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Frontal substructures within the planetary boundary layer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A two-dimensional mesoscale model, extended by a TKE closure for the subgrid-scale terms and coupled with a soil model, is used to investigate the role of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) for the development and the substructures of two different types of cold fronts. The effects of turbulent friction, large-scale (geostrophic) forcing and the diurnal variation of the terms of the surface energy balance (SEB) equation on the frontal development are studied by 10 different model runs. The ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation in the lowest two kilometres of a cold front results from friction as well as from large-scale forcing. The first one dominates the PBL processes and causes a special boundary-layer structure, which becomes apparent through the existence of seven characteristic zones defined for the x-z cross sections of potential temperature. The arrangement of these characteristic zones depends on the sense of rotation of the frictionally induced part of the ageostrophic circulation and hence on the direction of the along-front jet within the boundary layer. The daytime increase of the terms of the SEB equation for a midlatitude midsummer case leads to a strong enhancement of the frictionally induced cross-frontal circulation. The arrangement of the seven characteristic zones, however, is approximately conserved.  相似文献   
Simultaneous measurements of ozone and ozoneprecursors were made during a field campaign atSchauinsland in the Black Forest and in the valleynorth of Schauinsland that channels the flow ofpolluted air from the city of Freiburg to the site.From the decay of hydrocarbons and NOx between the twomeasuring sites and the known rate coefficients, theconcentration of OH radicals was calculated. From abudget analysis of OH and HOx it is concluded that therelatively high OH concentrations (5–8 ×106cm-3) in the presence of high NO2concentrations cannot be explained by the knownprimary sources. The budget can be closed if efficientrecycling of OH via HO2 is assumed to occur andthat, based on the measured hydrocarbons, 2 HO2molecules are formed for each OH radical that reactswith a hydrocarbon molecule. This assumption is inaccordance with the budget of Ox obtained from ourmeasurements and with results from earliermeasurements of alkylnitrates and peroxy radicals atSchauinsland. A possible conclusion is that the decayof precursors and production of photooxidants in urbanplumes proceeds at a faster rate than is currentlyassumed. The potential role of biogenichydrocarbons for the radical budget is alsodiscussed.  相似文献   
The Saar-Nahe Basin is a Permocarboniferous molasse basin within the Variscan orogenic chains. Surface access is possible in an area of 100×40 km just south of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. Below a thick Mesozoic cover the basin has a total extension of about 300×100 km. 4.1 km Upper Carboniferous and 1.6 km Lower Rotliegend grey fluviolacustrine deposits and additional 1.8 km Upper Rotliegend red alluvial deposits were accumulated.The depositional environments of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Rotliegend beds, known from surface outcrops and 20 wells, are alluvial only along the northwestern margin of the basin, but braided and meandering fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine within the basin. Coal to a considerable amount only developed in the Westfalian.Paleocurrent data indicate a sediment transport from the northern Rhenohercynicum (Hunsrück) during the Westfalian. They delivered lithic arenites, which found a depocenter S of the Saar-Nahe Basin as it is exposed today. In the Stefanian a sediment transport from the southern Moldanubicum (Schwarzwald, Vosges and Massif Central) became active. The depocenter of the basin shifted to the NE and gradually approached the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, disconnected from it by the South-Hunsrück Fault. During the late Lower Rotliegend the intense subsidence of the basin ceased. Simultaneously, arcosic arenites with an increasing total and K-feldspar content were provided (a tendency which even enhanced with the beginning of the Upper Rotliegend).A tectonic deformation at the end of the Westfalian induced uplift and gentle folding. After a peneplenization of its beds and a loss of strata of up to 1500 m in places, Stefanian and Lower Rotliegend were deposited discordantly above.At the beginning of the Upper Rotliegend, tectonic activities formed a central anticline together with magmatism (rhyolitic intrusives and explosives as well as melaphyr lavas) and a short-distanced style of alluvial sedimentation. In the post-Rotliegend further narrowing of the basin initiated a southward thrusting of the Saarbrücken Anticline on to the Buntsandstein; together with this the South-Hunsrück Fault became steeper and partly overturned.The stratigraphic section from Namurian to Lower Rotliegend was studied in detail; Upper Rotliegend may stand as an overview.
