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In this study we analyzed runoff and sediment yield from land under various traditional and current land uses in Mediterranean mountain areas, using long‐term data from an experimental station in the Aísa Valley, Central Spanish Pyrenees. Monitoring at this station has provided 20 years of data that can help explain the hydrological and geomorphological changes that have been observed at larger spatial scales, and also the changes that have occurred to some of the most characteristic landscapes of the Mediterranean middle mountains. In spite of the problems associated with the use of small experimental plots, the results obtained are consistent with other studies in the Mediterranean region, and confirm the strong influence of land use changes on runoff generation and sediment yield. The results indicate that: (i) cereal cultivation on steep slopes (both alternating cereal cultivation and fallow on sloping fields and shifting agriculture on the steepest slopes) represents a major problem for soil conservation. This explains the occurrence throughout the Mediterranean mountains of many degraded hillslopes, which show evidence of sheet wash erosion, rilling, gullying and shallow landsliding; (ii) farmland abandonment has led to a marked reduction in runoff and sediment yield as a consequence of rapid plant recolonization, particularly by dense shrubs; (iii) the natural transformation of abandoned fields into grazing meadows has reduced runoff and sediment yield. Land use trends in the Mediterranean mountains are mainly characterized by generalized farmland abandonment and a decrease in livestock pressure. From a hydrological and geomorphological point of view the main consequences have been a reduction in overland flow from the hillslopes, and a reduction in sediment sources, with differences up to one order of magnitude in sediment yield from dense shrub cover and grazing meadow areas compared with areas under shifting agriculture. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The analysis of water‐soluble organic compounds in meteorites provides valuable insights into the prebiotic synthesis of organic matter and the processes that occurred during the formation of the solar system. We investigated the concentration of aliphatic monoamines present in hot acid water extracts of the unaltered Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites, Dominion Range (DOM) 08006 (CO3) and Miller Range (MIL) 05013 (CO3), and the thermally altered meteorites, Allende (CV3), LAP 02206 (CV3), GRA 06101 (CV3), Allan Hills (ALH) 85002 (CK4), and EET 92002 (CK5). We have also reviewed and assessed the petrologic characteristics of the meteorites studied here to evaluate the effects of asteroidal processing on the abundance and molecular distributions of monoamines. The CO3, CV3, CK4, and CK5 meteorites studied here contain total concentrations of amines ranging from 1.2 to 4.0 nmol g?1 of meteorite; these amounts are 1–3 orders of magnitude below those observed in carbonaceous chondrites from the CI, CM, and CR groups. The low‐amine abundances for CV and CK chondrites may be related to their extensive degree of thermal metamorphism and/or to their low original amine content. Although the CO3 meteorites, DOM 08006 and MIL 05013, do not show signs of thermal and aqueous alteration, their monoamine contents are comparable to those observed in moderately/extensively thermally altered CV3, CK4, and CK5 carbonaceous chondrites. The low content of monoamines in pristine CO carbonaceous chondrites suggests that the initial amounts, and not asteroidal processes, play a dominant role in the content of monoamines in carbonaceous chondrites. The primary monoamines, methylamine, ethylamine, and n‐propylamine constitute the most abundant amines in the CO3, CV3, CK4, and CK5 meteorites studied here. Contrary to the predominance of n‐ω‐amino acid isomers in CO3 and thermally altered meteorites, there appears to be no preference for the larger n‐amines.  相似文献   
Using an expanded surface sample data set, representing lakes distributed across a transect from southernmost Canada to the Canadian High Arctic, a revised midge-palaeotemperature inference model was developed for eastern Canada. Modelling trials with weighted averaging (with classical and inverse deshrinking; with and without tolerance downweighting) and weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression, with and without square-root transformation of the species data, were used to identify the best model. Comparison of measured and predicted temperatures revealed that a 2 component WA-PLS model for square-root transformed percentage species data provided the model with the highest explained variance (r =0.88) and the lowest error estimate (RMSEP jack =2.26 °C). Comparison of temperature inferences based on the new and old models indicates that the original model may have seriously under-estimated the magnitude of late-glacial temperature oscillations in Atlantic Canada. The new inferences suggest that summer surface water temperatures in Splan Pond, New Brunswick were approximately 10 to 12 °C immediately following deglaciation and during the Younger Dryas. During the Allerod and early Holocene, surface water temperatures of 20 to 24 °C were attained. The new model thus provides the basis for more accurate palaeotemperature reconstructions throughout easternmost Canada.  相似文献   
The interpretation of fluvial styles from the rock record is based for a significant part on the identification of different types of fluvial bars, characterized by the geometric relationship between structures indicative of palaeocurrent and surfaces interpreted as indicative of bar form and bar accretion direction. These surfaces of bar accretion are the boundaries of flood‐related bar increment elements, which are typically less abundant in outcrops than what would be desirable, particularly in large river deposits in which each flood mobilizes large volumes of sediment, causing flood‐increment boundary surfaces to be widely spaced. Cross‐strata set boundaries, on the other hand, are abundant and indirectly reflect the process of unit bar accretion, inclined due to the combined effect of the unit bar surface inclination and the individual bedform climbing angle, in turn controlled by changes in flow structure caused by local bar‐scale morphology. This work presents a new method to deduce the geometry of unit bar surfaces from measured pairs of cross‐strata and cross‐strata set boundaries. The method can be used in the absence of abundant flood‐increment bounding surfaces; the study of real cases shows that, for both downstream and laterally accreting bars, the reconstructed planes are very similar to measured bar increment surfaces.  相似文献   
Madeira Island is a hot-spot originating from a mantle plume. K-Ar age determinations indicate that the emerged part of the island was generated during Post-Miocene times 6000–7000 years B.P. Groundwater occurs in perched-water bodies, spring discharge from them is high, about 3,650 l/s; in dike-impounded water and basal groundwater. Basal groundwater is exploited by tunnels (1,100 l/s) and wells (1,100 l/s). Hydraulic gradients range from 10–4 to 10–2 and transmissivity ranges from 1.16×10–2 to 2.89×10–1 m2/s, indicating the heterogeneity of the volcanic aquifers. Water mineralisation is variable, and electrical conductivity ranges from 50 to 3,300 S/cm. There is a difference between groundwater discharging from perched-water bodies (43–201 S/cm) and from basal groundwater (109–3,300 S/cm). Groundwater average pH is 7.37, with waters acid to slightly alkaline (6.13–8.4), and generally cold. Nevertheless, a few samples associated with fault zones can be classified as thermal waters.
