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Tropical coastal ecosystems, including the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) of Australia are increasingly threatened by pollution; yet few studies have investigated the sensitivity of GBR species to these pollutants. Here we exposed juveniles of the tropical reef fish Acanthochromis polyacanthus (spiny damselfish) to three concentrations of the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) and measured (i) muscle cholinesterase (ChE) activity; (ii) hepatic glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity; and (iii) coenzyme Q (CoQ) redox balance, after 6h and 96h of exposure. After 96h, muscle ChE activity was significantly inhibited by 26%, 49% and 53% when fish were exposed to 1, 10 or 100μg/L CPF, respectively. Muscle ChE characterization revealed three types of ChEs, including two atypical forms. Hepatic CoQ antioxidant form significantly increased at 10μg/L after 6h of exposure, potentially demonstrating an early response to CPF-induced oxidative stress in liver. Hepatic GST was not affected by CPF exposure.  相似文献   
Feathers are useful to determine mercury (Hg) contamination. We evaluated the mercury concentration in feathers of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) age 1.5 years to 25 years at Punta Tombo, Argentina before and during their molt. Mercury ranged between <1.4 and 367 ng/g dry weight, with three extreme high values (8996 ng/g, 3011 ng/g and 1340 ng/g) all in young adults. The median concentration was lowest for juveniles and significantly higher for adults but with high variation among older adults. Males and females had similar mercury loads. Compared with other penguin species, concentrations in Magellanic penguins were low. Mercury levels for Magellanic penguins in the Southwest Atlantic for older adults averaged 206±98 ng/g, and serve as a baseline for biomonitoring and/or ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   
The hypothesis of continental drift is examined on the light of paleocurrent analysis. A peripherical radial transportation pattern was obtained in South America and Africa from marine sandstones deposited during Ordovician to Devonian times. This pattern is suggestive of a former adjacent position between both continents, being the source area located somewhere in eastern Brazil and western Africa (Figs. 8 and 9). The paleocurrents in both continents flowed away from this common area. Evidences of Ordovician and/or Silurian glaciation indicated a radial movement for the ice-sheets, away from the same source area. The Caradocian ice movement in Sahara was to the north, while the ice-flow in the Gape Province was to the south, and in Northeastern Brazil it was possibly to the west.The Carboniferous paleocurrent and ice-movement trends are suggestive of a territorial contiguity between Africa and South America. However, several data must be revised for stratigraphic control.The Permian formations in the Paraná and Karroo basins had independent development without any direct connection as suggested by cross-bedding analysis. The occurrence ofMesosaurus in both basins is a strong argument of their close position at the time of sedimentation.Mesozoic wind laid deposits occur in both continents from Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous time. The Triassic eolian sandstones were deposited by westerly paleowinds in middle latitude region at the time of continental contiguity. The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous eolian sandstones were deposited after the separation between the continents had started. The paleowind pattern includes westerlies, trade-,and return tradewinds. This pattern is suggestive for the presence of the Southern Atlantic Ocean in Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous time.
Zusammenfassung Die Hypothese der Kontinentaldrift der Südkontinente Afrika und Südamerika wird mit Hilfe der Analyse von PalÄoströmungen untersucht.Marine Sandsteinablagerungen vom Ordoviz bis zum Devon zeigen in Südamerika und auch in Afrika peripher-radiales Transportnetz.Dies weist auf eine früher zusammenhÄngende Position zwischen beiden Kontinenten hin, deren Ursprung in Ost-Brasilien und West-Afrika gelegen haben mu\, da die Strömungsrichtungen in beiden Kontinenten von diesem Gebiet ausgehen (Fig. 8 und 9).Die Vereisung im Ordoviz und/oder Silur zeigt eine sternförmige Bewegungsrichtung des Eises vom gleichen Ursprungsgebiet aus. Die Strömungsrichtung zur Caradoc-Zeit war in der Sahara nach N gerichtet, wÄhrend sich das Eis in der Kap-Provinz nach S und in NE-Brasilien möglicherweise nach W bewegte.Die Strömungsrichtungen und Eisbewegungen im Karbon deuten auf einen territorialen Zusammenhang zwischen Afrika und Südamerika hin, jedoch bedürfen einige Daten einer stratigraphischen überprüfung.Das Perm im Paraná- und Karroo-Becken zeigt eine unabhÄngige Entwicklung ohne direkten Zusammenhang, wie er aus SchrÄgschichtungsmessungen angedeutet wurde. Das Vorkommen vonMesosaurus in beiden Becken ist ein gewichtiges Argument für ihre benachbarte Lage wÄhrend der Sedimentation.Im Mesozoikum finden wir von Obertrias bis Unterkreide in beiden Kontinenten Äolische Ablagerungen. Die der Trias wurden durch westliche Winde in mittleren geographischen Breiten sedimentiert, zu einer Zeit, als die beiden Kontinente noch zusammenhingen. Die Sandsteine des Oberen Juras und der Unteren Kreide wurden abgelagert, nachdem die Trennung der Kontinente begonnen hatte.Das PalÄowindsystem zeigt westliche und Passatwinde. Dieses System spricht bereits für das Vorhandensein des Südatlantiks wÄhrend dem Oberen Jura und der Unteren Kreide.