Zusammenfassung Das Saar-Nahe-Becken ist ein permokarbones Molasse-Becken innerhalb der variskischen Gebirgszüge. Von übertage her ist es auf einer Fläche von 100×40 km unmittelbar südlich des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges zugänglich. Unter einer bedeutenden mesozoischen Überdeckung aber hat das Becken eine Ausdehnung von insgesamt 300×100 km. In diesem wurden 4,1 km mächtiges Oberkarbon und 1,6 km mächtiges Unterrotliegend in grauer fluviolakustriner Fazies und schließlich 1,8 km rotes alluviales Oberrotliegend abgesetzt.Die oberkarbonen bis unterrotliegenden Schichten zeigen nach Oberflächenaufschlüssen und 20 Bohrungen nur entlang des Hunsrücks in geringem Umfang alluvialen Sedimenteintrag. Im Becken dagegen ist das Sedimentationsmilieu verzweigt und mäandrierend fluviatil, deltaisch und lakustrin. Kohle wurde nur im Westfal in größerem Umfang gebildet.Messungen zur Paläoströmung weisen im Westfal einen Sedimenttransport aus dem nördlich gelegenen Rhenohercynicum (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) nach. Dieses lieferte gesteinsbruchstückreiche Sande, die in einem Depozentrum südlich des heute übertage aufgeschlossenen Saar-Nahe-Beckens abgelagert wurden. Im Stefan erlangte ein Sedimenttransport aus dem Moldanubicum (Schwarzwald, Vogesen und Zentralmassiv) an Bedeutung. Das Depozentrum des Beckens wanderte nach NE und näherte sich allmählich dem Rheinischen Schiefergebirge, das seit jener Zeit von diesem durch die Hunsrück-Südrandstörung getrennt ist. Während des späten Unterrotliegend nahm die intensive Absenkung des Beckens allmählich ab. Gleichzeitig wurden feldspatreiche Sande mit zunehmendem Gesamt-und K-Feldspat-Gehalt geliefert (diese Tendenz wurde zu Beginn des Oberrotliegend eher noch verstärkt).Ende Westfal wurde das Becken nachweislich herausgehoben und sanft gefaltet. Nach einer Einebnung der Schichten, was stellenweise zu einem Schichtverlust von bis zu 1500 m führte, folgten diskordant darüber Stefan und Unterrotliegend.Mit Beginn des Oberrotliegend schufen erneute tektonische Bewegungen eine zentrale Aufwölbung. Dies war mit vulkanischer Aktivität (rhyolitische Intrusiva und Explosiva sowie Melaphyr-Laven) verbunden und hatte nun kleinräumigen alluvialen Sedimentationsstil in jetzt kleineren Teilbecken zur Folge. Später, nach dem Rotliegend, schuf die weitere Einengung des Saar-Nahe-Beckens eine südwärts gerichtete Aufschiebung des Saarbrücker Hauptsattels auf den Buntsandstein; hierbei wurde auch das Einfallen der Hunsrück-Südrandstörung steiler, teilweise sogar überkippt.Der stratigraphische Abschnitt vom Beginn des Namur bis Ende Unterrotliegend wurde im Detail untersucht; das Oberrotliegend ist als Übersicht dargestellt.