Resumen La Isla de Madeira tuvo origen en un punto caliente proveniente de una pluma del manto. Las dataciones K – Ar, indican que la parte emergida de la isla se formó durante en Post—Mioceno, hace unos 6000–7000 años. El agua subterránea se encuentra en acuíferos colgados, cuya descarga a través de manantiales es alta, alrededor de 3650 l/s; también como agua retenida en diques o bien como agua subterránea propiamente dicha. Esta última es explotada por túneles (1100 l/s) y pozos (1100 l/s). Los gradientes hidráulicos varían desde 10–4 hasta 10–2 y la transmisividad varía desde 1.16×10–2 hasta 2.89×10–1 m2/s, indicando la heterogeneidad de los acuíferos volcánicos. La mineralización de agua es variable y la conductividad eléctrica varía desde 50 mS/cm hasta 3300 mS/cm. Hay una diferencia entre el agua subterránea proveniente de acuíferos colgados (43–201 mS/cm) y aquella del acuífero principal (109–3300 mS/cm). El pH promedio para el agua subterránea es 7.37; con variación desde ácida hasta ligeramente alcalina (6.13–8.4), y es generalmente fría. Sin embargo unos pocos ejemplos asociados con zonas de falla, pueden ser clasificados como agua termal.

Résumé Lîle de Madeira est un point chaud, provenant dun panache mantélique. Les datations par la méthode de K-Ar indiquent que la part émergée de lîle a été générée pendant le Post Miocène, il y a 6000–7000 ans. Les eaux souterraines sont cantonnées dans des aquifères perchées qui se déchargent par des sources à grands débits, avec des valeurs dapproximativement de 3500 l/s, ainsi que dans les dikes. Une importante quantité des eaux souterraine se trouve sur la forme deau de fonds, formant une nappe basale, qui est exploitée par des tunnels (1100 l/s) et par des puits (1100 l/s). Les gradients hydrauliques ont des valeurs dans lintervalle de 10–2 à 10–4, tandis que les transmissivités se rangent entre 1.16×10–2 m2/s et 2.81×10–1 m2/s, ce quindique la hétérogénéité de laquifère volcanique. La minéralisation des eaux est aussi variable avec des conductivités électriques qui se rangent ente 50 mS/cm et 3300 mS/cm. Il y a une différence entre la conductivité des eaux provenant des aquifères perchées (30–201 mS/cm) par rapport à la conductivité les eaux de la nappe basale (109–3300 mS/cm). Le pH moyen est de 7.37 avec des valeurs de 6.13 pour les eaux acides et de 8.4 pour les eaux à faible alcalinité. En général il sagit des eaux froides, mais quelques échantillons provenant des zones faillées peuvent être classifiés comme des eaux thermales.
