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We present a minimal conceptual model for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation which incorporates the advection of salinity and the basic dynamics of the oceanic pycnocline. Four tracer transport processes following Gnanadesikan in Science 283(5410):2077–2079, (1999) allow for a dynamical adjustment of the oceanic pycnocline which defines the vertical extent of a mid-latitudinal box. At the same time the model captures the salt-advection feedback (Stommel in Tellus 13(2):224–230, (1961)). Due to its simplicity the model can be solved analytically in the purely wind- and purely mixing-driven cases. We find the possibility of abrupt transition in response to surface freshwater forcing in both cases even though the circulations are very different in physics and geometry. This analytical approach also provides expressions for the critical freshwater input marking the change in the dynamics of the system. Our analysis shows that including the pycnocline dynamics in a salt-advection model causes a decrease in the freshwater sensitivity of its northern sinking up to a threshold at which the circulation breaks down. Compared to previous studies the model is restricted to the essential ingredients. Still, it exhibits a rich behavior which reaches beyond the scope of this study and might be used as a paradigm for the qualitative behaviour of the Atlantic overturning in the discussion of driving mechanisms.  相似文献   
There is a growing interest in the rescue and reuse of data from past studies (so-called legacy data). Data loss is alarming, especially where natural archives are under threat, such as peat deposits. Here we develop a workflow for reuse of legacy radiocarbon dates in peatland studies, including a rigorous quality assessment that can be tailored to specific research questions and study regions. A penalty is assigned to each date based on criteria that consider taphonomic quality (i.e., sample provenance) and dating quality (i.e., sample material and method used). The weights of quality criteria may be adjusted based on the research focus, and resulting confidence levels may be used in further analyses to ensure robustness of conclusions. We apply the proposed approach to a case study of a (former) peat landscape in the Netherlands, aiming to reconstruct the timing of peat initiation spatially. Our search yielded 313 radiocarbon dates from the 1950s to 2019. Based on the quality assessment, the dates—of highly diverse quality—were assigned to four confidence levels. Results indicate that peat initiation for the study area first peaked in the Late Glacial (~14,000 cal years BP), dropped during the Boreal (~9,500 cal years BP) and showed a second peak in the Subboreal (~4,500 cal years BP). We tentatively conclude that the earliest peak was mostly driven by climate (Bølling–Allerød interstadial), whereas the second was probably the result of Holocene sea level rise and related groundwater level rise in combination with climatic conditions (hypsithermal). Our study highlights the potential of legacy data for palaeogeographic reconstructions, as it is cost-efficient and provides access to information no longer available in the field. However, data retrieval may be challenging, and reuse of data requires that basic information on location, elevation, stratigraphy, sample and laboratory analysis are documented irrespective of the original research aims.  相似文献   
Despite the widely held assumption that trees negatively affect the local water budget in densely planted tree plantations, we still lack a clear understanding of the underlying processes by which canopy cover influences local soil water dynamics in more open, humid tropical ecosystems. In this study, we propose a new conceptual model that uses a combination of stable isotope and soil moisture measurements throughout the soil profile to assess potential mechanisms by which evaporation (of surface soil water and of canopy‐intercepted rainfall) affects the relationship between surface soil water isotopic enrichment (lc‐excess) and soil water content. Our conceptual model was derived from soil water data collected under deciduous and evergreen plants in a shade grown coffee agroforestry system in Costa Rica. Reduced soil moisture under shade trees during the “drier” season, coinciding when these trees were defoliated, was largely the result of increase soil water evaporation as indicated by the positive relationship between soil water content and lc‐excess of surface soil water. In contrast, the evergreen coffee shrubs had a higher leaf area index during the “drier” season, leading to enhanced rainfall interception and a negative relationship between lc‐excess and soil water content. During the wet season, there was no clear relationship between soil water content and between lc‐excess of surface soil water. Greater surface soil water under coffee during the dry season may, in part, explain greater preferential flow under coffee compared with under trees in conditions of low rainfall intensities. However, with increasing rainfall intensities during the wet season, there was no obvious difference in preferential flow between the two canopy covers. Results from this study indicate that our new conceptual model can be used to help disentangling the relative influence of canopy cover on local soil water isotopic composition and dynamics, yet also stresses the need for additional measurements to better resolve the underlying processes by which canopy structure influences local water dynamics.  相似文献   
