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Samples of synthetic diaplectic anorthite glass (38 GPa shock pressure), thermal glass and synthetic anorthite crystals were investigated using infrared spectral methods at one atmosphere and high pressures (near 4 GPa). Band positions and pressure derivatives for the Si-O asymmetric modes in the region 1,300–900 cm?1 indicate that the diaplectic glass has more structural similarities with the crystalline material than with thermal glass even though the overall infrared spectral characteristics suggest a glassy state.  相似文献   
Weather extremes often occur along fronts passing different sites with some time lag. Here, we show how such temporal patterns can be taken into account when exploring inter-site dependence of extremes. We incorporate time lags into existing models and into measures of extremal associations and their relation to the distance between the investigated sites. Furthermore, we define summarising parameters that can be used to explore tail dependence for a whole network of stations in the presence of fixed or stochastic time lags. Analysis of hourly precipitation data from Sweden showed that our methods can prevent underestimation of the strength and spatial extent of tail dependencies.  相似文献   
For evaluation of slope stability in materials displaying strain-softening behavior, knowledge concerning the failed state material response is of importance. Here, soft sensitive clay is studied. Such clays behave contractant at failure, which for undrained conditions yields a strain-softening behavior governed by the generation of excess pore water pressure. Strain softening is further linked with material instability and the phenomenon of strain localization. In the case of shear band formation, internal pore pressure gradients are then expected to be present for globally undrained conditions in the sensitive clay due to its low permeability. In the present study, this hypothesis and its implications on the global response and shear band properties are investigated. Utilizing an experimental setup with a modified triaxial cell allowing for shear band formation, the effect of varying the displacement rate is studied. Onset of strain localization is interpreted to occur just before or at the peak shear strength. A strong rate dependency of the softening response is observed. Increasing displacement rates give raised brittleness in terms of the slope of the global softening curve due to accumulating pore pressure. Also, reduced shear band thickness and a shear band inclination approaching 45° are obtained for increasing rates. In the context of slope failure in such materials, the rate dependency in the post-peak state opens up for a large variation in behavior, all depending on time as an important factor.  相似文献   
This study discusses the timing and maximum flood level of the Nedre Glomsjø outburst flood, Norway, based on sediment records retrieved from 15 bog and lake basins located close to the purported maximum flooded level. The sediment records in 12 of the basins consist of a distinct light-coloured silty bed that is correlated to the outburst-flood-deposited ‘Romerike Silt Bed’ identified elsewhere in the region. The silt bed is recorded in basins up to a certain elevation and is absent above this level. The new maximum flood level inferred from the basin sediment records exceeds the established landform-induced palaeostage indicators by 5–10 m. The data indicate a higher maximum flood level and larger inundation area than previously suggested and highlight the importance of acquiring a wide range of geological data when reconstructing palaeofloods. Radiocarbon dates of terrestrial macrofossils found stratigraphically above and below the Romerike Silt Bed suggest that the glacial lake Nedre Glomsjø outburst flood occurred between 10.5 and 10.3 cal. ka BP. The new and well-constrained timing of the outburst flood is beneficial for reconstructing regional deglaciation and provides a precise age for the Romerike Silt Bed chronostratigraphical marker, which is of value for studies in SE Norway and adjacent regions.  相似文献   