Résumé Le bassin de Sarre-Nahe est un bassin molassique permocarbonifère inclus dans la chaîne orogénique varisque. Il affleure dans une aire de 100×40 Km située immédiatement au sud du Massif Schisteux Rhénan, et son extension totale sous la couverture mésozoïque est de 300×100 Km. L'accumulation comprend: 4,1 Km de Carbonifère supérieur, 1,6 Km de Rotliegende inférieur fluvio-lacustre, et 1,8 Km de Rotliegende supérieur alluvial rouge.Les couches d'âge carbonifère supérieur à Rotliegende inférieur, connues par les affleurements et par 20 sondages, ne montrent un caractère alluvial que dans un domaine restreint à la bordure nord-ouest du bassin, le long du Hunsrück. Dans le reste du bassin, le milieu de dépôt était fluviatile anastomosé, deltaïque et lacuste. Le charbon est présent en grande quantité, dans le Westphalien uniquement.L'examen des paléocourants indique un transport à partir de la zone rhéno-hercynienne (Hunsrück) pendant le Westphalien. Cet apport a fourni des arénites lithiques qui se sont accumulées dans une aire de sédimentation située au sud de la zone d'affleurement actuel du bassin de Sarre-Nahe. Au Stéphanien, l'apport significatif s'est effectué à partir de la zone moldanubienne, située au sud (Forêt Noire, Vosges et Massif Central). L'aire de dépôt s'est déplacée vers le nord-est en direction du Massif schisteux Rhénan, dont elle est séparée par la faille du Sud-Hunsrück. Vers la fin du Rotliegende inférieur, la forte subsidence du bassin a pris fin. Cet épisode est marqué par l'arrivée d'arénites comportant une teneur croissante en feldspath (tendance qui s'est renforcée au début du Rotliegende supérieur).A la fin du Westphalien, le bassin a été soulevé et légèrement plissé. Cette déformation a été suivie d'une pénéplanation, impliquant une érosion qui a pu enlever localement 1500 m de couches; le Stéphanien et le Rotliegende inférieur se sont ensuite déposés en dicordance.Au début du Rotliegende supérieur, de nouveaux mouvements tectoniques ont engendré un dôme central; ces mouvements se sont acompagnés de manifestations magmatiques (rhyolites intrusives et explosives, laves mélaphyriques) et d'une sédimentation de type alluvial proximal. Postérieurement au Rotliegende, un nouveau rétrécissement du bassin a provoqué le chevauchement vers le sud de l'anticlinal de Saarbrücken sur le grès bigarré; simultanément, la faille du Sud-Hunsrück s'est redressée et partiellement renversée.La série stratigraphique Namurien-Rotliegende inférieur a fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée et le Rotliegende supérieur d'un aperçu d'ensemble.

Saar-Nahe - . 100 х 40 . , 300 х 100 . 4,1 ; 1,6 - , 1,8 . 20 , . , . . , / /. , . . , Saar-Nahe. / , , /. , . . , — . . , 1500 , . . : , ; . , Saar-Nahe, : , . , , ; .
Silica diagenesis and carbonate diagenesis are interrelated. This is confirmed by observations of DSDP Sites 462, 463, 465, 466, and 577. Carbonate sediments containing chert (1) tend to be more indurated and display more advanced diagenetic alterations, regardless of sub-bottom depth; and (2) microfossil components are more strongly affected (overgrown and/or dissolved), while the amount of micritic particles and larger, euhedral calcite crystals is greater. In addition, mass physical properties, porosity in particular, vary more widely in sediment sections containing chert. Furthermore, in the studied similarly composed sediments recrystallization of biogenic opal is indicated by a significant reduction of the specific surface area, reaching a minimum value when quartz is formed.One possible mechanism involved is the production of «surplus« dissolved carbonate created by the replacement of carbonate material by silica during the process of chert formation and silicification. The «extra« carbonate is then available for precipitation as overgrowths and cement outside the chert nodules and silicified zones. Hence silica diagenesis, if it occurs early enough in the sediment, bears some influence on carbonate diagenesis. It is therefore suggested that silica diagenesis be added to the list of factors included in the «diagenetic potential« equation ofSchlanger &Douglas (1974).
