ma) and minor coeval bodies of felsic and intermediate volcanics (Heuschartenkopf gneiss: 299?±?4?Ma, Peitingalm gneiss: 300?±?5?Ma). Prior to this magmatism, several kilometres of upper crust must have been eroded, because volcano-sedimentary sequences hosting the Heu- schartenkopf and Peitingalm gneisses rest unconformably on 340-Ma-old granitoids. The youngest (Permian) period of magma generation contains the intrusion of the S-type Granatspitz Central Gneiss at 271?±?4?Ma and the extrusion of the rhyolitic Schönbachwald gneiss protolith at 279?±?9?Ma. These magmatic rocks may have been associated with local extension along continental wrench zones through the Variscan orogenic crust or with a Permian rifting event. The Permian and the above-mentioned Late Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences were probably deposited in intra-continental graben structures, which survived post-Variscan uplift and Alpine compressional tectonics.  相似文献   
On causes and impacts of land subsidence in Bandung Basin, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Bandung Basin is a large intra-montane basin surrounded by volcanic highlands, in western Java, Indonesia, inhabited by more than seven million people. The basin, an area of about 2,300 km2, is a highland plateau at approximately 650–700 m above sea level and is surrounded by up to 2,400 m high Late Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic terrain. Based on the results of nine GPS surveys conducted since 2000 up to 2011, it was shown that several locations in the Bandung Basin have experienced land subsidence, with an average rate of about ?8 cm/year and can go up to about ?23 cm/year in certain locations. A hypothesis has been proposed by several studies that land subsidence observed in several locations in the Bandung Basin has been caused mainly by excessive groundwater extraction. It is found that there is a strong correlation between the rates of groundwater level lowering with the GPS-derived rates of land subsidence in several locations in Bandung Basin. The GPS results in this study detected significant subsidence in the textile industry area, where very large volumes of groundwater are usually extracted. The impact of land subsidence in Bandung can be seen in several forms, mainly in the cracking and damage of houses, buildings and infrastructure. Land subsidence also aggravates the flooding in Bandung Basin, which has brought huge economic losses and deteriorated the quality of life and environment in the affected areas.  相似文献   
It is attempted to determineT, P values for the lowgrade metamorphic facies. From geologic-petrographic observations and from experiments mineralreactions are outlined which characterize the zeolitic-, the glaucophane- and the greenschistfacies, respectively. Only such reactions are considered which are univariant if Pf=Ps; thus aP-T grid can be arrived at. Experimental data on the equilibria of the relevant reactions is taken from the literature and from own experiments. Experimental results are always checked against known field-observations. Contrary to current opinium, we arrive at rather higher temperatures for the beginning of the lowgrade metamorphic facies: Diagenesis. From sedimentation up to slightly below 300° C. Zeolitic facies. From slightly below 300° C up to about 400° C. Greenschistfacies. From about 400° C up to about 550° C. Glaucophaneschistfacies. Under pressures of at least 6–7 kb this facies begins somewhat above 300° C, probably at about 330° C, grading into high-pressure greenschistfacies.  相似文献   
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