Sumário No presente trabalho o problema da deriva continental é examinada do ponto de vista da análise das paleocorrentes. MediÇÕes de estratos cruzados em arenitos marinhos do Ordoviciano ao Devoniano, realizadas na áfrica e na América do Sul indicaram urn padrÃo de transporte periférico-radial. Êste padrÃo é sugestivo de uma justaposiÇÃo pretérita entre ambos continentes. A área fonte estaria localizada na regiÃo oriental da América do Sul e Ocidental da áfrica (figs. 8 e 9). Em ambos continentes as paleocorrentes fluiram a partir desta área comum. EvidÊncias de glaciaÇÃo Ordoviciana e/ou Siluriana indicam um movimento radial das massas de gÊlo a partir da mesma área fonte. No Sahara, o movimento do gÊlo no Caradociano fazia-se para o norte, enquanto que, na Provincia do Cabo era para o Sul, e no Nordeste do Brasil Êle provàvelmente dirigia-se para o oeste.No Carbonifero, as paleocorrentes e tendÊncia do movimento das geleiras sÃo sugestivas de uma contiguidade territorial entre a América do Sul e áfrica. Contudo, várlos dados devem ser revisados para controle estratigráfico.As formaÇÕes Permianas nas bacias do Paraná e do Karroo apresentam desenvolvimento independente. O estudo das paleocorrentes nÃo sugere qualquer ligaÇÃo direta. Entretanto, a ocorrÊncia deMesosaurus em ambas bacias, constitui forte argumenta a favor de maior proximidade entre elas na época de sedimentaÇÃo.Os depósitos eólicos mesozóicos ocorrem em ambos continentes desde o Triássico Superior até o Cretáceo Inferior. Os arenitos eólicos Triássicos foram depositados em regiÃo de latitude média pelos paleoventos de oeste. Nésta época, ambos os continentes encontravam-se unidos. Os arenitos eólicos do Jurássico Superior-Cretáceo Inferior foram depositados após o início da separaÇÃo. O sistema de paleoventos inclui ventos de oeste, aliseos e aliseos de retÔrno. Êste padrÃo de circulaÇÃo aérea é sugestivo da presenÇa do Atlântico sul durante o Jurássico Superior — Cretáceo Inferior.

. - . , - , , . . (. 8 9). / . Caradoc , , — , , , . , , . , . . . , . . . .

Under the auspices of the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (Brasil), Geological Survey of South Africa, and Institute Algerien du Pétrole.  相似文献   
Résumé Après mise au point d'une technique permettant la comparaison des rapports isotopiques de potassium extrait de roches variées, à mieux que 0,2% près, on a recherché les variations possibles de l'abondance des isotopes 39 et 41. Certains résultats obtenus sur des roches volcaniques semblent indiquer des variations réelles. Une hypothèse est proposée pour l'interprétation de ces résultats, basée sur des phénomènes de différenciation crustale.
The relative abundance of 41 and 39 isotopes of potassium has been determined in various rocks. A brief account of experimental technique is given; the reproducibility of measurement is about 0.2%. Most samples do not show significant variations, except some volcanic rocks. A tentative interpretation of these results, based upon crustal differentiation, is given.

Zusammenfassung Dieser Bericht gibt die Ergebnisse der Isotopenanalysen des Kaliums, die an etwa vierzig verschiedenen Felsen-Probenstücken ausgeführt wurden. Die experimentelle Technik wird hier kurz beschrieben. Die meisten Felsarten, bis auf einige vulkanische Felsen, zeigen keine bedeutenden Veränderungen. Es wird eine Interpretation der Ergebnisse vorgeschlagen, die auf der Theorie der chemischen Differenzierung der Erdkruste beruht.

