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One of the essential inputs in settlement prediction models is the soil modulus, which may be obtained from laboratory tests or estimated from in situ measurements. The total uncertainty in predicting the confined modulus of a sandy soil is quantified with data from side-by-side in situ testing using the standard penetration test, the static cone penetration test, the light dynamic probing and the laboratory oedometer test. To estimate transformation errors, correlations are proposed between in situ and laboratory data. The results indicate that similar magnitudes of total uncertainties are associated with the in situ methods, which are approximately twice as high as those from the direct oedometer method. The quantified uncertainties are an important input for reliability-based designs of foundations under similar soil conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract— Primitive meteorites contain a few parts per million (ppm) of pristine interstellar grains that provide information on nuclear and chemical processes in stars. Their interstellar origin is proven by highly anomalous isotopic ratios, varying more than 1000-fold for elements such as C and N. Most grains isolated thus far are stable only under highly reducing conditions (C/O > 1), and apparently are “stardust” formed in stellar atmospheres. Microdiamonds, of median size ~ 10 Å, are most abundant (~ 400–1800 ppm) but least understood. They contain anomalous noble gases including Xe-HL, which shows the signature of the r- and p-processes and thus apparently is derived from supernovae. Silicon carbide, of grain size 0.2–10 μm and abundance ~ 6 ppm, shows the signature of the s-process and apparently comes mainly from red giant carbon (AGB) stars of 1–3 solar masses. Some grains appear to be ≥109 a older than the Solar System. Graphite spherules, of grain size 0.8–7 μm and abundance <2 ppm, contain highly anomalous C and noble gases, as well as large amounts of fossil 26Mg from the decay of extinct 26Al. They seem to come from at least three sources, probably AGB stars, novae, and Wolf-Rayet stars.  相似文献   
The Wilson–Devinney program is used to model 27 light curves (our own and others) for CF Tuc. We find new parameters for the binary system, and estimate the longitudes and radii of the spots on the cooler secondary star. We also find a strong tendency for spots on the cooler star to appear in a limited range of longitudes, rather than to migrate fairly rapidly as for other RS CVn systems. There is evidence that the mean light level of the cooler star is varying cyclically.
The orbital period clearly changes discontinuously. We discuss this, and the apparently cyclic variations in mean light level, in relation to the model proposed by Applegate.  相似文献   
Two groups of subjects with varying amounts of experience with the city in which they lived judged from memory distances between familiar locations. The distance judgments were processed by a multidimensional scaling algorithm (MULTISCALE) that estimates the parameters of a power function transformation of the response scale and the coordinates of the locations in k-dimensional euclidean space. The results for both subject groups suggested that inaccuracies of distance cognition do not reflect the noneuclidean nature of urban cognitive maps but are caused by response bias.  相似文献   
This paper aims to determine the ecological and chemical reference conditions (~1800?C1850 AD) and degree of floristic change at nine enriched lakes, covering a range of types across Europe, using fossil diatom assemblages in dated sediment cores and application of total phosphorus (TP) transfer functions. Additionally the study assesses the potential of analogue matching as a technique for identifying reference sites and for estimating reference TP concentrations for the study lakes using a training set of 347 European lakes and 719 diatom taxa. Oligotrophic, acidophilous to circumneutral taxa were predominant in the reference samples of several of the deep lakes, and benthic Fragilaria spp. dominated the reference samples of two high alkalinity shallow lakes. The degree of floristic change from the reference sample, assessed using the squared chord distance (SCD) dissimilarity coefficient, revealed that two sites had experienced slight change (Lago Maggiore, Felbrigg Lake), five experienced moderate change (Mjoesa, Loch Davan, Loch Leven, White Lough, Esthwaite Water), and two showed evidence of major change (Groby Pool, Piburger See). For three lakes, there were no analogues in the diatom dataset owing to the uniqueness and diversity of the diatom reference assemblages. For the remaining six sites the number of analogues ranged from 2 to 44. For two deep lakes most of the analogues seemed appropriate as they were of the same type and had low TP concentrations. However, for two other deep lakes and two shallow lakes some of the analogues differed markedly in their depth and alkalinity from the lake in question or had TP concentrations seemingly too high to represent reference conditions suggesting that the analogues may not be suitable as reference sites. For the deep lakes, similar reference TP values were calculated using the EDDI Combined TP transfer function and the analogue matching technique with concentrations typically <20 ??g L?1. However, for the shallow lakes, the analogue matching method produced inferred values considerably higher than those of the transfer function. The wide ecological tolerances of many of the diatom taxa found in the reference samples most likely explain the selection of inappropriate analogue sites. In summary, the study demonstrates that palaeoecological techniques can play a valuable role in determining reference conditions and indicates that the analogue matching technique has the potential to be a useful tool for identifying appropriate reference sites for lakes impacted by eutrophication.  相似文献   