Zusammenfassung Die Diagenese von biogenem Silikat und Karbonat steht in engem Zusammenhang, wie Beobachtungen an Sedimenten der DSDP Sites 462, 463, 465, 466 und 577 zeigen. Karbonatische Sedimente, die biogenes SiO2 enthalten, zeichnen sich aus durch (1) größere Verfestigung und stärkere diagenetische Veränderungen — unabhängig von der Tiefe im Sediment, (2) mehr Lösung und Überwuchs an Mikrofossil-Komponenten, (3) höheren Anteil mikritischer Partikel wie auch größerer idiomorpher Kalzitkristalle, (4) stärkere Variation der sedimentphysikalischen Eigenschaften, speziell der Porosität und damit zusammenhängender Parameter.Die Umkristallisation des biogenen SiO2 führt in ähnlich Zusammengesetzen Sedimenten zu einer drastischen Abnahme der spezifischen Oberfläche. Minimalwerte werden erreicht, wenn sich Quarz bildet.Diagenetisch wichtig ist die Produktion von zusätzlichem Karbonat durch die Silizifizierung von Karbonatschalen. Dieses »Überschuß«-Karbonat wird dann als Überwuchs, Zement oder außen an den »Hornstein«-Aggregaten gefällt. Demzufolge beeinflußt die Diagenese von biogenem SiO2 auch die Karbonatdiagenese. Daher ist es sinnvoll, die Diagenese von biogenem SiO2 mit zu den Faktoren zu rechnen, die das »diagenetische Potential« — wie esSchlanger &Douglas (1974) definierten — ausmachen.

Résumé L'étude de sédiments provenant des sites DSDP 462, 463, 465, 466 et 577 montre qu'il existe une relation entre la diagenèse de la silice et celle du carbonate biogéniques. Les sédiments carbonatés qui renferment de la silice biogémque présentent: 1) une induration plus marquée et des modifications diagénétiques plus poussées — et ce indépendamment de la profondeur sous la surface du fond; 2) une dissolution et/ou un accroissement plus développés des micro-fossiles; 3) une plus grande teneur en particules micritiques et une plus grande taille des calcites idiomorphes; 4) un éventail plus large de leurs propriétés physiques, particulièrement de la porosité et des paramètres qui en dépendent.La cristallisation de l'opale biogénique, dans des sédiments de compositions semblables, se traduit par une réduction drastique de la surface spécifique, qui atteint une valeur minimale lorsque du quartz est formé.Un rôle diagénétique important est joué par l'excès de carbonate dissous engendré par la silicification de coquilles carbonatées; cet excès de carbonate est dès lors disponible pour la précipitation des auréoles d'accroissement et du ciment hors des nodules de chert et des zones silicifiées. Il s'ensuit que la diagenèse du SiO2 biogénique influence la diagenèse du carbonate. Il conviendrait dès lors d'ajouter la diagenèse de la silice à la liste des facteurs qui interviennent dans l'équation du «potentiel diagénétique» deSchlanger etDouglas (1974).

462, 463, 465, 466 577, . , , : 1) , ; 2) ; 3) , 4) , . SiO2 . . . »« , , « ». , .. «, 1974 Schlanger & Douglas.
A detector for the chemiluminescent measurement of NO in background air is described. A large reduction of interferences is achieved by using a stabilized ozone generator which allows operation of the instrument at lower O3 concentrations. Purification and humidification of the O3 stream further reduces interferences and shortens the instrumental clean-up time, which is important for aircraft missions. From a series of laboratory tests and from measurements performed aboard an aircraft it is demonstrated that the remaining interferences are acceptable for measurements in the undisturbed troposphere. In particular, no remnant NO signal is observed in clean air at night. During flight, a detection limit (2) of 20 ppt is achieved for a 1 min integration time.  相似文献   
The diffusion of electromagnetic fields is dependent not only on conductivity, but also on magnetic permeability, dielectric permittivity and polarizability, i.e. dispersive conductivity. The long‐offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM) method is mainly used to determine the spatial distribution of conductivity in the subsurface. However, earlier work on loop‐loop TEM suggests that transient EM methods can also be affected by induced polarization (IP). Numerous 1D forward calculations were carried out to study the IP effect on LOTEM data, using the Cole‐Cole relaxation model to simulate the polarizability of the ground. Besides the polarizability of each layer, the IP effect depends on the LOTEM field set‐up and the spatial distribution of conductivity in the ground. In particular, near‐surface layers with high chargeabilities can significantly distort the late time transients of the electric field components in the vicinity of the transmitter. The influence of polarizable layers on the magnetic field components can be neglected under normal circumstances. In 1997 and 1999, LOTEM measurements were carried out at Mt. Vesuvius in Italy to explore the geological structure of the volcano. Sensitivity studies on the effect of polarizable layers suggest