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Neotectonic field studies and detailed analyses of Neogene and Quaternary fault mechanisms in southwestern Anatolia enable us to recognize a succession of compressional and extensional events, and to characterize the direction of corresponding regional stresses. The three most important compressive phases occurred during the Miocene, and a much smaller one near the Plio-Quaternary boundary. The last one or two interrupted a widespread extension of much greater duration and amplitude. The whole tectonic evolution resembles that of the Aegean. The large extension by normal faulting is consistent with a minimum stress along a NNE-SSW average direction. It appears that this direction was N-S during the Pliocene and changed to NE-SW sometime during the Quaternary. This dominant NNE-SSW extension, which began during late Miocene or earliest Pliocene, was related to the development of the southwestern Anatolian graben system.  相似文献   
This study was carried out in the Córrego do Vaçununga basin constituted of eolic sandstones of Botucatu Formation and residual unconsolidated materials (>90%), considered the most important unconfined aquifer in Brazil, in the city of Luiz Antonio, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Laboratory and in situ tests were performed to characterize the unconsolidated materials in terms of basic physical properties, potential infiltration rate, suction and hydraulic conductivity. The results for infiltration and overland flow depths were obtained according to Morel-Seytoux and Khanji (Water Resour Res 10(4):795–800, 1976) and Chu (Water Resour Res 14(3):461–466, 1978) adaptation of the Green and Ampt [J Agr Sci 4(Part 1):1–24, 1911] model for steady and transient rainfalls, respectively. Rainfall data were collected from January of 2000 to December of 2002, and 12 scenarios were defined considering the intensity and durations. Rather than high homogeneity in terms of the texture of unconsolidated materials, the infiltration and overland flow ratio depends on the type of land use and associated management practices. The results showed that rainfall with high intensity and short duration do not produce high overland flow ratio as we have observed for transient scenarios with long duration and low intensities.  相似文献   
A numerical model for the hydromechanical analysis of masonry dams based on the discrete element method is presented. The dam and the rock foundation are represented as block assemblies, and a coupled flow-stress analysis is performed in an integrated manner for the entire system. Complex block shapes may be obtained by assembling elementary blocks into macroblocks, allowing the application of the model to situations ranging from equivalent continuum to fully discontinuum analysis. A contact formulation was developed based on an accurate edge–edge approach, incorporating mechanical and hydraulic behavior. The main numerical aspects are described, with an emphasis in the flow analysis explicit algorithm. An application to an existing masonry dam is presented, analyzing its present condition, with excessive seepage, and the proposed rehabilitation intervention. An evaluation of sliding failure mechanisms was also performed, showing the expected improvement in the safety of the structure.  相似文献   
The influence of the consolidation on a strutted excavation in soft soil is analysed using a computer code based on the finite element method. A base jet-grout slab is considered in order to improve stability against bottom heave failure and minimize wall displacements. The numerical model incorporates the Biot consolidation theory (coupled formulation of the flow and equilibrium equations) with soil constitutive relations simulated by the pqθ critical state model. Special emphasis is given to the analysis, during and after the construction period, of the pore pressures, shear stresses, stress levels and displacements in the ground, as well as strut compression loads, wall displacements and bending moments, earth pressures on the wall faces and compression loads and bending moments on the jet-grout slab. The safety factor against bottom heave is also evaluated from the finite element analysis considering formulations of the critical state soil mechanics, and also compared to values obtained with traditional methods that use limit equilibrium approach and bearing capacity fundamentals.  相似文献   
Aquatic macrophytes produce large amounts of organic matter and have an essential structuring role in floodplains. This process highlights the importance of this community to aquatic biodiversity maintenance. We investigated the role of a flood disturbance on the response of macrophyte assemblages in regional and local structuring in the Upper Paraná River floodplain. Plant species were recorded before (November 2006) and after (March 2007) an uncommon increase in water level caused by the El Niño South Oscillation, which is considered a disturbance. Samples were taken in lakes and backwaters located in the floodplain and connected to three distinct rivers (that differentiate three sub-systems). Species richness and the assemblage structure of macrophyte patches underwent significant changes after the flood disturbance, depending on the specific sub-system (rivers) to which the lakes were connected. In addition, flood disturbance had a strong impact on community organization at the local scale. However, regionalization with respect to sub-systems remained significant after the flood disturbance. Our results emphasize the importance of connection to the river on macrophyte community composition and richness, and suggest that flood events in the Upper Paraná River floodplain disrupt community organization only at fine (local) scales.  相似文献   
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