Managers are moving from a model of managing individual sectors, human activities, or ecosystem services to an ecosystem-based management (EBM) approach which attempts to balance the range of services provided by ecosystems. Applying EBM is often difficult due to inherent tradeoffs in managing for different services. This challenge particularly holds for estuarine systems, which have been heavily altered in most regions and are often subject to intense management interventions. Estuarine managers can often choose among a range of management tactics to enhance a particular service; although some management actions will result in strong tradeoffs, others may enhance multiple services simultaneously. Management of estuarine ecosystems could be improved by distinguishing between optimal management actions for enhancing multiple services and those that have severe tradeoffs. This requires a framework that evaluates tradeoff scenarios and identifies management actions likely to benefit multiple services. We created a management action-services matrix as a first step towards assessing tradeoffs and providing managers with a decision support tool. We found that management actions that restored or enhanced natural vegetation (e.g., salt marsh and mangroves) and some shellfish (particularly oysters and oyster reef habitat) benefited multiple services. In contrast, management actions such as desalination, salt pond creation, sand mining, and large container shipping had large net negative effects on several of the other services considered in the matrix. Our framework provides resource managers a simple way to inform EBM decisions and can also be used as a first step in more sophisticated approaches that model service delivery.  相似文献   
The Tartoq Group, located in SW Greenland, consists of supracrustal rocks of mainly tholeiitic basaltic composition, including pillow lavas, sills/dykes and gabbros, as well as ultramafic rocks. Metamorphic grade ranges from greenschist facies to granulite facies. The Tartoq Group crops out as a series of blocks and slivers that are imbricated with originally intrusive Mesoarchaean TTG orthogneisses. The supracrustal rocks form part of a SE vergent fold and thrust belt consistent with the imbrication of TTG gneisses and supracrustal rocks along a convergent margin. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating of an intrusive TTG sheet yields a minimum age of 2986 ± 4 Ma for the Tartoq Group. This age is consistent with MC-ICP-MS Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd isotopic whole-rock data for mafic samples from different blocks of the Tartoq Group, which yield errorchron ages of 3189 ± 65 Ma and 3068 ± 220 Ma, respectively. The mafic supracrustal rocks of the Tartoq Group have chondrite-normalized REE patterns with LaCN/SmCN of 0.67–1.96 and rather flat primitive mantle-normalized multi-element patterns, except for scattered LILE contents, and generally negative Nb-anomalies with Nb/Nb* of 0.26–1.31. Th/Yb varies between 0.06 and 0.47 and Nb/Yb between 0.45 and 4.4 indicative of an arc affinity when compared to rocks from modern settings. The similar geochemistry of the different lithological units, together with their coeval formation, as evident from trace element geochemical trends, supports a co-magmatic origin for the rock assemblage and their formation as imbricated relics of oceanic crust. Accordingly, we propose that the Tartoq Group represents remnants of Mesoarchaean oceanic crust, which formed in a suprasubduction zone geodynamic environment.  相似文献   
The metabolism of some xenobiotics can lead to the formation of reactive intermediates with mutagenic/carcinogenic properties. With the carcinogenic PAH these have been identified as bay-region diol-epoxides.1 Phenanthrene, a non-carcinogenic, bay-region containing model PAH, is metabolised in vivo by bony fish at the proximate bay-region position, whereas mammals and other marine organisms mainly form the K-region metabolite 9,10-dihydro-9,10-dihydroxy-phenanthrene.2 We wanted to investigate this difference more closely by studying the regiospecificity of phenanthrene metabolism in vitro both with microsomes from differently pretreated cod and with isolated cytochrome P-450 isozymes from BNF-induced cod.3 Secondly, by preparing antibodies to the major isozyme isolated (called cod P-450c), we investigated the immunochemical properties of the variously treated cod liver microsomes.  相似文献   
We report new mapping, soils, survey, and geochronologic (luminescence, U-series, and cosmogenic-nuclide) data from Pleistocene deposits in the arid setting of eastern Grand Canyon. The result is a stratigraphic framework of inset fill gravels and associated terraces that provide a record of the responses of hillslopes, tributary streams, and the Colorado River to the last 400 kyr of glacial–interglacial climate change. The best-preserved last 80 kyr of this record indicates a stratigraphic–chronologic disconnect between both deposition and incision along the Colorado River versus along the trunks of local tributaries. For example, the Colorado River finished aggrading and had already begun incising before the main pulse of aggradation in the trunks of local catchments during Marine Isotope Stage 3, and then tributary incision followed during the millennial-scale fluctuations of the last glacial epoch, potentially concurrent with mainstem aggradation. The mainstem record appears to broadly correlate with regional paleoclimate and upstream geomorphic records and thus may be responding to climatic–hydrologic changes in its mountain headwaters, with aggradation beginning during full-glacial times and continuing into subsequent interglacials. The contrasting lag time in responses of the dryland catchments within Grand Canyon may be largely a function of the weathering-limited nature of hillslope sediment supply.  相似文献   
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