Abstract– Pyroxenes are among the most common minerals in the solar system and are ideally suited for remote geochemical analysis because of the sensitivity of their distinctive spectra to mineral composition. Fe2+ is responsible for the dominant pyroxene absorptions in the visible and near‐infrared, but substitutions of other cations such as Ca2+ change the crystal structure and site geometries and thus the crystal field splitting energies of the Fe cations. To define spectral systematics resulting from major pyroxene cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+), we focus on a suite of pyroxenes synthesized with only Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+ in the two octahedral sites, specifically examining the effect of Ca2+ on pyroxene absorption bands. The modified Gaussian model is used to deconvolve pyroxene spectra into component bands that can then be linked directly to crystal field absorptions. In orthopyroxenes and low‐Ca clinopyroxenes, Ca2+‐content has a strong and predictable effect on the positions of the absorption bands. At a threshold of Wo30, the crystal field environment stagnates and the M2 bands cease to change significantly as more Ca2+ is added. At Wo50, when most of the M2 sites are filled by Ca2+, band positions do not change drastically, although the presence and strengths of the 1 and 2 μm bands are affected by even trace amounts of Fe2+ in the M2 site. It is thus apparent that next‐nearest neighbors and the distortions they impose on the pyroxene lattice affect the electronic states around the Fe2+ cations and control absorption band properties.  相似文献   
In this paper, a data assimilation scheme based on the adjoint free Four-Dimensional Variational(4DVar) method is applied to an existing storm surge model of the German North Sea. To avoid the need of an adjoint model, an ensemble-like method to explicitly represent the linear tangent equation is adopted. Results of twin experiments have shown that the method is able to recover the contaminated low dimension model parameters to their true values. The data assimilation scheme was applied to a severe storm surge event which occurred in the North Sea in December 5, 2013. By adjusting wind drag coefficient, the predictive ability of the model increased significantly. Preliminary experiments have shown that an increase in the predictive ability is attained by narrowing the data assimilation time window.  相似文献   
Minerals of the triphylite-lithiophilite, Li(Fe, Mn)PO4, and the triplite-zwieselite-magniotriplite series, (Mn, Fe, Mg)2PO4F, occur in the late stage period of pegmatite evolution. Unfortunately, neither are the genetic relationships between these phosphates fully understood nor are thermodynamic data known. Consequently, phosphate associations and assemblages from 8 granitic pegmatites — Clementine II, Rubicon II and III, and Tsaobismund (Namibia); Hagendorf-Süd and Rabenstein (Germany); Valmy (France); Viitaniemi (Finland) — have been tested for compositional zoning and intercrystalline partitioning of main elements by electron microprobe techniques. Although the selected pegmatites display varying degrees of fractionation, and the intergrowth textures indicate different genetic relationships between the phosphates, the plots of mole fractions X Fe=Fe/(Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca), X Mn=Mn/(Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca), and X Mg=Mg/(Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca) can be fitted relatively well with smooth curves in Roozeboom diagrams. Their deviations from symmetrical distribution curves are mainly dependent upon X Mg or X Ca, and upon non-ideal solutions. Surprisingly small differences between the partition coefficients were detected for intergrowths of different origin. However, the partitioning of shared components among coexisting phases is clearly dependent upon the conditions of formation. Compositional zoning is observed only when both Fe–Mn phosphates are intergrown mutually or with other Fe–Mn–Mg mineral solid-solutios. Thus, the zoning does not seem to be due to continuous crystallization, but to later diffusion processes. The triplite structure has preference for Mn, Mg, and Ca, while Fe prefers minerals of the triphylite series. A quantification of main element fractionation between minerals of the triphylite and the triplite series is possible in the cases where diffusion can be excluded. For the Fe/(Fe+Mn) ratios of core compositions an equation with a high correlation coefficient (R=0.988) was determined: Fe/(Fe+Mn)Tr=[Fe/(Fe+Mn)Li]/{2.737-(1.737)[Fe/(Fe+Mn)Li]} (Tr=triplite series, Li=triphylite series). Consequently, the Fe/(Fe+Mn) ratio of the triplite series can now also be used in the interpretation of pegmatite evolution, just like that of the triphylite series which has been successfully applied in the past.  相似文献   
Urban forests play an important role in the thermal comfort and overall life of local populations in large-and medium-sized cities.This study analyzes urban forest loss and maps land use and land cover (LULC) changes between 1991 and 2018 by evaluating the use of urban planning instruments for the mitigation of urban forest loss in Jo~o Pessoa,Brazil.For this purpose,satellite-derived LULC images from 1991,2006,2010 and 2018 and data on urban forest loss areas obtained using the Google Earth Engine were used.In addi-tion,this paper also discusses the instruments used for integrated urban planning,which are(a) the legal sector,responsibility and nature;(b) the urban expansion process;and (c) the elements of urban infrastructure.The results show a clear shift in land use in the study area.The major changes in LULC classes occurred in urban areas and herbaceous vegetation,while the greatest loss was in arboreal/shrub vegetation.Thus,an increase in the pressure to occupy zones intended for environmental preservation could be estimated.Our results showed similar accuracies with other studies and more spatial details.The characteristics of the patterns,traces,and hotspots of urban expansion and forest cover loss were explored.We highlighted the potential use of this proposed framework to be applied and validated in other parts of the world to help better understand and quantify various aspects of ur-ban-related problems such as urban forest loss mapping using instruments for integrated urban planning and low-cost approaches.  相似文献   
The diatom biostratigraphy of the topmost sediment meter of Rotsee, Central Switzerland, is characterized by a major change fromCyclotella comensis-dominated toStephanodiscus hantzschii/S. parvus-dominated assemblages. A comparison between old phytoplankton samples, taken between 1910–1930, and subfossil diatom assemblages is used for dating the upper 35 cm of the core. There is evidence that the change in dominant diatoms occurred in 1919/20, thus before the opening of an artificial inlet in 1922, and is due to increasing eutrophication. Furthermore, the sedimentary carbonate content can be used as a good indicator for past phytoplankton productivity in Rotsee.  相似文献   
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