The announced October 2006 nuclear test explosion in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been the first real test regarding the technical capabilities of the verification system built up by the Vienna-based Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) to detect and locate a nuclear test event. This paper enhances the resolution of the DPRK events’ xenon source reconstruction published by Saey et al. (2007, “A long distance measurement of radioxenon in Yellowknife, Canada, in late October 2006”, GRL, Vol. 34, L20802) that was based solely on radio-xenon measurements taken at the remote radionuclide station in Yellowknife, Canada by involving additional measurements taken by a mobile noble gas system deployed quite close to the event location in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Moreover the horizontal resolution of the forward and backward atmospheric transport modelling methods applied for the source scenario reconstruction has been enhanced appropriately to reflect the considerably shorter source-receptor distances examined in comparison to the previously published source reconstruction. It is shown that the 133Xe measurements in Yellowknife could register 133Xe traces from the nuclear explosion during the first 3 days after the event, while the mobile measurements were rather sensitive to releases during days 2–4 after the explosion. According to the analysis, the most likely source scenario would consist of an initial (possibly up to 21 h delayed) venting of 1 × 10?15 Bq 133Xe during the first 24 h, followed by a two orders of magnitude weaker seepage during the following 3 days. Both measurements corroborate the scenario of a rather rapid venting and soil diffusion of the 133Xe yielded during the explosion. While the Swedish mobile measurements were crucial to enhancement of the reconstruction of the source scenario, given the installation status of the IMS xenon network at the time of the event, a sensitivity analysis revealed that the fully developed network would have been able to detect 133Xe traces from the Korean explosion at a number of stations and allowed for an even better constraint on the release function. The station Ussuriysk, Russia, being in operation in 2006, would have registered 133Xe within 1 day and with a three orders of magnitudes stronger signal compared to the detection at Yellowknife.  相似文献   
Much remains to understand the dynamic processes during the flow of submarine landslides. A first relevant problem is to explain the extraordinary mobility of submarine landslides, which has no comparison in subaerial mass movement. Another challenging question is the apparent disparity between submarine landslides that remain compact for hundreds of kilometres and those that disintegrate during the flow, finally evolving into turbidity currents. This problem is linked to a central ongoing debate on the relative importance of turbidity currents versus submarine landslides in reshaping the continental margin. Based on three epitomic case studies and on laboratory experiments with artificial debris flows of various composition, we suggest a possible explanation for the disparity between compact and disintegrating landslides, identifying the clay-to-sand ratio as the key control parameter.  相似文献   
Field investigations were carried out to determine the occurrence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), the source zone architecture and the aquitard integrity at a 30‐ to 50‐year old DNAPL release site. The DNAPL source zone is located in the clay till unit overlying a limestone aquifer. The DNAPL source zone architecture was investigated through a multiple‐lines‐of‐evidence approach using various characterization tools; the most favorable combination of tools for the DNAPL characterization was geophysical investigations, membrane interface probe, core subsampling with quantification of chlorinated solvents, hydrophobic dye test with Sudan IV, and Flexible Liner Underground Technologies (FLUTe) NAPL liners with activated carbon felt (FACT). While the occurrence of DNAPL was best determined by quantification of chlorinated solvents in soil samples supported by the hydrophobic dye tests (Sudan IV and NAPL FLUTe), the conceptual understanding of source zone architecture was greatly assisted by the indirect continuous characterization tools. Although mobile or high residual DNAPL (S t > 1%) only occurred in 11% of the source zone samples (intact cores), they comprised 86% of the total PCE mass. The dataset, and associated data analysis, supported vertical migration of DNAPL through fractures in the upper part of the clay till, horizontal migration along high permeability features around the redox boundary in the clay till, and to some extent vertical migration through the fractures in the reduced part of the clay till aquitard to the underlying limestone aquifer. The aquitard integrity to DNAPL migration was found to be compromised at a thickness of reduced clay till of less than 2 m.  相似文献   