A numerical model of processes determining the water exchange encountered in Baltic coastal archipelagos is calibrated and validated against salinity and temperature field data spanning two decades with approximately bi-weekly resolution assessed in the Himmerfjärden estuary. This area is resolved into 17 basins interconnected by 38 individual straits of varying geometrical properties using GIS-based methods. All formulations of the strait exchange flows are free from parameters that need calibration and permit computations of the flow through a strait contraction with or without a coincident sill under a flow classification scheme, of which the first one (a) consists of two groups of multiple layers including aspirated layers from levels beneath the sill crest. The other regimes are as follows. (b) Pure barotropic flow; (c) rotationally controlled flow and (d) plug-flow, which serves as resort solution for flow situations that cannot be solved with (a) and also for computation of the barotropic part of the total flow. For long canals where friction effects act to reduce the flow, a fifth exchange regime is used. The vertical mixing formulation is based on energy balances between supplied wind energy and its work against buoyancy forces. The values of semi-empirical parameters involved in the mixing scheme have been established by calibration against measured data of the first decade period. A statistical evaluation is performed comparing the model results with the measurements of the second decade.  相似文献   
A new Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC05) based on multi-parameter counting of annual layers has been obtained for the last 42 ka. Here we compare the glacial part of the new time scale, which is based entirely on records from the NorthGRIP ice core, to existing time scales and reference horizons covering the same period. These include the GRIP and NorthGRIP modelled time scales, the Meese-Sowers GISP2 counted time scale, the Shackleton–Fairbanks GRIP time scale (SFCP04) based on 14C calibration of a marine core, the Hulu Cave record, three volcanic reference horizons, and the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion event occurring around Greenland Interstadial 10. GICC05 is generally in good long-term agreement with the existing Greenland ice core chronologies and with the Hulu Cave record, but on shorter time scales there are significant discrepancies. Around the Last Glacial Maximum there is a more than 1 ka age difference between GICC05 and SFCP04 and a more than 0.5 ka discrepancy in the same direction between GICC05 and the age of a recently identified tephra layer in the NorthGRIP ice core. Both SFCP04 and the tephra age are based on 14C-dated marine cores and fixed marine reservoir ages. For the Laschamp event, GICC05 agrees with a recent independent dating within the uncertainties.  相似文献   
Trophic levels (TLs) of fish were estimated on three sampling dates (March, May, and August 2006) for different fish sizes in the Cabras Lagoon (Sardinia, Italy). A temporal TL variation for Atherina boyeri, Gobius niger, and Engraulis encrasicolus was observed. In March and May, the TL ranged from 3.3 to 3.4, characterizing these species as secondary consumers, while in August, this range moved to between 3.7 and 3.8, indicating a TL shift towards tertiary consumers. For Liza ramada, TL was consistently lower in small individuals (mean TL 2.5) than in larger individuals (mean TL 3.0). Increased TL of the fish species A. boyeri, G. niger, and E. encrasicolus in August was consistent with the seasonal changes in the macrobenthic assemblage in this system, with a dominance of primary consumers (benthic deposit feeders) in winter–spring and a dominance of secondary consumers (the nereidids Alitta succinea and Hediste diversicolor) in summer. These fish species took advantage of the high availability of nereidids leading to a rise in their TL values. Furthermore, the increase of TL with size of L. ramada, the most economically valuable fish species in the Cabras Lagoon, indicated an ontogenetic diet shift, the juveniles being omnivorous, while the adults being secondary consumers. We conclude that variability in the trophic levels of fish due to species traits, ontogenetic diet shifts, and variation in prey availability should be taken into account to further understand the food web structure of coastal lagoons.  相似文献   
Seismic multi-channel data collected during Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions in 1976–1977 and 1978–1979 outline aspects of the Cenozoic depositional environment in the Weddell Sea Embayment. Acoustic basement, probably representing the East Antarctic craton, is exposed in a 50–100 km wide swath along the ice barrier between 78°S–75.5°S on the eastern side of the Crary Trough. The shelf prograded westward and northward from the craton into a subsiding basin colinear with the Transantarctic Mountain Range. Measured sediment thicknesses exceed 5 km. During middle and late Tertiary times a submarine fan complex—the Crary Fan—developed on the southeastern margin of the Weddell Sea Embayment. The glacially eroded Crary Trough is located at the contact between the craton and a sedimentary basin to the west. The entire sedimentary section is undisturbed by faulting or folding, which indicates that any movements related to Cenozoic uplift of the Trans-Antarctic Mountains and/or relative motion of East Antarctica had little effect in the area north of the Filchner Ice Shelf east of 41°W.  相似文献   
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