that high chargeabilities in connection with conductive layers at greater depths would result in a detectable distortion of the electric field transients. Although the simultaneous IP measurements revealed high chargeabilities in a near‐surface layer, no evidence of IP effects could be found in the measured LOTEM data. We conclude that the observed chargeabilities are local and that 3D effects are probably present in the data. Another aspect is the measurement of the system response, which is usually measured by placing a receiver very close to the transmitter. Therefore, large distortions can be expected if near‐surface polarizable layers exist. This was verified in practice by field measurements in an area with high chargeabilities in Longerich, Cologne.  相似文献   
This article presents a complete mathematical model, which translates discrepancies between two orthophotographs created from different photographs, into precise corrections of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). These corrections are the differences from the real surface and, if applied over the existing DEM, can produce a more accurate one. The mathematical model is straightforward, and is not approximate, and therefore there is no need for iterations.
Possible applications include checking of automatically created DEMs, refinement of existing DEMs using aerial photographs and update of orthophotographs based on the previous DEM and new imagery.  相似文献   
Low-angle detachment faults are key to our understanding of the tectonic evolution of magma-poor rifted continental margins. In seismic images of present-day rifted margins the identification and interpretation of such features is, however, notoriously difficult and ambiguous. We address this problem by studying the structure and seismic response of such faults through a synoptic interpretation of petrophysical data and geological evidence from the distal segments of the present-day West Iberian and the ancient Tethyan margins. On the basis of the geologically well-constrained remnants of the Tethyan margins, which are spectacularly preserved and exposed in the Alps of Eastern Switzerland, vertical profiles at four key geological settings of a typical magma-poor rifted margin are constructed and their synthetic seismic responses are compared to the observed seismic data from corresponding locations in the present-day Iberian margin. The seismic structure of these profiles is considered as the sum of deterministic large-scale and the stochastic small-scale components. Both components are analyzed for all pertinent lithologies. The large-scale structures are derived from laboratory measurements on samples from both, the West Iberian and Tethyan margins, whereas the small-scale fluctuations are constrained predominantly on the basis of well-log data from the Iberian margin. Different realizations of the simulated stochastic small-scale velocity fluctuations illustrate the potential variability of impedance contrasts and its impact on the seismic response from lithological interfaces and fault structures. Our results indicate that the nature of the seismic response from low-angle detachment faults is largely determined through the fracture-healing behavior of the surrounding rocks. Geological evidence from the exposed fragments of the Tethyan margins indicate that fracture-healing is generally well developed in crustal lithologies, but largely absent in mantle lithologies. It is for this reason that low-angle, intra-crustal detachment faults tend to be seismically undetectable. Conversely, crust–mantle detachments have a complex and variable seismic response, depending on the nature of the damaged zone and on the frequency content of the seismic data. These model-based inferences are consistent with the available evidence from the present-day Iberian passive margin and thus open new perspectives for the interpretation of the corresponding seismic images.  相似文献   
Short Static GPS Sessions: Robust Estimation Results   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Least-squares estimation (LS) yields results of low accuracy in the presentce of GPS phase-corrupting environmental conditions. We present a robust estimator that clearly identifies outlying observations caused by obstacles like diagonal cables, branches, or leaves. It performs significantly better than standard LS and signal-to-noise ratio dependent weighting if unfavorable signal distortion occurs, and is equal to LS otherwise. The estimator is realized by an iterated LS algorithm using an equivalent weight matrix. It is a generalization of the Danish Method to heterogeneous and correlated observations. The excellent peformance of the estimator for processing short static sessions is demonstrated using data obtained from an investigation of GPS signal obstruction. ? 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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