Extending our earlier work on 11 L-chondrites, we have measured 9 volatile elements (Ag, Bi, Cs, In, Rb, Tl, Se, Cd, Zn) by neutron activation analysis in 11 LL- and 10 E-chondrites; the first 6 elements also in 22 H-chondrites. The observed fractionation patterns are consistent with theoretical condensation curves and hence were apparently established during condensation from the solar nebula. Ordinary chondrites seem to have accreted between 420 and 500°K at P ≈ 10?5 atm; enstatite chondrites, at 460 to 520°K and P ≈ 5 x? 10?4 atm. The values for ordinary chondrites agree with O18-based temperatures by Onuma. et al. (1972) and with other characteristics such as Fe2+ content, presence of FeS and absence of Fe3O4.A few detailed trends were noted. Seven of the 54 meteorites seem to contain small amounts of a material enriched in Ag, Bi and especially T1; possibly a late condensate from a region depleted in metal. Silver shows considerable scatter, which suggests inhomogeneous distribution in the meteorites. Xenon correlates with In approximately as expected for equilibrium solubility, with some differences (petrologic type 3; E-chondrites) attributable to mineralogical factors. Meteorites of higher petrologic types are slightly deficient in Xe, probably due to gas losses during metamorphism. Cesium also appears to have been redistributed during metamorphism.Various features of the two-component model are critically examined in the light of the latest evidence. Apparently this model still is an adequate approximation of reality.  相似文献   
The development and deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) are sensitive to public debates that socially frame the technology. This study examines the evolving CCS debates, focusing on the media's framing of firms. Corporations are central CCS actors, and we analyze them in light of the nation-state, which has been emphasized in previous research as the primary context of CCS politics. Empirically, we compare framings of Statoil and Vattenfall in the Norwegian and Swedish media, drawing on a qualitative dataset of news media articles published between 2005 and 2009. We conclude that firms make regular media statements either to foster legitimacy or to respond to criticism of CCS. We also conclude that framing is not necessarily linked to technological success or failure and that interpretations of the technology have different forms depending on whether the related activity occurs in domestic or foreign markets. Finally, we explain the media framings based on the domestic energy situation and politics.  相似文献   
This study considers the possible use of different kinds of forcing datasets in Baltic Sea ocean climate modelling on centennial time scales, in particular for the past half millennium. We demonstrate that high-quality station data of the past century and gridded multi-proxy reconstructions for the past 500 years can be used with great success but with various levels of detail. We also demonstrate that output data from the state-of-the-art global climate model EcHo-G are not suitable for modelling the Baltic Sea ocean climate. Two climate properties were studied: the annual maximum ice extent (MIB) and the vertically and horizontally integrated annual water temperature. Centennial time scale results indicate that the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries were the coldest centuries, while the 1690s were the coldest decade and 1695 the coldest year in the last 500 years. The results also indicate that the twentieth century was the warmest century with the least MIB of the last 500 years. On a decadal time scale, the 1990s, 1930s and 1730s were the warmest decades and comparable in terms of both water temperature and MIB. The year 1989 had the minimum observed MIB of only 52,000 km2, implying that the Baltic Sea has been partly ice covered in all winters of the past half millennium. Even though different climate forcing mechanisms may operate on the climate system today compared to over the last half millennium, this study cannot clearly state that the region is experiencing climate change outside the natural limits of the past 500 years.  相似文献   
基于ENVISAT/ASAR资料的土壤湿度反演方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了利用ENVISAT/ASAR/AP模式VV极化的低入射角数据和黄土高原陆面过程试验资料对黄土高原平凉试验区表层土壤湿度进行反演的方法。结果表明:在相对平坦的混合地表类型区域,反演的土壤湿度与地面实测值平均误差<0.02 cm3.cm-3,绝对误差均在0.04 cm3.cm-3范围内,该结果能较好地对黄土高原塬区土壤湿度进行干旱监测;但在陡峭山坡及塬边等地形起伏较大的区域,结果较差。  相似文献   
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